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  • What's Really In Our Food



    Season 1, Episode 1 (23:13)   Rating: 25 out of 5 stars

    More: What's Really In Our Food | Genre: Food, Series

    Chicken makes up a billion dollar industry, but does the way we raise our chickens affect the food we eat? Is there any benefit to buying free range? What hormones and antibiotics are used by chicken farmers and what are the potential risks?

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  • What's Really In Our Food



    Season 3, Episode 6 (22:39)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    More: What's Really In Our Food | Genre: Food, Series

    Yoghurt. It's as healthy as you could imagine, right? Carloyn investigates whether pro-biotics help with weight loss or whether they are just marketing hype. And is dairy food a good source of calcium for growing kids or a fatty, sugary artificial treat?

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  • Wodka Wars

    Wodka Wars

    (32:57)   Rating: 25 out of 5 stars

    Genre: Travel, Food, History

    Vice Scandinavia correspondent Ivar Berglin travels to the front lines of the Vodka/Wodka Wars and discovers that the tortured history of Russian-Polish relations can be saved in a bottle. The investigation takes him from Moscow to Oxford, England to Warsaw and across more than 700 years of history. War, politics, history all intermix in the complex cultural war behind arguably the world's most famous liquor.

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  • Inside Lyndey's Kitchen

    Best Sponge-Style Cake

    Best Sponge-Style Cake

    Season 1, Episode 9 (03:11)   Rating: 50 out of 5 stars

    More: Inside Lyndey's Kitchen | Genre: Food

    The quintessential cake, the sponge, is worth perfecting. When filled with cream and passionfruit, it is a timeless classic.

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  • Beer: An Insider's Guide

    Beer Connoisseur

    Beer Connoisseur

    Season 1, Episode 2 (23:27)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    More: Beer: An Insider's Guide | Genre: Food, Series

    There are beer drinkers and beer lovers but make no mistake, there are also true beer connoisseurs. Just like their wine counterparts, beer judges are experts in all things amber. In part two of the Insider's Guide, learn how professional brewers decide the beers worthy of champion trophies.

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  • Chef Masterclasses

    Salt Brined Roasted Pork Loin

    Salt Brined Roasted Pork Loin

    (06:29)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    More: Chef Masterclasses | Genre: Food, Series

    Chef Heath Dumnesy makes his pork in brine, cooked in the pizza oven. Utterly mouth watering.

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  • Revealed

    Ferran Adria

    Ferran Adria

    (21:52)   Rating: 25 out of 5 stars

    More: Revealed | Genre: Interview, Documentary

    Adria is considered the world's best chef. Starting out as a dishwasher, his El Bulli restaurant now receives a million reservation requests a year for just 8,000 seats. But he has decided to close at the height of his fame to start a new adventure. What's next for 48-year-old Adria?

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  • Chef Masterclasses

    Field Mushrooms on Toast

    Field Mushrooms on Toast

    (05:18)   Rating: 30 out of 5 stars

    More: Chef Masterclasses | Genre: Food, Series

    Heath and Emeri DeBortoli literally stumbled upon these beauties in her garden...so Heath showed Chef Masterclasses' Nerida Conway how to turn them into a yummy breakfast that will go down a treat.

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  • Confidential

    Chocolate Confidential

    Chocolate Confidential

    Season 1, Episode 7 (49:42)   Rating: 0 out of 5 stars

    More: Confidential | Genre: Lifestyle, Series

    Chocolate Confidential is a sensuous, snappy and delicious journey into the world of bars and bon bons. We take you behind closed doors of major chocolate corporations and master chocolatiers.

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