- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 3602
Ridicule (French pronunciation: [ʁidikyl]) is a 1996 French film set in the 18th century at the decadent court of Versailles, where social status can rise and fall based on one's ability to mete out witty insults and avoid ridicule oneself. The story examines the social injustices of late 18th century France, in showing the corruption and callousness of the aristocrats.
The film begins in 1783 with the Chevalier de Milletail (Carlo Brandt) visiting the elderly Monsieur de Blayac (Lucien Pascal), confined to his chair. He taunts him about his past prowess in wit and reminds him of how he humiliated him, naming him "Marquis de Clatterbang" when he fell over while dancing. He then urinates on the helpless old man.
The film then shifts to the Dombes, a boggy region north of Lyon. The Baron Grégoire Ponceludon de Malavoy (Charles Berling) is a minor aristocrat and engineer. He is one of the few aristocrats who care about the plight of the peasants. Horrified by the sickness and death caused by the mosquitoes that infest the swamps, he hopes to drain them; he goes to Versailles in the hope of obtaining the backing of King Louis XVI (Urbain Cancelier).
Ridicule (1996)
Ridicule by Patrice Leconte - Berling's speech at mask ball
Ridicule (film 1996 partie 2) .wmv
Ridicule (1996) - Partie 1
Ridicule (1996) - Partie 2
Ridicule (1996) - Partie 5
Ridicule (1996) - Partie 8
Ridicule (1996) - Partie 9
Ridicule, film de patrice Lecomte 1996. Sourds muets. Sous titré.
Bande anonce Ridicule
Ridicule - Sortie le 9 mai 1996 Un film de Patrice Leconte Avec Charles Berling, Jean Rochefort, Fanny Ardant Prochainement disponible Vous pouvez voir ce film en : DVD / Blu-ray : http://www.rueducommerce.fr/m/ps/mpid:MP-746E9M5015046#!moid:MO-BA80CM28801826 http://recherche.fnac.com/SearchResult/ResultList.aspx?SCat=4!1&Search=Ridicule&sft;=1&submitbtn;=OK http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url;=search-alias%3Ddvd&field-keywords;=Ridicule&rh;=n%3A405322%2Ck%3ARidicule
From Patrice Leconte's 1996 masterpiece, Ridicule, the final mask ball scene when Ponceludon (Charles Berling) was tripped, ridiculed, and yet turned the table around with a powerful speech that indicts all around who subscribe to that system of courtly chicanery and rule of the "wit," revealing its callousness, cruelty, and essential hollowness. This speech is so sincere and potent that to me it really unmasks this cruel system as becoming essentially its very own ridicule. Madam de Blayac's (the wonderful Fanny Ardant) facial expression was just perfect in revealing that despairing hollowness and sadness beneath the pomp and fearsome exterior of sharp biting wit. With entrancing music, silly French dance, and of course Berling's perfect delivery of that powerful potent speech,...
Ridicule - Sortie le 9 mai 1996 Un film de Patrice Leconte Avec Charles Berling, Jean Rochefort, Fanny Ardant Prochainement disponible Vous pouvez voir ce film en : DVD / Blu-ray : http://www.rueducommerce.fr/m/ps/mpid:MP-746E9M5015046#!moid:MO-BA80CM28801826 http://recherche.fnac.com/SearchResult/ResultList.aspx?SCat=4!1&Search=Ridicule&sft;=1&submitbtn;=OK http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url;=search-alias%3Ddvd&field-keywords;=Ridicule&rh;=n%3A405322%2Ck%3ARidicule
Ridicule - Sortie le 9 mai 1996 Un film de Patrice Leconte Avec Charles Berling, Jean Rochefort, Fanny Ardant Prochainement disponible Vous pouvez voir ce film en : DVD / Blu-ray : http://www.rueducommerce.fr/m/ps/mpid:MP-746E9M5015046#!moid:MO-BA80CM28801826 http://recherche.fnac.com/SearchResult/ResultList.aspx?SCat=4!1&Search=Ridicule&sft;=1&submitbtn;=OK http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url;=search-alias%3Ddvd&field-keywords;=Ridicule&rh;=n%3A405322%2Ck%3ARidicule
Ridicule - Sortie le 9 mai 1996 Un film de Patrice Leconte Avec Charles Berling, Jean Rochefort, Fanny Ardant Prochainement disponible Vous pouvez voir ce film en : DVD / Blu-ray : http://www.rueducommerce.fr/m/ps/mpid:MP-746E9M5015046#!moid:MO-BA80CM28801826 http://recherche.fnac.com/SearchResult/ResultList.aspx?SCat=4!1&Search=Ridicule&sft;=1&submitbtn;=OK http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url;=search-alias%3Ddvd&field-keywords;=Ridicule&rh;=n%3A405322%2Ck%3ARidicule
Ridicule - Sortie le 9 mai 1996 Un film de Patrice Leconte Avec Charles Berling, Jean Rochefort, Fanny Ardant Prochainement disponible Vous pouvez voir ce film en : DVD / Blu-ray : http://www.rueducommerce.fr/m/ps/mpid:MP-746E9M5015046#!moid:MO-BA80CM28801826 http://recherche.fnac.com/SearchResult/ResultList.aspx?SCat=4!1&Search=Ridicule&sft;=1&submitbtn;=OK http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url;=search-alias%3Ddvd&field-keywords;=Ridicule&rh;=n%3A405322%2Ck%3ARidicule
Ridicule - Sortie le 9 mai 1996 Un film de Patrice Leconte Avec Charles Berling, Jean Rochefort, Fanny Ardant Prochainement disponible Vous pouvez voir ce film en : DVD / Blu-ray : http://www.rueducommerce.fr/m/ps/mpid:MP-746E9M5015046#!moid:MO-BA80CM28801826 http://recherche.fnac.com/SearchResult/ResultList.aspx?SCat=4!1&Search=Ridicule&sft;=1&submitbtn;=OK http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url;=search-alias%3Ddvd&field-keywords;=Ridicule&rh;=n%3A405322%2Ck%3ARidicule
L'abbé Charles-Michel de L'Épée. Monseigneur Boussuet, qui admirait beaucoup ses qualités humaines, l' installa comme remplaçant à un poste de prédicant. A l' âge de 26 ans, en 1738, il devint prêtre, avant d' être congédié six ans plus tard, au décès de son protecteur, par l'Archevêque de Paris. L' abbé de l' epée retourna alors à Paris, où il étudia la philosophie et obtint son doctorat. Il étudia aussi l' espagnol, l' italien, l' anglais et l'allemand. Une rente annuelle de 12.000 livres lui fut attribuée à la mort de ses parents. Durant l' été 1760, le frère Vanin, de la congrégation de la doctrine du Christ, lui présenta deux jeunes soeurs sourdes et muettes, pour qu'il se charge de leur instruction. Il se servit du livre de Bonnet, « Prononciation des lettres et l' art d' apprendre...
La bande annonce du film ridicule
Ridicule my own
So precious alone
These faces of everyone
Remind me of home
You're plotting riddled sin
All my needs giving in
Blow me a kiss and leave me to the dogs
So, you think you got it
You think you know me
You wanna bring me down
I am in my finest hour
Ridicule my own
So precious alone
These faces of everyone
Remind me of home
You're watching me dying
How am I looking?
Why don't you take a picture
You're plotting riddled sin
All my needs giving in
Blow me a kiss
And leave me to the dogs
My fear, traps me waiting for it
My past is glowing red and yellow, again
Run, back where you came from
Not that it matters
I'll never see you again
My fists strain to sift mercy
Ridicule my own
So precious alone
These faces of everyone
Remind me of home
You're plotting riddled sin
All my needs giving in
Blow me a kiss and leave me to the dogs
My fear, traps me waiting for it
My past is glowing red and yellow, again
My fate will show me where to follow