Unions NT governance arrangements include:
1. A Constitution and rules for Unions NT.
2. An elected Executive that manages and administers the affairs of the
Council and meets on a monthly or as required basis;
3. Minutes of meetings of Executive and Council.
4. A Council which consists of delegates of affiliated unions which meets
at 3.30pm on the last Monday of each month or as required to conduct
and oversee the business of the Council;
5. Audited financial reports of the income and expenditure of Unions NT
to Council and government.
6. Reports to Council and various funding bodies.
7. Elected policy commitees that advise the Council, through the Unions NT
Executive on policy, procedures, related issues or concerns.
E.g. Women's Policy, Rules, Occupational Health and Safety, Statehood,
May Day and Arts Projects etc;
8. Representing the views of the trade union movement to
government and industry via elected representatives on a
broad range of bodies including the;
- Education Advisory Council;
- Northern Territory Board of Studies;
- Joint NT Government/Trade Union ' Labour Advisory Council';
- Charles Darwin University Council;
- NT Government and Public Authorities and Superannuation Scheme
Invest and Review Boards;
- Workplace Health and Safety Advisory Council and related sub
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Advisory Council;
- (Workers Compensation) 'Scheme Monitoring Committee';
- Scheme Monitoring Committee
- NT Build Board
9. Employment of staff to engage affiliated unions, their members,
government, industry, the community and international partners on
various projects including:
Education matters, School and University visits, engagement with
Industry and Community Groups, Occupational Health and Safety,
Workers' Compensation, Healthy Worker Project for the construction
industry, industry development initiatives and other matters as required
by the Council.
10. Coordinate the identification and provision of training to union
members through either the Australian Council of Trade Unions,
individual unions, union members, industries, union preferred training
providers or other organizations.
The current agreed Constitution is provided here