Salary Centre

Do you know what jobs pay what salaries or what the market rate is for your job? We use data from advertised jobs so it’s the going rate right now. You’ll also find trended data, the latest salary articles & use our Pay Rise Calculator to see what ends up in your pocket.

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Average Australian Salary

Source: MyCareer job listings inclusive of wage. Figures may incorporate total pkg.

Best paying sectors

Sector Avg. Min Avg. Max Average
Average Australian Salary $85,237
1Mining, Oil & Gas $64,250 $268,493 $147,597
2Executive / Corporate Strategy $57,797 $240,000 $126,980
3Engineering $56,295 $212,371 $112,394
4IT & Telecommunications $49,859 $206,256 $105,283
5Construction, Building & Architecture $44,410 $186,946 $105,132
6Legal $52,529 $188,500 $100,114
7Medical & Healthcare $45,052 $230,621 $96,300
8Scientific $47,787 $158,556 $94,817
9Marketing $43,333 $174,700 $90,701
10Banking & Financial Services $46,372 $168,269 $87,532
+ Show all sectors

Source: MyCareer job listings inclusive of wage from the last 90 days and updated weekly. Figures may incorporate total pkg. If there is insufficient data to show reliable max, min, avg then none are shown.

Pay Rise Calculator

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Use the Pay Rise Calculator to work it out for any amount.