British author Doris Lessing reacts to Nobel win
Oct. 11 - British novelist Doris Lessing reacted with the words 'Oh Christ!' when told by ...
published: 12 Oct 2007
author: ReutersLC
Doris Lessing about the Sufi Way
Doris Lessing reading from her 1971 article, "An Ancient Way to New Freedom"....
published: 19 Dec 2012
author: Idries Shah
Doris Lessing talking about writing
An interview with author Doris Lessing and her translator, Krista Kaer. This clip is from ...
published: 13 Feb 2008
Doris Lessing Readings & Discussion
Doris Lessing reads and discusses her work , c. 2000. Readings from Mara and Dann & Ben in...
published: 20 Feb 2013
author: cjm73
Nobel Prize in Literature 2007, Doris Lessing
Interview with the 2007 Nobel Laureate in Literature Doris Lessing at her home in London, ...
published: 24 Jun 2008
author: Nobel Prize
Doris Lessing, Prisons, excerpt 1
from "When in the Future They Look Back On Us" in Prisons We Choose To Live Inside, 1985 C...
published: 29 Aug 2009
author: cjm73
Useful Idiots
In 1952 Doris Lessing, a British writer who has since won the Nobel Prize for Literature, ...
published: 06 Aug 2010
Doris Lessing on the Sufi Way, 1 of 3
Doris Lessing reading from her 1971 article, "An Ancient Way to New Freedom" also see http...
published: 12 Apr 2009
author: cjm73
Doris Lessing on Feminism
Sponsored Readings on eBay: http://myworld.ebay.com.au/thecriticalg Sponsored Readings on ...
published: 27 Jun 2013
author: thecriticalg
Doris Lessing über Schizophrenie
Es heisst, dass diese Stimmen zumeist aus niederen Regionen der Geisterwelt stammen. Man s...
published: 11 Apr 2008
The Good Terrorist by Doris Lessing - Book Review
In which Kathy isn't as coherent as she perhaps usually is, and is very tired, but dearly ...
published: 10 May 2011
Doris Lessing, Readings/Discussion 2004
Doris Lessing reads and discusses selections from her book Time Bites (2004). Topics inclu...
published: 02 Mar 2013
author: cjm73
Intervista a Doris Lessing, Nobel Letteratura 2007
Luciano Minerva intervista Doris Lessing, premiata dall'Accademia svedese con il Nobel Let...
published: 11 Oct 2007
author: RaiNews24
Três Momentos de Doris Lessing
Vídeo doméstico. Três romances de Doris Lessing: O Carnê Dourado Se os Velhos Pudessem Amo...
published: 24 Oct 2012
Youtube results:
The 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature goes to ...
The Swedish Academy awards the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature to Doris Lessing. The citati...
published: 11 Oct 2007
author: Nobel Prize
Flight Doris Lessing 2011
This video is made by my group on 6th Dec....
published: 16 Dec 2011
Doris Lessing Nobel Prize - Oh Christ
British writer Doris Lessing on Thursday won the Nobel Literature Prize for five decades o...
published: 11 Oct 2007
author: sirdollys
Doris Lessing Clip
Consejo para escritores/Advice to writers....
published: 17 May 2007