The Wayback Machine -
GiGi (1958) - Trailer
Waltz at Maxim's She Is Not Thinking of Me   Gigi 1958
Gigi 1958 // Say a Prayer For Me Tonight - Leslie Caron
GIGI / THANK HEAVEN - Louis Jourdan / Maurice Chevalier
Gigi - 12
Gigi Theme - Lerner & Loewe - 1958
Gigi (1958)
Gigi - Leslie Caron - Maxim's chorus restored
Gigi - The Night They Invented Champagne - Leslie Caron 's own voice
Gigi - She's not thinking of me with lyrics
Gigi Official Trailer #1 - Leslie Caron Movie (1958) HD
Waltz at Maxim's - Gigi (1958)


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GiGi (1958) - Trailer
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:20
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

GiGi (1958) - Trailer

GiGi - Starring Leslie Caron, Louis Jourdan, Maurice Chevalier, and Hermione Gingold Release Date: May 15, 1958. (1958) - Trailer
Waltz at Maxim's She Is Not Thinking of Me   Gigi 1958
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:37
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2013

Waltz at Maxim's She Is Not Thinking of Me Gigi 1958

  • published: 10 May 2011
  • views: 1121
  • author: Sharon Tzur at Maxim's She Is Not Thinking of Me Gigi 1958
Gigi 1958 // Say a Prayer For Me Tonight - Leslie Caron
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:38
  • Updated: 28 Jun 2013

Gigi 1958 // Say a Prayer For Me Tonight - Leslie Caron

"Say a Prayer For Me Tonight" - Leslie Caron (Gigi - 1958) » Direção: Vincente Minnelli » Roteiro: Alan Jay Lerner » Gênero: Musical/Romance » Origem: Estado... 1958 // Say a Prayer For Me Tonight - Leslie Caron
GIGI / THANK HEAVEN - Louis Jourdan / Maurice Chevalier
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:01
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

GIGI / THANK HEAVEN - Louis Jourdan / Maurice Chevalier

Title song from the movie "Gigi".....
  • published: 18 Oct 2008
  • views: 32908
  • author: luckysmusic / THANK HEAVEN - Louis Jourdan / Maurice Chevalier
Gigi - 12
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:24
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Gigi - 12 "The Parisiens"

Betty Wand (For Leslie Caron), André Previn. - 12 "The Parisiens"
Gigi Theme - Lerner & Loewe - 1958
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:54
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Gigi Theme - Lerner & Loewe - 1958

This instrumental version of the title song of the Best Picture winning musical 'GIGI' captures the essence of the film, which is one of my personal favorite... Theme - Lerner & Loewe - 1958
Gigi (1958)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2013

Gigi (1958) (1958)
Gigi - Leslie Caron - Maxim's chorus restored
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:06
  • Updated: 18 Jul 2013

Gigi - Leslie Caron - Maxim's chorus restored

Even though this number was filmed to an audio track that included vocals, they were removed in the released film. I've restored them, and posted both versio... - Leslie Caron - Maxim's chorus restored
Gigi - The Night They Invented Champagne - Leslie Caron 's own voice
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:14
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Gigi - The Night They Invented Champagne - Leslie Caron 's own voice

This audio track is slightly altered - for the exact speed, click: Here's Leslie's original vocal track, (she was dubbed by Betty W... - The Night They Invented Champagne - Leslie Caron 's own voice
Gigi - She's not thinking of me with lyrics
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:06
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Gigi - She's not thinking of me with lyrics - She's not thinking of me with lyrics
Gigi Official Trailer #1 - Leslie Caron Movie (1958) HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:30
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

Gigi Official Trailer #1 - Leslie Caron Movie (1958) HD

Gigi Trailer - Directed by Vincente Minnelli and starring Leslie Caron, Maurice Chevalier, Louis Jourdan, Hermione Gingold, Eva Gabor. Weary of the conventio... Official Trailer #1 - Leslie Caron Movie (1958) HD
Waltz at Maxim's - Gigi (1958)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:44
  • Updated: 20 Jul 2013

Waltz at Maxim's - Gigi (1958)

Full version of the waltz played in the "She is not thinking of me" scene in Gigi.
  • published: 18 Feb 2013
  • views: 1153
  • author: jttab56 at Maxim's - Gigi (1958)
Gigi (1958) - Artie Malvin
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:41
  • Updated: 28 Apr 2013

Gigi (1958) - Artie Malvin

from MGM Records K12614 45 rpm orchestra directed by Joe Lipman with The Strollers.
  • published: 28 Apr 2013
  • views: 24
  • author: Croonr1 (1958) - Artie Malvin
Maurice Chevalier  - Gigi I'm glad I'm not young anymore
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:34
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

Maurice Chevalier - Gigi I'm glad I'm not young anymore "Gigi"

Maurice Chevalier - From "Gigi" (1958) (Lyrics : Alan Jay Lerner / Music : Frederick Loewe) Chevalier - Gigi I'm glad I'm not young anymore "Gigi"

GiGi (1958) - Trailer

GiGi - Starring Leslie Caron, Louis Jourdan, Maurice Chevalier, and Hermione Gingold Release Date: May 15, 1958.

GiGi (1958) - Trail­er
GiGi - Star­ring Leslie Caron, Louis Jour­dan, Mau­rice Cheva­lier, and Hermione Gin­gold Relea...
pub­lished: 08 Nov 2010
Waltz at Maxim's She Is Not Think­ing of Me Gigi 1958
pub­lished: 10 May 2011
au­thor: Sharon Tzur
Gigi 1958 // Say a Prayer For Me Tonight - Leslie Caron
"Say a Prayer For Me Tonight" - Leslie Caron (Gigi - 1958) » Direção: Vin­cente Min­nel­li » ...
pub­lished: 21 May 2010
GIGI / THANK HEAV­EN - Louis Jour­dan / Mau­rice Cheva­lier
Title song from the movie "Gigi"........
pub­lished: 18 Oct 2008
Gigi - 12 "The Parisiens"
Betty Wand (For Leslie Caron), André Previn....
pub­lished: 01 Apr 2009
Gigi Theme - Lern­er & Loewe - 1958
This in­stru­men­tal ver­sion of the title song of the Best Pic­ture win­ning mu­si­cal 'GIGI' cap...
pub­lished: 17 Aug 2009
Gigi (1958)
pub­lished: 19 Feb 2013
Gigi - Leslie Caron - Maxim's cho­rus re­stored
Even though this num­ber was filmed to an audio track that in­clud­ed vo­cals, they were remov...
pub­lished: 02 Mar 2013
au­thor: I LostVo­cals
Gigi - The Night They In­vent­ed Cham­pagne - Leslie Caron 's own voice
This audio track is slight­ly al­tered - for the exact speed, click: http://​vimeo.​com/​143468...​
pub­lished: 08 Mar 2010
Gigi - She's not think­ing of me with lyrics
pub­lished: 17 Oct 2009
Gigi Of­fi­cial Trail­er #1 - Leslie Caron Movie (1958) HD
Gigi Trail­er - Di­rect­ed by Vin­cente Min­nel­li and star­ring Leslie Caron, Mau­rice Cheva­lier,...
pub­lished: 05 Oct 2012
Waltz at Maxim's - Gigi (1958)
Full ver­sion of the waltz played in the "She is not think­ing of me" scene in Gigi....
pub­lished: 18 Feb 2013
au­thor: jt­tab56
Gigi (1958) - Artie Malvin
from MGM Records K12614 45 rpm or­ches­tra di­rect­ed by Joe Lip­man with The Strollers....
pub­lished: 28 Apr 2013
au­thor: Croon­r1
Mau­rice Cheva­lier - Gigi I'm glad I'm not young any­more "Gigi"
Mau­rice Cheva­lier - From "Gigi" (1958) (Lyrics : Alan Jay Lern­er / Music : Fred­er­ick Loewe...
pub­lished: 12 Jan 2013
Youtube results:
Gigi - It's A Bore! with lyrics
pub­lished: 17 Oct 2009
oscarclub.​wordpress.​com Gigi (1958) Re­view
oscarclub.​wordpress.​com 'Gigi' fol­lows the life of a young girl be­com­ing a woman and findi...
pub­lished: 19 May 2011
au­thor: TheOscar­club
Gigi (1958)
re­leased May 15, 1958 Mau­rice Cheva­lier as Honoré Lachaille Louis Jour­dan as Gas­ton Lachai...
pub­lished: 16 May 2013
au­thor: Vid­Video462
Vic Da­mone - Gigi (1958 Oscar Win­ner)
Buy your copy here on iTunes: https://​itunes.​apple.​com/​ch/​album/​gigi-academy-award-oscar-w...​
pub­lished: 08 Apr 2013
photo: AP / Michael Probst
The Bishop of Limburg Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst blesses a new Kindergarden in Frankfurt, Germany, Thursday, Aug. 29, 2013. The Bishop is criticized for his leadership by the Frankfurt Catholic Church.
Edit New Straits/Business Times
23 Oct 2013
The Vatican on Wednesday suspended a scandal-tainted German Catholic cleric dubbed the "bling bishop" for his luxury lifestyle, despite multiple calls for the prelate to be dismissed. "The Holy See de. ems it appropriate to authorise a period of leave from the diocese for Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst," the Vatican said in a statement. "The Holy Father has been continuously and objectively informed of the situation," it said ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)
photo: WN / RTayco
Aircraft flies over the skies
Edit The Examiner
23 Oct 2013
A plane crash in Arkansas has two left dead. On Oct. 22, KFOR reported that this small aircraft was heading toward Claremore, Okla. when it went down. It was coming from Alabama when it crashed ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)

Edit The Daily Mail
25 Oct 2013
Photographer Gigi Cifali, 37, ......(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit noodls
25 Oct 2013
Then, she introduces Motorola Solutions' Gigy Mammarappallil who shows us the LEX 700, now with the Jelly Bean version of Android, which works perfectly with our new Unified Push-to-Talk ......(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit Journal Online
25 Oct 2013
The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) yesterday said it will ask the 37 individuals being linked to the P10-billion pork barrel scam to submit their comments on the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) request to have their passports cancelled ... They are Jessica Lucila “Gigi” Reyes, who left on August 31; Ruby Tuason, left on August 26; Rodolfo Plaza, on September 11; and Antonio Ortiz, who left on September 6. National. ....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit Sun Star
25 Oct 2013
Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said that Justice Secretary Leila de Lima informed the President of her plan. "The President is aware of it, yes ... Senators Jinggoy Estrada, Ramon Revilla Jr ... She also said that De Lima sought for the cancellation of the passports of those people given that four of the accused have already left the country, one of them was Enrile's former chief of staff, Gigi Reyes ... Pangandaman....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit Journal Online
25 Oct 2013
UNDER the 2005 United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and the 1980 Vienna Convention on Law of Treaties, the Philippines is “obliged” to cancel the passport of senators and representatives charged with plunder by the National Bureau of Investigation before the Ombudsman, Sen ... Jinggoy Estrada and Sen ... 3 ... They are Gigi Gonzales Reyes, Enrile’s former chief of staff and Ruby Tuazon, said to Estrada’s former social secretary ... ....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit The Examiner
25 Oct 2013
("The Disappearance of Mary Rosemary" plays at The Phoenix Theatre from October 4 through October 26, 2013). James Barrie is best remembered for "Peter Pan". He wrote other plays that were very successful in his time, but they are mostly forgotten, with the curious exception of "Mary Rose" ... In "Mary Rose", a young soldier visits a mysterious old house, long abandoned ... A young couple and their daughter once lived here ... M ... Gigi Benson ... Simon....(size: 3.5Kb)
Edit Buffalo News
25 Oct 2013
Here are some of the key races for positions in select Erie County's towns and cities. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.  -----. NOTES. Click on names for information submitted by candidates or videos. Elect 1 candidate unless otherwise noted in parentheses. Key races by town in Erie County.. Amherst . Cheektowaga . Colden . Hamburg . Lackawanna . Lancaster . Orchard Park . City of Tonawanda . Town of Tonawanda . West Seneca ... D ... Gigi E....(size: 4.9Kb)
photo: AP / Bullit Marquez, Pool
Justice Secretary Leila De Lima, head of the probe body tasked to investigate the botched bus hostage rescue operation on Aug. 23, talks to the media during the reconstruction of the scene at the continuing marathon session of the probe body Monday, Sept. 13, 2010 at the Department of Justice in Manila, Philippines. Eight Hong Kong tourists hijacked by a dismissed policeman were killed following a 11-hour botched negotiation that also killed the hostage-taker.
Edit Malaya
25 Oct 2013
Some of those charged have been reported to have left the country ... Estrada protested, saying De Lima’s move is “premature” and baseless” because no case has been filed in court ... “Sen ... De Lima was referring to JessicaGigi” Reyes, Enrile’s former chief of staff, who left on August 31; Ruby Tuason, former social secretary of Estrada’s father, former President and now Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada, on August 26; former Agusan del Sur Rep ... ....(size: 8.5Kb)
Edit Business Journal
25 Oct 2013
Gigi Verna Senior Editor/Researcher- Cincinnati Business Courier Email  . Twitter  . LinkedIn  . Google+. It’s a good time to be looking for a job in Northern Kentucky, especially if you have manufacturing skills. That’s the takeaway from the “Largest Northern Kentucky Employers” list featured in the Business Courier’s print edition this week ... St ... 22. Next week, the Courier will publish two lists ... Comments ... L ... ....(size: 7.3Kb)
Edit Screen Daily
25 Oct 2013
Dir. Gavin Hood. US. 2013. 115mins. A dark sci-fi adventure, Ender’s Game has plenty of ideas beneath its conventional storyline of a talented prodigy who alone can defeat the forces of evil ... Opening in the UK on October 25 before expanding to the US on November 1, Ender’s Game is something of a commercial gamble ... Thor ... Gigi Pritzker, Linda McDonough, Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Robert Chartoff, Lynn Hendee, Orson Scott Card, Ed Ulbrich ... ....(size: 9.4Kb)
Edit Stuff
25 Oct 2013
They never fought nor raised their voices, even when dividing "ours" into "yours" and "mine". They found a quietly sad way of falling apart without the screaming and shouting ... Ad Feedback ... In the earlier case of Perkins v Perkins, a San Diego woman spent $NZ175,000 in legal fees fighting for sole custody of Gigi, a pointer greyhound cross, including the cost of hiring an animal behaviourist to conduct a "canine bonding study" ... ....(size: 15.2Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
25 Oct 2013
It's Halloween season, so naturally there is an uptick in social commentary about what children's costumes reveal about the state of U.S. culture ... Many feminist scholars and activists have written insightfully about the sexualization of girls in a culture where sexual harassment, abuse and rape are disturbingly common ... Gigi Durham's The Lolita Effect (2008) and Diane Levin and Jean Kilbourne's So Sexy So Soon (2008) ... (Full disclosure ... JK....(size: 18.3Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
25 Oct 2013
Note ... Some stick with them, some break out of them ... Back in the Game" stars Maggie Lawson ("Psych") as Terry, Jr., James Caan ("Las Vegas") as Terry "The Cannon" Gannon, Sr., Lenora Crichlow ("Being Human," "Fast Girls") as Gigi, Griffin Gluck ("Private Practice") as Danny, Ben Koldyke ("Big Love") as Dick, Kennedy Waite ("I-Doll") as Vanessa, J.J ... ....(size: 17.1Kb)
Original poster
Directed by Vincente Minnelli
Produced by Arthur Freed
Screenplay by Alan Jay Lerner
Based on Gigi by
Starring Leslie Caron
Louis Jourdan
Maurice Chevalier
Hermione Gingold
Music by Frederick Loewe
Cinematography Joseph Ruttenberg
Editing by Adrienne Fazan
Distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Release date(s) May 15, 1958
Running time 119 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget $3.3 million
Box office $13,000,000

Gigi is a 1958 musical film directed by Vincente Minnelli. The screenplay by Alan Jay Lerner is based on the 1944 novella of the same name by Colette. The film features songs with lyrics by Lerner; music by Frederick Loewe, arranged and conducted by André Previn.

In 1991, Gigi was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant." The American Film Institute ranked it #35 in AFI's 100 Years...100 Passions. The film is considered the last great MGM musical and the final great achievement of the Freed Unit, headed by producer Arthur Freed, although he would go on to produce several more films, including the musical Bells Are Ringing in 1960. The film was the basis for an unsuccessful stage musical produced on Broadway in 1973.



Set in turn-of-the-20th century Paris, the film opens with Honoré Lachaille (Maurice Chevalier) among high society in the Bois de Boulogne. A charming old roué, he cynically remarks that "Like everywhere else, most people in Paris get married, but not all. There are some who will not marry, and some who do not marry. But in Paris, those who will not marry are usually men, and those who do not marry are usually women." So marriage is not the only option for wealthy young bon vivants like his nephew Gaston (Louis Jourdan), who is bored with life. The one thing Gaston truly enjoys is spending time with Madame Alvarez (Hermione Gingold), whom he calls Mamita, and especially her granddaughter, the precocious, carefree Gilberte, aka Gigi (Leslie Caron). Following the family tradition, Madame Alvarez sends Gigi to her sister, Great Aunt Alicia to be groomed as a courtesan and learn etiquette and charm. To Alicia, love is an art, and a necessary accomplishment for Gigi's social and economic future. The young girl initially is a very poor student who fails to understand the reasons behind her education. She enjoys spending time with Gaston, whom she regards as an elder brother.

After Gaston publicly embarrasses his cheating mistress and tries to rebuild his reputation with endless parties, he decides to take a vacation by the sea. Gigi proposes if she beats him at a game of cards he must take her and Mamita along. He accepts, and she happily wins. During their holiday, Gigi and Gaston spend many hours together, and the two learn Honoré and Mamita once were romantically involved before becoming comfortable friends. Alicia insists Gigi's education must increase dramatically if she is to catch a prize such as Gaston. Gigi is miserable with her lessons, but endures them as a necessary evil, though she still seems awkward and bumbling to her perfectionist great-aunt. When Gaston sees Gigi in an alluring white gown, he tells her she looks ridiculous and storms out, but later returns and apologizes, offering to take her to tea to make amends. Mamita refuses, telling him a young girl seen in his company might be labeled in such a way as could damage her future. Enraged yet again, Gaston storms out and wanders the streets of Paris in a fury.

Realizing he has fallen in love with Gigi, who no longer is the child he thought her to be, Gaston returns to Mamita and proposes he take Gigi as his mistress, promising to provide the girl with luxury and kindness. The young girl declines the offer, telling him she wants more for herself than to be passed between men, desired only until they tire of her and she moves on to another. Gaston is horrified at this portrayal of the life he wishes to give her, and leaves stunned. Gigi later decides she would rather be miserable with him than without him. Prepared to accept her fate as Gaston's mistress, Gigi emerges from her room looking like a woman. Gaston is enchanted and takes her to dinner at Maxim's, where she seems perfectly at ease. The stares of other patrons make Gaston extremely uncomfortable as he realizes Gigi's interpretation of things may have been accurate after all, and discovers his love for her makes the idea of her as his mistress an unbearable one. He leaves the party with Gigi in tow and takes her home without explanation. After wandering the streets throughout the night, he returns to Mamita's home and humbly asks for Gigi's hand in marriage.

The final sequence reverts to Honoré Lachaille, proudly pointing out Gaston and Gigi riding in their carriage in the Bois de Boulogne, which is filled with high society. The couple are elegant, beautiful, and happily married. Honoré has been a framing device for the film, which can be seen as a romantic victory of love over cynicism.


Musical numbers[link]

  1. Overture – Orchestra
  2. "Honoré's Soliloquy" – Honoré
  3. "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" – Honoré
  4. "It's a Bore" – Gaston, Honoré
  5. "The Parisians" – Gigi
  6. "The Gossips" – Honoré, Chorus
  7. "She Is Not Thinking of Me" – Gaston
  8. "The Night They Invented Champagne" – Gigi, Gaston, Madame Alvarez
  9. "I Remember It Well" – Madame Alvarez, Honoré
  10. "About Gigi" – Aunt Alicia, Madame Alvarez, Gigi
  11. "Gaston's Soliloquy" – Gaston
  12. "Gigi" – Gaston
  13. "I'm Glad I'm Not Young Anymore" – Honoré
  14. "Say a Prayer for Me Tonight" – Gigi
  15. "Thank Heaven for Little Girls (Reprise)" – Honoré, Chorus

(Note: The album sleeve of the Gigi soundtrack makes a curious cameo appearance on certain versions of the Pink Floyd Ummagumma album cover.)


Hollywood producer Arthur Freed first proposed a musicalization of the Colette novella to Alan Jay Lerner during the Philadelphia tryout of My Fair Lady in 1954. When Lerner arrived in Hollywood two years later, Freed was battling the Hays Code in order to bring his tale of a courtesan-in-training to the screen. Another roadblock to the project was the fact Colette's widower had sold the rights to her novella to Gilbert Miller, who planned to produce a film version of the 1954 stage adaptation by Anita Loos. It cost Freed more than $87,000 to purchase the rights from Miller and Loos.[1]

Lerner's songwriting partner Frederick Loewe had expressed no interest in working in Hollywood, so Lerner agreed to write the screenplay only. He and Freed discussed casting; Lerner favored Audrey Hepburn, who had starred in the Broadway production written by Loos, but Freed preferred Leslie Caron, who had co-starred in An American in Paris for him. Both agreed Maurice Chevalier would be ideal for aging boulevardier Honoré Lachaille, and Lerner proposed Dirk Bogarde for Gaston. Lerner agreed to write the lyrics if Freed could convince Bogarde and designer Cecil Beaton to join the project. He decided to approach Loewe once again, and when he suggested they compose the score in Paris, Loewe agreed.[2]

In March 1957, the duo began working in Paris. When Chevalier, who already had agreed to appear in the film, first heard "Thank Heaven for Little Girls," he was delighted. When he discussed his waning interest in wine and women in favor of performing for an audience in cabarets, Chevalier inadvertently inspired the creation of another tune for his character, "I'm Glad I'm Not Young Anymore." The lyrics for another of his songs, the duet "I Remember It Well" performed with Hermione Gingold as his former love Madame Alvarez, were adapted from words Lerner had written for Love Life, a 1948 collaboration with Kurt Weill.[3] "Say a Prayer for Me Tonight," a solo performed by Gigi, had been written for Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady but was removed during the pre-Broadway run. Lerner disliked the melody, but Loewe, Freed, and Minnelli voted to include it in the film.[4]

Leslie Caron and Louis Jourdan

Having second thoughts about Audrey Hepburn, Freed asked Lerner to meet with her in Paris, but she declined the role. The producer then asked him to fly to London to speak to Leslie Caron, who was living there with her husband Peter Hall. Lerner was surprised to discover the star had become Anglicized to the point of losing her French accent. She had recently starred in an unsuccessful stage production of Gigi, but when she heard Lerner's interpretation of the story greatly differed from that of the play, she accepted his offer. (Her singing voice was dubbed by Betty Wand, but Caron's voice is in the DVD version.)[citation needed] Dirk Bogarde expressed interest as well, but ultimately was unable to free himself from his contract with J. Arthur Rank. Recalling Louis Jourdan from his performance in Three Coins in the Fountain, Freed offered him the role of Gaston.[5]

In late April, Freed and Minnelli and their respective entourages arrived in Paris. The weather had become unseasonably hot, and working in non-airconditioned hotel rooms was uncomfortable. Minnelli began scouting locations while Freed and Lerner discussed the still incomplete script. Lerner had taken liberties with Colette's novella; the character of Honoré, nonexistent in the original book and very minor in the Loos play, was now a major figure. Gigi's mother, originally a significant character, was reduced to a few lines of dialogue delivered off-screen. Lerner also expanded the focus on Gigi's relationship with her grandmother.[6]

By mid-July, the composers had completed most of the score but still were missing the title tune. Loewe was at the piano while Lerner was indisposed in the bathroom, and when the former began playing a melody the latter liked, he later recalled he jumped up, "[his] trousers still clinging to [his] ankles, and made his way to the living room. 'Play that again,' he said. And that melody ended up being the title song for Gigi."[7]

In September the cast and crew flew to California, where several interior scenes were filmed, among them the entire scene in Maxim's, which included a musical number by Jourdan. Lerner was unhappy with the look of the scene as it had been shot by Minnelli, and at considerable expense the restaurant was recreated on a soundstage and the scene was refilmed by director Charles Walters, since Minnelli was overseas working on a new project.[8]

Following completion of the film, it was previewed in Santa Barbara in January 1958. Audience reaction was overwhelmingly favorable (88% rated it either "outstanding" or "good"), but Lerner and Loewe were dissatisfied with the end result. Lerner felt it was twenty minutes too long and most of the action too slow. The changes he proposed would cost an additional $300,000, money Freed was loath to spend. The songwriting team offered to buy 10% of the film for $300,000, then offered $3 million for the print. Impressed with their belief in the film, MGM executives agreed to the changes, which included eleven days of considerable reshooting, putting the project at $400,000 over budget. At a preview in Encino, audience reaction changed from "appreciation to affection," and Lerner felt the film finally was ready for release. It premiered at the Royale Theatre, a legitimate theatrical venue in New York City, on May 15, 1958.[9]

Critical reception[link]

Bosley Crowther of The New York Times called it "a musical film that bears such a basic resemblance to My Fair Lady that the authors may want to sue themselves." He added, "But don't think this point of resemblance is made in criticism of the film, for Gigi is a charming entertainment that can stand on its own two legs. It is not only a charming comprehension of the spicy confection of Colette, but it is also a lovely and lyrical enlargement upon that story's flavored mood and atmosphere . . . Vincente Minnelli has marshaled a cast to give a set of performances that, for quality and harmony, are superb."[10]

Abel Green of Variety called the film "100% escapist fare" and predicted it "is destined for a global boxoffice mopup." He added, "Alan Jay Lerner's libretto is tailor-made for an inspired casting job for all principals, and Fritz Loewe's tunes (to Lerner's lyrics) already vie with and suggest their memorable My Fair Lady score . . . Miss Caron is completely captivating and convincing in the title role . . . Skillful casting, performance and presentation have endowed realism to the sum total . . . Director Minnelli's good taste in keeping it in bounds and the general sound judgment of all concerned . . . distinguishes this Arthur Freed independent production. The Metrocolor rates recognition for its soft pastels under Joseph Ruttenberg's lensing; the Beaton costumes, sets and general production design are vivid physical assets at first sight. The skillful integration of words-and-music with the plot motivation makes this Gigi a very fair lady indeed as a boxoffice entry."[11]

Time Out New York said, "The dominating creative contribution comes from Minnelli and Cecil Beaton . . . The combination of these two visual elitists is really too much - it's like a meal consisting of cheesecake, and one quickly longs for something solid and vulgar to weigh things down. No doubt inspired by the finicky, claustrophobic sets and bric-à-brac, the cast tries (with unfortunate success) to be more French than the French, especially Chevalier. The exception is Gingold, who inhabits, as always, a world of her own."[12]

TV Guide rated the film 3½ out of five stars, calling it "Overbaked but enjoyable, and a banquet for the eyes, thanks to the visual wonder of the Minnelli-Beaton teaming . . . Caron . . . leads the cast in a contest to see who can be the most French. The winner is Chevalier, in a performance that makes one feel as if you're gagging on pastry . . . Perhaps if the sweetness of Gigi was contrasted with elements of honest vulgarity, the picture could balance itself out . . . Ten minutes into the movie, you've resolved the plot and are left to wallow in lovely frou-frou. [The film] makes wonderful use of the usual Parisian landmarks, and benefits from extraordinary period costumes and sets."[13]

Awards and nominations[link]

Gigi won a record-breaking 9 Academy Awards (at the 1959 Awards ceremony); however, this record only lasted for one year, as Ben-Hur broke this record the following year when it won 11 Oscars, a tally which remains unbeaten to this day—although Titanic equalled 11 Oscar awards in 1998 as did The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King in 2004 with 11 wins from 11 nominations. In tribute to Gigi's domination of the Oscars, the MGM switchboard answered calls the following day with "M-Gigi-M".

Academy Awards
Golden Globe Awards
Other awards


  1. ^ Jablonsky, Edward, Alan Jay Lerner. New York, New York: Henry Holt and Company 1996. ISBN 0-8050-7076-5 pp. 147-48
  2. ^ Jablonsky, p. 149
  3. ^ Jablonsky, pp. 151-52
  4. ^ Jablonsky, p. 159
  5. ^ Jablonsky, 152-55
  6. ^ Jablonsky, p. 154
  7. ^ Lerner, Alan Jay, The Street Where I Live. New York, New York: W.W. Norton & Company 1978. ISBN 0-393-07532-X pp. 161-62
  8. ^ Jablonsky, pp. 161-62
  9. ^ Jablonsky, pp. 163-66
  10. ^ New York Times review
  11. ^ Variety review
  12. ^ Time Out New York review
  13. ^ TV Guide review

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Gigi . . . am I a fool without a mind
or have I merely been to blind to realize?
Oh Gigi . . . why you've been growin' up
before my very eyes!
Gigi . . . you're not at all the funny
awkward little girl I knew
Oh no, overnight there's been a breathless
change in you!
Gigi . . . why you were tremblin' on the brink
was I out yonder somewhere blinkin' at a star?
Oh Gigi . . . have I been standin' up to close
or back too far?
When did your sparkle turn to fire
and your warmth become desire?
Oh, what miracle
has made you the way you are?
Oh Gigi . . . have I been standin' up to close
or back too far?
When did your sparkle turn to fire
and your warmth become desire?
Oh, what miracle
has made you the way you are?

Am I a fool without a mind
Or have I merely been too blind to realize
Oh Gigi
Why you've been growing up before my very eyes
You're not at all that funny awkward little girl I knew
Oh no
Overnight there's been a breathless change in you
Oh Gigi
While you were trembling on the brink
Oh Gigi
Have I been standing up too close or back too far
When did your sparkle turn to fire
And your warmth become desire
Oh what miracle has made you the way you are
While you were trembling on the brink
Was I out yonder somewhere blinking at a star
Oh Gigi
Have I been standing up too close or back too far
When did your sparkle turn to fire
And your warmth become desire

Am I a fool without a mind?
Or have I nearly been too blind to realize
Oh Gigi
While you've been growing up before my eyes
You're not at all that funny awkard little girl I knew
No, overnight there's been a breathless change in you
Oh Gigi
While you were trembling on the brink
Was I out yonder somewhere blinking at a star?
Oh Gigi
Have I been standing up too close or back too far?
When did your sparkle turn to fire?
And your warmth become desire
Oh what miracle has made you the way you are?
When did your warmth become desire?
And your sparkle turn to fire?
Oh what miracle has made you the way you are?

There's sweeter music when she speaks, isn't there?
A different bloom about her cheeks, isn't there?
Could I be wrong , could it be so
Oh, where, oh, where, did Gigi go?
Gigi, am I a fool without a mind?
Or have I merely been too blind to realize, Gigi
Why, you've been growing up before my eyes,
Gigi, you're not at all that funny awkward little girl I knew.
Oh, no, overnight there's been a breathless change in you.
Oh, Gigi, while you were trembling on the brink
Was I out yonder somewhere blinking at a star?
Oh, Gigi, have I been standing up too close or back too far?
When did your sparkle turn to fire and your warmth become desire?

There's a girl that I need to forget
I'm a prisoner by this phone
I can't think of anything else
Her face won't leave me alone
There's a girl that I need to forget
There's nothing in it for me, can't you see?
I gotta get her out of my life -
And concentrate on me
Gigi, I gotta stop thinkin' of you
I gotta stop thinkin' about you
Gigi, I gotta stop thinkin' of you
I gotta stop thinkin' about you
Gigi, I gotta stop thinkin' of you
I gotta stop thinkin' about you
Gigi, I gotta stop thinkin' of you
I gotta stop thinkin' abou-ou-ou-ou...
I can't make it, oh can't take it
I can't make it, oh, oh
I can't make, oh can't take it
I can't make it, oh, oh, WAA--YEA
(Spoken: Do It!)
You know I dream about her every night
I think about her everyday
She puts up such a terrible fight
I can't make her go away
There's a girl that I need to forget
But her voice is all I hear
It keeps me so pre-occupied
Like a fly buzzin' in my ear

Gigi, am I a fool without a mind
Or have I merely been too blind to realize?
Oh, Gigi, why you've been growin' up before my eyes?
Gigi, you're not at all that funny awkward little girl I knew
Oh, no, overnight there's been a breathless change in you
Oh, Gigi, why you were tremblin' on the brink
Was I out yonder somewhere blinkin' at a star?
Oh, Gigi, have I been standin' up too close or back too far?
When did your sparkle turn to fire
And your warmth become desire?
Oh, what miracle has made you the way you are?
Oh, Gigi, why you were tremblin' on the brink
Was I out yonder somewhere blinkin' at a star?
Oh, Gigi, have I been standin' up too close or back too far?
When did your sparkle turn to fire
And your warmth become desire?

Gigi, am I a fool without a mind Or have I merely been too blind to realize? Oh Gigi, why you've been growin' up before my eyes?
Gigi, you're not at all that funny awkward little girl I knew Oh no, overnight there's been a breathless change in you
Oh Gigi, why you were tremblin' on the brink Was I out yonder somewhere blinkin' at a star? Oh Gigi, have I been standin' up too close or back too far?
When did your sparkle turn to fire And your warmth become desire? Oh, what miracle has made you the way you are?
Oh Gigi, why you were tremblin' on the brink Was I out yonder somewhere blinkin' at a star? Oh Gigi, have I been standin' up too close or back too far?

Tak semestinya ku merasa sepi
Kau dan aku di tempat berbeda
Seribu satu alasan
Melemahkan tubuh ini
Aku disini mengingat dirimu
Ku menangis tanpa air mata
Bagai bintang tak bersinar
Redup hati ini
Dan ku mengerti sekarang
Ternyata kita menyatu
Di dalam kasih yang suci
Ku akui kamu lah cintaku
Aku disini mengingat dirimu
Ku menangis tanpa air mata
Bagai bintang tak bersinar
Redup hati ini
Dan ku mengerti sekarang
Ternyata kita menyatu
Di dalam kasih yang suci
Ku akui kamu lah cinta terakhir
Dan ku mengerti sekarang
Ternyata kita menyatu
Di dalam kasih yang suci
Ku akui kamu lah cintaku

Nuansa bayangmu menjelma
Di dalam kegetiran nurani
Kesunyianpun kian terasa
Tertusuk di hati
Terlukis kisah kita dulu
Manisnya nafas cinta bersama
Sekejap hanya kita merasa
Dan hilang mencela
Dimakah kau berada kini
Janjikan hasrat yang selamanya
Dimanakah kau berada kini
Janjikan cinta yang abadi
Terlukis kisah kita dulu
Manisnya nafas cinta bersama
Sekejap hanya kita merasa
Dan hilang mencela
Dimakah kau berada kini
Janjikan hasrat yang selamanya
Dimanakah kau berada kini
Janjikan cinta yang abadi
Terhanyut di dalam jiwa
Dimakah kau berada kini
Janjikan hasrat yang selamanya
Dimanakah kau berada kini

Di bawah sinar bulan purnama
Ku merenung
Saat terpisah yang ku jalani
Keindahan dalam bercinta
Tidaklah mudah
Cinta membutuhkan ketulusan
Dan pengorbanan
Satu keagungan cinta
Tak terpadamkan
Mengapa semua ini harus terjadi
Tanya hatimu benarkah dirimu
Masih mencintai aku
Bukankah dulu kau mau menunggu
Pernyataan cinta dariku
Tanya hasratmu benarkah dirimu
Masih membutuhkan aku
Bila tak berubah bicara padaku
Kepastianlah yang ku tunggu
Keindahan dalam bercinta
Tidaklah mudah
Cinta membutuhkan ketulusan
Dan pengorbanan
Satu keagungan cinta
Tak terpadamkan

Perdamaian, perdamaian
Perdamaian, perdamaian
Perdamaian, perdamaian
Perdamaian, perdamaian
[Repeat *]
Banyak yg cinta damai
Tapi perang semakin ramai
Banyak yg cinta damai
Tapi perang semakin ramai
Bingung bingung ku memikirnya
Bingung bingung ku memikirnya
Bingung bingung ku memikirnya
Bingung bingung ku memikirnya
[Repeat *]
Banyak yg cinta damai
Tapi perang semakin ramai
Banyak yg cinta damai
Tapi perang semakin ramai
Wahai kau anak semasa
Ingin aman dan sentosa
Wahai kau anak semasa
Ingin aman dan sentosa
Tapi kau buat senjata
Biaya berjuta-juta
Tapi kau buat senjata
Biaya berjuta-juta
Banyak gedung kau dirikan
Kemudian kau hancurkan
Banyak gedung kau dirikan
Kemudian kau hancurkan
[Repeat **]
Perdamaian, perdamaian
Perdamaian, perdamaian
Banyak yg cinta damai
Tapi perang semakin ramai

Ku sadari akhirnya kerapuhan imanku
Telah membawa jiwa dan ragaku
Ke dalam dunia yg tak tentu arah
Ku sadari akhirnya Kau tiada duanya
Tempat memohon beraneka pinta
Tempat berlindung dari segala mara bahaya
Oh Tuhan mohon ampun
Atas dosa dan dosa selama ini
Aku tak menjalankan perintahMu
Tak pedulikan namaMu
Tenggelam melupakan diriMu
Oh Tuhan mohon ampun
Atas dosa dan dosa sempatkanlah
Aku bertobat hidup di jalanmu
Tuk penuhi kewajibanku
Sebelum tutup usia kembali padaMu
Oh kembali padamu ohhh

Maaf bila melupakanmu
Satu hal yang telah terbiasa
Ku berjanji takkan berbuat
Satu kesalahan yang sama
Reff **
Dan sedihku tak kuijinkan
Membawa semua kebahagiaan
Terkutuk bila aku
Melepaskan cintamu itu
Hanyalah satu rasa
Yang haruslah kuungkap
I love you so...
Ingin aku melupakanmu
Berhenti tak membayangkanmu
Satu hari saja ku coba
Tapi memang ku tak terbiasa

Kuberucap bersumpah
Belah saja dadaku
Hanya untuk membuktikan
Banyak cinta untukmu
Dan aku terus bersumpah
Hati ini untukmu
Semua yang kulakukan
Benar-benar untukmu
Kurela mati
Berikan jiwaku
Langitlah saksiku
Hidupku untukmu
Semua itu mimpi o... o u o u o
Hanyalah bualan o... o u o u o
Semua itu bohong o... o u o u o
Aku tetap saja o... tetap sendiri
Bila ku diterimamu
Bintangpun ku berikan
Bila kau menerimaku
Ku berikan pelangi
[Kembali ke: (*)]

Menyusuri pasir putihmu
Ku merasakan keindahanmu
Hu... hu... hu... hu...
Deburan ombak menyapaku
Seperti nyanyian malam sunyi
Bertabur bintang
Dan senyuman sang bulan purnama
Bayang rimbun kehijauanmu
Menyatakan kesuburanmu
Hu... hu... hu... hu...
Dan selalu memenuhi
Panggilan sang ibu pertiwi
Tapi semua itu
Cerita yang usang
Perjalananku ini hanyalah ilusi
Kata-kata ku ini sebuah khayalan
Jamrud khatulistiwa tinggallah namamu
Kebesaranmu itu telah dihancurkan
Dulu namamu dihormati
Diagungkan di muka bumi
Hu... hu... hu... hu...
Keharumanmu menyebarkan
Kecantikan sang maha kuasa
Tapi semua itu

Bukan kuasaku tuk tak setia
Si saat kita di tempat berbeda
Aku hanya seorang manusia biasa
Yang sangat jauh dari kata sempurna
Bodohnya melukai hatimu
Sepertinya ku tak membutuhkanmu
Kini diriku
Dirundung sendu
Yang sempat melupakanmu
Mohon ampuni
Khilafku ini
Tak kan kuulangi lagi
Aku hanya seorang manusia biasa
Yang sangat jauh dari kata sempurna
Bodohnya melukai hatimu
Sepertinya ku tak membutuhkanmu
Bila kamu tak memaafkanku
Ya sudahlah tinggalkanku di sini
Bila kamu tak memaafkanku
Ya sudahlah tinggalkanku di sini
Ku tak bermaksud
Rasa sayangmu padaku
Mohon bukalah
Pintu maafmu
Yang tulus untuk diriku
Bila kamu tak memaafkanku
Ya sudahlah

Berbuat baik jika kau dilihat orangBerbuat baik jika kau dilihat orang
Berkata halus jika kau didengar orang
Menghujat orang pun tak pernah ditinggalkan
Dzolimi orang pun selalu dilakukan
Kadang kau beramal
Kadang kau memfitnah
Padahal Tuhan selalu melihat
Pagi beriman, siang lupa lagi
Sore beriman, malam amnesia
Pagi beriman, siang lupa lagi

Bila air mata berbaur rasa takut
Tak sempat tuk teriak
Yang hadir hanya duka
Andai dapat memilih
Kehancuran yang kau beri
Kupasti tak kan memilih
Kehancuran yang ini
Oooh Tuhan ini kehendakMu
Berilah kekuatan
Meneruskan hidupku
Di jalan kehendakMu
Bencana ini terlalu
Sulit tuk dilupakan
Tapi ku tahu tak ada
Tempat tuk ku hindari
Andai dapat memilih
Kehancuran yang kau beri
Kupasti tak kan memilih
Kehancuran yang ini
Manusia merencana
Engkaulah yang menentukan
Aku hanya memintamu

Margasatwa tak berbunyi
Gunung menahan nafasnya
Angin pun berhenti
Pohon-pohon tunduk
Dalam gelap malam
Pada bulan suci
Qur'an turun ke bumi
Qur'an turun ke bumi
Inilah malam seribu bulan
Ketika cahaya sorga menerangi bumi
Ketika cahaya sorga menyinari bumi
Inilah malam seribu bulan
Ketika Tuhan menyeka airmata kita

Akan datang hari
Mulut dikunci
Kata tak ada lagi
Akan tiba masa
Tak ada suara
Dari mulut kita
Berkata tangan kita
Tentang apa yang dilakukannya
Berkata kaki kita
Kemana saja dia melangkahnya
Tidak tahu kita
Bila harinya
Tanggung jawab, tiba
Tangan kami
Kaki kami
Mulut kami
Mata hati kami
Di jalan cahaya
Mohon karunia
Kepada kami

Selamat hari raya
Selamat hari lebaran
Setelah ramadhan
Mari berjabat tangan
Mari maaf maafan
Dengan senyuman
Selamat hari raya
Selamat hari lebaran
Setelah ramadhan
Mari berjabat tangan
Mari maaf-maafan
Lahir dan batin
Sunia ini penuh cobaan
Sarat godaan
Kadang ada kekhilafan
Dan kesalahan
Hadirkanlah ketaqwaan
Mohon ampun-Nya
Untuk satu kebahagiaan

Ooh baby
Come to me baby just come to me
Don't breake my heart tonight, swinging my soul desire
Baby just come to me, be what you wanna be
Using your fantasy, I need your soul to see
Baby just come to me, now we can do it right
Holding each other tight, now we can make it right
I promise you delight, waiting until day light
I gotta have the key, to open your heart to me
Now I can set you free, be what you wanna be
Don't wanna live alone, I gotta be so strong
Don't wanna be alone,
Baby I love you so, and never let you go
I'm looking for your face, wating for warm embrace
I'm living in the space, I'm following your trace
Tell me what's going on, tell me what's going on
I'm gonna make you queen, girl have you ever seen
I never thing you wanna, we won't belong
I can see your face too strong
I sing you wanna think, you'll be wide on mind
Don't you ever satisfy my soul in any........
By my side, I'm not laughing, I'm not crying
Don't you go......
Baby I love you so, and never let you go
I'm looking for your face, wating for warm embrace
I'm living in the space, I'm following your trace
Tell me what's going on, tell me what's going on

Getaran dirimu hangat terasa
Kaubawa secercah sinar abadi
Dan kuterbuai dalam langkahmu
Ooh dan janjimu
Kan tetapi kini kau semakin menjauh
Kau selalu terbayang (oh nirwana)
Di dalam cintaku (yang telah berlalu)
Kau selalu berharap (berharap)
Di dalam cintaku (kembali)
Dan kuterhanyut dalam mimpiku
Oh naungkan rindu
Dan kuterlingkuh dalam pelukan dirimu
Kau selalu terbayang (oh nirwana)
Di dalam cintaku (yang telah berlalu)
Kau selalu berharap (berharap)
Di dalam cintaku (kembali)
Kau selalu terbayang (oh nirwana)
Di dalam cintaku (yang telah berlalu)
Kau selalu berharap (berharap)
Di dalam cintaku (kembali)
Tunjukkan 'tuk satukan rindu
Yang silam yang hilang
Asmaraku sirna
Kau selalu terbayang (oh nirwana)
Di dalam cintaku (yang telah berlalu)
Kau selalu berharap (berharap)
Di dalam cintaku (kembali)
Kau selalu terbayang (oh nirwana)
Di dalam cintaku (yang telah berlalu)
Kau selalu berharap (berharap)
Di dalam cintaku (kembali)
Kau selalu terbayang (oh nirwana)
Di dalam cintaku (oh nirwana yang telah berlalu)
Kau selalu terbayang (oh nirwana oh nirwana)
Di dalam cintaku (oh nirwana kuberharap kembali)
Kau selalu terbayang (oh nirwana oh nirwana)
Di dalam cintaku (oh nirwana yang telah berlalu)
Kau selalu terbayang (oh nirwana oh nirwana)
Di dalam cintaku (oh nirwana kuberharap kembali)
Kau selalu terbayang (oh nirwana)
Di dalam cintaku (Uuh)
Kau selalu terbayang (oh nirwana)

Pintu surga, pintu surga
Di mana Engkau berada
Bagaimana caranya
Kita memasukinya
Pintu surga, pintu surga
Betapa rindunya kami
Menemukan jalanmu
Susah payah selalu
Moga-moga kita sampai
Semoga cita tercapai
Serta mendapatkan izin

Dasar memang ku orang yang bodoh
Jalan berdua dengan yang lain
Pacarku merasakan
Pacarku melihatnya
Dasar memang ku orang yang bodoh
Putuslah sudah
Yang sebenarnya
Ku masih mau
Kuingin kau maafkan diriku
Kuingin kau lupakan salahku
Dasar memang ku orang serakah
Punya satu ingin tetap mendua
Pacarku merasakan
Pacarku melihatnya
Dasar memang ku orang serakah
Putuslah sudah
Yang sebenarnya

Dengan menyebut nama allah
Jalani hidupmu
Yakinkan niatmu
Jangan pernah ragu
Dengan menyebut nama allah
Bulatkan tekadmu
Menempuh nasibmu
Kemanapun menuju
Serahkanlah hidup dan matimu
Serahkanlah pada allah semata
Serahkanlah duka gembiramu
Agar damai

Terpikir... dan terpana
Dan terdiam... ku melihat
Sadarku... bertahun
dan bersama... terwujudlah ah...
Reff: Terbayang... yang terindah
Yang terhampa... berlalulah
Sadarku... semuanya
Perasaan... rasa cinta ah...
Kaulah yang dinginkan aku
Dari mimpiku dari mimpiku uoohh.
Coba terbangkan anganku
Dari sadarku ...
Back to reff.
Reff #: Kaulah yang dinginkan aku
Dari mimpiku dari mimpiku uohh.
Coba terbangkan anganku
Dari sadarku dari sadarku.

Insyaflah wahai manusia
Jika dirimu ternoda
Dunia hanya naungan
Tuk makhluk ciptaan Tuhan
Dengan tiada terduga
Dunia ini kan binasa
Kita kembali ke asalnya
Menghadap Tuhan Yang Esa
Dialah pengasih dan penyayang
Kepada semua insan
Janganlah ragu atau bimbang
Pada keagungan Tuhan
Betapa Maha besarnya
Kuasa segala alam semesta
Siapa selalu mengabdi
Berbakti kepada illahi
Sentosa selama-lamanya
Di dunia dan akhir masa
Dialah pengasih dan penyayang
Kepada semua insan
Janganlah ragu atau bimbang

Ada yang menimpa dirimu
Membuat kau pergi dariku
Jangan kau putuskan sendiri
Kau pikir aku takkan terima
Keadaanmu sekarang ini
Kembalilah kasih kita harus bicara
Kutahu kau ragu kepada diriku
Kembalilah kasih kita harus bicara
Ungkapkanlah semua adanya
Seandainya kau harus berubah
Rubahlah seperti kau mau
Jelaskan apa yang terjadi
Kalau ternyata aku tak mampu
Menghadapinya aku terima
Kembalilah kasih kita harus bicara
Kutahu kau ragu kepada diriku
Kembalilah kasih kita harus bicara
Bicarakanlah semua... semua
Kalau ternyata aku tak mampu
Menghadapinya aku terima
Kembalilah kasih kita harus bicara
Kutahu kau ragu kepada diriku
Kembalilah kasih kita harus bicara
Bicarakanlah semua...
Bicarakanlah semua...
Kembalilah kasih kita harus bicara
Kutahu kau ragu kepada diriku
Kembalilah kasih kita harus bicara

I still believe in your eyes;
I just don't care what you have done in your life.
Baby I'll allways be here by your side;
Don't leave me waiting too long, please come by!
I still believe in your eyes;
There is no choise, I belong to your life.
Because I will live to love you someday;
You'll be my baby and we'll fly away
And I'll fly with you,
I'll fly with you!
I'll fly with you!!!!!
You are, are, are, are, are!!!!
You are, are, are, are, are!!!!
You are, are, are, are, are!!!!
(male voice)
Every day and every night,
I allways dream that you are by my side.
Oh, baby, every day and every night,
Well I said everything's gonna be allright.
And I'll fly with you,
I'll fly with you,
I'll fly with you!!!
You are, are, are, are, are!!!!
You are, are, are, are, are!!!!
(female voice)
Dream of me!
I still believe in your eyes;
I just don't care what
You've done in your life.
Baby I'll allways be here by your side;
Don't leave me waiting too long,
Please come by!
I still believe in your eyes;
There is no choise, I belong to your life.
Because I will live to love you some day;
You'll be my baby and we'll fly away
And I'll fly with you,
I'll fly with you
I'll fly with you!!
(male voice)
Every day and every night,
I allways dream that you are by my side.
Oh, baby, every day and every night,
Well I said everything's gonna be allright
And I'll fly with you,
I'll fly with you
I'll fly with you!!!
You are, are, are, are, are!!!!

Saat ini kumencoba
Ingkari hari dengan janji
Untuk wujudkan semua impian
Yang selalu menggoda, slalu menggoda
Takkan kulepas lagi
Semua waktuku dan waktumu
Disaat kita dipacu rindu
Semakin dalam, semakin dalam
Oh janjiku, takkan kulepas

Memang benar ku salah
tak menghargai perasaanmu
dan menghancurkan rasa cintamu
Saat kuingat dirimu
harummu yang memeluk nafasku
yang memberikanku kehangatan
Terangnya seribu bintang
tak dapat menyamai cahaya
keindahanmu dari wujudmu
Dan aku tak mengijinkan
cahayamu redup karenaku
dan atas kesombonganku
andai .
ku tak membuang dirimu
menjadikan yang kedua
atas cintaku
keterpurukanku ini
membuat kau membenciku

Bayangkan bila kita dilahirkan tanpa tangan
Bayangkan bila kita dilahirkan tanpa kaki
Bayangkan bila kita dilahirkan tanpa mata
Bayangkan bila kita dilahirkan tanpa hati
Manusia... slalu harus diingatkan
Manusia... slalu saja melupakan
Sanggupkah hidup tanpa cinta
Sanggupkah tanpa kasih sayang
Sanggupkah bila disisihkan
Semua tak pernah terpikirkan
Bayangkan bila kita hidup slalu dilupakan

Kumemandang langit
Yang biru tanpa sang awan
Mengungkapkan hati
Yang kagum akan kuasmu
Lembaran cerita
Tak mudah untuk dibuang
Semua itu indah
Bila kita mensyukuri
Walau hidup tak semudah
Yang kubayangkan
Aku hidup di dunia
Hanya memuja cinta
Kuanggap semua ini
Aku hidup di dunia
Yang haus akan cinta
Teteskan anugerah cinta

Mengatakan terlambat
Diriku disini
Pintupun semua
Telah terkunci
Menyakitkan harapan
Dan semua keinginan
Terbang menjauh
Tujuan arah yang aku tempuh
Lenyap sekejap
Padamu aku memohon dan memohon
Tuk luruskan keadaan ini
Padamu aku memohon dan memohon
Beri damai hati ini
Surampun aku rasakan
Dekap langkah-langkahku
Sesalku semakin sesak

Kata yang kuucapakan ini
Yang sebenarnya dari hati
Bila saja kau mendengar
Harusnya kau mengerti
Mata ini tak terpejam
Bila menjelang malam
Dalam hati dan pikirku
Hanya ada pertanyaan
Bila kau memang milikku
Cepatlah kau kembali
Hinakah bila ku memohonmu
Kembali padaku di sini
Ku tunggu jawabanmu untukku
Kuharap jawaban terbaik
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Ampun aduh ampun
Sudah lega dan menggoda kepadaku
Wowo... wowo...
Kerlingan mata nakalmu
Trus memandang dan merayu kepadaku
Wowo... wowo...
Kuhanya bisa menahan perasaan
Tolonglah semoga ini bukanlah mimpi disiang bolong
Wowo... wowo...
Tolonglah tolonglah ibu
Aku jadi seperti orang yang bloon
Wowo... wowo...
Kuhanya bisa menahan perasaan
Semua karena kelakuan nakalmu
Panas panas panas
Panas badan ini
Pusing pusing pusing
Pusing kepala ini
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Back to # [2x]
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Panas panas panas
Panas badan ini
Pusing pusing pusing

Sebelas Januari Bertemu
Menjalani Kisah Cinta Ini
Naluri Berkata Engkaulah Milikku
Bahagia Selalu Dimiliki
Bertahun Menjalani Bersamamu
Kunyatakan bahwa Engkaulah jiwaku
Akulah Penjagamu
Akulah Pelindungmu
Akulah Pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu
Pernahku Menyakiti Hatimu
Pernah kau melupakan janji ini
Semua Karena kita ini manusia
Akulah Penjagamu
Akulah Pelindungmu
Akulah Pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu
Kau bawa diriku
Kedalam hidupmu
Kau basuh diriku
Dengan rasa sayang
Senyummu juga sedihmu adalah Hidupku
Kau sentuh cintaku dengan lembut