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No to the repression against Kurdish refugees in France

category france / belgium / luxemburg | repression / prisoners | press release author Thursday March 04, 2010 16:33author by Alternative Libertaire - AL Report this post to the editors

We denounce police cooperation between countries of the European Union and Turkey. We demand the immediate release of Kurds arrested in France on 26 February, and a stop to all proceedings against them. [Français]


No to the repression against Kurdish refugees in France

On Friday 26 February, a morning raid was carried out on the local association of the Kurdish People's House, a gathering place for the Kurdish community in Marseilles. On the orders of Parisian prosecutors, in connection with an investigation into "terrorism", the operation saw the mobilization of no fewer than 15 trucks full of riot police, in addition to the judicial police anti-terrorist squad and forensic scientists. Final result: 9 people arrested, of whom some were later released, but several have been transferred to Paris to be interrogated by anti-terrorism magistrates.

Marseilles is not the only city to have been affected by the raids that day - Montpellier, Draguignan, Grenoble, and even a farm in Larzac also saw the arrival of Parisian investigators. In Italy, no less than 71 people were arrested for the same reason.

As in April 2007 in Paris and January 2009 in Marseilles, this operation is intended to intimidate the Kurdish refugee population in France in order to promote economic and political relations with Turkey. We denounce police cooperation between countries of the European Union and Turkey. We demand the immediate release of Kurds arrested in France on 26 February, and a stop to all proceedings against them.

Alternative Libertaire

3 March 2010

Translation by FdCA-International Relations Office]

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France / Belgium / Luxemburg | Repression / prisoners | Press Release | en

Tue 15 Jul, 23:27

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politie.jpg imageBelgium: libertarians in the sights of anti-terrorism forces 21:18 Thu 30 May by Alternative libertaire 0 comments

On 22 May 2013, dozens of policemen from the anti-terrorism division of the federal criminal police in Brussels raided and searched the homes of 3 anarchist and anti-authoritarian comrades as well as the "Acrata" anarchist bookshop. All those found on the premises (11 in total) were arrested and brought to the federal police station. They are charged with belonging to a terrorist organization, conspiracy and arson. At around 1 pm they were all released without having to appear in court. [French]

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arton231963x91.jpg imageDon't let them criminalise any form of criticism! 18:44 Wed 19 Nov by Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

Once again, capitalist society happily violates its own legality in the affair being known as the "anarcho-autonomous movement", following the arrest of 10 people as part of an investigation into "acts of sabotage" on SNCF railway lines: the presumption of innocence blithely ignored; the use of ultra-repressive measures provided for by anti-terrorist legislation in a case which is evidently nothing to do with terrorism; charges of criminal association on the basis of a mere collection of political documents without any concrete facts to back up this "evidence"! [Français]

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textFrance: The Police State targetted! 19:19 Thu 29 Nov by Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

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imageBelgium: libertarians in the sights of anti-terrorism forces May 30 AL 0 comments

On 22 May 2013, dozens of policemen from the anti-terrorism division of the federal criminal police in Brussels raided and searched the homes of 3 anarchist and anti-authoritarian comrades as well as the "Acrata" anarchist bookshop. All those found on the premises (11 in total) were arrested and brought to the federal police station. They are charged with belonging to a terrorist organization, conspiracy and arson. At around 1 pm they were all released without having to appear in court. [French]

imageFree all the detained Tunisians! May 06 AL 0 comments

Alternative Libertaire denounces the government's xenophobic policy with regard to Tunisian immigrants and to migrants in general, and the violent methods of the French police against them and their supporters. [Français]

imageDon't let them criminalise any form of criticism! Nov 19 AL 0 comments

Once again, capitalist society happily violates its own legality in the affair being known as the "anarcho-autonomous movement", following the arrest of 10 people as part of an investigation into "acts of sabotage" on SNCF railway lines: the presumption of innocence blithely ignored; the use of ultra-repressive measures provided for by anti-terrorist legislation in a case which is evidently nothing to do with terrorism; charges of criminal association on the basis of a mere collection of political documents without any concrete facts to back up this "evidence"! [Français]

textFrance: Villiers-le-Bel - the Empire fights back! Feb 20 AL 0 comments

This statement is in response to the huge police raid carried out at 6.00am in the Villiers-le-Bel suburb of Paris on Monday 18 February. The raid involved 1,000 policemen searching for 38 people suspected of rioting. [ Français]

textFrance: The Police State targetted! Nov 29 AL 0 comments

Over these last few days several towns in the Val-d'Oise have been witnessing confrontations between local youths and the police. The death of two teenagers, Larami and Moushin, on Sunday 25th November in Villiers-le-Bel following the collision between their motorbike and a police car started the reaction. [ Français ]

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