
Since 2005 LP has enjoyed the contributions of fine co-bloggers, many of whom have since moved on to projects of their own, but you can still read their work here. Below all* authors who have posted to the blog are listed in alphabetical order.
* A few authors had their details lost and their posts attributed to the Guest Poster account during the last server migration. If any author wants to have their user account reactivated and their past posts assigned to it, please contact tigtog who will sort it out with Jacques.

LP Administrator

LP Administrator

This posting account is used by the LP-collective for general announcements about the blog.

Anna Winter

Anna Winter

Anna has degrees in philosophy and graphic design, and is particularly interested in feminism, politics, ethics, pop culture, fashion magazines and chocolate mudcake. Praise, complaints and pictures of cats can be sent to, or you can watch her avoid both freelance work and study on Twitter.



"I was born a fourth generation Australian in 1940 in an enclave of German farmers in brigalow country off the edge of the Darling Downs in Queensland in a district called Downfall Creek near the railway siding of Guluguba. I went to the University of Queensland, picking up degrees in Arts and (later) Education. My studies included English, German, philosophy, and educational sociology, psychology and administration. I qualified as a librarian and worked for a few years in the tertiary sector in Adelaide. My substantive career was in the Department of Education in Queensland, as the first Supervisor of School Libraries in 1969, and later with broader duties covering all curriculum materials and associated services. In 1991 Goss's boys turned the public service inside out. There was a 20% survival rate in the senior executive service. I left and took up mowing and gardening, also investing directly in the share market. I meet a wide range of people on a regular basis from pensioners to the moderately rich. I'm plugged into capitalism all over the place, but I'm not a fan. I'm not a philosopher or a sociologist, just someone who is trying to sort out his ideas"

Cat Herding Cabal

Cat Herding Cabal

The Cat Herding Cabal is a joint account for LP editors/moderators.



Cristy currently lives in Hanoi with her partner and two children. She just finished a PhD in human rights law at UNSW.



Darlene Taylor can be contacted at darlenectaylor[AT]



Deborah is a New Zealander exiled to Adelaide, where she is slowly becoming an Australian, in substance as well as form (she holds Australian citizenship). She blogs at In a Strange Land and also at The Hand Mirror, an NZ group feminist blog. She does a spot of lecturing and tutoring at the local universities from time to time, but mostly, she is a housewife.

Born in 1982, the occasional blogger known as should probably know better. An Inner Sydney Native, he looks forward to progressing from: darting cyclist to conspicuous, SUV-wheeled consumer of tolled roads; mediocre athleticism to beer bellied impotence; and postgraduate researcher in Science and Technology Studies to catch-what-you-can contractor. Between hangovers, he tends shrines to Alison Goldfrapp, Mr. Scruff and the producers of The Wire. His letters also include BSocSc BA(Hons.) and, within a couple of years or so, PhD.



Guy Beres is a thirty-something Siebel CRM consultant and writer. He has an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and a postgraduate degree in International Relations, both from the University of New South Wales. He grew up predominantly in the federal seat of Lindsay in the western suburbs of Sydney, but for the time being, calls London home.His desire to own some sort of home has necessitated him being effectively owned by a prominent financial institution. He is a member of the Australian Labor Party, the Australian Fabian Society and the Evatt Foundation.He previously wrote at Polemica, which has been archived by the National Library of Australia. He is currently (trying) to write a book on the state of Australia’s democracy.He has an eponymous blog, and you can contact him at [email protected] He uses LinkedIn, Facebook and the Twitter (@guyberes).

Guest Poster

Guest Poster

LP is happy to accept submissions of guest posts from any of our readers. Our editorial considerations mean that submissions are not guaranteed publication, but please feel welcome to submit your post.



As the Blogger on the Cast Iron Balcony, she's a blogger, she's a grinner, she's a mother, she's a sinner. She plays her music in the sun. Helen also writes for Hoyden About Town and occasionally other blogs.



Idiot/Savant lives in New Zealand, a small, unimportant country at the bottom of the world. Sie blogs about NZ and international politics from a left-wing perspective at No Right Turn.



Kim is a Brisbane based photographer and designer, educated in sociology, film studies and Fine Art both in Australia and in the US. She self-identifies as a lesbian identified bisexual, but despite also being an American, is disinterested in identity politics. She is interested in politics, art, culture, life and stuff.

Mark Bahnisch

Mark Bahnisch

Mark Bahnisch is a sociologist and is the founder of this blog. He has an undergraduate degree in history and politics from UQ, and postgraduate qualifications in sociology, industrial relations and political economy from Griffith and QUT. He has recently been awarded his PhD through the Humanities Program at QUT. Mark's full bio is on this page.



mick (Michael Bremner) spent the latter half of the noughties living in Europe and in front of his laptop. As an Australian postdoc a long way from home who enjoys procrastination, stoushing, the colour purple, and bad jokes vigorous debate and enlightened discussion it was inevitable that he’d be drawn to LP. From mid-2012 he’ll be back home in Australia to try his hand at being a Research Associate Professor in the Centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems at the University of Technology, Sydney. On the intertubes (do we still call them that or is it too 2008?) he can be found at his blog or on twitter. In the real world he’ll probably be sitting in some hipster cafe in inner Sydney, still in front of his laptop.

Paul Norton

Paul Norton

Paul Norton is originally from Melbourne, but now lives in Brisbane and teaches and researches at Griffith University. He has a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Environmental Science, and did his Ph.D. on the relationship between the environmental and labour movements in the period of the Hawke and Keating Federal Labor Governments. He enjoys reading, cycling absurd distances, attempting to play guitar, dabbling in songwriting and watching AFL matches on weekends in winter. He is a member of the Greens, the NTEU and the Australia Institute, likes drinking chardonnay but doesn't drink latte.



Phil is a digital citizen based in Sydney.



Robert Corr has been blogging for longer than is healthy. It has helped him procrastinate his way through six years of university study; he will graduate later this year from the University of Notre Dame, with an honours degree in history and (hopefully) an honours degree in law. Rob is a member of the Labor Left and works part time on the staff of a WA Senator, though a move to the legal system (but not an evil firm!) is imminent. If you have any questions about starting your own blog, Rob is happy to help.

Robert Merkel

Robert Merkel

Robert Merkel lives for the past decade in the rather latte-set surroundings of the southern bit of the People's Republic of Moreland and is a lecturer in software engineering at a Victorian university. His current blog project is called A Bent Ghost, which focuses particularly on Victorian politics but strays into his other interests from time to time. His twitter id is @rgmerk.

Shaun Cronin

Shaun Cronin

Shaun Cronin is the blogger formerly known as Immanuel Rant. Back in the dim past he attained a Bachelor of Economics at University of New England. Said degree was put to good use leading him to be employed as an English teacher in Japan, taking up the role of a starving musician in Los Angeles and then stumbling into the IT industry in Sydney 8 years ago where he still works. He now lives on the Central Coast of NSW with his Beloved who both serve their cat, Akiyama.



Suz has worked in the media, alternative and mainstream, for the past three decades..



Happily married feminist gourmand gardener and webwrangler living in Sydney with husband, two teen sprogs and a cat, tigtog (aka Viv Smythe) has just enough wineracks and far too few bookshelves. Viv blogs eclectically at Hoyden About Town, writes about comedians at Australian comedy portal Gagging For It, is the editor and FAQ author at Finally, A Feminism 101 Blog and may be praised or abused via tigtog[AT]



Happily married feminist gourmand gardener and webwrangler living in Sydney with husband, two teen sprogs and a cat, tigtog (aka Viv Smythe) has just enough wineracks and far too few bookshelves. Viv blogs eclectically at Hoyden About Town, writes about comedians at Australian comedy portal Gagging For It, is the editor and FAQ author at Finally, A Feminism 101 Blog and may be praised or abused via tigtog[AT]