The Vicious Cycle of Education
The vicious cycle - from low access to education, to illiteracy, to poverty, and low socio...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: Meghan Cree-Smith
The Vicious Cycle of Education
The Vicious Cycle of Education
The vicious cycle - from low access to education, to illiteracy, to poverty, and low socio-economic status (and back again) - turns virtuous as described in ...- published: 15 Oct 2012
- views: 2132
- author: Meghan Cree-Smith
Socioeconomic Status and Education
inequality in the education system....
published: 17 Oct 2011
author: MrDehydratedwater
Socioeconomic Status and Education
Socioeconomic Status and Education
inequality in the education system.- published: 17 Oct 2011
- views: 2766
- author: MrDehydratedwater
SocioEconomic Status and American Identity
This was a project that I did for my english class. We had to write about how american lit...
published: 11 Jun 2010
author: TheQuickStudy
SocioEconomic Status and American Identity
SocioEconomic Status and American Identity
This was a project that I did for my english class. We had to write about how american literature was american and I wrote about socioeconomic problems.- published: 11 Jun 2010
- views: 2051
- author: TheQuickStudy
Perspectives on Socioeconomic Status
Some Perspectives on Socioeconomic status at Davidson College. What's yours? http://www.fa...
published: 23 Mar 2011
author: davidsonperspectives
Perspectives on Socioeconomic Status
Perspectives on Socioeconomic Status
Some Perspectives on Socioeconomic status at Davidson College. What's yours? http://www.facebook.com/pages/Perspectives-at-Davidson/146323252079139.- published: 23 Mar 2011
- views: 1578
- author: davidsonperspectives
socioeconomic status
socioeconomic status in the classroom....
published: 03 May 2011
author: Alex Jackson
socioeconomic status
socioeconomic status
socioeconomic status in the classroom.- published: 03 May 2011
- views: 367
- author: Alex Jackson
Thomas Laveist: Disentangling Race & Socioeconomic Status 4/20/09
The lecture was part of UMBC's Social Sciences Forum. Full lecture title is "Disentangling...
published: 24 Apr 2009
author: UMBCtube
Thomas Laveist: Disentangling Race & Socioeconomic Status 4/20/09
Thomas Laveist: Disentangling Race & Socioeconomic Status 4/20/09
The lecture was part of UMBC's Social Sciences Forum. Full lecture title is "Disentangling Race and Socioeconomic Status: Advancing Understanding of Race Dis...- published: 24 Apr 2009
- views: 1382
- author: UMBCtube
The effect of low socio economic status on student education
EDFD472 Multimedia Presentation....
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: teachingresources56
The effect of low socio economic status on student education
The effect of low socio economic status on student education
EDFD472 Multimedia Presentation.- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 37
- author: teachingresources56
How does socioeconomic status affect one's physical and mental health?
KIS Soc/Talk (Sociology Talk) - November 2012 http://chrissoctalk.blogspot.kr/ http://kiss...
published: 02 Dec 2012
author: Kevin Duncan
How does socioeconomic status affect one's physical and mental health?
How does socioeconomic status affect one's physical and mental health?
KIS Soc/Talk (Sociology Talk) - November 2012 http://chrissoctalk.blogspot.kr/ http://kissoctalks.blogspot.kr/- published: 02 Dec 2012
- views: 219
- author: Kevin Duncan
Governor Christie on Socioeconomic Status and Education
Governor Christie discusses plans for education reform in New Jersey. Says that socioecono...
published: 13 Apr 2011
author: GovChristie
Governor Christie on Socioeconomic Status and Education
Governor Christie on Socioeconomic Status and Education
Governor Christie discusses plans for education reform in New Jersey. Says that socioeconomic status should not determine whether or not a child receives a g...- published: 13 Apr 2011
- views: 2395
- author: GovChristie
Multimedia Project: Socioeconomic Status
This video was made as part of a group assignment for a multicultural education class. Thi...
published: 20 Nov 2011
author: gbabe1987
Multimedia Project: Socioeconomic Status
Multimedia Project: Socioeconomic Status
This video was made as part of a group assignment for a multicultural education class. This topic brings awareness to the disparities between Low && High Soc...- published: 20 Nov 2011
- views: 945
- author: gbabe1987
Chapter 12 2 Socioeconomic Status and Poverty
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: Harrassmentmonkey
Chapter 12 2 Socioeconomic Status and Poverty
Chapter 12 2 Socioeconomic Status and Poverty
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 250
- author: Harrassmentmonkey
Richard Carmona Health Literacy: Socio-Economic Status as Greatest Indicator of Health Status
Dr. Richard Carmona, former Surgeon General of the United States, discusses socio-economic...
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: WIFamilyMedicine
Richard Carmona Health Literacy: Socio-Economic Status as Greatest Indicator of Health Status
Richard Carmona Health Literacy: Socio-Economic Status as Greatest Indicator of Health Status
Dr. Richard Carmona, former Surgeon General of the United States, discusses socio-economic status and health status at the 4th Biennial Wisconsin Health Lite...- published: 05 Apr 2012
- views: 310
- author: WIFamilyMedicine
Socioeconomic Status and Education
This is a video we made for Language Arts class....
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: 15AprilG
Socioeconomic Status and Education
Socioeconomic Status and Education
This is a video we made for Language Arts class.- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 123
- author: 15AprilG
Socioeconomic Status: No Longer an Educational Dead End
Our mission is to educate others about the effect of SES on a student's educational opport...
published: 15 Apr 2013
author: Shelby Welsh
Socioeconomic Status: No Longer an Educational Dead End
Socioeconomic Status: No Longer an Educational Dead End
Our mission is to educate others about the effect of SES on a student's educational opportunities.- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 19
- author: Shelby Welsh
Vimeo results:
Analysing the build up of chemicals in people's bodies
Dr Jessica Tyrrell talks through her latest research, which has investigated the ways in w...
published: 26 Jul 2013
author: ECEHH
Analysing the build up of chemicals in people's bodies
Dr Jessica Tyrrell talks through her latest research, which has investigated the ways in which chemicals build up in people of different socioeconomic status.
How Jesus Connected with People
Compassion was at the very heart of Jesus’ ministry. As Christ followers, we have no grea...
published: 16 Nov 2010
author: Christ Church
How Jesus Connected with People
Compassion was at the very heart of Jesus’ ministry. As Christ followers, we have no greater example of connecting with people, regardless of gender or socio-economic status. In this sermon, Pastor David Ireland shows us how to apply Jesus’ principles so that we can begin spiritual connections with those around us.
Dreaming Big, Living Small: Tiny House Movement
When it comes to the American Dream, the success of a man and his socioeconomic status in ...
published: 26 May 2012
author: Meghan Lopez
Dreaming Big, Living Small: Tiny House Movement
When it comes to the American Dream, the success of a man and his socioeconomic status in the world, bigger is better has always been the mantra.
From the estates in Rhode Island to the mc-mansions in California, the more powerful a person was, the more real estate he or she laid claim to. But that might all be changing soon, with a little idea that is making a big impact.
It’s called the tiny house movement and each year more Americans are forgoing the walk-in closets and his and her sinks for something a bit cozier. These houses range from a few dozen to a few hundred square feet and they help owners escape what they call debtor prisons.
The Birth- chapter one
El Nacimiento
Del proyecto Madres adolescentes. (http://goo.gl/L0szx)
Uruguay está entre...
published: 07 Feb 2013
author: Christian Rodriguez
The Birth- chapter one
El Nacimiento
Del proyecto Madres adolescentes. (http://goo.gl/L0szx)
Uruguay está entre los países con mayor tasa de embarazo
adolescente del mundo.
En el Hospital de la Mujer “Dra. Paulina Luisi” del centro hospitalario Pereira Rossell, la maternidad más grande y compleja del Uruguay , el porcentaje de embarazos adolescentes atendidos fue 26%.
Mientras en Uruguay hay 60 embarazos adolescentes cada 1.000 habitantes, el promedio mundial es 49.
Para las autoridades esto siempre ha significado un problema: más prematurez, más bajo peso al nacer, más prevalencia de sífilis congénita, reproducción de la pobreza y un 85% de madres adolescentes que abandonaron el sistema educativo.
La mayoría de las jóvenes con las que hable decidieron tener a sus hijos y nunca se les pasó por la cabeza abortar. Las profesionales que trabajan en el hospital relataron que en sus respectivos barrios, estas jóvenes dejan de pertenecer a las barras de la calle y cobran un estatus superior, el de ser madres.
Ser madre adolescente en los barrios de la periferia de la ciudad tiene otra connotación que no las tiene una joven de clase media o alta. Para una madre adolescente de las clases más bajas tener un hijo es un objeto propio, una posesión de las que nadie las podrá despojar. Una forma de acercarse en la escala social siendo un proyecto de vida.
Resultado de un estudio de campo se llega a la conclusión que repiten los patrones de sus progenitores quienes también fueron madres adolescentes. De una muestra de 23 pacientes, 19 de ellas son hijas de adolescentes. Sus referentes más cercanos han sido madres muy jóvenes lo cual es bien visto en sus comunidades y barrios.
From the project Teen Mom
Uruguay is among the countries with the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the world.
The largest number of maternity cases, as well as the most complex of Uruguay are atended at the Women's Hospital "Dra. Paulina Luisi " in the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center. The teen pregnancy rate atended was 26%.
While in Uruguay there are 60 teenage pregnancies per 1,000 inhabitants, the global average is 49.
For the authorities it has always meant a problem: more prematurity, lower birth weight, higher prevalence of congenital syphilis, the reproduction of poverty and 85% of teenage mothers who left the education system.
Most young people I spoke with decided to have their children and it never crossed their minds to abort. The professionals working at the hospital reported that in their respective neighborhoods, these young women no longer belong to street rods, they charge to a higher status, that of being a mother.
Being a teenage mother in the neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city has another connotation that a middle or upper class girl wouldn’t have. For a teenage mother from a lower socioeconomical status a child is a proper object, a possession from which no one can deprive her. Her child becomes a way to approach a higher level in the social ladder, it’s a life project.
Results of a field study conclude that they tend to repeat the patterns of their mothers, who mosttly were also teenagers as them. From a 23 patient sample, 19 were born to a teenagers. Their closest references has been very young mothers, which is well regarded in their communities and neighborhoods.
Youtube results:
Cognitive Dysfunction Is Associated With Poor Socioeconomic Status in Patients With...
Dr. Jasmohan S. Bajaj discusses his manuscript "Cognitive Dysfunction Is Associated With P...
published: 23 Oct 2013
Cognitive Dysfunction Is Associated With Poor Socioeconomic Status in Patients With...
Cognitive Dysfunction Is Associated With Poor Socioeconomic Status in Patients With...
Dr. Jasmohan S. Bajaj discusses his manuscript "Cognitive Dysfunction Is Associated With Poor Socioeconomic Status in Patients With Cirrhosis: An International Multicenter Study" To view the abstract for this manuscript visit http://bit.ly/1a9SeHc.- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 34
Socioeconomic Status and Academic Motivation
for Education 101, Bowdoin College....
published: 06 May 2010
author: branaganpalmer
Socioeconomic Status and Academic Motivation
Socioeconomic Status and Academic Motivation
for Education 101, Bowdoin College.- published: 06 May 2010
- views: 2884
- author: branaganpalmer
Socioeconomic Status in the Classroom.m4v
published: 05 Oct 2011
author: slugassyw200
Socioeconomic Status in the Classroom.m4v
Discrimination against Socio-economic Status
Singapore Polytechniv Module LC8002-General Education 2 : Critical Reasoning and Persuasio...
published: 23 Oct 2013
Discrimination against Socio-economic Status
Discrimination against Socio-economic Status
Singapore Polytechniv Module LC8002-General Education 2 : Critical Reasoning and Persuasion_CA10 Photo Essay Done by- Li Kuang - DARCH/1A/01 Deon - DOPT/1A/01- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 18