- published: 04 Dec 2012
- views: 38
- author: SocietasKoreana님의 채널

[38th] The Goryeo Dynasty Period - the Aspect of Foreign Trades (Lecturer: Lee Kang Hahn)
The 38th Societas Koreana Lecture Meeting held by The Academy of Korean Studies (AKS). Dat...
published: 04 Dec 2012
author: SocietasKoreana님의 채널
[38th] The Goryeo Dynasty Period - the Aspect of Foreign Trades (Lecturer: Lee Kang Hahn)
The 38th Societas Koreana Lecture Meeting held by The Academy of Korean Studies (AKS). Date: 2012.11.07 Lecturer: Lee Kang Hahn (Professor, The Academy of Ko...
- published: 04 Dec 2012
- views: 38
- author: SocietasKoreana님의 채널

Korean history - Goryeo,the birth dynasty of Movable Metal Type Printing technology
Goryeo was established in 918. And they had trades with even europeans through arabian mer...
published: 23 Mar 2009
author: Vank prkorea
Korean history - Goryeo,the birth dynasty of Movable Metal Type Printing technology
Goryeo was established in 918. And they had trades with even europeans through arabian merchants. Trade with Goryeo gave Korea its name to the western world....
- published: 23 Mar 2009
- views: 13901
- author: Vank prkorea

Korea real history- Koryo Dynasty霜花店 A Frozen Flower (movie)
Korea-Koryo Dynasty(918-1392), Korea gets its name from this kingdom which came to be pron...
published: 21 Sep 2011
author: godqhraksEKd님의 채널
Korea real history- Koryo Dynasty霜花店 A Frozen Flower (movie)
Korea-Koryo Dynasty(918-1392), Korea gets its name from this kingdom which came to be pronounced Korea. The Koryo Dynasty or Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392) was a ...
- published: 21 Sep 2011
- views: 27701
- author: godqhraksEKd님의 채널

Goryeo--Khitan Wars
This story is about two Altai people or Turanian which are Korean and East Mongolian branc...
published: 20 Jan 2011
author: Gopidoralook님의 채널
Goryeo--Khitan Wars
This story is about two Altai people or Turanian which are Korean and East Mongolian branch(Khitan) to have East Asia's supremacy at 10C The Goryeo-Khitan Wa...
- published: 20 Jan 2011
- views: 10268
- author: Gopidoralook님의 채널

Korean Historia - Koryo dynastia 918-392 7/8 (Eng)
Goryeo, also known as Koryŏ (Korean: 고려; 918--1392), was a Korean dynasty established in 9...
published: 08 Mar 2013
author: Yamaek Mançurya
Korean Historia - Koryo dynastia 918-392 7/8 (Eng)
Goryeo, also known as Koryŏ (Korean: 고려; 918--1392), was a Korean dynasty established in 918 by Emperor Taejo. This kingdom later gave name to the modern sta...
- published: 08 Mar 2013
- views: 77
- author: Yamaek Mançurya

Goryeo Kingdom
Goryeo Kingdom ---------------------- Goryeo, also known as Koryo (918--1392), was a Korea...
published: 29 Apr 2013
author: HeavenlyStar12345
Goryeo Kingdom
Goryeo Kingdom ---------------------- Goryeo, also known as Koryo (918--1392), was a Korean dynasty established in 918 by Emperor Taejo. This kingdom later g...
- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 47
- author: HeavenlyStar12345

(Korean Culture 100) Goryeo Celadon and Its Color from Heaven_천하제일 비색, 고려청자
"고려비색은 하늘아래 가장 아름다운 빛으로 다른 곳에서는 따라하려 해도 도저히 할 수 없는 천하제일이다." Bisaek, or the color of Goryeo...
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: kcultureportal
(Korean Culture 100) Goryeo Celadon and Its Color from Heaven_천하제일 비색, 고려청자
"고려비색은 하늘아래 가장 아름다운 빛으로 다른 곳에서는 따라하려 해도 도저히 할 수 없는 천하제일이다." Bisaek, or the color of Goryeo celadon, is the most beautiful in the world, and it's impossible t...
- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 159
- author: kcultureportal

The Goryeo-Khitan War 3/4 How could Goryeo defeat the Kitan's 800 thousands troops?
The Goryeo--Khitan War were a series of 10th- and 11th-century invasions of Korea's Goryeo...
published: 01 Apr 2013
author: Yamaek Mançurya
The Goryeo-Khitan War 3/4 How could Goryeo defeat the Kitan's 800 thousands troops?
The Goryeo--Khitan War were a series of 10th- and 11th-century invasions of Korea's Goryeo Dynasty by the Khitan Liao Dynasty near the present-day border bet...
- published: 01 Apr 2013
- views: 618
- author: Yamaek Mançurya

The Goryeo-Khitan War 4/4 How could Goryeo defeat the Kitan's 800 thousands troops?
The Goryeo--Khitan War were a series of 10th- and 11th-century invasions of Korea's Goryeo...
published: 01 Apr 2013
author: Yamaek Mançurya
The Goryeo-Khitan War 4/4 How could Goryeo defeat the Kitan's 800 thousands troops?
The Goryeo--Khitan War were a series of 10th- and 11th-century invasions of Korea's Goryeo Dynasty by the Khitan Liao Dynasty near the present-day border bet...
- published: 01 Apr 2013
- views: 595
- author: Yamaek Mançurya

The Goryeo-Khitan War 1/4 How could Goryeo defeat the Kitan's 800 thousands troops?
The Goryeo--Khitan War were a series of 10th- and 11th-century invasions of Korea's Goryeo...
published: 01 Apr 2013
author: Yamaek Mançurya
The Goryeo-Khitan War 1/4 How could Goryeo defeat the Kitan's 800 thousands troops?
The Goryeo--Khitan War were a series of 10th- and 11th-century invasions of Korea's Goryeo Dynasty by the Khitan Liao Dynasty near the present-day border bet...
- published: 01 Apr 2013
- views: 1098
- author: Yamaek Mançurya

김한희 동진주어학원The History of the Goryeo Dynasty 2011 10 07 19 11 16
published: 07 Oct 2011
author: SimMijeong님의 채널
김한희 동진주어학원The History of the Goryeo Dynasty 2011 10 07 19 11 16
- published: 07 Oct 2011
- views: 33
- author: SimMijeong님의 채널

이장혁 동진주어학원 The History of the Goryeo Dynasty 2012 05 03 16 18 08
published: 03 May 2012
author: SimMijeong님의 채널
이장혁 동진주어학원 The History of the Goryeo Dynasty 2012 05 03 16 18 08
- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 8
- author: SimMijeong님의 채널
Vimeo results:

Korean History_Goryeo, the birth country of Metal Type Printing technology
Goryeo Dynasty is one of Korean historys.
Goryeo was established in 918. And they had tra...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: vank
Korean History_Goryeo, the birth country of Metal Type Printing technology
Goryeo Dynasty is one of Korean historys.
Goryeo was established in 918. And they had trades with even europeans through arabian merchants. Trade with Goryeo gave Korea its name to the western world. Goryeo is famous for its Printing technology and Pottery.

Korean History_Joseon Dynasty
Joseon Dynasty is one of Korean historys.
Joseon was the nation that succeeded Goryeo, e...
published: 21 Oct 2010
author: vank
Korean History_Joseon Dynasty
Joseon Dynasty is one of Korean historys.
Joseon was the nation that succeeded Goryeo, established by Yi... Joseon was the nation that succeeded Goryeo, established by Yi Seong-gye. The Joseon Dynasty is especially important in Korean history, since it is the period when the Korean alphabet - Hangeul - was created. Joseon was also excellent in the field of architecture and constructing ships. Why not look up the history of Joseon through this video?

(Korean Culture 100) Goryeo Celadon and Its Color from Heaven_천하제일 비색 고려청자
"고려비색은 하늘아래 가장 아름다운 빛으로 다른 곳에서는 따라하려 해도 도저히 할 수 없는 천하제일이다."
Bisaek, or the color of Gorye...
published: 27 Feb 2013
author: Wow! korea culture
(Korean Culture 100) Goryeo Celadon and Its Color from Heaven_천하제일 비색 고려청자
"고려비색은 하늘아래 가장 아름다운 빛으로 다른 곳에서는 따라하려 해도 도저히 할 수 없는 천하제일이다."
Bisaek, or the color of Goryeo celadon, is the most beautiful in the world, and it's impossible to imitate its elaborate shades and tones.
'수중금(소매 속에 간직할 귀한 것)' - 중국 남송의 태평노인
A treasure that you should keep in your sleeves ? Old Man of Great Peace from the Southern Song Dynasty, China
고려청자는 좌우대칭이 완벽하거나 하지는 않지만 조형적으로 봤을 때 알맞은 비례를 갖추고 있고, 유색 또한 맑고 투명해서 고려청자만의 기품있는 아름다움을 갖추고 있다고 볼 수 있습니다.
Kang Gyeong-nam (Curator, National Museum of Korea): Goryeo celadon is not perfect in terms of bilateral symmetry, but the proportions are beautiful and the color, in particular, is clean and beautiful, representing elegant characteristics of Goryeo celadon.
비색은 자기 문화를 처음 꽃피운 중국에서 청자를 가리키는 말이었다. 특히 고려비색은 청자의 색이 맑고 투명해서 마치 은은한 비취 옥빛 같다고 칭송하며 고려청자에 따로 붙은 이름이다.
Bisaek was originally a term used by Chinese people to refer to celadon. Goryeo celadon especially was called 'Goryeo Bisaek', and it referred to the extraordinary beautiful color of Goryeo celadon. Its pale green-blue color was often compared to the color of jade.
1000년 전, 고려 도공들은 그 누구도 넘보지 못할 가장 진귀한 보물을 만들어 냈다.
About 1,000 years ago, a potter of the Goryeo Dynasty created one of the most valuable treasures in the world.
시대를 앞선 독보적 기술과 독창성, 그리고 최고의 하나를 위해 끊임없이 노력하는 장인의 집념이 탄생시킨 걸작, 우리는 그것을 이 시대 최고의 명품이라고 말하는데 주저하지 않는다.
These masterpieces were produced from the unrivaled advanced technology, creativity, and, most of all, the tenacity and devotion of the potters.
-'청자어룡모양주자' 국보 제 61호 : Celadon Dragon-shaped Ewer (National Treasure No. 61)
-'칠보무늬향로' 국보 제 65호 : Celadon Incense Burner with Openwork (National Treasure No. 65)
-'모자원숭이연적' 국보 제 270호 : Celadon Water Dropper in the Shape of a Mother and Baby Monkeys (National Treasure No. 270)
-'청자사자장식향로' 국보 제 95호 : Celadon Incense Burner with Lion-shaped Lid (National Treasure No. 95)
고려시대 청자는 중국의 기술을 받아들였지만 나름대로 우리만의 독특한 색상을 만들었는데 그 색상에 가장 큰 주안점이 있고, 또한 상감기법을 적용해서 상감청자를 만들어 낸 점이 가장 우수한 장점이라고 생각합니다.
Kang Gyeong-in (Department of Planning and Research, Gangjin Celadon Museum): Goryeo celadon was invented through the introduction of Chinese technology. However, Goryeo potters succeeded in creating their own signature color for their celadon, and moreover, they developed an impressive inlaying technique to decorate their work.
우리 문화의 우수성과 독창성을 대표하는 고려청자.
Goryeo celadon, a cultural heritage representing the excellence and originality of Korean culture.
12세기경 고려청자는 단순한 장식에서 벗어나 서정적 문양 표현과 함께 새로운 장식기법인 청자 상감으로 발전시키며 독창적인 조형의 꽃을 피웠다.
During the 12th century, a wide range of designs were used to decorate Goryeo celadon and the introduction of inlaying technique largely upgraded its unique beauty.
상감기법은 도자기나 금속 등의 표면에 무늬를 파고 그 안에 금과 은, 흙 등을 넣어 채우는 장식기법으로 세계 최초로 고려청자에 상감기법이 사용되었다.

Entdeckung Korea! (exhibition on 2.000 years of Korean culture in three German cities)
Impressions of the exhibition "Discovery Korea!" from 17.02.2012 to 27.05.2012 at the Gras...
published: 21 May 2012
author: Kunst+Film
Entdeckung Korea! (exhibition on 2.000 years of Korean culture in three German cities)
Impressions of the exhibition "Discovery Korea!" from 17.02.2012 to 27.05.2012 at the Grassi-Museum of Ethnology in Leipzig, afterwards in Frankfurt am Main and Stuttgart... read more in German:
Impressionen der Ausstellung "Entdeckung Korea!" vom 17.02.2012 bis 27.05.2012 im Grassi-Museum für Völkerkunde in Leipzig, danach in Frankfurt am Main und Stuttgart.
Klein und geteilt: Die Halbinsel ist das Stiefkind westlicher Aufmerksamkeit unter den ostasiatischen Kulturen. Eine Wander-Ausstellung, die in drei Städten Koreas Eigenheiten vorstellen soll, begräbt sie leider mit Fach-Chinesisch.
Einen ausführlichen Bericht finden Sie bei "Kunst+Film":
Youtube results:

최유나 동진주어학원 The History of the Goryeo Dynasty-2012-06-19-17-33-37.mp4
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: SimMijeong
최유나 동진주어학원 The History of the Goryeo Dynasty-2012-06-19-17-33-37.mp4
- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 12
- author: SimMijeong

이지원 동진주어학원 The History of the Goryeo Dynasty -2012-02-08-16-25-28.mp4
published: 08 Feb 2012
author: SimMijeong
이지원 동진주어학원 The History of the Goryeo Dynasty -2012-02-08-16-25-28.mp4
- published: 08 Feb 2012
- views: 15
- author: SimMijeong

The Goryeo-Khitan War 2/4 How could Goryeo defeat the Kitan's 800 thousands troops?
The Goryeo--Khitan War were a series of 10th- and 11th-century invasions of Korea's Goryeo...
published: 01 Apr 2013
author: Yamaek Mançurya
The Goryeo-Khitan War 2/4 How could Goryeo defeat the Kitan's 800 thousands troops?
The Goryeo--Khitan War were a series of 10th- and 11th-century invasions of Korea's Goryeo Dynasty by the Khitan Liao Dynasty near the present-day border bet...
- published: 01 Apr 2013
- views: 744
- author: Yamaek Mançurya

조유준 동진주어학원 The History of the Goryeo Dynasty 2012 07 05 16 26 57
published: 05 Jul 2012
author: SimMijeong
조유준 동진주어학원 The History of the Goryeo Dynasty 2012 07 05 16 26 57
- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 7
- author: SimMijeong