The Theme Foundry sells and supports beautiful handcrafted templates (themes) for WordPress. We've been at it since way back in 2008. Read the story to learn more about our history.

Frequently asked questions

Do you recommend any web hosting services?

If your website is small and you need something affordable, try Laughing Squid. If you’re a business or need more speed and reliability, try WP Engine. If you’re a developer and want to manage your own server, try Linode (it’s what we use for this website).

How much do your themes cost? May I use them on multiple sites?

See the pricing page for more details.

Does my theme come with documentation or tutorials?

Most definitely. All our themes include tutorials and documentation and are always available for your reading pleasure in the Help Center.

Can I customize my theme to look or act like X, Y, or Z?

Our themes are designed to look and work great out of the box, but we understand some folks want to make changes. Your theme download package contains all the CSS and WordPress template files, therefore the customization possibilities are endless.

Will you help me with my customizations and modifications?

We work hard to ensure your new theme looks great and functions well. If you customize and change the theme code from the defaults we’ve created and tested, it becomes your job to maintain it. Therefore, we can’t provide detailed support for code customizations. If you want to try customizing your theme on your own, we do offer tutorials in our Help Center to get you started.

Where can I get help and ask questions about my theme?

Ask questions in our Help Center. Our team is available there to answer questions during business hours Monday – Friday (excluding US holidays). Occasionally we’ll answer questions on weekends and holidays, but please don’t count on it.

We’re a small team, and don’t have the resources to answer questions over the phone. While we can’t answer phone calls, we pride ourselves on providing fast and friendly support, and work hard to provide that in our Help Center.

I can’t sign in to The Theme Foundry website!

If you’ve lost your password, try the “Forgot your password?” link on the sign in page.

Did you buy your theme on customers do not have access to the Help Center on this website. We provide the same level of support, but it’s in a different place. Head over to the Premium Theme Support Forum to ask your question.

Can I transfer my theme purchase here?

The themes we sell on have been modified specifically for that platform. Therefore, we can’t transfer your purchase. You’ll need to purchase the self hosted version separately on this website. If you bought the version in the past 30 days you are eligible for a refund on their site.

Can I translate your themes into my language?

We package a handy translation file with each theme. It can be used with an application like poEdit to quickly translate the theme into your language. Simply open the file and enter your translation for each phrase. We also have a translation repository where you may download and share your translations.

Have some questions before signing up or a problem with your order?

We’d be happy to help, send an email to .