Izbet Tabib (15/07/2006)
Solidarity with Prisoner Khader Adnan, Tel Aviv, Israel (14/2/2012)
Action against bulldozers, Al-Walaja (04/08/2010)
Palestinian farmers prevented from harvesting their land, Saffa (27/06/09)

In the past two years, Anarchists Against the Wall has been subject to a growing wave of assaults on anti-occupation activists in  Israel and the West Bank.

In order to sustain our work and provide legal representation to arrested activists, we have issued an urgent appeal for  regular supporters to help us raise $1500 by the end of each month.



Construction resumes in Ma'asara, protest football in Beit Ummar

As winter winds blow stronger, and as construction of The Wall resumes around the village of Ma'asara - activists continue with the struggle using creative protest.

Beit Ummar

The Sound of Oppression

Al Walaja Jan 8 2012Al Walaja Jan 8 2012


Remembering the struggle's martyrs in West Bank demonstrations

Two of this week's demonstrations commemorated those killed by the Israeli Army in the course of the popular struggle. On Sunday - nine Israeli activists were arrested while stopping construction work of the wall in Walaje.


Friday Demonstrations: AAtW Join in Solidarity with the Ongoing Qadum Resistance

Anarchists Against the Wall join the villagers of Qadum for their weekly demonstrations.

Kufr Qadum


All over the West Bank, more and more villages devote their Friday to resistance against the tightening grip of Israel's millitary occupation.

A Wry Account of What We Experienced First-Hand on Friday at Nabi Saleh

A demo in Nabi-Saleh. Two weeks after the murder of Mustafa Tamimi. We assemble at various houses in the village, and set out on our march towards Ein-Haled, beyond the road. The wonderful youths of Halamish, the nearby settlement, have expropriated the spring, renaming it "Yair's Spring", building a tabernacle and beautifying the place, They are protected by an immense military force. The soldiers, armed from head to toe, are based in a barrack which has been adjoined to the settlement.

We are heading towards the spring, chanting slogans against the occupation and in memory of Mustafa Tamimi. We reach the top of the hill and start descending. A row of soldiers is spread in front of us, and even from a distance, they fire a large number of tear-gas canisters at us. The wind is blowing from west to east, drawing all the gas towards our path. We continue our descent, and the soldiers become confused. One of them shoots gas canisters directly at us, and we keep descending. The soldiers are instructed to run towards us. They obey, come up to us and manhandle us. They kneel us down on our knees and tie us up with plastic handcuffs.

Anarchists Join The struggle in Qadum

This would be the 6th village that AATW will be supporting on a long term basis at weekly demonstrations.

 Qadum Dec 23 2011


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