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Welcome to the IOPS Victoria home page. Open Meetings are held fortnightly for members and non-members to engage in discussion about, and organise, the chapter’s activities and construction.

New to IOPS? An outline of the organisation is available in the documents linked to in the left sidebar.

State-level organisation is being emphasised so as to maximise communication and foster the establishment of a workable, localised framework.

Latest Blogs

IOPS Victoria Meeting 15 (15.9.13)

Date & Time: Sunday the 15th of September 2013, 2pm. Venue: Global Cities Research Institute, RMIT, Building 96, 17-23 Lygon St, Carlton  Present : Jet, Jason, Joel  Apologies: Orlando, Preethi, Helen…

IOPS Victoria Meeting 14

Date: Sunday, September 1st, 2013 Present: [8] Joel, Jet, Tim, Jason, Youbi, Helen, Bernhard and Nick. Facilitation: Youbi Minutes: Nick   14:20 Commencement Apologies: Orlando, Preethi, Steve Introductions Youbi facilitated Jet and Bernhard…

Syria - Question the Narrative and stand up against Imperialism

Hey Folk, I just want to very quicly raise the issue of Syria. In my view, we have been inflicted with distoring propaganda from the mainstream media for the past two years. The 'anti-Gov' line has been all-pervasive and its brought us to the…

Upcoming Events

Open Meeting 18


Sunday, 13:45 - 16:00

Building 96, 17-23 Lygon Street, Carlton


The Wednesday Action Group


Wednesday, 11:30 - 12:30

cnr Lonsdale & Spring St, Melbourne


Free English Lessons


Saturday, 11:00 - 13:00

2 Ovens St, Brunswick


Graham Harman Lecture On Markets

NOV 21

Thursday, 18:00 - 19:30

198 Berkeley Street, Building 110, The University of Melbourne, Carlton

Study Group

Newest Projects

Health Co-operative

While this is entirely its own project, not strictly affiliated with IOPS, it is supported by IOPS and IOPS members are involved in it. This project is in its infancy, with the first visioning session…

Critical Theory Collective

Derived from the Greek words kritikos, “discern, reflect, judge” and theōria, “contemplation, speculation” critical theory represents the creative human drives to question and…

Particigogy Project

This is a project with the aim of setting up free and regular English lessons for migrants and migrant workers.

! Communication Art project : What is participation?

[ Question about IOPS LOGO ]                   (1) Implication: International + Organization + Participatory +…

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Victoria, Australia

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Victoria, Australia

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Victoria, Australia

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Victoria, Australia

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