You are currently viewing the archive for September 2009.

Memorial to murdered Alice Springs aboriginal man vandalised

From the ABC:

Murder case stokes Alice’s racial tensions

By Sara Everingham for AM |

The cross at the place where Kwementyaye Ryder died
was burnt on Friday night. ( Dave Richards)

Emotions have been running high in Alice Springs because of suspicions that the recent death of an Aboriginal man was the result of a racially motivated attack.

Five white men have been charged with the murder of the 33-year-old man, who for cultural reasons is now known as Kwementyaye Ryder.

His family wants everyone to remain calm but that may be easier said than done, after a memorial to the dead man was burnt at the weekend.

Kwementyaye Ryder’s aunt, Margie Lynch says the town of Alice Springs is still in shock two months after the man’s death.

“Immediately everyone is affected. The local community is affected. Both Aboriginal people and white people,” she said.

Kwementyaye Ryder was found lying on the side of a road after an alleged fight with a group of men seen in a car.

Police say the car had earlier been seen driving through the dry bed of the Todd River, disturbing groups of Aboriginal people who were camping.

Five white men aged between 19 and 24 have been charged with murder and are facing the courts.

News brief · 28 September 2009

Neo-nazi luvfest “Sydney Forum” at Petersham RSL

We know what you’re thinking.

You woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and said “Self, there’s just not enough crazy in my life. I really need to know more about the ‘Holohoax,’ Muslims taking over Australia, how to properly suggest holding guns to the heads of Indian students yet pass it off as mere free speech instead of unlawful racial vilification, and what the troof about 9/11 really is.”

No wucking furries, mate! For all your racism, conspiracy theory and general nutty nonsense needs, all you need to do is to drop in on Jim Saleam’s Sydney Forum for a good ol’ sieg heilin’ time.

Jim not a nazi' Saleam (3rd from left, wearing swazi armband) & associated mixed nuts
Jim ‘not a nazi’ Saleam (3rd from left, wearing swazi armband)
& associated mixed nuts

Writes @ndy:

The Sydney Forum is the No.2 forum on the fascist calender in Australia. So if you’re truly interested in hearing James ‘110% White’ Saleam, Andrew ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ Fraser, John ‘911 Was An Inside Job!’ Bursill, Terrie-Anne ‘Fuck Off We’re Full’ Verney, David Astin and a handful of others prattle on about Race & Nation and many, many other issues — all under the watchful eye of Herr Welf Herfurth — BOOK A TICKET NOW.

Or, just jump into your black helicopter and hover in on the nutter brigade at the Petersham RSL, 7 Regent St, 2nd Floor, Petersham NSW, telephone (02) 9560 8355. Tell ‘em FDB sent ya.

We here at FDB are more than a little amazed that an RSL, which supports returned Australian servicemen and women who fought nazis in WWII, would host a neo-nazi event. Does the Petersham RSL really know what’s going on up on the 2nd floor today? They bloody well should.

Fight dem back · 26 September 2009 · Discussion

Maori ‘warrior gene’ debunked


Maori ‘not retarded borderline psychotics’

From correspondents in Auckland, New Zealand


September 11, 2009

A CONTROVERSIAL claim that New Zealand Maori have a “warrior gene” that makes them violent has been debunked by science.

Three years ago two Kiwi researchers revealed at a Brisbane conference their radical belief that Maori were genetically wired to commit acts of brutality.

They claimed that indigenous New Zealanders carried a gene called monoamine oxidase, dubbed the “warrior gene”, explaining why they were over-represented in jails and the crime statistics.

The pair faced a barrage of criticism and have now had their theory disproved in a new review which found no such gene exists.

News brief · 11 September 2009

Racist t-shirts on sale in Alice Springs – National Indigenous Times

From the National Indigenous Times:

MAIN PICTURE: The vehicle, with ‘GANGSTA’ plates parked across the road from the Alice Springs council chambers yesterday. INSET LEFT: The sign taped to the window of the car.

INSET RIGHT: The t-shirt offered for sale.

Alice Springs local responds to bashing death of black man by selling ‘white power’ t-shirts

ISSUE 185. – 04 Sep 2009

* LANGUAGE AND THEME WARNING: Readers are advised that the following story contains language and themes that some people – particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers – are likely to find extremely offensive.

By Chris Graham

NATIONAL, September 10, 2009: An Alice Springs resident has responded to the alleged bashing death of an Aboriginal man by five young white men by selling “Alice Springs White Power” t-shirts and caps from his car.

And it’s all happening outside the Alice Springs Town Council offices, with local police and council officials refusing at least two requests by local residents to shut the man down.

The t-shirts and caps were yesterday on display in the passenger side window of a 4WD ute parked directly across the road from the council chambers. The number plates on the vehicle read ‘GANGSTA’, and a hand-written sign was taped to the back passenger window advertising the shirts and caps.

The sign included pricing – $25 for a shirt, $25 for a cap or to [sic] for $35. The shirt includes a Nazi swastika symbol, and the sign includes a mobile number, 0410 366 701.

The sale of the merchandise follows the July 25 death of Donny Ryder, an Aboriginal trainee ranger, aged 33. Mr Ryder was walking home along an Alice Springs back street when a group of five white youths aged 19-24 allegedly alighted from a 4WD and bashed him to death.

The youths have each been charged with murder, and up to nine counts of reckless endangerment – about a half hour before the bashing death the youths also allegedly drove their vehicle at itinerant Aboriginal men and women camping on the dry bed of the Todd River.

News brief · 10 September 2009

Why, what a kkklever jokkke

Why yes- we’ve always thought of white supremacists, ‘white power’ and swastikas as a big fucking joke, too.

Except when we’re being serious.

From the ABC:

Police probe ‘White Power’ T-shirt sales

By Alice Brennan

The man selling these T-shirts says he was
not trying to incite racial violence.

images: National Indigenous Times

Police in central Australia are investigating a complaint against a man selling T-shirts with the slogan “Alice Springs White Power” and a swastika written on them.

The seller, who wants only to be known as “Red”, says he decided to sell the shirts as a joke.

Red says he has not sold any T-shirts yet and does not want to incite racial violence.

“It was only meant as a joke,” he said.

“I’m probably going to regret it obviously because you do-gooders are just going to make a bloody mockery of it.

He added: “It’s just a bit of a giggle.”

We’re not laughing.

MORE: “Red” is one Denis Donohue, and he’s not laughing either in his tearful apology made on ABC Radio/Alice Springs.

Much more detail on the National Indigenous Times website.

News brief · 10 September 2009