Last Updated: May 16, 2012

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Racist driveway graffiti stuns family

Danny Law, Ludan Chen and Genyo

Shocked: Danny Law with wife Ludan Chen and daughter Genyo on the driveway of their Sunnybank Hills home which was covered in racist graffiti overnight Tuesday. Picture: Jono Searle Source: The Courier-Mail

DANNY Law and his wife Ludan Chen are afraid to go outdoors after they woke to discover a racist slur scrawled across their driveway.

The Chinese and African-American couple said they were disgusted and horrified to find the words "white power rules n-----" spray-painted across the driveway of their Sunnybank Hills home on Wednesday morning.

The pair live in the usually friendly neighbourhood with their 20-month-old daughter Genyo.

Mr Law, who grew up in the US during the civil rights movement, said the behaviour was disgusting.

"I'm almost 60 years old, so I've seen stuff worse than this, but not in this neighbourhood," he said. "It's awful. No one wants to wake up to that."

Mr Law, who has lived in Australia for 26 years, said his wife had found the graffiti difficult to cope with.

"She's from China and she's only been here for two years, so she was quite upset," he said.

"She went out to put the garbage in the bin when she saw what was written across our driveway. I just want to get rid of it and I hope it doesn't happen again."

The family alerted police who came and inspected the property and interviewed neighbours yesterday.

Acacia Ridge Police Constable Scott Hemmings said there were no other reports of racist graffiti in the neighbourhood.

"There haven't been any other graffiti-type incidents in the neighbourhood so obviously, being a once-off, we don't have any suspects or clues as to who is behind it at the moment," he said.

"We've spoken to neighbours in the area but no one saw anything because it happened overnight."

Anyone with information should call Police Link 131 444.


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