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So Tony Abbott is the new prime minister. The Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Labor governments delivered this outcome with the narrow self-interest of its MPs and mafia-like faction heads and its desperation to prove itself as the best managers for the billionaire class.

Abbott's election will bring an escalation in attacks from the ruling class on the rest of society, attacks that the ALP laid the groundwork for through their policies of cutting welfare for single parents, extending the Northern Territory intervention and income management for Aboriginal people, and stripping billions of dollars from higher education, to name just a few.

When Rudd lurched dramatically to the right with his “PNG solution” on refugees, it screamed out to the public: Labor agrees with Tony Abbott on... READ MORE

The Socialist Alliance condemns the threatened US-led Western military assault on Syria. We call on the Australian government to reject this latest imperial aggression, to extract itself from its military alliance with the US and end its involvement in all aggressive multinational military operations.

The Socialist Alliance supports the Syrian people’s democratic uprising against the... READ MORE

The Socialist Alliance is using the federal election to popularise the idea that we need bring mines, banks and power companies into democratic public ownership. Here are five reasons why this is a good idea.

1. Wealth distribution

The richest 20% in Australia own more than the rest combined. Mining company profits rose 540% between 2000 and 2009, while the share... READ MORE

Statement by the Socialist Alliance national executive August 16, 2013

Socialist Alliance condemns the massacre of protesters by the Egyptian army during the dispersal on August 14 of sit-ins at Rabea al-Adaweya and Nahda Square by supporters of former president Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Socialist Alliance restates its solidarity with the Egyptian people’... READ MORE

Socialist Alliance 2013 federal election campaign

The Socialist Alliance says: Bring the mining industry, the big banks and the energy companies under public/community ownership and control, so that they can be run in a way that respects Aboriginal rights, the environment and social justice.

The urgent need to address climate change alone demands that these industries... READ MORE

The Australian Climate Commission says this is the “critical decade” to cut emissions. The Socialist Alliance says Australia’s climate response must be based on the climate science, which says we cannot delay action. Business-as-usual, capitalist politics cannot solve this emergency. We need to look at radical measures adequate to the challenge.

There is already too much carbon in the... READ MORE

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by Dr. Radut