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A Companion to Marx's Capital, Volume 2 by David Harvey Available now from Verso. Description from Verso website:

The definitive guide to the second volume of Capital

The biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression shows no sign of ending, and Marx’s work remains key to any attempt to understand the ebb and flow of capitalist economies. For nearly forty years, David Harvey has written and lectured on Capital, becoming one of the world’s foremost Marx scholars.

Based on his recent lectures, and following the success of his companion to the first volume of Capital, Harvey turns his attention to Volume 2, aiming to bring his depth of learning to a broader audience, guiding first-time readers through a fascinating and often-neglected text. Whereas Volume 1 focuses on production, Volume 2 looks at how value comes into being through the buying and selling of goods. Harvey also introduces elements from Volume 3 on credit and finance to help illustrate aspects of the contemporary crisis.

This is a must-read for anyone wanting a fuller understanding of Marx’s political economy. David Harvey’s video lecture course on Marx’s Capital can be found here.

Part of the A Companion to Marx’s Capital series

Available now from:

And as an eBook

From the description: David Harvey visited Brazil for an international seminar on Marx. This is the lecture he gave in Salvador (March 26th) on the publication of the brazilian edition of his A Companion to Marx’s Capital, Volume 1, by Boitempo. With activities extending throughout three months and six brazilian cities, the seminar featured Slavoj Žižek, Michael Heinrich and some of the most renowned specialists from Brazil and abroad to discuss the relevance of Marxism in times of global crisis.

More on the International Seminar “Marx: the creative destruction”

Thanks to Boitempo Editorial

Professor Harvey’s remarks start around 14:00, and audio problems are fixed at 16:00.

We hope you have enjoyed this open course. If you have found this video series worthwhile, consider making a donation to help keep it online.

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Class 12 Files: Audio MP3 (72 MB)

Marxs_Capital-Vol-2(To download on a PC right-click on an above file and click ‘Save as’ or ‘Download to’. On a Mac Control-click instead of right-click.)

Problems viewing or downloading files? View on: YouTube or Vimeo.

Additional formats coming soon.

Coming autumn 2013 from Verso, A Companion to Marx’s Capital Volume 2

© 2013 David Harvey

Creative Commons LicenseReading Marx’s Capital Volume II with David Harvey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

45th Conference of Irish Geographers Keynote
National University of Ireland, Galway
17 May 2013

David Harvey Rebel Cities

From Verso Books: “Rousing manifesto on the city and the commons from the acclaimed theorist.

Long before Occupy, cities were the subject of much utopian thinking. They are the centers of capital accumulation as well as of revolutionary politics, where deeper currents of social and political change rise to the surface. Do the financiers and developers control access to urban resources or do the people? Who dictates the quality and organization of daily life?

Rebel Cities places the city at the heart of both capital and class struggles, looking at locations ranging from Johannesburg to Mumbai, from New York City to São Paulo. Drawing on the Paris Commune as well as Occupy Wall Street and the London Riots, Harvey asks how cities might be reorganized in more socially just and ecologically sane ways—and how they can become the focus for anti-capitalist resistance.

Available from:

How We Can Win: Marian Kramer and David Harvey
March 19th, 2013
The Brecht Forum
New York City

David Harvey interviews Marian Kramer, legendary activist who has been on the front lines of the welfare rights and civil rights movement for over forty years. Founder and co-chair of the National Welfare Rights Union (NWRU) and founding member of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, she has been a leading organizer in struggles for workers, welfare recipients, low-income mothers, tenants, homeless people, and most recently, for Highland Park residents who have lost their water rights in Detroit.

Presentation at Dangerous Ideas for Dangerous Times Festival
1 June 2013

Remarks at Dangerous Ideas for Dangerous Times Festival
30 May 2013

Capital, Volume 2

Part Three: The Reproduction and Circulation of the Total Social Capital (Reproduction Schema)

Chapter 20: Simple Reproduction
Chapter 21: Accumulation and Reproduction on an Expanded Scale

The page numbers Professor Harvey refers to are valid for the Penguin Classics editions of Capital Volumes 2 and 3.

Listen now:

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Class 11 Files: Audio MP3 (72 MB)

(To download on a PC right-click on an above file and click ‘Save as’ or ‘Download to’. On a Mac Control-click instead of right-click.)

Problems viewing or downloading files? View on: YouTube or Vimeo.

Additional formats coming soon.

Handout Class 11.

© 2013 David Harvey

Creative Commons LicenseReading Marx’s Capital Volume II with David Harvey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

In Solidarity With Istanbul

Taksim Solidarity Press Release Website | Blog

We have united in the streets; our struggle in the streets will prevail!

We will not let anyone touch our Gezi Park! We will not let anyone exploit our labor, our habitat or nature!

Our struggle, which sparkled five days ago at Taksim Istanbul Gezi Park, has spread out to streets, neighborhoods, town squares in Turkey and abroad, demonstrating the collective will of millions of people. The public has made a decision! We will not let anyone demolish the Gezi Park! From now on Gezi Park represents other atrocities and state terror like Taksim, Reyhanli, Roboski, and May 1st. From now on Gezi Park stands for labor, nature and freedom. The Park is an expression of a collective will to live in a democratic country despite state’s oppression and despite all fascist attacks to restrict freedom. From now on, everyone should know that this Park, the Taksim Square and all the public squares of this city, this country and this world are entrusted to labor, to laborers and to the people. We will not let AKP (Justice and Development Party) or the capitalists get their hands on these public spaces.

For those who have been expanding the struggle and resisting in every street during the last five days in the face of all kinds of oppression, violence, misinformation, manipulation and media censorship, we salute you! For those who are liberating public squares, we salute you! For those who are overcoming the obstacles, crossing the bridges, we salute you! And for those who are opening the doors of their houses and their schools to the resisters, we salute you all!

We declare once again: We are claiming Taksim in the name of our struggle and solidarity.

Our struggle over the last five days showed everyone that the attempt to create a culture of fear is futile. We stand fearless against the brute force, violence, imprisonments and anti-democratic attacks by the government. As we have uttered repeatedly in the squares: this is only the beginning; our struggle will continue!

Our current demands are as follows:

* Gezi Park will remain as a Park. We will not allow the destruction of the Park for the construction of a Topçu K??las? in Taksim! Nor will we let the government plunder nature or our habitat!

* The following parties should take responsibility and resign immediately: authorities who have prevented the people from exercising their democratic rights initially during the protests at the Gezi Park and in the following days throughout the demonstrations across the country; those who ordered the use of violence to oppress people; those who executed those orders, and those who have caused injuries to hundreds of people! The Mayor of Istanbul and the General Director of Turkish National Police should take primary responsibility and be the first to resign!

* Use of tear gas must be prohibited!

* Our friends under custody all over the country for participating in our struggle should be released immediately and no further investigations shall be pursued!

* All bans on demonstrations and meeting in all public spaces, Taksim square in particular, must be lifted.

This is the voice of the streets, the resistance and the people! We expect the government meet these demands without any reservation. We have united in the streets; we have realized the strength of solidarity; you have witnessed our power. We know that our struggle in the streets will prevail!

Taksim Solidarity!

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