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Devrimci Anarsist Faaliyet's on the Turkish State's Massacre in Sirnak

category greece / turkey / cyprus | imperialism / war | news report author Saturday December 31, 2011 23:50author by Devrimci Anarsist Faaliyet (DAF) - Revolutionist Anarchist Action (DAF) Report this post to the editors

Murderer State continues assimilation

There were no cold barrel behind them, it was not an avalanche that would fall from the mountains. They were running away from the fear of imprisonment, from genderme who has just stopped them, that was not snow that would pour down from the sky, it was bombs of F16s. There were no time to reach a ridge for shelter, F16s were much more faster then them and they sheltered behind the first rocks that they saw…


Turkish state bombed Kurdish people who were carrying oil and sugar to their village in Bujeh and Roboski in Sirnak-Uludere. 35 people were murdered who were in their 16s and 18s. This is an article decared by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (Revolutionist Anarchist Action), about Turkish States’s massacre in Kurdistan

‘Now, such desparing and tied,
Behind him a cold barrel
Wouldn’t exist
He would have sheltered to the heights,
This mountains, brother mountains would appreciate,
These hands would not ashame the man for sure,
This skilled hands
Blowing off
The ash of the burning cigarette,
The spakling fork in the suns,
The viper’s tongue
At the first shot…

These eyes were not deceived even for once
His eyes…
The apocalipse of the passes
Waiting for avalanche
Snowy, soft betrayal
Of cliffs,
Knowing beforehand..’

(Ahmet Arif – 33 Kursun)

There were no cold barrel behind them, it was not an avalanche that would fall from the mountains. They were running away from the fear of imprisonment, from genderme who has just stopped them, that was not snow that would pour down from the sky, it was bombs of F16s. There were no time to reach a ridge for shelter, F16s were much more faster then them and they sheltered behind the first rocks that they saw…

All these happened by the border of Sirnak. First they stated that a big group of terrorists has been defused, and after it came up that the people who has died, were ‘civillians’. What would matter, according to them; there were usually many ‘terrorist groups’ to pass that area, they were attacking the stations. According to them, a tiny mistake, a detail to pass over: 35 people died burning.

What has ever changed, in the land we live since 33 Bullets, other than much more blood poured on our lands. While the lands were being bloodstained, the state always rose and while the state rose the ruling ones perpetuated themselves. State always prefered to plaster the cracks with blood-mortar and the walls are still rising, in every rise more they become blood-mortared.

The denial of Kurdish people by the state, is exhibited as a solution in the democratic perspective. The operations of destruction of Kurdish people and also the custodies and arrestments of the people, no matter Kurdish or not, who are shouting ‘brotherhood of people’ to stop this bloody war, under the name of KCK, is the same. The state whose democratic solutions are always denial and any moment that it couldn’t solve, who doesn’t hesitate to destruct, has done a tiny mistake, TSK( turkish armed force) hit the wrong target, so what. The slaughters that had happened or are happening on this land, are already explained like this.

Who has the courage to say that there are many slaughers which have been going on for years on this land and which have happened in front of eyes and can be counted one by one? Who is to account for holocausts, for villages that were burnt, for people that were got lost and numerous tortures, is there anyone or we can not see? Arrest the academist, arrest the journalist, arrest the politician, arrest the student, arrest the revolutionists, arrest, so what, arrest the ones whose turn to come, who is the next in the list arrest one by one…

But you are not able to close neither the peoples will, nor their belief for freedom and nor you can cuff these. The passion for freedom will grow bigger, when you torture or opress this desire will grow up.


Devrimci Anarsist Faaliyet (Revolutionist Anarchist Action)

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Greece / Turkey / Cyprus | Imperialism / War | News Report | en

Wed 16 Jul, 05:42

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