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Below are the newswire stories which have most recently been commented upon, allowing you to keep track of the latest commentary at a glance. From here you can more easily participate in commenting on articles that are posted, and continuing discussions that have started.

Story Title Comment Author Comment Posted
El paro agrario y popular, síntoma de algo nuevo que nace en Colombia Alberto Pinzón 11:38pm S21
Catatumbo: que Santos renuncie a la violencia para hacer política Horacio Duque G 4:57am S21
On the National Strike and Wave of Popular Disobedience in Colombia Tony Gosling 7:19am S19
Crisi siriana: tra intervento militare e lotta per l'autodeterminazione Alternativa Lib 3:19pm S18
A Close look at the Syrian revolution Jessica Corbett 6:23pm S17
La sombra de la Colosa sobre Cajamarca, Tolima: Megaminería, el nuevo delirio del Dorado Nelson Lombana 5:46pm S17
El gobierno colombiano siembra el terror: los casos de Cajamarca y Castilla (Tolima) MIA 5:04pm S17
Toward an Anarchist Policy on Syria Shiar 4:13pm S17
Protesta social recibe tratamiento militar en Colombia FARC-EP 8:30am S15
[Colombia] 19 de Agosto, paro agrario y popular, ¿un nuevo punto de inflexión en la lucha de clases? Asociación Camp 8:53pm S11
Álvaro Uribe Vélez, El Mojado TeleSUR 6:52pm S9
Colombia arde y Santos “dando papaya” en Macondo COCE 6:31pm S6
Liberar al compañero Ballesteros y rodear a Fensuagro, tareas del movimiento solidario con Colombia MOVICE 5:07pm S6
La guerra civile in Siria ed il nuovo assetto del mondo arabo ed islamico Gesualdo Gustav 7:51am S6
“(Re)Constructing a Global Anarchist and Syndicalist Canon nestor 1:02pm S1
Detenido el líder campesino Húber Ballesteros en Bogotá Carlos Lozano 2:43pm A29

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