Huffington Post
09 Apr 2013
In need of some invitation inspiration? Check out real wedding invitations in the slideshow below. Loading Slideshow. @b_tay ... Hands down ... 23rd in Dubai, UAE. The design was put together by my husband and I, and was inspired by the template we used for our website (stache kiss) ... @TheOpenBarr ... @km0t0 ... A message in a bottle. Got married in Negril. Keep in touch! Check out HuffPost Weddings on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest ... Like ... ....(size: 2.8Kb)
Austin American Statesman
09 Apr 2013
... in a series of informative articles about fracking and water ... Fracking has generated fierce controversy outside Texas, especially in the Northeast ... The agreement covers activity in the Marcellus Shale formation in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, but possibly sets a template energy companies, environmental groups and towns can follow elsewhere....(size: 4.2Kb)
Wall Street Journal
09 Apr 2013
Surgeons at a hospital in Japan recently faced a dilemma before transplanting a parent's liver into a child. How exactly to trim the organ to fit the space in the child's smaller cavity while preserving its functions ... The medical field in particular is expected to benefit greatly from 3-D printing, also known as additive manufacturing....(size: 4.7Kb)
The Australian
08 Apr 2013
THESE templates seized from a Sydney home are priceless - giving criminals the means to print money. The templates, used to make counterfeit $100 notes, were found at a home in Rydalmere after police from Operation Spartan responded to a domestic argument involving a Comanchero bikie ... The highly unusual discovery is prized by police after a recent spike in high-quality counterfeit notes found in Sydney....(size: 2.9Kb)
Real Clear Politics
08 Apr 2013
No bailout for depositors in bad banks ... Dijsselboem was forced to back -track on his attempt to generalize the "bail in" of depositors in Cypriot banks by saying "no models or templates apply". The European Commission insisted that Cypress is not a template for Eurozone countries, read Greece, Spain and Italy, especially, but it prefers a restructuring program over using taxpayer's funds to save banks in trouble....(size: 6.1Kb)
Business Wire
08 Apr 2013
In addition to helping to transform Ghana, it can serve as a template for modernization across many other countries in Africa.” ... In addition to helping to transform Ghana, it can serve as a template for modernization across many other countries in Africa.” ... Billions of people worldwide increasingly want the freedom to communicate, travel, shop, bank, entertain and work – anytime, everywhere – in ways that are enjoyable and safe....(size: 8.1Kb)
08 Apr 2013
First published in the Australian Financial Review ... Conversations the Prime Minister has in Boao with the new Chinese elite are crucial in setting the template for future diplomatic relations ... For the US, the leverage China has is the more than $US1.5 trillion of debt it owns in US Treasury bonds ... They set the template for diplomatic relations that the rest of the vast machinery in China will then work towards....(size: 6.2Kb)
LA Weekly
08 Apr 2013
Although Nirvana and Pearl Jam get most of the credit these days, it was really the mid-’80s Seattle band Green River that set the template for the heavy, sludgy, ......(size: 0.9Kb)
08 Apr 2013
Taking the reins from original helmer Guillermo Del Toro, Jackson takes the source material - itself a prequel to TLotR - and burrows ......(size: 0.7Kb)
photo: AP/Lawrence Jackson
 Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. makes a statement on Capitol Hill before a joint Democratic Senate and House committee, Friday, July 22, 2005, in Washington. The Democrats of the Senate Policy Committee and the House Government Reform Committee held a heari
Political Wire
08 Apr 2013
Under the timetable eyed by the Senate group, whose proposal is expected to be the template for a potential deal, the legislation would be introduced in the Judiciary Committee ......(size: 0.9Kb)
08 Apr 2013
"I'd like the province to re-look at this, and give us a template in terms of how we're supposed to deal with this, and the dollars to support the infrastructure so that e-bike riders and people in ......(size: 1.0Kb)
08 Apr 2013
In the film The Wild One, a defiant, motorcycle-jacketed Marlon Brando taps out a dance rhythm with his fingers atop a juke box ... Finely-tuned processes and well-engineered templates save us plenty of time. That conceded, it’s also in our best interest to regularly shake up our very regularity ... They simply get in the way ......(size: 1.6Kb)
08 Apr 2013
... market listing in New York in addition to its listing in Italy ... Marchionne on Monday did not give a date for the meeting, which is expected to be held in May ... The merged group will be based in the Netherlands, and is seen by some analysts as a template for a merger between Fiat (FIA.MI), Fiat Industrial's sister company, and Fiat's unlisted U.S....(size: 1.8Kb)