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Klan graff in Thevenard, SA

From the West Coast Sentinel:

Klan graffiti
28 March 2008

Offensive, intimidating racist graffiti with American Ku Klux Klan overtones was sprayed over buildings at the Far West Aboriginal Sporting Complex at Thevenard over the Easter long weekend.

A road sign at the junction of the Eyre and Flinders Highways east of Ceduna had a similar offensive message sprayed on it and there were reports of a fence and a toilet block near the Thevenard slipway also being hit.

Some of the graffiti, sprayed in green and white paint, makes reference to “niggers” and threatens that they will “die”.

News brief · 29 March 2008

5 to be charged over fake Muslim leaflets

From The Sydney Morning Herald:

Lib charges over leaflet

Bus. Ted!
Gary Clark, husband of retired MP Jackie Kelly, unsuccessfully hides behind fake Muslim leaflet

Heath Gilmore and Lisa Carty
March 23, 2008


FIVE men will be charged over the Lindsay leaflet scandal which sent the Liberal Party into crisis just days before November’s federal election.

NSW Police yesterday confirmed they had begun legal proceedings against the men, who will appear in the Downing Centre Local Court on April 29.

After consulting the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, they would charge the men under Section 328 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act, which deals with the printing and publication of election material.

The November 21 distribution of a fake pamphlet alleging Labor wanted the Bali bombers forgiven was the nail in the Coalition’s coffin at the election three days later. The pamphlets carried the ALP logo and were from the non-existent Islamic Australia Federation.

The covert letterboxing, uncovered by a team of Labor sleuths armed with cameras, was designed to secure victory for Liberal candidate Karen Chijoff by linking the Labor Party with Islam.

News brief · 23 March 2008

Racial attack in Sunbury

From the Macedon Ranges Telegraph:

Schoolboy attacked

TWO Sunbury teenagers aged 19 and 18 are expected to be charged on summons over an alleged racial attack in Sunbury that left a 16 year old schoolboy with a broken jaw.

The victim and two friends were assaulted in Gap Road after midnight on March 1.

Detective Senior Constable Paul Filbey, of Hume ’s crime investigation unit, said the boys were approached by three men yelling racial abuse.

They were assaulted with headbutts and punches.

Two of the victims, both aged 16, escaped with minor injuries but the other boy sustained a broken jaw.

News brief · 20 March 2008

Skinheads shoot at hippies in Palmy North

From the Manawatu Standard:

Protester: Skinheads shot at me

A woman who visited Palmerston North as part of protest walk against climate change says a carload of youths fired a gun at her in The Square.

Heather Simpson, 22, said the attack came as she was busking outside McDonald’s.

She noticed the car of youths approaching, she wasn’t too concerned – until she saw the gun.

“There were four young men with shaved heads, dressed in camouflage. One of them leant out the back window and pointed a gun right at me.”

News brief · 18 March 2008

Numbers can be fun!

An ever-present sideshow within the Australian far-right circus is the presence of a teenager from Queensland with some very strange ideas about the ways of the world.

At FDB, we have determined that while he is somewhat delusional, the risk he poses to anyone besides himself is nil. He’s just a bit annoying.

The fash disagree, and we note a recent discussion amongst several Queensland fascists to the effect that now that this young chap is 19, it would be appropriate for him to be violently assaulted. We didn’t do no university maths or nothing, but seeing as he was 15 years old last year, it’s quite likely that the oldest he could possibly be now was 16.

Carl Thompson suggested that “some re-education at the Dr Martin school of political education” would be appropriate. While this comment is more telling of Thompson’s character than anything else, we feel that it is perhaps old Sluggo who needs to go back to school.

We’ll get you started, Carl. If you had 7 bullets in the clip and you fired three into the television screen because you accidentally switched on to Lateline, how many bullets do you have left?

Fight dem back · 14 March 2008 · Discussion

Scumfront in a tizzy about Wagga refugees

From the Wagga Daily Advertiser:

Anonymous letters push racist views

Racist websites Downunder News Links and US based Stormfront have both seized on an alleged incident reported by The Daily Advertiser involving African refugees.

Contributors to the sites, hiding behind alias such as “Wodensvolk�, “Fuelforwar� and “Australia’s Last Fight� use the internet to push their racist views, claiming Africans are violent and unable to fit into Australian society, while predicting Australia will be overrun by multiculturalism.

Prominent Wagga volunteer Erwin Richter said he was concerned Wagga was being associated with racism.

News brief · 12 March 2008

Racist graff in Dubbo

From the Dubbo Daily Liberal:

Call for racist phone box graffiti to be cleaned up

The presence of a public phone has been blamed for some sickening, racist graffiti outside a corner store in South Dubbo.

References to the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazi Party along with the words “Shoot N……â€? were smeared on the phone box and adjacent footpath.

News brief · 12 March 2008

Racist hotel caught out in a lie

From Crikey:

The Alice Springs hostel that turns out blackpackers
Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Guy Rundle writes:

Asked the best defence, Marshal Foch once replied “attaquez, attaquez, attaquez!”

Faced with accusations of racism for asking eight Aboriginal guests to leave, the Haven Hostel in Alice Springs came up with the claim that it was a hostel for “international guests only”. Not much of a defence, but enough to muddy the waters. Who knows, eh, some hostels do restrict who can stay there on the basis of taking foreign backpackers only.

News brief · 12 March 2008

Teens terrorise Hindus

From the Herald Sun:

Hindu temple terrorised by teens
By Michelle Draper
March 11, 2008

MEMBERS of a Hindu temple in Melbourne’s south are worried about escalating attacks on worshippers by groups of teenagers, who have been terrorising devotees and vandalising property.

The board of the Shri Shiva Vishnu Temple in Carrum Downs has complained to Victoria Police after the incidents worsened.

In one of the more serious incidents, a devotee who chased a group of teenagers away after they attempted to steal monetary offerings from the temple was pelted with beer bottles.

In another incident about one month ago, teenagers put a padlock onto the main gate, locking out worshippers arriving for an important function.

Temple authorities were forced to cut off the padlock to let in the worshippers, who had been told by the teenagers the event was not going ahead.

News brief · 12 March 2008