
Fronteiras do Pensamento - Eric Maskin
O Fronteiras do Pensamento exibe os melhor momentos da palestra "Desenho de Mecanismo: com...
published: 08 Sep 2011
author: ufrgstv
Fronteiras do Pensamento - Eric Maskin
Fronteiras do Pensamento - Eric Maskin
O Fronteiras do Pensamento exibe os melhor momentos da palestra "Desenho de Mecanismo: como implementar metas sociais", com o economista Eric Maskin, gravada...- published: 08 Sep 2011
- views: 265
- author: ufrgstv

Eric Maskin, Professor of Economics, Harvard University; Nobel Prize Winner in Economics
"Why has Globalization Increased Inequality in Developing Economies?" A Lecture by Eric Ma...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: icdchannel
Eric Maskin, Professor of Economics, Harvard University; Nobel Prize Winner in Economics
Eric Maskin, Professor of Economics, Harvard University; Nobel Prize Winner in Economics
"Why has Globalization Increased Inequality in Developing Economies?" A Lecture by Eric Maskin, Professor of Economics, Harvard University; Nobel Prize Winne...- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 4349
- author: icdchannel

Elections and Strategic Voting | Eric S. Maskin
Eric S. Maskin, Professor, Harvard University; Albert O. Hirschman Professor (2000--11), S...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: videosfromIAS
Elections and Strategic Voting | Eric S. Maskin
Elections and Strategic Voting | Eric S. Maskin
Eric S. Maskin, Professor, Harvard University; Albert O. Hirschman Professor (2000--11), School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study Location: Wol...- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 588
- author: videosfromIAS

Hangout on Air with US Economist and Nobel Laureate Professor Eric Maskin
CERGE-EI and Google Czech Republic present a Google+ Hangout discussion with Nobel Laureat...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: CERGE-EI
Hangout on Air with US Economist and Nobel Laureate Professor Eric Maskin
Hangout on Air with US Economist and Nobel Laureate Professor Eric Maskin
CERGE-EI and Google Czech Republic present a Google+ Hangout discussion with Nobel Laureate Eric Maskin of Harvard University, recorded on March 26 2013 in Prague, Czech Republic. The Hangout...- published: 26 Apr 2013
- author: CERGE-EI

Eric S. Maskin: why do we procrastinate?
The Nobel Laureate Eric S. Maskin, participating in 2012 Trento Festival of Economics, enc...
published: 02 Jun 2012
author: investintrentino
Eric S. Maskin: why do we procrastinate?
Eric S. Maskin: why do we procrastinate?
The Nobel Laureate Eric S. Maskin, participating in 2012 Trento Festival of Economics, encourages the governments to make unpopular decisions in order to ign...- published: 02 Jun 2012
- views: 240
- author: investintrentino

Nobel Laureate Eric Maskin Cans Peter Schiff's Senseless 'America Is Next Greece' Analogy
One of the most ignorant comparisons in history - refuted and corrected by acclaimed econo...
published: 10 Jun 2012
author: SchittReport
Nobel Laureate Eric Maskin Cans Peter Schiff's Senseless 'America Is Next Greece' Analogy
Nobel Laureate Eric Maskin Cans Peter Schiff's Senseless 'America Is Next Greece' Analogy
One of the most ignorant comparisons in history - refuted and corrected by acclaimed economist Eric Maskin.- published: 10 Jun 2012
- views: 1083
- author: SchittReport

How should we elect presidents? Interview of Eric Maskin
An interview realized at the occasion of the lecture of Eric Maskin (Institute of Advanced...
published: 20 Aug 2012
author: IddriTV
How should we elect presidents? Interview of Eric Maskin
How should we elect presidents? Interview of Eric Maskin
An interview realized at the occasion of the lecture of Eric Maskin (Institute of Advanced Studies) in the monthly seminar "Séminaire du développement durabl...- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 83
- author: IddriTV

CERGE-EI Brief Interview with Nobel Prize Winner Eric Maskin
Professor Eric Maskin (Harvard University, 2007 Nobel Prize Recipient) shares some advice ...
published: 24 May 2013
author: CERGE-EI
CERGE-EI Brief Interview with Nobel Prize Winner Eric Maskin
CERGE-EI Brief Interview with Nobel Prize Winner Eric Maskin
Professor Eric Maskin (Harvard University, 2007 Nobel Prize Recipient) shares some advice about studying economics. Professor Maskin visited CERGE-EI in Prag...- published: 24 May 2013
- views: 85
- author: CERGE-EI

Professor Eric S. Maskin at, Tomorrow 2011
Master Class - Mechanism Design: How to Implement Social Goals The Master class is a great...
published: 17 Aug 2011
author: PresidentialConf
Professor Eric S. Maskin at, Tomorrow 2011
Professor Eric S. Maskin at, Tomorrow 2011
Master Class - Mechanism Design: How to Implement Social Goals The Master class is a great opportunity to go back to school! Among the guests in the Presiden...- published: 17 Aug 2011
- views: 744
- author: PresidentialConf

Il premio Nobel per l' economia ERIC MASKIN a Bari
Oggi seconda giornata di incontri e dibattiti di " CON IL SUD, CAMBIARE IL
FUTURO". quattr...
published: 12 Oct 2013
Il premio Nobel per l' economia ERIC MASKIN a Bari
Il premio Nobel per l' economia ERIC MASKIN a Bari
Oggi seconda giornata di incontri e dibattiti di " CON IL SUD, CAMBIARE IL FUTURO". quattro giorni di incontri ,eventi dibattiti sulla necessita di cambiare il futuro partendo dal sud , con la partecipazione di rappresentanti delle istituzioni ,del non profit, del mondo economico e culturale e la testimonianza delle buone pratiche europee e progetti delI'Italia. Oggi quarto incontro organizzato da FONDAZIONE CON IL SUD a Bari al teatro Petruzzelli con tema : " Cambiare il futuro: lo sviluppo possibile con il sud. Il racconto e la condivisione di esperienze e modelli innovativi di economia civile e forme di sviluppo attualmente praticati al sud e altrove con una visione di cambiamento possibile e praticabile, attraverso il coinvolgimento delle giovani generazioni e delle comunità , con le testimonianze dirette di progetti esemplari. Intervenuto al convegno il premio Nobel per l' economia ERIC MASKIN. Nel corso del dibattito è intervenuto il sindaco del comune di bari, Michele emiliano.- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 167

Maskin Eric. How Should We Elect Presidents?
19.05.2010 Почетные лекции памяти Цви Грилихеса: Эрик Маскин (Профессор имени Альберта Хир...
published: 29 Jun 2010
author: NewEconomicSchool
Maskin Eric. How Should We Elect Presidents?
Maskin Eric. How Should We Elect Presidents?
19.05.2010 Почетные лекции памяти Цви Грилихеса: Эрик Маскин (Профессор имени Альберта Хиршмана, Школа социальных наук, Институт передовых исследований, Прин...- published: 29 Jun 2010
- views: 394
- author: NewEconomicSchool

Lacea Lames 2012: Eric Maskin
Alberto Padilla entrevista a Eric Maskin, premio Nobel en Economía 2007, durante LACEA LAM...
published: 03 Nov 2012
author: UPacificoUP
Lacea Lames 2012: Eric Maskin
Lacea Lames 2012: Eric Maskin
Alberto Padilla entrevista a Eric Maskin, premio Nobel en Economía 2007, durante LACEA LAMES 2012, realizado en la Universidad del Pacífico.- published: 03 Nov 2012
- views: 338
- author: UPacificoUP

Prof. Eric S. Maskin at NIST
Nobel Laureate for Economics Prof. Eric Stark Maskin's dialogue with high school students ...
published: 07 Feb 2013
author: PeaceFoundationNET
Prof. Eric S. Maskin at NIST
Prof. Eric S. Maskin at NIST
Nobel Laureate for Economics Prof. Eric Stark Maskin's dialogue with high school students "Why global markets have failed to reduce inequality" on Monday, Ja...- published: 07 Feb 2013
- views: 32
- author: PeaceFoundationNET
Youtube results:

Prof. Eric Maskin at ISPP
Nobel Laureate for Economics Prof. Eric Stark Maskin's dialogue with high school students ...
published: 04 Apr 2013
author: PeaceFoundationNET
Prof. Eric Maskin at ISPP
Prof. Eric Maskin at ISPP
Nobel Laureate for Economics Prof. Eric Stark Maskin's dialogue with high school students "Why global markets have failed to reduce inequality" on Thursday, ...- published: 04 Apr 2013
- views: 9
- author: PeaceFoundationNET

אוכל למחשבה - אריק מסקין (Eric Maskin)
פרופסור אריק מסקין, חתן פרס נובל לכלכלה 2007, מסביר לגיל חובב במשרדו שבמכון ללימוד מתקדם ב...
published: 07 May 2012
author: 23tv
אוכל למחשבה - אריק מסקין (Eric Maskin)
אוכל למחשבה - אריק מסקין (Eric Maskin)
פרופסור אריק מסקין, חתן פרס נובל לכלכלה 2007, מסביר לגיל חובב במשרדו שבמכון ללימוד מתקדם בפרינסטון, למה הכלכלה העולמית לא עובדת, למה כל כך פשוט לגרום לה לחזו...- published: 07 May 2012
- views: 110
- author: 23tv

Eric Maskin, Professor of Economics; Nobel Prize Winner in Economics
An interview from Prof. Eric Maskin Professor of Economics, Harvard University; Nobel Priz...
published: 06 Apr 2012
author: icdchannel
Eric Maskin, Professor of Economics; Nobel Prize Winner in Economics
Eric Maskin, Professor of Economics; Nobel Prize Winner in Economics
An interview from Prof. Eric Maskin Professor of Economics, Harvard University; Nobel Prize Winner in Economics Institute for Cultural Diplomacy.- published: 06 Apr 2012
- views: 261
- author: icdchannel