Growing Closer To God - Mr John Pople
Welcome to our channel run by the Christadelphians Worldwide to help promote the understan...
published: 09 Nov 2013
Growing Closer To God - Mr John Pople
Growing Closer To God - Mr John Pople
Welcome to our channel run by the Christadelphians Worldwide to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth About the Human condition and Gods plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. For more information on the Christadelphians visit http://TheChristadelphians.org.uk and for more videos visit http://YouTube.com/RugbyChristadelphian Read a variety of Pamphlets on-line concerning various Bible subjects. http://www.thechristadelphian.com/pamphlets/standardseries/default.html Visit our website for further information, videos and audio talks covering a varied Biblical subject base and find more info on how to get in touch with the a Christadelphian hall near you. this page is managed by the Christadelphian's at rugby. http://bibletalksrugby.org/ Have a question on a biblical subject? Ask it here... http://bibleq.info/- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 31
An Exposition of the Book of Job: To Speak Well of God - Mr J Pople
"Have you considered my servant Job?"
The Biblical drama of Job is haunting. A blameless ...
published: 21 Oct 2013
An Exposition of the Book of Job: To Speak Well of God - Mr J Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job: To Speak Well of God - Mr J Pople
"Have you considered my servant Job?" The Biblical drama of Job is haunting. A blameless man is tormented by 'the Satan': stripped of wealth, status, possessions, health and children -- all with God's permission! Who is this Satan? More chilling still, who is this God? And why, despite this cataclysmic carnage, does the drama focus on the resulting argument between Job and his 3 friends? The ending of the drama seems no clearer. When God reveals Himself, what is He saying? Finally, God restores Job. Yet does this truly repair His permitted destruction of him? With its distinctive identification of the Satan, this interpretation offers unique insights into the classic interactions between God, Satan and the Righteous Man; revealing the Messianic message encoded within. Most importantly it lends reason to persevere in faith, as Job did; and speak well of God. I offer a synopsis below. My attempt is to make this synopsis free of any interpretation ans simply a presentation of the prima fascia facts. Prologue (chapters 1-2, prose): God invites a character termed "the Satan" to consider the piety of his servant Job. The Satan counters that God fails to realize Job is only pious because he is well blessed in riches and, were he deprived, he would curse Him. God meets the Satan's demands by Himself destroying Job's fortunes, children and ultimately health. Yet Job does not curse God; the Satan loses the barter. Debate (chapters 3-31, poetry): Job's three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar come to sympathize but, ultimately, they chastise Job. A debate ensues where each speaker attacks Job in turn, calling him to repent of the sins they believe must have triggered his destruction, and Job replies in self-defense. Fourteen speeches and rebuttals are voiced, with the debate growing ever more heated and culminating in lengthy speeches from Job appealing to God to appear so that his (Job's) righteousness can be revealed. Intervention (chapters 32-41, poetry): Instead, a young witness, Elihu, speaks out. He too is critical of Job, yet limits his criticism to Job's recent words, not lifestyle, all the while defending God as righteous. Then God speaks (His longest speeches in the Bible!). He first presents a tour of creation, focusing especially on wild animals, observing that He can control them where Job cannot. When Job briefly responds, God rebukes him and launches a second speech focused wholly on His ability to control two beasts whose descriptions seem other-worldly. Job's latter response states he has 'seen God' and avers a new life direction. Epilogue (chapter 42, prose): God rebukes the three friends for not speaking correctly about Him; praises Job for succeeding in that regard; and directs Job to intercede in prayer for his friends for God to forgive them. God then restores Job: he receives double of his previous blessings yet, while he receives twice as many flocks and herds as previously, he is only blessed to receive as many children as before.- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 46
The sign of the Dove Pt 1 -The Flight of the Dove: Mr. John Pople
Welcome to our channel run by the Christadelphians Worldwide to help promote the understan...
published: 18 Oct 2013
The sign of the Dove Pt 1 -The Flight of the Dove: Mr. John Pople
The sign of the Dove Pt 1 -The Flight of the Dove: Mr. John Pople
Welcome to our channel run by the Christadelphians Worldwide to help promote the understanding of Gods Word to those who are seeking the Truth About the Human condition and Gods plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. For more information on the Christadelphians visit http://TheChristadelphians.org.uk and for more videos visit http://YouTube.com/RugbyChristadelphian Read a variety of Pamphlets on-line concerning various Bible subjects. http://www.thechristadelphian.com/pamphlets/standardseries/default.html Visit our website for further information, videos and audio talks covering a varied Biblical subject base and find more info on how to get in touch with the a Christadelphian hall near you. this page is managed by the Christadelphian's at rugby. http://bibletalksrugby.org/ Have a question on a biblical subject? Ask it here... http://bibleq.info/- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 30
"Desire", 5/4/14 John Pople
Bro. John Pople posed the questions, "Do we want to meet Jesus, is our desire strong enoug...
published: 05 May 2014
"Desire", 5/4/14 John Pople
"Desire", 5/4/14 John Pople
Bro. John Pople posed the questions, "Do we want to meet Jesus, is our desire strong enough and are we excited about it?" He used the example of the paralytic who did whatever he had to, to meet Jesus. He showed that the paralytic wanted his sins forgiven, not healed from his paralysis. Even with his sins forgiven, he was not healed yet because that was not the reason he was paralyzed. Jesus healed him to show the large crowd God's power. But like the blind man in the New Testament, (John 9:2), His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (John 9:3) "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. Bro. John pointed out that we must change our worldly heart to be like Christ's heart. We must urgently desire to be with Jesus because it is good and right. Bringing forth fruit is measured by our desire. Jesus' desire is to be with us. What does a man gain when his sins are forgiven? More than anything, the hope for eternal life with God and Christ.- published: 05 May 2014
- views: 15
An Exposition of the Book of Job: Satan In the Wilderness - Mr John Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job: Satan In the Wilderness - Mr John Pople
From the 45th N...
published: 22 Oct 2013
An Exposition of the Book of Job: Satan In the Wilderness - Mr John Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job: Satan In the Wilderness - Mr John Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job: Satan In the Wilderness - Mr John Pople From the 45th Nz Bible school. "Have you considered my servant Job?" The Biblical drama of Job is haunting. A blameless man is tormented by 'the Satan': stripped of wealth, status, possessions, health and children -- all with God's permission! Who is this Satan? More chilling still, who is this God? And why, despite this cataclysmic carnage, does the drama focus on the resulting argument between Job and his 3 friends? The ending of the drama seems no clearer. When God reveals Himself, what is He saying? Finally, God restores Job. Yet does this truly repair His permitted destruction of him? With its distinctive identification of the Satan, this interpretation offers unique insights into the classic interactions between God, Satan and the Righteous Man; revealing the Messianic message encoded within. Most importantly it lends reason to persevere in faith, as Job did; and speak well of God. I offer a synopsis below. My attempt is to make this synopsis free of any interpretation ans simply a presentation of the prima fascia facts. Prologue (chapters 1-2, prose): God invites a character termed "the Satan" to consider the piety of his servant Job. The Satan counters that God fails to realize Job is only pious because he is well blessed in riches and, were he deprived, he would curse Him. God meets the Satan's demands by Himself destroying Job's fortunes, children and ultimately health. Yet Job does not curse God; the Satan loses the barter. Debate (chapters 3-31, poetry): Job's three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar come to sympathize but, ultimately, they chastise Job. A debate ensues where each speaker attacks Job in turn, calling him to repent of the sins they believe must have triggered his destruction, and Job replies in self-defense. Fourteen speeches and rebuttals are voiced, with the debate growing ever more heated and culminating in lengthy speeches from Job appealing to God to appear so that his (Job's) righteousness can be revealed. Intervention (chapters 32-41, poetry): Instead, a young witness, Elihu, speaks out. He too is critical of Job, yet limits his criticism to Job's recent words, not lifestyle, all the while defending God as righteous. Then God speaks (His longest speeches in the Bible!). He first presents a tour of creation, focusing especially on wild animals, observing that He can control them where Job cannot. When Job briefly responds, God rebukes him and launches a second speech focused wholly on His ability to control two beasts whose descriptions seem other-worldly. Job's latter response states he has 'seen God' and avers a new life direction. Epilogue (chapter 42, prose): God rebukes the three friends for not speaking correctly about Him; praises Job for succeeding in that regard; and directs Job to intercede in prayer for his friends for God to forgive them. God then restores Job: he receives double of his previous blessings yet, while he receives twice as many flocks and herds as previously, he is only blessed to receive as many children as before.- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 19
The sign of the Dove Pt 4 Seeing the sign Mr J Pople
Seeing the Sign (Gospels) Lessons from Jonah's subtle appearances in the gospels. Sign of ...
published: 19 Oct 2013
The sign of the Dove Pt 4 Seeing the sign Mr J Pople
The sign of the Dove Pt 4 Seeing the sign Mr J Pople
Seeing the Sign (Gospels) Lessons from Jonah's subtle appearances in the gospels. Sign of the Dove at Jesus' baptism was the miracle the Pharisees' requested: baptism was their only chance of life. The power of Jonah's 'presumptuous' prayer in saving others. Welcome to our channel run by the Christadelphians Worldwide to help promote the understanding of Gods Word to those who are seeking the Truth About the Human condition and Gods plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. For more information on the Christadelphians visit http://TheChristadelphians.org.uk and for more videos visit http://YouTube.com/RugbyChristadelphian Read a variety of Pamphlets on-line concerning various Bible subjects. http://www.thechristadelphian.com/pamphlets/standardseries/default.html Visit our website for further information, videos and audio talks covering a varied Biblical subject base and find more info on how to get in touch with the a Christadelphian hall near you. this page is managed by the Christadelphian's at rugby. http://bibletalksrugby.org/ Have a question on a biblical subject? Ask it here... http://bibleq.info/- published: 19 Oct 2013
- views: 13
The sign of the Dove Pt 3 The Vine and the Worm Mr J Pople
A Vine and a Worm (Jonah 3-4) Nineveh is forgiven immediately, yet Jonah was 3 days in the...
published: 19 Oct 2013
The sign of the Dove Pt 3 The Vine and the Worm Mr J Pople
The sign of the Dove Pt 3 The Vine and the Worm Mr J Pople
A Vine and a Worm (Jonah 3-4) Nineveh is forgiven immediately, yet Jonah was 3 days in the fish. "Mercy comes to him who mercy sees." Vine and worm event was an enacted parable from God teaching Jonah the dynamics of God, Jonah and Nineveh in the case of the willing protector (vine) and unwilling one (worm) Welcome to our channel run by the Christadelphians Worldwide to help promote the understanding of Gods Word to those who are seeking the Truth About the Human condition and Gods plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. For more information on the Christadelphians visit http://TheChristadelphians.org.uk and for more videos visit http://YouTube.com/RugbyChristadelphian Read a variety of Pamphlets on-line concerning various Bible subjects. http://www.thechristadelphian.com/pamphlets/standardseries/default.html Visit our website for further information, videos and audio talks covering a varied Biblical subject base and find more info on how to get in touch with the a Christadelphian hall near you. this page is managed by the Christadelphian's at rugby. http://bibletalksrugby.org/ Have a question on a biblical subject? Ask it here... http://bibleq.info/- published: 19 Oct 2013
- views: 27
The sign of the Dove Pt 2 The Education of the Psalms Mr. J. Pople
The Education of the Psalms (Jonah 2) Jonah's prayer. Offering thanks for salvation before...
published: 19 Oct 2013
The sign of the Dove Pt 2 The Education of the Psalms Mr. J. Pople
The sign of the Dove Pt 2 The Education of the Psalms Mr. J. Pople
The Education of the Psalms (Jonah 2) Jonah's prayer. Offering thanks for salvation before he is saved! Prayer is constructed wholly from quotations in the Psalms. By considering the context of each quote, an underlying prayer is seen, arguably even more powerful and beautiful than the surface prayer. Welcome to our channel run by the Christadelphians Worldwide to help promote the understanding of Gods Word to those who are seeking the Truth About the Human condition and Gods plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. For more information on the Christadelphians visit http://TheChristadelphians.org.uk and for more videos visit http://YouTube.com/RugbyChristadelphian Read a variety of Pamphlets on-line concerning various Bible subjects. http://www.thechristadelphian.com/pamphlets/standardseries/default.html Visit our website for further information, videos and audio talks covering a varied Biblical subject base and find more info on how to get in touch with the a Christadelphian hall near you. this page is managed by the Christadelphian's at rugby. http://bibletalksrugby.org/ Have a question on a biblical subject? Ask it here... http://bibleq.info/- published: 19 Oct 2013
- views: 15
特別講演 モバイル時代の分子モデリング Part-1
2013年日本化学会 特別講演
Warren J. Hehre
モバイル時代の分子モデリング John Pople博士の足跡をたどって
座長 柳田祥三先生
Part-1 柳田先生に...
published: 08 Apr 2013
特別講演 モバイル時代の分子モデリング Part-1
特別講演 モバイル時代の分子モデリング Part-1
2013年日本化学会 特別講演 Warren J. Hehre モバイル時代の分子モデリング John Pople博士の足跡をたどって 座長 柳田祥三先生 Part-1 柳田先生によるイントロダクション- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 32
Words for Ideas Student's Book John Morley Ian Pople
Читать Words for Ideas: Student's Book. John Morley, Ian Pople можно тут http://tinyurl.co...
published: 09 Jul 2013
author: Andriy Pisotski
Words for Ideas Student's Book John Morley Ian Pople
Words for Ideas Student's Book John Morley Ian Pople
Читать Words for Ideas: Student's Book. John Morley, Ian Pople можно тут http://tinyurl.com/k7rq3o5.- published: 09 Jul 2013
- views: 1
- author: Andriy Pisotski
James Pople - I Never Knew (Original Mix)
Enjoy this great track and don't forget to support the artist. If you like it, buy it. If ...
published: 06 Aug 2012
author: deepwhatever2
James Pople - I Never Knew (Original Mix)
James Pople - I Never Knew (Original Mix)
Enjoy this great track and don't forget to support the artist. If you like it, buy it. If anyone has any objections to the music or to the video, please send...- published: 06 Aug 2012
- views: 4271
- author: deepwhatever2
An Exposition of the Book of Job Salvation Mr J Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job Salvation Mr J Pople
From the 45th Nz Bible school.
published: 23 Oct 2013
An Exposition of the Book of Job Salvation Mr J Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job Salvation Mr J Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job Salvation Mr J Pople From the 45th Nz Bible school. "Have you considered my servant Job?" The Biblical drama of Job is haunting. A blameless man is tormented by 'the Satan': stripped of wealth, status, possessions, health and children -- all with God's permission! Who is this Satan? More chilling still, who is this God? And why, despite this cataclysmic carnage, does the drama focus on the resulting argument between Job and his 3 friends? The ending of the drama seems no clearer. When God reveals Himself, what is He saying? Finally, God restores Job. Yet does this truly repair His permitted destruction of him? With its distinctive identification of the Satan, this interpretation offers unique insights into the classic interactions between God, Satan and the Righteous Man; revealing the Messianic message encoded within. Most importantly it lends reason to persevere in faith, as Job did; and speak well of God. I offer a synopsis below. My attempt is to make this synopsis free of any interpretation ans simply a presentation of the prima fascia facts. Prologue (chapters 1-2, prose): God invites a character termed "the Satan" to consider the piety of his servant Job. The Satan counters that God fails to realize Job is only pious because he is well blessed in riches and, were he deprived, he would curse Him. God meets the Satan's demands by Himself destroying Job's fortunes, children and ultimately health. Yet Job does not curse God; the Satan loses the barter. Debate (chapters 3-31, poetry): Job's three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar come to sympathize but, ultimately, they chastise Job. A debate ensues where each speaker attacks Job in turn, calling him to repent of the sins they believe must have triggered his destruction, and Job replies in self-defense. Fourteen speeches and rebuttals are voiced, with the debate growing ever more heated and culminating in lengthy speeches from Job appealing to God to appear so that his (Job's) righteousness can be revealed. Intervention (chapters 32-41, poetry): Instead, a young witness, Elihu, speaks out. He too is critical of Job, yet limits his criticism to Job's recent words, not lifestyle, all the while defending God as righteous. Then God speaks (His longest speeches in the Bible!). He first presents a tour of creation, focusing especially on wild animals, observing that He can control them where Job cannot. When Job briefly responds, God rebukes him and launches a second speech focused wholly on His ability to control two beasts whose descriptions seem other-worldly. Job's latter response states he has 'seen God' and avers a new life direction. Epilogue (chapter 42, prose): God rebukes the three friends for not speaking correctly about Him; praises Job for succeeding in that regard; and directs Job to intercede in prayer for his friends for God to forgive them. God then restores Job: he receives double of his previous blessings yet, while he receives twice as many flocks and herds as previously, he is only blessed to receive as many children as before.nnel run by the Christadelphians Worldwide to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth About the Human condition and Gods plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. For more information on the Christadelphians visit http://TheChristadelphians.org.uk and for more videos visit http://YouTube.com/RugbyChristadelphian Read a variety of Pamphlets on-line concerning various Bible subjects. http://www.thechristadelphian.com/pamphlets/standardseries/default.html Visit our website for further information, videos and audio talks covering a varied Biblical subject base and find more info on how to get in touch with the a Christadelphian hall near you. this page is managed by the Christadelphian's at rugby. http://bibletalksrugby.org/ Have a question on a biblical subject? Ask it here... http://bibleq.info/- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 7
An Exposition of the Book of Job: God Speaks - Mr J Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job: God Speaks - Mr J Pople
From the 45th Nz Bible school.
published: 23 Oct 2013
An Exposition of the Book of Job: God Speaks - Mr J Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job: God Speaks - Mr J Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job: God Speaks - Mr J Pople From the 45th Nz Bible school. "Have you considered my servant Job?" The Biblical drama of Job is haunting. A blameless man is tormented by 'the Satan': stripped of wealth, status, possessions, health and children -- all with God's permission! Who is this Satan? More chilling still, who is this God? And why, despite this cataclysmic carnage, does the drama focus on the resulting argument between Job and his 3 friends? The ending of the drama seems no clearer. When God reveals Himself, what is He saying? Finally, God restores Job. Yet does this truly repair His permitted destruction of him? With its distinctive identification of the Satan, this interpretation offers unique insights into the classic interactions between God, Satan and the Righteous Man; revealing the Messianic message encoded within. Most importantly it lends reason to persevere in faith, as Job did; and speak well of God. I offer a synopsis below. My attempt is to make this synopsis free of any interpretation ans simply a presentation of the prima fascia facts. Prologue (chapters 1-2, prose): God invites a character termed "the Satan" to consider the piety of his servant Job. The Satan counters that God fails to realize Job is only pious because he is well blessed in riches and, were he deprived, he would curse Him. God meets the Satan's demands by Himself destroying Job's fortunes, children and ultimately health. Yet Job does not curse God; the Satan loses the barter. Debate (chapters 3-31, poetry): Job's three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar come to sympathize but, ultimately, they chastise Job. A debate ensues where each speaker attacks Job in turn, calling him to repent of the sins they believe must have triggered his destruction, and Job replies in self-defense. Fourteen speeches and rebuttals are voiced, with the debate growing ever more heated and culminating in lengthy speeches from Job appealing to God to appear so that his (Job's) righteousness can be revealed. Intervention (chapters 32-41, poetry): Instead, a young witness, Elihu, speaks out. He too is critical of Job, yet limits his criticism to Job's recent words, not lifestyle, all the while defending God as righteous. Then God speaks (His longest speeches in the Bible!). He first presents a tour of creation, focusing especially on wild animals, observing that He can control them where Job cannot. When Job briefly responds, God rebukes him and launches a second speech focused wholly on His ability to control two beasts whose descriptions seem other-worldly. Job's latter response states he has 'seen God' and avers a new life direction. Epilogue (chapter 42, prose): God rebukes the three friends for not speaking correctly about Him; praises Job for succeeding in that regard; and directs Job to intercede in prayer for his friends for God to forgive them. God then restores Job: he receives double of his previous blessings yet, while he receives twice as many flocks and herds as previously, he is only blessed to receive as many children as before.nnel run by the Christadelphians Worldwide to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth About the Human condition and Gods plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it. For more information on the Christadelphians visit http://TheChristadelphians.org.uk and for more videos visit http://YouTube.com/RugbyChristadelphian Read a variety of Pamphlets on-line concerning various Bible subjects. http://www.thechristadelphian.com/pamphlets/standardseries/default.html Visit our website for further information, videos and audio talks covering a varied Biblical subject base and find more info on how to get in touch with the a Christadelphian hall near you. this page is managed by the Christadelphian's at rugby. http://bibletalksrugby.org/ Have a question on a biblical subject? Ask it here... http://bibleq.info/- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 16
An Exposition of the Book of Job: Enter Satan Mr J.Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job: Enter Satan Mr J.Pople
"Have you considered my servant J...
published: 21 Oct 2013
An Exposition of the Book of Job: Enter Satan Mr J.Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job: Enter Satan Mr J.Pople
An Exposition of the Book of Job: Enter Satan Mr J.Pople "Have you considered my servant Job?" The Biblical drama of Job is haunting. A blameless man is tormented by 'the Satan': stripped of wealth, status, possessions, health and children -- all with God's permission! Who is this Satan? More chilling still, who is this God? And why, despite this cataclysmic carnage, does the drama focus on the resulting argument between Job and his 3 friends? The ending of the drama seems no clearer. When God reveals Himself, what is He saying? Finally, God restores Job. Yet does this truly repair His permitted destruction of him? With its distinctive identification of the Satan, this interpretation offers unique insights into the classic interactions between God, Satan and the Righteous Man; revealing the Messianic message encoded within. Most importantly it lends reason to persevere in faith, as Job did; and speak well of God. I offer a synopsis below. My attempt is to make this synopsis free of any interpretation ans simply a presentation of the prima fascia facts. Prologue (chapters 1-2, prose): God invites a character termed "the Satan" to consider the piety of his servant Job. The Satan counters that God fails to realize Job is only pious because he is well blessed in riches and, were he deprived, he would curse Him. God meets the Satan's demands by Himself destroying Job's fortunes, children and ultimately health. Yet Job does not curse God; the Satan loses the barter. Debate (chapters 3-31, poetry): Job's three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar come to sympathize but, ultimately, they chastise Job. A debate ensues where each speaker attacks Job in turn, calling him to repent of the sins they believe must have triggered his destruction, and Job replies in self-defense. Fourteen speeches and rebuttals are voiced, with the debate growing ever more heated and culminating in lengthy speeches from Job appealing to God to appear so that his (Job's) righteousness can be revealed. Intervention (chapters 32-41, poetry): Instead, a young witness, Elihu, speaks out. He too is critical of Job, yet limits his criticism to Job's recent words, not lifestyle, all the while defending God as righteous. Then God speaks (His longest speeches in the Bible!). He first presents a tour of creation, focusing especially on wild animals, observing that He can control them where Job cannot. When Job briefly responds, God rebukes him and launches a second speech focused wholly on His ability to control two beasts whose descriptions seem other-worldly. Job's latter response states he has 'seen God' and avers a new life direction. Epilogue (chapter 42, prose): God rebukes the three friends for not speaking correctly about Him; praises Job for succeeding in that regard; and directs Job to intercede in prayer for his friends for God to forgive them. God then restores Job: he receives double of his previous blessings yet, while he receives twice as many flocks and herds as previously, he is only blessed to receive as many children as before.- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 38
Youtube results:
Blessed Pope John Paul II parish reacts to sainthood declaration
Pople John Paul II will become a saint, Pope Francis said....
published: 08 Jul 2013
author: WOODTV8
Blessed Pope John Paul II parish reacts to sainthood declaration
Blessed Pope John Paul II parish reacts to sainthood declaration
Pople John Paul II will become a saint, Pope Francis said.- published: 08 Jul 2013
- views: 136
- author: WOODTV8
2012 Venkateswarlu Memorial Lecture with Dr. Walter Kohn
2012 Venkateswarlu Memorial Lecture with Dr. Walter Kohn. The Fifteenth Putcha Venkateswar...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: AAMUPhysics
2012 Venkateswarlu Memorial Lecture with Dr. Walter Kohn
2012 Venkateswarlu Memorial Lecture with Dr. Walter Kohn
2012 Venkateswarlu Memorial Lecture with Dr. Walter Kohn. The Fifteenth Putcha Venkateswarlu Memorial Lecture was presented by Dr. Walter Kohn, University of...- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 244
- author: AAMUPhysics
Pope Francis revokes a divinis suspension of Miguel D'Escoto
Pope Francis revoked the a divinis suspension imposed by Pople John Paul II in 1984 on pri...
published: 05 Aug 2014
Pope Francis revokes a divinis suspension of Miguel D'Escoto
Pope Francis revokes a divinis suspension of Miguel D'Escoto
Pope Francis revoked the a divinis suspension imposed by Pople John Paul II in 1984 on priest and chancellor Miguel D'Escoto for joining the Sandinista government. teleSUR http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/web/telesur/#!en/video/papa-francisco-revoca-la-suspension-a-divinis-de-miguel-descoto-en- published: 05 Aug 2014
- views: 34