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The Federation of Indian Students of Australia Inc has called for a PEACE RALLY in response to the growing anger in the community against increasing crimes.

The purpose is to create an awareness about an increasing number of hate crimes within the state and to promote racial harmony and peace.

The PEACE RALLY will start on Sunday 31 May 2009 at 11:30am from Royal Melbourne Hospital (corner Grattan Street and Flemington Road) and will conclude at Victorian Parliament House.

We encourage all Victorians to show support for residents of all ethnic backgrounds.

The PEACE RALLY will conclude with a Candle Light Vigil in support for the recent victims of crime.

For further information, please visit our website.

Amit Menghani
Federation of Indian Students of Australia Inc
P: 1300 FISA4U
E: president[at]fisa[dot]org[dot]au

Fight dem back · 30 May 2009 · Discussion

‘Curry bashing’ in Melbourne & Sydney

From The Sydney Morning Herald:

Indian student bashings on the rise in Sydney: community leader

* Arjun Ramachandran
* May 29, 2009 – 5:29PM

Violent attacks on Indian students are on the rise in Sydney, and have forced the Indian Government to take steps to assure the safety of Indian students in Australia, a community leader says.

Dr Yadu Singh said there had been at least 20 bashings of Indian students in Sydney in the past month,  but most went unreported out of fear. He estimated over 100 attacks on Indian students in the last 12 months.

Sujatha Singh, India’s High Commissioner to Australia, says there are elements in society that attack people for racist motives.

The revelations follow a strong response by the Indian Government to an apparently racially motivated attack on four Indian students in Melbourne, which left one man fighting for his life in hospital.

News brief · 29 May 2009

Rhythm needs your help

Rhythm Turner is a lesbian musician from San Diego, in the United States.

After a gig in Mission Beach on May 14th, Rhythm fell victim to a brutal attack by a man whose motivations were based in homophobia, leaving Rhythm with two very serious facial fractures and an inability to perform musically. The attacker was arrested for felony assault, but is not currently being charged with a hate crime.
Rhythm needs reconstructive surgery to fix her fractures, but as a full-time student and musician she has no health insurance.

If you’d like to help with these costs, please consider a contribution via this paypal link.

And you can listen to her band, Rhythm and the Method here.

From everyone at FightDemBack, we wish Rhythm a speedy recovery, and we ask anyone who can to help donate to get her face fixed. The United States, for all its wealth, has a health care system that does not provide adequate health coverage for people on low incomes without health insurance, so Rhythm needs all the help she can get, because as a professional performer a broken face can mean the difference between a gig and going hungry.

Fight dem back · 27 May 2009 · Discussion

Racism is for losers… in Cronulla…

Cronulla Sharks going from strength to strength.

From the ABC:

Gallen fined $10k for racial slur

Cronulla captain Paul Gallen has been fined $10,000 by the NRL for making racial comments during the Sharks’ weekend match against St George Illawarra.

Gallen was accused of inciting Dragons player Mickey Paea during the Sharks’ 26-4 loss at home Saturday evening.

The NRL says even though Paea did not make a formal complaint, there was little doubt the comments were of a racial nature.

Gallen has since apologised for the comments.

The league’s chief executive David Gallop says the NRL holds a tough stance on racism.

“While the apology is certainly an important step in the right direction there needs to be a clear recognition that racial vilification is not tolerated in rugby league,” he said in a statement.

News brief · 25 May 2009

Toben jailed 90 days for contempt

From The Advertiser

Holocaust denier Fredrick Toben jailed
By Sean Fewster

May 13, 2009

“REVISIONIST historian” Fredrick Toben has been given a three-month jail term for contempt of court – but has also won a 14-day reprieve to file appeal papers.

On his way into the Federal Court this morning, the controversial website operator vowed he was ready to be jailed, without regret, for expressing his beliefs about the Holocaust and Jewish people.

“I’ve mentally prepared myself to go inside for a few weeks or months,” he told AdelaideNow.

“Anyone who expresses an opinion should not be silenced because someone else is offended, but my opinions have been criminalised.”

In his judgment, Justice Bruce Lander said Toben breached Federal Court orders to stop implying Jewish people offended by Holocaust denial were of “limited intelligence”.

Justice Lander imposed the jail term, and ordered he pay costs, for 24 counts of contempt of court.

News brief · 13 May 2009

Stormfront’s Don Black banned from Britain

All we can say is ‘what took ya so long?’

From the Telegraph (UK):

Extremists banned from Britain named by Home Office

By Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent

A total of 101 individuals – including dozens of radical Muslim clerics, such as Omar Bakri – have been excluded in the past four years, using new powers introduced after the July 7 bombings in 2005.

Two thirds of them have been banned for “fomenting, justifying or glorifying terrorist violence” and provoking others to carry out terrorist atrocities.

The 16 named today, who have been excluded in the past six months, include six militant Muslims, four men who front Neo-Nazi groups, a Sri-Lankan Tamil Tiger leader, a former member of the Palestine Liberation Front and a right-wing American radio chat show host. Six others banned since October are not named because it is not considered “in the public interest”.

News brief · 6 May 2009

Top NZ nazi chucks it for the love of a good woman

*SOB* Weddings always make us teary!

From the Waikato Times:

National Front’s ex-leader marries Mormon

The face of the white supremacy movement in New Zealand is walking away from rightwing groups and moving from Christchurch to marry a devout Christian woman in Hamilton.

Kyle Chapman, the former leader of the National Front, married Claire Clifford at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Tuhikaramea Rd, last night. The couple only saw each other in person for the first time in 3 1/2 years yesterday morning.

The couple will live on her lifestyle block on the outskirts of Hamilton, with Mr Chapman, who said he was an unwilling poster boy for right-wing extremism, committing to her Mormon faith.

The pair met in Christchurch nearly four years ago when Ms Clifford was on her Mormon mission. They lost contact over the past three years and met again on the social networking website Facebook a month ago. They spent 80 hours on the phone in two weeks, decided to marry and Mr Chapman flew into the city yesterday morning.

“I’m here because I want to have a nice peaceful life with Claire. She is an example of a righteous woman,” Mr Chapman said before the ceremony.

He was quitting his roles with the Nationalist Alliance and The Survive Club, and hoped the people of the Waikato would give him a chance.

But he’s not banking on it. He has fears for his and Claire’s safety and still holds some of the beliefs that made him a reviled figure. “A lot of people still have aggressive ideals towards me,” he said.

News brief · 3 May 2009