Category: Greece

25 Sep


Declaration Antifascist Meeting 2013, 5-6 Oct Athens


new photo

From ΚΕΕΡΦΑ / KEERFA- Movement United Against Racism and the Fascist Threat. The cold-blooded murder of 34 year old artist Pavlos Fyssas in Keratsini by thugs of the Golden Dawn in a Nazi ambush has sent shockwaves through millions of people, not only in Greece but around the whole world. Eight months ago, it was a [...]

20 Mar

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Cyprus says ‘No!’ — a watershed vote against EU austerity



By KEVIN OVENDEN My previous post was written early on Monday morning, London time. Since then events have proceeded rapidly and dramatically. They will continue to do so. This update is meant to highlight the political significance of some of those developments in a fast moving crisis. 1) Despite desperate protestations it is now clear, [...]

10 Mar

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Europe: The persistence of racism & the fascist threat


Golden Dawn's MPs in the Greek parliament

  by KEVIN OVENDEN Below are the points, updated and a little amplified, I made in a contribution to the highly successful Unite Against Fascism conference in London on 2 March. The speech (and I’ve incorporated my summing up) was in a workshop with Petros Constantinou from Greece, Marwan Mohammed from France and Glyn Ford [...]

19 Jan

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Solidarity with the Greek anti-fascist resistance



Today is the international day of action against fascism, an initiative called from Athens where the thugs of Golden Dawn have been trying to capitalise on their electoral breakthrough in the country feeling the sharpest edge of Eurozone austerity. Left Flank extends its best wishes to the ordinary Greek people fighting the twin horrors of [...]

Filed under: fascism, Featured, Greece

13 Jan


Athens calling: International day of anti-fascist action



JUST ANNOUNCED: SYDNEY ANTI-FASCIST DEMONSTRATION IN SOLIDARITY WITH GREECE 12:30pm Friday 18 January, Greek Consulate, 219-223 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Event Facebook page / Initiated by Solidarity & endorsed by We Are All Greeks Sydney / To endorse the demonstration, get more information or media call Amy on 0430 554 263 *** One of the key political [...]

Filed under: fascism, Featured, Greece

30 Dec

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2012 in review: The year that politics disoriented the Left


Immigrants protest against Greece's neo-Nazi Golden Dawn

Just before 2012 closes out, I’m reposting my last Overland blog of the year, which originally appeared here. In some ways it is a summing up of themes we have developed at Left Flank since we started in mid-2010; chiefly in our attempts to present not just a general ideological or theoretical approach to the [...]