Petting Deer at Roosevelt State Park
Petting Deer at Roosevelt State Park.
Wild Bear Breaks into Zoo and Kills Deer
A wild bear recently broke into a zoo in Moncton, Canada and sadly, the large animal killed a deer while on the zoo grounds. Witnessing a wild animal at a zo...
Wild elephants and gibbons in Khao Yai National Park-Nakhon Ratchassima Province Thailand [HD]
The park is the second largest in Thailand. It covers an area of 2168 square kilometers, including evergreen forests and grasslands. Its altitude mostly ran...
Geyik Savaşları, Geyik ve Özellikleri
Geyik, geyikgiller familyasında geviş getiren otçul memeli hayvanların ortak adıdır. Çift toynaklılar takımında bulunan akraba familyalardaki benzer hayvanlar da genel olarak geyik diye adlandırılmaktadır.
Geyikler Antarktika ve Avustralya dışındaki kıtalarda oldukça yaygın olarak dağılmıştır. Afrika kıtasında Kuzey bölümünde Tunus ve Cezayir'in Atlas Dağları'nda bir miktar kızıl geyik bulunmakta
Eurasian wolf Wilk Canis lupus lupus - ZOO in Opole - Ultra HD video 4K
The Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus lupus), also known as the common wolf or Middle Russian forest wolf, is a subspecies of grey wolf native to Europe and the forest and steppe zones of the former Soviet Union. It was once widespread throughout Eurasia prior to the Middle Ages; aside from an extensive paleontological and genetic record, Indo-European languages typically have several words for 'wolf', t
Viva Las Vegas - Elvis Presley (tribute cover)
Los Angeles voice actor, vocal impressionist, and front man for SoCal Band Mrs. Jones' Revenge, Jeff McNeal, pays tribute to the "King:" after paying tribute to "Sir" Elton John in my last tribute cover (detect a theme, here?).
I don't do too many Elvis covers because vocal impressions of the Elvis are a dime a dozen and a cottage industry in itself. There are others who do is vocals far better
On Location: The Southern Pudú
The Southern pudús (Mapudungun püdü or püdu) The name is a loanword from Mapudungun the language of the indigenous Mapuche people of southern Chile The two s...
Krieghoff Classic with Ejectors .375 H&H; Mag @ MSZU
Shooting the Krieghoff Classic with Ejectors .375 H&H; Mag @ MSZU Müller Schiess Zentrum Ulm. Test shooting for hunting magazine Waidmannsheil.
This weeks trail cam footage
My 2nd attempt at trail cam recording, in deepest Hertfordshire !
Newport News Waterworks Forest Resources Into the Great Outdoors.mov
NEWPORT NEWS IN REVIEW AUGUST 2011- "It's sometimes hard to see the forest for the trees, especially when you are responsible for the 12000 acres that is lo...
Black Bear Experience: Feed Lewis & Clark, the Palm Beach Zoo Black Bear Brothers!
Go behind the scenes wih the Palm Beach Zoo's black bear brothers, Lewis and Clark! Feed them while learning about the Zoo's conservation efforts and how we care for them. Snap some great pics and make memories to last a lifetime!
Members: $40 per person
Non-members: $50 per person, Zoo admission not included
The Black Bear Experience is carried our under protective contact. At no time are gues
BiiBii pet Deer at VIP
with Ani.
Vultures dance at the Palm Beach Zoo
Two vultures dancing-- are they mating or hating? You be the judge!
Bull elk on trail cam
Bull elk on my moultrie m-80xd trail camera.
Is it a dog or a pigmy deer?
Our dog jumping through the myrtle.. well.. you can kinda see it... not really though, but he's cute!
Petting a deer
I pet the deer at churchill park.
Meet Mira, the Palm Beach Zoo's new Florida panther!
"Mira" is making her official public debut after the Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society's "Save the Panther 5k" race at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 4, 2014. Meet her in person at her first-ever Panther Talk at 9:45 a.m. after the race!
"Mira" is adored by zookeepers. Those who work closely with her say she is affectionate and lovable. In this video, you can see how comfortable she is in her
Hey Eleanor! I Went Hunting!
Georgia Pellegrini took me dove hunting in Arkansas over Labor Day Weekend. After emptying two boxes of shells, I finally got my bird. Or at least I thought ...
Big Buck in the Garden
© 2013 Ann M. Del Tredici
A big buck, California Black-tail deer, in Northern California, is here because he is following a female deer. For the previous 15 minutes he was running through the garden, after a female--so fast I couldn't get him on film. He finally slowed down for some water and cotoneaster leaves. Halfway through the video he moves up the hill to eat the leaves of a plum tree.
American Black Bears Enjoying July 4th at the Palm Beach Zoo
Lewis and Clarke the Zoo's American black bear brothers are starting off their Fourth of July with a swim! How are you celebrating today? The Palm Beach Zoo ...
Pudu: World's Smallest Deer at the Queens Zoo
Pudu, the world's smallest deer.
The blacktail deer HD
This is some footage of blacktail deer that I shot with my Sony HDR-CX7. I put this little vid together in order to learn some of the features that Sony Vega...
Kamala D. Harris Inauguration - Part 2
Kamala, Harris, Inauguration, Attorney General, State of California, Department of Justice.
Wild Bear Breaks into Zoo and Kills Deer
A wild bear recently broke into a zoo in Moncton, Canada and sadly, the large animal killed a deer while on the zoo grounds. Witnessing a wild animal at a zo......
A wild bear recently broke into a zoo in Moncton, Canada and sadly, the large animal killed a deer while on the zoo grounds. Witnessing a wild animal at a zo...
wn.com/Wild Bear Breaks Into Zoo And Kills Deer
A wild bear recently broke into a zoo in Moncton, Canada and sadly, the large animal killed a deer while on the zoo grounds. Witnessing a wild animal at a zo...
Wild elephants and gibbons in Khao Yai National Park-Nakhon Ratchassima Province Thailand [HD]
The park is the second largest in Thailand. It covers an area of 2168 square kilometers, including evergreen forests and grasslands. Its altitude mostly ran......
The park is the second largest in Thailand. It covers an area of 2168 square kilometers, including evergreen forests and grasslands. Its altitude mostly ran...
wn.com/Wild Elephants And Gibbons In Khao Yai National Park Nakhon Ratchassima Province Thailand Hd
The park is the second largest in Thailand. It covers an area of 2168 square kilometers, including evergreen forests and grasslands. Its altitude mostly ran...
- published: 08 Aug 2012
- views: 1007
author: zodiakPL
Geyik Savaşları, Geyik ve Özellikleri
Geyik, geyikgiller familyasında geviş getiren otçul memeli hayvanların ortak adıdır. Çift toynaklılar takımında bulunan akraba familyalardaki benzer hayvanlar d...
Geyik, geyikgiller familyasında geviş getiren otçul memeli hayvanların ortak adıdır. Çift toynaklılar takımında bulunan akraba familyalardaki benzer hayvanlar da genel olarak geyik diye adlandırılmaktadır.
Geyikler Antarktika ve Avustralya dışındaki kıtalarda oldukça yaygın olarak dağılmıştır. Afrika kıtasında Kuzey bölümünde Tunus ve Cezayir'in Atlas Dağları'nda bir miktar kızıl geyik bulunmaktadır. Geyikler tundradan tropikal yağmur ormanlarına kadar çeşitli biyomlarda yaşar. Her ne kadar ormanlarla bağdaştırılsa da birçok geyik türü ekotondur yani ormanlar ve çalılıklar ile kırlık ve savanlar arasındaki geçiş bölgelerinde yaşar. Büyük geyik türlerinin çoğu tüm dünyada ılıman yaprak döken ağaç ormanlarında, dağlık karışık ibreli ağaç ormanlarında, tropikal mevsimlik/kuru ormanlarda ve savanlarda bulunur. Ormanlar içinde bazı bölgelerin kısmen ağaçlardan temizlenmesi aslında geyik popülasyonlarına yardımcı olur. Bu şekilde geyiklerin sevdiği ot tiplerinin yetişmesi için yer açılır. Yine de bu popülasyonların büyümesi ve hayatta kalması için gizlenmelerine yardımcı olacak uygun ve yeteri kadar ormanlık ve çalılık bulunması gereklidir. Orta ve Güney Amerika'nın broket ve pudusu ile Asya'nın munçağı gibi küçük geyikler ise genelde sık ormanlarda yaşar ve açık alanlarda pek görülmezler. Ayrıca yalnızca dağlarda, otlaklarda, bataklıklarda ve ıslak savanlarda ya da çöllerle sarılmış ırmak bölgelerinde yaşayan özelleşmiş geyik türleri de bulunur. Bazı geyikler kutup bölgesi çevresinde hem Kuzey Amerika hem de Avrasya'da yayılmıştır. Arktik tundra ve taygalarda yaşayan ren geyiği ile taygalar ve komşu bölgelerinde yaşayan sığın bunlara örnektir.
Asya'nın ılıman kesiminde geyiklerin en çok bulunduğu bölgeler Kuzey Kore, Mançurya (Kuzeydoğu Çin) ve Rusya'nın Ussuri bölgesindeki karışık yaprak döken ağaç ormanları, dağlık ibreli ağaç ormanları ve taygalardır. Bu dünyanın en zengin yaprak döken ve ibreli ağaç ormanlarından olan bölgede Sibirya karacası, sika geyiği, ren geyiği, Kanada geyiği ve sığın bulunur. Bu bölgenin hemen güneyinde Çin'de olağandışı olan Peder David geyiği ile karşılaşılır. Sika geyiği, beyaz dudaklı geyik, Orta Asya kızıl geyiği ve Kanada geyiği gibi geyikler tarih boyunca boynuzları için avlanmıştır. Ren geyiği de kısmen evcilleştirilerek sürüler hâlinde beslenmiştir.
Geyik boynuzları diğer geviş getiren çift toynaklıların boynuzlarından farklıdır. Geyik boynuzları özellikle yazları olmak üzere her yıl gelişen kemiksi bir yapıya sahiptir ve genellikle yalnızca erkek geyiklerde oluşur. Genç bir geyiğin ilk boynuzları doğuştan itibaren başlarındaki iki küçük çıkıntıdan büyüyerek gelişir. Yeni çıkan boynuzlar kalın bir kadife tabakasının içinde gelişir ve bu tabaka içindeki kemik sertleşene kadar birkaç ay boynuz üzerinde kalır. Daha sonra bu kadife tabaka halk arasında inanıldığının aksine dökülmez ama yırtılarak parçalanır ve boynuzdan ayrılır. Geyiklerin izledikleri ana güzergâhların avcılar tarafından izlenebilmesinin bir yolu da geyiklerin "sürtünme"lerini izlemektir. Sürtünmeler geyiklerin bölgelerini belirlemek için göz kenarında ve alınlarındaki bezlerden salgılanan kokunun çevreye bırakılması için kullanılır. Çiftleşme mevsiminde erkekler, sürü içindeki dişileri çekebilmek için birbirleriyle boynuz boynuza dövüşür. Birbirinin etrafında dönen erkek geyikler bacaklarını büker, kafalarını eğer ve birbirlerinin üstüne saldırır.
Alt familyalar, cinsler ve türler
Pekin hayvanat bahçesinde Çin munçağı
Peder David geyiği
Sığın, dünyanın en büyük geyiği.
Pudu, dünyanın en küçük geyiği.
Ren geyiği
Geyikgiller familyası şu şekilde incelenir:
Muntiacinae alt familyası
Muntiacus cinsi (Munçaklar):
Hint munçağı, Bayağı munçak (Muntiacus muntjak)
Çin munçağı, Reeves munçağı (Muntiacus reevesi)
Kara munçak, Kıllı göğüslü munçak (Muntiacus crinifrons)
Fea munçağı (Muntiacus feae)
Borneo sarı munçağı (Muntiacus atherodes)
Roosevelt munçağı (Muntiacus rooseveltorum)
Gongşan munçağı (Muntiacus gongshanensis)
Dev munçak (Muntiacus vuquangensis)
Truong Son munçağı (Muntiacus truongsonensis)
Yaprak munçağı (Muntiacus putaoensis)
Elaphodus cinsi:
wn.com/Geyik Savaşları, Geyik Ve Özellikleri
Geyik, geyikgiller familyasında geviş getiren otçul memeli hayvanların ortak adıdır. Çift toynaklılar takımında bulunan akraba familyalardaki benzer hayvanlar da genel olarak geyik diye adlandırılmaktadır.
Geyikler Antarktika ve Avustralya dışındaki kıtalarda oldukça yaygın olarak dağılmıştır. Afrika kıtasında Kuzey bölümünde Tunus ve Cezayir'in Atlas Dağları'nda bir miktar kızıl geyik bulunmaktadır. Geyikler tundradan tropikal yağmur ormanlarına kadar çeşitli biyomlarda yaşar. Her ne kadar ormanlarla bağdaştırılsa da birçok geyik türü ekotondur yani ormanlar ve çalılıklar ile kırlık ve savanlar arasındaki geçiş bölgelerinde yaşar. Büyük geyik türlerinin çoğu tüm dünyada ılıman yaprak döken ağaç ormanlarında, dağlık karışık ibreli ağaç ormanlarında, tropikal mevsimlik/kuru ormanlarda ve savanlarda bulunur. Ormanlar içinde bazı bölgelerin kısmen ağaçlardan temizlenmesi aslında geyik popülasyonlarına yardımcı olur. Bu şekilde geyiklerin sevdiği ot tiplerinin yetişmesi için yer açılır. Yine de bu popülasyonların büyümesi ve hayatta kalması için gizlenmelerine yardımcı olacak uygun ve yeteri kadar ormanlık ve çalılık bulunması gereklidir. Orta ve Güney Amerika'nın broket ve pudusu ile Asya'nın munçağı gibi küçük geyikler ise genelde sık ormanlarda yaşar ve açık alanlarda pek görülmezler. Ayrıca yalnızca dağlarda, otlaklarda, bataklıklarda ve ıslak savanlarda ya da çöllerle sarılmış ırmak bölgelerinde yaşayan özelleşmiş geyik türleri de bulunur. Bazı geyikler kutup bölgesi çevresinde hem Kuzey Amerika hem de Avrasya'da yayılmıştır. Arktik tundra ve taygalarda yaşayan ren geyiği ile taygalar ve komşu bölgelerinde yaşayan sığın bunlara örnektir.
Asya'nın ılıman kesiminde geyiklerin en çok bulunduğu bölgeler Kuzey Kore, Mançurya (Kuzeydoğu Çin) ve Rusya'nın Ussuri bölgesindeki karışık yaprak döken ağaç ormanları, dağlık ibreli ağaç ormanları ve taygalardır. Bu dünyanın en zengin yaprak döken ve ibreli ağaç ormanlarından olan bölgede Sibirya karacası, sika geyiği, ren geyiği, Kanada geyiği ve sığın bulunur. Bu bölgenin hemen güneyinde Çin'de olağandışı olan Peder David geyiği ile karşılaşılır. Sika geyiği, beyaz dudaklı geyik, Orta Asya kızıl geyiği ve Kanada geyiği gibi geyikler tarih boyunca boynuzları için avlanmıştır. Ren geyiği de kısmen evcilleştirilerek sürüler hâlinde beslenmiştir.
Geyik boynuzları diğer geviş getiren çift toynaklıların boynuzlarından farklıdır. Geyik boynuzları özellikle yazları olmak üzere her yıl gelişen kemiksi bir yapıya sahiptir ve genellikle yalnızca erkek geyiklerde oluşur. Genç bir geyiğin ilk boynuzları doğuştan itibaren başlarındaki iki küçük çıkıntıdan büyüyerek gelişir. Yeni çıkan boynuzlar kalın bir kadife tabakasının içinde gelişir ve bu tabaka içindeki kemik sertleşene kadar birkaç ay boynuz üzerinde kalır. Daha sonra bu kadife tabaka halk arasında inanıldığının aksine dökülmez ama yırtılarak parçalanır ve boynuzdan ayrılır. Geyiklerin izledikleri ana güzergâhların avcılar tarafından izlenebilmesinin bir yolu da geyiklerin "sürtünme"lerini izlemektir. Sürtünmeler geyiklerin bölgelerini belirlemek için göz kenarında ve alınlarındaki bezlerden salgılanan kokunun çevreye bırakılması için kullanılır. Çiftleşme mevsiminde erkekler, sürü içindeki dişileri çekebilmek için birbirleriyle boynuz boynuza dövüşür. Birbirinin etrafında dönen erkek geyikler bacaklarını büker, kafalarını eğer ve birbirlerinin üstüne saldırır.
Alt familyalar, cinsler ve türler
Pekin hayvanat bahçesinde Çin munçağı
Peder David geyiği
Sığın, dünyanın en büyük geyiği.
Pudu, dünyanın en küçük geyiği.
Ren geyiği
Geyikgiller familyası şu şekilde incelenir:
Muntiacinae alt familyası
Muntiacus cinsi (Munçaklar):
Hint munçağı, Bayağı munçak (Muntiacus muntjak)
Çin munçağı, Reeves munçağı (Muntiacus reevesi)
Kara munçak, Kıllı göğüslü munçak (Muntiacus crinifrons)
Fea munçağı (Muntiacus feae)
Borneo sarı munçağı (Muntiacus atherodes)
Roosevelt munçağı (Muntiacus rooseveltorum)
Gongşan munçağı (Muntiacus gongshanensis)
Dev munçak (Muntiacus vuquangensis)
Truong Son munçağı (Muntiacus truongsonensis)
Yaprak munçağı (Muntiacus putaoensis)
Elaphodus cinsi:
- published: 26 Jan 2015
- views: 1
Eurasian wolf Wilk Canis lupus lupus - ZOO in Opole - Ultra HD video 4K
The Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus lupus), also known as the common wolf or Middle Russian forest wolf, is a subspecies of grey wolf native to Europe and the forest...
The Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus lupus), also known as the common wolf or Middle Russian forest wolf, is a subspecies of grey wolf native to Europe and the forest and steppe zones of the former Soviet Union. It was once widespread throughout Eurasia prior to the Middle Ages; aside from an extensive paleontological and genetic record, Indo-European languages typically have several words for 'wolf', thus attesting to the animal's abundance and cultural significance. It was held in high regard in Baltic, Celtic, Slavic, Turkic, Ancient Greek, Roman, and Thracian cultures, whilst having an ambivalent reputation in early Germanic cultures.
It is the largest of Old World grey wolves, averaging 39 kg (86 lb) in Europe, however, exceptionally large individuals have weighed between 69–80 kg (152–176 lb), though this varies according to region. Its fur is relatively short and coarse, and is generally of a tawny colour, with white on the throat that barely extends to the cheeks. Melanists, albinos and erythrists are rare, and mostly the result of wolf-dog hybridisation. The howl of the Eurasian wolf is much more protracted and melodious than that of North American grey wolf subspecies, whose howls are louder and have a stronger emphasis on the first syllable. The two are however mutually intelligible, as North American wolves have been recorded to respond to European-style howls made by biologists.
Many Eurasian wolf populations are forced to subsist largely on livestock and garbage in areas with dense human activity, though wild ungulates such as moose, red deer, roe deer and wild boar are still the most important food sources in Russia and the more mountainous regions of Eastern Europe. Other prey species include reindeer, argali, mouflon, wisent, saiga, ibex, chamois, wild goats, fallow deer and musk deer. In describing North American wolves, John Richardson used European wolves as a basis for comparison, summarising the differences between the two forms as so: The European wolf's head is narrower, and tapers gradually to form the nose, which is produced on the same plane with the forehead. Its ears are higher and somewhat nearer to each other ; their length exceeds the distance between the auditory opening and the eye. Its loins are more slender, its legs longer, feet narrower, and its tail is more thinly clothed with fur. The shorter ears, broader forehead, and thicker muzzle of the American Wolf, with the bushiness of the hair behind the cheek, give it a physiognomy more like the social visage of an Esquimaux dog than the sneaking aspect of a European Wolf. The size of Eurasian wolves is subject to geographic variation with animals in Russia and Scandinavia being larger and bulkier than those residing in Western Europe, having been compared by Theodore Roosevelt to the large wolves of north-western Montana and Washington. Adults from Russia measure 105–160 cm in length, 80–85 cm in shoulder height and weigh on average 32–50 kg (70.5-110 lbs), with a maximum weight of 69–80 kg (152-176 lbs). One of the largest on record was killed after World War II in the Kobelyakski Area of the Poltavskij Region in the Ukrainian SSR, and weighed 86 kilograms (190 lb). Larger weights of 92–96 kg (202.8-211.6 lbs) have been recorded in Ukraine, though the circumstances under which these latter animals were weighed are not known. Although similar in size to central Russian wolves, Swedish and Norwegian wolves tend to be more heavily built with deeper shoulders. One wolf killed in Romania was recorded to have weighed 72 kilograms (158 pounds). In Italian wolves, excepting the tail, body length ranges between 110–148 cm, while shoulder height is 50–70 cm. Males weigh between 25–35 kg (55-77 lbs) and rarely 45 kg (99 lbs).[17] The now extinct British wolves are known to have reached similar sizes to Arctic wolves.
Wilk eurazjatycki (Canis lupus lupus) – podgatunek typowy wilka szarego, średniej wielkości, waga ok. 60 kg. Poluje na jelenie, sarny, dziki. Sierść szara, ciemnoszara lub szaropłowa. Najszerzej rozpowszechniony podgatunek wilka. Niegdyś występował szeroko na obszarze całej Europy, jednak zaciekłe polowania trwające kilka wieków spowodowały, że na wielu obszarach wyginął. Obecnie w Europie najwięcej tych wilków żyje na Ukrainie, w Polsce, Rumunii, Estonii, Białorusi, zaś największa populacja żyje na dużym obszarze zachodniej Rosji. Zamieszkuje Europę północną, środkową i wschodnią (niewielkie populacje w krajach Europy zachodniej i południowej) oraz duży obszar Azji zachodniej i środkowej.
wn.com/Eurasian Wolf Wilk Canis Lupus Lupus Zoo In Opole Ultra Hd Video 4K
The Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus lupus), also known as the common wolf or Middle Russian forest wolf, is a subspecies of grey wolf native to Europe and the forest and steppe zones of the former Soviet Union. It was once widespread throughout Eurasia prior to the Middle Ages; aside from an extensive paleontological and genetic record, Indo-European languages typically have several words for 'wolf', thus attesting to the animal's abundance and cultural significance. It was held in high regard in Baltic, Celtic, Slavic, Turkic, Ancient Greek, Roman, and Thracian cultures, whilst having an ambivalent reputation in early Germanic cultures.
It is the largest of Old World grey wolves, averaging 39 kg (86 lb) in Europe, however, exceptionally large individuals have weighed between 69–80 kg (152–176 lb), though this varies according to region. Its fur is relatively short and coarse, and is generally of a tawny colour, with white on the throat that barely extends to the cheeks. Melanists, albinos and erythrists are rare, and mostly the result of wolf-dog hybridisation. The howl of the Eurasian wolf is much more protracted and melodious than that of North American grey wolf subspecies, whose howls are louder and have a stronger emphasis on the first syllable. The two are however mutually intelligible, as North American wolves have been recorded to respond to European-style howls made by biologists.
Many Eurasian wolf populations are forced to subsist largely on livestock and garbage in areas with dense human activity, though wild ungulates such as moose, red deer, roe deer and wild boar are still the most important food sources in Russia and the more mountainous regions of Eastern Europe. Other prey species include reindeer, argali, mouflon, wisent, saiga, ibex, chamois, wild goats, fallow deer and musk deer. In describing North American wolves, John Richardson used European wolves as a basis for comparison, summarising the differences between the two forms as so: The European wolf's head is narrower, and tapers gradually to form the nose, which is produced on the same plane with the forehead. Its ears are higher and somewhat nearer to each other ; their length exceeds the distance between the auditory opening and the eye. Its loins are more slender, its legs longer, feet narrower, and its tail is more thinly clothed with fur. The shorter ears, broader forehead, and thicker muzzle of the American Wolf, with the bushiness of the hair behind the cheek, give it a physiognomy more like the social visage of an Esquimaux dog than the sneaking aspect of a European Wolf. The size of Eurasian wolves is subject to geographic variation with animals in Russia and Scandinavia being larger and bulkier than those residing in Western Europe, having been compared by Theodore Roosevelt to the large wolves of north-western Montana and Washington. Adults from Russia measure 105–160 cm in length, 80–85 cm in shoulder height and weigh on average 32–50 kg (70.5-110 lbs), with a maximum weight of 69–80 kg (152-176 lbs). One of the largest on record was killed after World War II in the Kobelyakski Area of the Poltavskij Region in the Ukrainian SSR, and weighed 86 kilograms (190 lb). Larger weights of 92–96 kg (202.8-211.6 lbs) have been recorded in Ukraine, though the circumstances under which these latter animals were weighed are not known. Although similar in size to central Russian wolves, Swedish and Norwegian wolves tend to be more heavily built with deeper shoulders. One wolf killed in Romania was recorded to have weighed 72 kilograms (158 pounds). In Italian wolves, excepting the tail, body length ranges between 110–148 cm, while shoulder height is 50–70 cm. Males weigh between 25–35 kg (55-77 lbs) and rarely 45 kg (99 lbs).[17] The now extinct British wolves are known to have reached similar sizes to Arctic wolves.
Wilk eurazjatycki (Canis lupus lupus) – podgatunek typowy wilka szarego, średniej wielkości, waga ok. 60 kg. Poluje na jelenie, sarny, dziki. Sierść szara, ciemnoszara lub szaropłowa. Najszerzej rozpowszechniony podgatunek wilka. Niegdyś występował szeroko na obszarze całej Europy, jednak zaciekłe polowania trwające kilka wieków spowodowały, że na wielu obszarach wyginął. Obecnie w Europie najwięcej tych wilków żyje na Ukrainie, w Polsce, Rumunii, Estonii, Białorusi, zaś największa populacja żyje na dużym obszarze zachodniej Rosji. Zamieszkuje Europę północną, środkową i wschodnią (niewielkie populacje w krajach Europy zachodniej i południowej) oraz duży obszar Azji zachodniej i środkowej.
- published: 08 Jul 2015
- views: 3
Viva Las Vegas - Elvis Presley (tribute cover)
Los Angeles voice actor, vocal impressionist, and front man for SoCal Band Mrs. Jones' Revenge, Jeff McNeal, pays tribute to the "King:" after paying tribute to...
Los Angeles voice actor, vocal impressionist, and front man for SoCal Band Mrs. Jones' Revenge, Jeff McNeal, pays tribute to the "King:" after paying tribute to "Sir" Elton John in my last tribute cover (detect a theme, here?).
I don't do too many Elvis covers because vocal impressions of the Elvis are a dime a dozen and a cottage industry in itself. There are others who do is vocals far better than I can. But I ran across the backing track for this on YouTube and it's such a fun and goofy song that I thought I'd give it a whirl. Thanks for listening. Hope you like it. Cheers.
wn.com/Viva Las Vegas Elvis Presley (Tribute Cover)
Los Angeles voice actor, vocal impressionist, and front man for SoCal Band Mrs. Jones' Revenge, Jeff McNeal, pays tribute to the "King:" after paying tribute to "Sir" Elton John in my last tribute cover (detect a theme, here?).
I don't do too many Elvis covers because vocal impressions of the Elvis are a dime a dozen and a cottage industry in itself. There are others who do is vocals far better than I can. But I ran across the backing track for this on YouTube and it's such a fun and goofy song that I thought I'd give it a whirl. Thanks for listening. Hope you like it. Cheers.
- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 48
On Location: The Southern Pudú
The Southern pudús (Mapudungun püdü or püdu) The name is a loanword from Mapudungun the language of the indigenous Mapuche people of southern Chile The two s......
The Southern pudús (Mapudungun püdü or püdu) The name is a loanword from Mapudungun the language of the indigenous Mapuche people of southern Chile The two s...
wn.com/On Location The Southern Pudú
The Southern pudús (Mapudungun püdü or püdu) The name is a loanword from Mapudungun the language of the indigenous Mapuche people of southern Chile The two s...
Krieghoff Classic with Ejectors .375 H&H; Mag @ MSZU
Shooting the Krieghoff Classic with Ejectors .375 H&H; Mag @ MSZU Müller Schiess Zentrum Ulm. Test shooting for hunting magazine Waidmannsheil....
Shooting the Krieghoff Classic with Ejectors .375 H&H; Mag @ MSZU Müller Schiess Zentrum Ulm. Test shooting for hunting magazine Waidmannsheil.
wn.com/Krieghoff Classic With Ejectors .375 H H Mag Mszu
Shooting the Krieghoff Classic with Ejectors .375 H&H; Mag @ MSZU Müller Schiess Zentrum Ulm. Test shooting for hunting magazine Waidmannsheil.
This weeks trail cam footage
My 2nd attempt at trail cam recording, in deepest Hertfordshire !
My 2nd attempt at trail cam recording, in deepest Hertfordshire !
wn.com/This Weeks Trail Cam Footage
My 2nd attempt at trail cam recording, in deepest Hertfordshire !
- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 142
Newport News Waterworks Forest Resources Into the Great Outdoors.mov
NEWPORT NEWS IN REVIEW AUGUST 2011- "It's sometimes hard to see the forest for the trees, especially when you are responsible for the 12000 acres that is lo......
NEWPORT NEWS IN REVIEW AUGUST 2011- "It's sometimes hard to see the forest for the trees, especially when you are responsible for the 12000 acres that is lo...
wn.com/Newport News Waterworks Forest Resources Into The Great Outdoors.Mov
NEWPORT NEWS IN REVIEW AUGUST 2011- "It's sometimes hard to see the forest for the trees, especially when you are responsible for the 12000 acres that is lo...
Black Bear Experience: Feed Lewis & Clark, the Palm Beach Zoo Black Bear Brothers!
Go behind the scenes wih the Palm Beach Zoo's black bear brothers, Lewis and Clark! Feed them while learning about the Zoo's conservation efforts and how we car...
Go behind the scenes wih the Palm Beach Zoo's black bear brothers, Lewis and Clark! Feed them while learning about the Zoo's conservation efforts and how we care for them. Snap some great pics and make memories to last a lifetime!
Members: $40 per person
Non-members: $50 per person, Zoo admission not included
The Black Bear Experience is carried our under protective contact. At no time are guests permitted to access the bear habitat or touch the bears. Experience is available for guests ages 10+. One adult per child is required. Limit of four (4) people per party. Experiences are available on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Experience must be registered in advance at Zoo's front gage or at www.palmbeachzoo.org.
wn.com/Black Bear Experience Feed Lewis Clark, The Palm Beach Zoo Black Bear Brothers
Go behind the scenes wih the Palm Beach Zoo's black bear brothers, Lewis and Clark! Feed them while learning about the Zoo's conservation efforts and how we care for them. Snap some great pics and make memories to last a lifetime!
Members: $40 per person
Non-members: $50 per person, Zoo admission not included
The Black Bear Experience is carried our under protective contact. At no time are guests permitted to access the bear habitat or touch the bears. Experience is available for guests ages 10+. One adult per child is required. Limit of four (4) people per party. Experiences are available on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Experience must be registered in advance at Zoo's front gage or at www.palmbeachzoo.org.
- published: 22 Dec 2013
- views: 51
Vultures dance at the Palm Beach Zoo
Two vultures dancing-- are they mating or hating? You be the judge!...
Two vultures dancing-- are they mating or hating? You be the judge!
wn.com/Vultures Dance At The Palm Beach Zoo
Two vultures dancing-- are they mating or hating? You be the judge!
Bull elk on trail cam
Bull elk on my moultrie m-80xd trail camera....
Bull elk on my moultrie m-80xd trail camera.
wn.com/Bull Elk On Trail Cam
Bull elk on my moultrie m-80xd trail camera.
Is it a dog or a pigmy deer?
Our dog jumping through the myrtle.. well.. you can kinda see it... not really though, but he's cute!...
Our dog jumping through the myrtle.. well.. you can kinda see it... not really though, but he's cute!
wn.com/Is It A Dog Or A Pigmy Deer
Our dog jumping through the myrtle.. well.. you can kinda see it... not really though, but he's cute!
Petting a deer
I pet the deer at churchill park....
I pet the deer at churchill park.
wn.com/Petting A Deer
I pet the deer at churchill park.
- published: 18 May 2013
- views: 29
author: RobbyC
Meet Mira, the Palm Beach Zoo's new Florida panther!
"Mira" is making her official public debut after the Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society's "Save the Panther 5k" race at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 4, 201...
"Mira" is making her official public debut after the Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society's "Save the Panther 5k" race at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 4, 2014. Meet her in person at her first-ever Panther Talk at 9:45 a.m. after the race!
"Mira" is adored by zookeepers. Those who work closely with her say she is affectionate and lovable. In this video, you can see how comfortable she is in her new surroundings!
Come meet "Mira," short for "Mirasol," at exhibit #8 on the Palm Beach Zoo map. www.palmbeachzoo.org/zoo-map
wn.com/Meet Mira, The Palm Beach Zoo's New Florida Panther
"Mira" is making her official public debut after the Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society's "Save the Panther 5k" race at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 4, 2014. Meet her in person at her first-ever Panther Talk at 9:45 a.m. after the race!
"Mira" is adored by zookeepers. Those who work closely with her say she is affectionate and lovable. In this video, you can see how comfortable she is in her new surroundings!
Come meet "Mira," short for "Mirasol," at exhibit #8 on the Palm Beach Zoo map. www.palmbeachzoo.org/zoo-map
- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 60
Hey Eleanor! I Went Hunting!
Georgia Pellegrini took me dove hunting in Arkansas over Labor Day Weekend. After emptying two boxes of shells, I finally got my bird. Or at least I thought ......
Georgia Pellegrini took me dove hunting in Arkansas over Labor Day Weekend. After emptying two boxes of shells, I finally got my bird. Or at least I thought ...
wn.com/Hey Eleanor I Went Hunting
Georgia Pellegrini took me dove hunting in Arkansas over Labor Day Weekend. After emptying two boxes of shells, I finally got my bird. Or at least I thought ...
Big Buck in the Garden
© 2013 Ann M. Del Tredici
A big buck, California Black-tail deer, in Northern California, is here because he is following a female deer. For the previous 15 mi...
© 2013 Ann M. Del Tredici
A big buck, California Black-tail deer, in Northern California, is here because he is following a female deer. For the previous 15 minutes he was running through the garden, after a female--so fast I couldn't get him on film. He finally slowed down for some water and cotoneaster leaves. Halfway through the video he moves up the hill to eat the leaves of a plum tree.
On his rear left leg you can see a dark area--that is his scent gland, which oozes during the rut--which is now. He also has a gray muzzle which is characteristic of the breeding season. He has a large neck, especially compared to the females. A female makes an appearance at the end of the video.
wn.com/Big Buck In The Garden
© 2013 Ann M. Del Tredici
A big buck, California Black-tail deer, in Northern California, is here because he is following a female deer. For the previous 15 minutes he was running through the garden, after a female--so fast I couldn't get him on film. He finally slowed down for some water and cotoneaster leaves. Halfway through the video he moves up the hill to eat the leaves of a plum tree.
On his rear left leg you can see a dark area--that is his scent gland, which oozes during the rut--which is now. He also has a gray muzzle which is characteristic of the breeding season. He has a large neck, especially compared to the females. A female makes an appearance at the end of the video.
- published: 29 Sep 2013
- views: 95
American Black Bears Enjoying July 4th at the Palm Beach Zoo
Lewis and Clarke the Zoo's American black bear brothers are starting off their Fourth of July with a swim! How are you celebrating today? The Palm Beach Zoo ......
Lewis and Clarke the Zoo's American black bear brothers are starting off their Fourth of July with a swim! How are you celebrating today? The Palm Beach Zoo ...
wn.com/American Black Bears Enjoying July 4Th At The Palm Beach Zoo
Lewis and Clarke the Zoo's American black bear brothers are starting off their Fourth of July with a swim! How are you celebrating today? The Palm Beach Zoo ...
The blacktail deer HD
This is some footage of blacktail deer that I shot with my Sony HDR-CX7. I put this little vid together in order to learn some of the features that Sony Vega......
This is some footage of blacktail deer that I shot with my Sony HDR-CX7. I put this little vid together in order to learn some of the features that Sony Vega...
wn.com/The Blacktail Deer Hd
This is some footage of blacktail deer that I shot with my Sony HDR-CX7. I put this little vid together in order to learn some of the features that Sony Vega...
Kamala D. Harris Inauguration - Part 2
Kamala, Harris, Inauguration, Attorney General, State of California, Department of Justice....
Kamala, Harris, Inauguration, Attorney General, State of California, Department of Justice.
wn.com/Kamala D. Harris Inauguration Part 2
Kamala, Harris, Inauguration, Attorney General, State of California, Department of Justice.