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mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Wednesday October 01, 2014 05:28 byIlan S.
Arkib (1948 Bedouins), Bil'in, Dahams (Ramla 1948 village), East Jerusalem (occupied 1967 mainly Sheikh Jarah, Shuafat, and the Bedouins of the region) Ma'asarah, Nabi Saleh, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, South of Hebron Hills - the main locations of the joint struggles the anarchists against the wall are involved in. As the Israeli pretending of striving for any kind of peace was exposed, the transfer efforts are intensified. It seems the hazards taking and gambling of Israel on the continuation of the occupation is increasing. The Israeli government count on the pro Israeli lobby of the US right and the strategic value of Israel in the present troubled time and recklessly disregard the mounting international pressure... though the Israeli officials and the public keep worrying in public about the economic and political pressures.
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iberia / represión / presos / comunicado de prensa Friday September 26, 2014 20:29 byCGT
Estamos ante un régimen que además de reprimir está alterando el orden jurídico para disponer de artilugios legales que le permitan ejercen la represión con total impunidad. read full story / add a comment
international / environment / opinion / analysis Monday September 22, 2014 12:58 byJane Smith
Anarchists must involve themselves in the People's Climate Change March, and make their ideas the leading idea of the movement. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / news report Sunday September 21, 2014 15:49 byIlan S.
Though Israel failed in its last open assault on the Gaza Strip, it still succeed in its transfer efforts. The drowning of a refugee ship with 450 mainly Gaza people reflect the partial success of Israel transfer efforts that for the never ended efforts since 1948. The siege on Gaza join the pressure on both Palestinians within the 1948 borders and that of the 1967. The big masses were driven out during the 1948 and 1967 wars, but efforts continued with all means possible. Some expelled by force some were moved within the border as pressure to "voluntary transfer". Within the 1967 borders, the Israeli efforts are targeted on the villages and Bedouins living in area C where the joint struggle to resist it is mainly focused in the South of Hebron Hills. And the joint struggle in Arkib, Dahamsh (1948 borders), and Bil'in, Ma'asara, Nabi Saleh, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarah (East Jerusalem) continue "as usual". read full story / add a comment
regione balcanica / movimento anarchico / documento politico Thursday September 18, 2014 14:29 bybask/bab
E' evidente che il nazionalismo è uno strumento usato contro le classi sfruttate. Nei Balcani, (specialmente nella regione della ex-Jugoslavia), negli anni '90, il sorgere dell'ideologia nazionalista contribuì a rendere possibile il brutale attaco capitalista contro la società. La popolazione ne uscì atomizzata e vennero distrutte le pre-esistenti reti di solidarietà e di cooperazione. [English] read full story / add a comment
balkans region / anarchist movement / policy statement Monday September 15, 2014 18:44 bybask/bab
It is clear that nationalism is a tool used against the exploited classes. In the Balkans, (especially in the region of ex-Yugoslavia) the rise of nationalist ideology in the 1990’s helped enable the brutal capitalist attack against society. It further atomized the population and destroyed established networks of cooperation and solidarity. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Sunday September 14, 2014 16:43 byIlan S.
I 50 giorni di guerra su Gaza sono finiti dopo che Israele ha implorato un cessate-il-fuoco ed aperto ad ulteriori richieste da parte di Hamas (di cui alcune tenute segrete persino agli stessi ministri israeliani). Una maggioranza di israeliani è disposta ad ammettere che Israele non ha vinto la guerra ma riconoscono con difficoltà che Hamas ha avuto la mano migliore. I ministri hanno approvato due settimane fa un documento del governo contenente una proposta di dispiegamento di una forza internazionale a Gaza, che può significare la fine dell'occupazione israeliana della Striscia di Gaza e l'apertura del ghetto... e può essere un precedente che potrebbe essere la fine dell'occupazione della Cisgiordania. [English] read full story / add a comment
iberia / género / news report Wednesday September 10, 2014 00:15 byCGT
CGT trabaja por la despenalización del aborto y defiende el derecho de las personas a decidir libremente sobre su sexualidad, sobre su modelo de familia y en general, sobre su vida. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Sunday September 07, 2014 22:10 byIlan S.
The 50-day war on Gaza ended, after Israel begged for a ceasefire and yielded to major demands from Hamas (some kept in secret even from Israeli government ministers). A majority of Israelis admit that Israel did not win the war but with difficulty admit that Hamas had the upper hand. Ministers passed two weeks ago a classified Cabinet document containing a proposal to place an international force in Gaza, which may mean the end of Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip and the opening of the Ghetto... and may be a precedent to what could be the end of the occupation of the West Bank). In Israel, the "radical" left is back to "normal"... though many more activists are contemplating joining the comrades who had already lost hope and emigrated. It seems the international pressures of the imperial powers and the advances of the boycott movement are bringing the end of the 1967 occupation sooner than expected. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
iberia / history of anarchism / review Friday September 05, 2014 17:49 byEdward McKenna
A review of Agustin Guillamon's "Ready for Revolution" on the Spanish anarchist defence committees, assessing its relevance to today's revolutionaries. read full story / add a comment
américa central / caribe / movimiento anarquista / comunicado de prensa Monday September 01, 2014 08:31 byTaller Libertario Alfredo López
Para ello proponemos la realización en marzo de 2015 en la región dominicana del primer encuentro constitutivo de la F.A.C.-C. [Centroamérica] (nombre provisional) de individualidades y “delegados” de colectivos ácratas en la región, que sea el punto de cierre inicial para confrontarse y coordinar acciones, ideas e insumos, a partir de los ejes temáticos que emerjan de los colectivos en cada localidad. [English] read full story / add a comment
américa central / caribe / movimiento anarquista / opinión / análisis Monday September 01, 2014 08:12 byTALLER LIBERTARIO ALFREDO LÓPEZ
Hace unos días en la primera semana de agosto los medios de fabricación masiva de opiniones en Cuba, en manos de la Seguridad del Estado, el Buró Político, y los Departamento Ideológico del MINFAR y el MININT, nos han regalado un nuevo capítulo de la historia de sus hazañas laborales, en el combate directo a las operaciones de subversión del gobierno yanqui. read full story / add a comment
central america / caribbean / anarchist movement / press release Monday September 01, 2014 08:10 byTaller Libertario Alfredo Lopez
For all this we propose a constitutive meeting of the F.A.C.-C [-Central American] (Caribbean and Central American Anarchist Federation) in the Dominican Republic in March of 2015. We call individuals and “delegates” of anarchist collectives in the region to join us in this meeting that will be an initial decisive moment to compare and coordinate actions, ideas and supplies based on the topics/themes that would emerge from each collective according to their location. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
internazionale / economia / opinione / analisi Wednesday August 27, 2014 23:35 byDonato Romito
Nel 2001-2002 l'Argentina andò in default. Bancarotta. Tutti ricordiamo l'ira popolare, le manifestazioni del "cacelorazo", i mercati di quartiere con moneta libera e di libero scambio, l'esperienza delle "fabricas recuperadas" ed autogestite. Crogiuolo di rinascita anche del movimento libertario organizzato. Magari ricordiamo pure l'ira dei non pochi investitori italiani, mica solo quelli milionari, mal consigliati dalle banche, mobilitarsi per avere il rimborso dei bond argentini da loro acquistati per pura speculazione. Dopo il default, l'Argentina ha ristrutturato il suo debito per 191 mld di dollari, dilazionando le scadenze dei bond al 2005 e 2010, senza ricorrere alle draculesche politiche di austerity del FMI. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Monday August 25, 2014 18:11 byIlan S.
La guerra di Israele su Gaza intendeva indebolire Hamas ma renderlo indipendente dall'Autorità in Cisgiordania. Un mese e mezzo è passato ed Israele non riesce a fermare il lancio di razzi di Hamas su Israele. Hamas ha chiesto ad alta voce la rimozione dell'assedio ed il primo ministro israeliano non ha avuto l'appoggio necessario dalla sua coalizione per il necessario compromesso. Per diminuire le perdite e per salvare la faccia Israele con il sostegno degli USA stanno ora delegando la questione a quel Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU di cui Israele non si è curato per molti anni. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Sunday August 24, 2014 14:09 byIlan S.
The war Israel started with the Hamas was intended to keep it weaker but independent of the west bank authority. A month and a half and Israel cannot stop the Hamas firing of rockets on Israel. The Hamas raised its demand about the lifting of the siege (closer) and the Israeli prime minister failed go get the support of his coalition for the needed compromise. To diminish the losses and to save face Israel with US backing are passing the decision to the UN security council the Israeli ruling elite evaded successfully so many years. The mounting economic pressures create cracks in the Israeli ruling elite and even the populist coalition party head - the foreign minister, start to promote the end of the 1967 occupation. And the joint popular grass root struggle continue - within Israel at the Arkib Bedouins as focus, Bil'in, Ma'asara, Neby Saleh, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarrah, South Hebron Hills. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Thursday August 21, 2014 23:28 byfederación Anarquista uruguaya
La historia se repite. Aquí una vez como horror sangriento y otra con algo más de lo mismo. Ya hemos hecho puntualizaciones y dado nuestra opinión, bastante semejante a la de hoy, en oportunidades muy parecidas. El tema de fondo sigue siendo el mismo. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / emperyalizm / savaş / opinion/analysis Wednesday August 20, 2014 02:16 byIlan S.
Mısır’ın inatla üstüne düşeni yapmaması –Gazze ablukasını hafifletmemesi- ve Hamas’ın ablukayı ciddi oranda azaltan bir anlaşma yapılmadıkça silah bırakmayı reddetmesi nedeniyle hava saldırıları yetersiz kalan İsrail, kara saldırısına geçti.

[English] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday August 15, 2014 20:55 byPaulB
The US special forces finally sent to Mount Sinjar in Northern Iraq to assess a mission to rescue the threatened Yezidis this morning [Thursday 14 August], reported that most of the displaced population had already been rescued in the previous days. What is not being widely reported is the identity of the Kurdish forces who secured the northern side of the mountain and opened a safe passage for the threatened Yezidi civilians, through the Syrian territory they control to Dohuk in the north of the Kurdish Autonomous region in Iraq.

Embarrassingly for the US, arriving on its white charger to save the day, only to discover they are far too late, the saviours of the Yezidis are the Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and their Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) allies. The PKK are officially on the US and EU “terrorist” lists and the autonomous Syrian region defended by the YPG is subject to blockade by ISIS to the South and West, Turkey to the North and the corrupt Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) regime in Kurdish Northern Iraq to the East. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday August 15, 2014 17:03 byIlan S.
Israele aveva iniziato il suo attacco a Gaza per sabotare il compromesso tra Hamas e l'Autorità Palestinese e per restaurare un governo indipendente di un indebolito Hamas sulla Striscia di Gaza. Il compromesso di Hamas doveva essere una risposta al blocco egiziano finalizzato a smantellare Hamas stesso. Il fallito attacco israeliano porterà ad una significativa apertura del confine tra Israele e la Striscia di Gaza laddove prima dell'attacco passa lo stretto necessario in una situazione sull'orlo di una catastrofe umanitaria. [English] read full story / add a comment

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Issue #3 of the Newsletter of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective

Tue 07 Oct, 02:05

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anarchist_womendafkobane.jpg imageLatest news from Kobanê 20:35 Sat 04 Oct by DAF 0 comments

The Turkish state that is preparing to interfere to avoid the ISIS danger, is at the same time neglecting the offensive made by ISIS supporters within its borders, showing its politics of hypocrisy.

logo.jpg imageDeclaración V Asamblea Semestral // Julio 2014 13:33 Sat 04 Oct by Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista 0 comments

A finales de Julio de 2014, nos reunimos como grupo de anarquistas que desarrollan actividad política en su entorno directo de la vida estudiantil para elaborar conjuntamente una autocrítica que recogiera lo tejido y destejido hasta ahora y nos sirviera de catapulta para lanzarnos a construir prácticas anarquistas dentro del contexto social de la educación, teniendo en cuenta que son las relaciones sociales dentro de ésta lo que nos permite romper con la construcción que el capital y la institucionalidad hacen de las estudiantes, docentes y trabajadores.

textPalestine-Israel,The joint struggle and the vicious Israeli transfer efforts 05:28 Wed 01 Oct by Ilan S. 0 comments

Arkib (1948 Bedouins), Bil'in, Dahams (Ramla 1948 village), East Jerusalem (occupied 1967 mainly Sheikh Jarah, Shuafat, and the Bedouins of the region) Ma'asarah, Nabi Saleh, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, South of Hebron Hills - the main locations of the joint struggles the anarchists against the wall are involved in. As the Israeli pretending of striving for any kind of peace was exposed, the transfer efforts are intensified. It seems the hazards taking and gambling of Israel on the continuation of the occupation is increasing. The Israeli government count on the pro Israeli lobby of the US right and the strategic value of Israel in the present troubled time and recklessly disregard the mounting international pressure... though the Israeli officials and the public keep worrying in public about the economic and political pressures.

arton6013007a2.jpg imageReportage Photo : Les anarchistes turcs au secours du Kurdistan syrien 19:17 Mon 29 Sep by Commission international 0 comments

Kobanê (Aïn Al-Arab) est devenu un abcès de fixation où s’affrontent deux mondes : les forces progressistes, laïques et révolutionnaires d’un côté, les fanatiques religieux de l’autre.

Manifestation de la gauche kurde à Paris le 27 septembre 2014 image« Kobanê et le Kurdistan n’ont pas pour seul ennemi l’État islamique » 19:05 Mon 29 Sep by Commission international 0 comments

Allocution d’Alternative libertaire soutenue par l’OCL à la manifestation parisienne de la gauche kurde du 27 septembre 2014, en solidarité avec le Kurdistan syrien.

1bralex9.jpg imageΗ Τούμπα, οι μετανάσ... 19:31 Sun 28 Sep by "Μαύρο & Κόκκινο" 0 comments

Κείμενο της συλλογικότητας για τον Κοινωνικό Αναρχισμό "Μαύρο & Κόκκινο" από τη Θεσσαλονίκη για τα τελευταία συμβάντα στην Τούμπα με αφορμή την δημιουργία φιλοξενείου μεταναστών στην περιοχή

daf_in_kobane_3.jpg imageTurkish anarchists in Syria to support Kurdish people 15:37 Sat 27 Sep by Workers Solidarity Movement 5 comments

Istanbul anarchists along other leftists, feminists, and 'Gezi park types' have managed to cross over into Syria and the northern town of Kobane which is currently threatened by ISIS.

daf_in_kobane.jpg imageIn Shingal, Kobane and all Rojava, ISIS is Dehak and the people are Kawa 20:35 Fri 26 Sep by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet 0 comments

In Kurdistan, people are fighting against ISIS, “the procreated violence” given birth by capitalism and the states that start wars for their own benefits. ISIS, subcontractor of the states that pursue income strategies on the region, is attacking people while yelling “islamic state!” and “holy war, jihad!”. People are suffering from hunger and thirst, getting ill, getting injured; migrating ad dying. They are still fighting in that struggle for existence. People are fighting not for the schemes and strategies around meeting tables, not for income, but for their freedom.

textMovilizaciones en defensa de los derechos y libertades de las personas 20:29 Fri 26 Sep by CGT 0 comments

Estamos ante un régimen que además de reprimir está alterando el orden jurídico para disponer de artilugios legales que le permitan ejercen la represión con total impunidad.

solidaridadn25_portada_web.jpg imageSOLIDARIDAD N°25: ¡Los derechos sociales. Se ganan en la calle 20:43 Thu 25 Sep by Solidaridad 0 comments

Compañeras y compañeros. Tenemos el agrado de comunicarles que una nueva edición del periódico Solidaridad pronto circulará por las principales ciudades del país.

A continuación les adelantamos algunos contenidos que forman parte de este número:

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imageAnálise inicial das eleições nacionais no primeiro turno Oct 06 by BrunoL 0 comments

05 de outubro de 2014 Bruno Lima Rocha

Dilma Rousseff (PT) teve cerca de 41,60% dos votos, seguida por Aécio Neves (PSDB) com 33,56% dos votos e Marina Silva (PSB) com 21,32% dos votos. Este é o quadro aproximado após a quase totalidade das urnas apuradas. Podemos chegar a distintas conclusões do processo. Antes cabe um retrato imediato acompanhado por uma narrativa dos dias prévios do primeiro turno.

imageLutar e vencer fora das urnas. Oct 04 by FAG 0 comments

As mobilizações de massa da juventude que escreverem um pedaço da história recente do Brasil com as Jornadas de Junho ainda não tiveram um final. A explosão das ruas anunciada pelos estudantes-trabalhadores do regime flexível, sujeitos da rotina neurótica e estafante das grandes cidades, agravada pela deterioração dos serviços e dos bens públicos, não foi satisfeita. As urgências populares pela ampliação dos seus direitos continuarão em cena, são dramas brasileiros cotidianos, e ainda vão latejar muito. Terão que ganhar potência em organizações de base e com um federalismo que una as rebeldias e não se deixe capturar pelas instituições. Não serão as eleições e a oferta dos partidos da democracia burguesa que confortarão o mal-estar que provoca o sistema.

imageΟ Νέλσον Μαντέλα, το... Oct 04 by Shawn Hattingh - Lucien van der Walt 0 comments

Ο θάνατος του Νέλσον Μαντέλα συνοδεύτηκε από χιλιάδες άρθρα και εκατομμύρια ανθρώπων τα οποία απέδιδαν σε αυτόν φόρο τιμής. Εξυμνώντας τον σωστά, για την εναντίωση του στον φυλετισμό, την συνεισφορά του στους απελευθερωτικούς αγώνες στην N. Αφρική και για την στάση του ενάντια στο καθεστώς του απαρτχάιντ, το οποίο και τον κράτησε φυλακισμένο για 27 χρόνια. Για μεγάλο μέρος της ζωής του ο Νέλσον Μαντέλα υπήρξε η βασική φιγούρα των απελευθερωτικών αγώνων στην N. Αφρική κατά την διάρκεια των δεκαετιών του 1960, 1970 και 1980.

imageA ‘Revolution’ under Attack – the Alternative in midst the War in Syria Oct 04 by Ulrike Flader 0 comments

The most recent pictures of thousands of refugees fleeing from heavy attacks of ISIS and making their way from Syria across the border to Turkey, come from the area of Kobani – one of three cantons of the self- proclaimed Autonomy Region Rojava in Northern Syria.

imagePresencia del varguismo en la campaña electoral 2014 Oct 03 by BrunoL 0 comments

Bruno Lima Rocha*

La campaña que se aproxima a la primera vuelta electoral presenta un momento interesante para hacer análisis a partir de posiciones definidas. Como se esperaba, la tendencia de centro-izquierda del gobierno de coalición intenta organizar una defensa inexorable del lulismo y ampliar su base de apoyo. Para demarcar una distancia con la izquierda no electoral en la situación, elegí hacer una crítica (rápida y pública) al texto del periodista Beto Almeida, publicado en el excelente portal pro gobierno Carta Maior. Publicado con el título “La presencia de Vargas en la elección de 2014” de fecha 20 de septiembre de 2014, el texto hace comparaciones plausibles entre el lulismo y el varguismo tardío. El autor, Beto Almeida es corresponsal de TELESUR en Brasil y un respetado periodista. Así, el debate que sigue no es de tipo destructivo, y aunque no concuerde con su paradigma inicial, mantendremos el tono respetuoso en función de la trayectoria del autor que es objeto de la crítica.

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imageDeclaración V Asamblea Semestral // Julio 2014 Oct 04 Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista 0 comments

A finales de Julio de 2014, nos reunimos como grupo de anarquistas que desarrollan actividad política en su entorno directo de la vida estudiantil para elaborar conjuntamente una autocrítica que recogiera lo tejido y destejido hasta ahora y nos sirviera de catapulta para lanzarnos a construir prácticas anarquistas dentro del contexto social de la educación, teniendo en cuenta que son las relaciones sociales dentro de ésta lo que nos permite romper con la construcción que el capital y la institucionalidad hacen de las estudiantes, docentes y trabajadores.

image« Kobanê et le Kurdistan n’ont pas pour seul ennemi l’État islamique » Sep 29 Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

Allocution d’Alternative libertaire soutenue par l’OCL à la manifestation parisienne de la gauche kurde du 27 septembre 2014, en solidarité avec le Kurdistan syrien.

imageΗ Τούμπα, οι μετανάσ... Sep 28 0 comments

Κείμενο της συλλογικότητας για τον Κοινωνικό Αναρχισμό "Μαύρο & Κόκκινο" από τη Θεσσαλονίκη για τα τελευταία συμβάντα στην Τούμπα με αφορμή την δημιουργία φιλοξενείου μεταναστών στην περιοχή

imageIn Shingal, Kobane and all Rojava, ISIS is Dehak and the people are Kawa Sep 26 DAF - Revolutionary Anarchist Action 0 comments

In Kurdistan, people are fighting against ISIS, “the procreated violence” given birth by capitalism and the states that start wars for their own benefits. ISIS, subcontractor of the states that pursue income strategies on the region, is attacking people while yelling “islamic state!” and “holy war, jihad!”. People are suffering from hunger and thirst, getting ill, getting injured; migrating ad dying. They are still fighting in that struggle for existence. People are fighting not for the schemes and strategies around meeting tables, not for income, but for their freedom.

textMovilizaciones en defensa de los derechos y libertades de las personas Sep 26 CONFEDERACIÓN GENERAL DEL TRABAJO 0 comments

Estamos ante un régimen que además de reprimir está alterando el orden jurídico para disponer de artilugios legales que le permitan ejercen la represión con total impunidad.

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