
  1. Aboriginies in Australia (J. Clancy)
  2. Anarchism, a History of Anti-Racism (Anonymous)
  3. Anarchism and the Black Revolution (Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin)
  4. Anarchists Hate Racism (Scott of the Insurgency Culture Collective)
  5. Anarchy Can’t Fight Alone (Kuwasi Balagoon)
  6. Claim No Easy Victories (Rory McGowan)
  7. The Continuing Appeal of Anti-Imperialism (Kuwasi Balagoon)
  8. Dissonances (Alfredo M. Bonanno)
  9. Fighting and Defeating Racism (Workers’ Solidarity Federation)
  10. Fighting Racism (Workers’ Solidarity Federation)
  11. Give the Racists the Boot (Workers’ Solidarity Movement)
  12. Having Little, Being Much: A Chronicle of Fredy Perlman’s Fifty Years (Lorraine Perlman)
  13. Introducing the Diné, O’odham, anarchist/anti-authoritarian Bloc! (Phoenix Class War Council)
  14. JROTC is Fascist (Scott Rittenhouse)
  15. Of Tea-Parties and Patriots: Liberty for Who? (Dave Strano)
  16. On the Road with CWS (dot matrix)
  17. The Southern Poverty Law Center “Bad Jackets” Anarchists (P. Milstein)