The Wayback Machine -
RPM ao Vivo 2002 - Show Completo
RPM - Rádio Pirata Ao Vivo (Álbum Completo) [1986]
RPM - Revoluções Por Minuto (Álbum Completo) [1985]
Power Rangers RPM- Episode 3: Rain
Rpm - Alvorada Voraz
RPM - Olhar 43
Power Rangers RPM-Episode 1: Road to Corinth
Demo: RPM Ultrazord Formation!
Power Rangers RPM- Episode 4
Power Rangers: R.P.M - Promo 1
Les Mills RPM™ 51 (footage from Ultimate Super Workshop Sydney, 2011)
Power Rangers RPM- Episode 6


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RPM ao Vivo 2002 - Show Completo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:10:58
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

RPM ao Vivo 2002 - Show Completo

RPM ao Vivo 2002 - Show Completo 01 - Revoluções Por Minuto 02 - Alvorada Voraz 03 - Juvenília 04 - Sete Mares 05 - Fatal 06 - Liberdade/Guerra Fria 07 - Lon... ao Vivo 2002 - Show Completo
RPM - Rádio Pirata Ao Vivo (Álbum Completo) [1986]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 37:45
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

RPM - Rádio Pirata Ao Vivo (Álbum Completo) [1986]

Rádio Pirata ao Vivo é o segundo álbum da banda de rock brasileira RPM, lançado em 1986. É um dos discos mais vendidos da história da indústria fonográfica d... - Rádio Pirata Ao Vivo (Álbum Completo) [1986]
RPM - Revoluções Por Minuto (Álbum Completo) [1985]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 36:42
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

RPM - Revoluções Por Minuto (Álbum Completo) [1985]

A música jovem no Brasil pode ser dividida sem medo de errar em A/RPM e D/RPM.Divisor de águas da música jovem no Brasil este Revoluções colocava o Brasil em... - Revoluções Por Minuto (Álbum Completo) [1985]
Power Rangers RPM- Episode 3: Rain
  • Order:
  • Duration: 22:01
  • Updated: 28 Sep 2013

Power Rangers RPM- Episode 3: Rain

Power Rangers RPM Note: Please anything shown, is not owned by the uploader. EVERYTHING SHOWN IS OWNED BY THEIR RIGHTFUL OWNER!! I don't own Power Rangers and Saban Entertainment owns it now.. This is for entertainment purposes, for people who want to watch Power Rangers. And don't hate me when this video deletes by the owner. If you want me to continue, please comment, like and sub!
  • published: 28 Sep 2013
  • views: 527 Rangers RPM- Episode 3: Rain
Rpm - Alvorada Voraz
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:04
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

Rpm - Alvorada Voraz

RPM em show com a musica Alvorada Voraz. - Alvorada Voraz
RPM - Olhar 43
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:00
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

RPM - Olhar 43

O RPM (Revoluções por Minuto) é o grupo do rock brasileiro surgido em 1985, tendo sido um dos mais populares do país nos anos de 1986 e 1987. Foi um dos grup... - Olhar 43
Power Rangers RPM-Episode 1: Road to Corinth
  • Order:
  • Duration: 22:16
  • Updated: 22 Sep 2013

Power Rangers RPM-Episode 1: Road to Corinth

Power Rangers RPM I don't own Power Rangers and Saban Entertainment owns it now.. This is for entertainment purposes, for people who want to watch Power Rangers. And don't hate me when this video deletes by the owner. If you want me to continue, please comment, like and sub!
  • published: 22 Sep 2013
  • views: 471 Rangers RPM-Episode 1: Road to Corinth
Demo: RPM Ultrazord Formation!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:43
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

Demo: RPM Ultrazord Formation!

Welcome to my demo of the RPM Ultrazord, the behemoth formed when you combine the High Octane Megazord, Valvemax Megazord, Mach Megazord, and Paleomax Megazo... RPM Ultrazord Formation!
Power Rangers RPM- Episode 4
  • Order:
  • Duration: 22:28
  • Updated: 04 Oct 2013

Power Rangers RPM- Episode 4

Power Rangers RPM Note: Please anything shown, is not owned by the uploader. EVERYTHING SHOWN IS OWNED BY THEIR RIGHTFUL OWNER!! I don't own Power Rangers and Saban Entertainment owns it now.. This is for entertainment purposes, for people who want to watch Power Rangers. And don't hate me when this video deletes by the owner. If you want me to continue, please comment, like and sub!
  • published: 04 Oct 2013
  • views: 887 Rangers RPM- Episode 4
Power Rangers: R.P.M - Promo 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:51
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Power Rangers: R.P.M - Promo 1

The Official Power Rangers: R.P.M Promo 1. The promo features the cast members: Eka Darville, Dan Ewing, Ari Boyland, Rose McIver, and Milo Cawthorne. The pr...
  • published: 09 Feb 2009
  • views: 1005630
  • author: rpmcast Rangers: R.P.M - Promo 1
Les Mills RPM™ 51 (footage from Ultimate Super Workshop Sydney, 2011)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:00
  • Updated: 02 Jul 2013

Les Mills RPM™ 51 (footage from Ultimate Super Workshop Sydney, 2011)

RPM™ is a 45 minute indoor cycling workout that burns serious calories. What you are viewing is a portion of track 7 which focuses on interval training. To f... Mills RPM™ 51 (footage from Ultimate Super Workshop Sydney, 2011)
Power Rangers RPM- Episode 6
  • Order:
  • Duration: 22:01
  • Updated: 12 Oct 2013

Power Rangers RPM- Episode 6

  • published: 12 Oct 2013
  • views: 6471 Rangers RPM- Episode 6
RPM by Les Mills
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:30
  • Updated: 31 Jul 2013

RPM by Les Mills

Heroes campaign video of RPM by Les Mills.
  • published: 11 May 2008
  • views: 303545
  • author: Les Mills by Les Mills
Pirate Radio -  By RPM
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:29
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Pirate Radio - By RPM

RPM - Radio Pirata.
  • published: 17 Feb 2007
  • views: 1058070
  • author: Cmte Sergio Radio - By RPM
  • RPM ao Vivo 2002 - Show Completo
    RPM ao Vivo 2002 - Show Completo
  • RPM - Rádio Pirata Ao Vivo (Álbum Completo) [1986]
    RPM - Rádio Pirata Ao Vivo (Álbum Completo) [1986]
  • RPM - Revoluções Por Minuto (Álbum Completo) [1985]
    RPM - Revoluções Por Minuto (Álbum Completo) [1985]
  • Power Rangers RPM- Episode 3: Rain
    Power Rangers RPM- Episode 3: Rain
  • Rpm - Alvorada Voraz
    Rpm - Alvorada Voraz
  • RPM - Olhar 43
    RPM - Olhar 43
  • Power Rangers RPM-Episode 1: Road to Corinth
    Power Rangers RPM-Episode 1: Road to Corinth
  • Demo: RPM Ultrazord Formation!
    Demo: RPM Ultrazord Formation!
  • Power Rangers RPM- Episode 4
    Power Rangers RPM- Episode 4
  • Power Rangers: R.P.M - Promo 1
    Power Rangers: R.P.M - Promo 1
  • Les Mills RPM™ 51 (footage from Ultimate Super Workshop Sydney, 2011)
    Les Mills RPM™ 51 (footage from Ultimate Super Workshop Sydney, 2011)
  • Power Rangers RPM- Episode 6
    Power Rangers RPM- Episode 6
  • RPM by Les Mills
    RPM by Les Mills
  • Pirate Radio -  By RPM
    Pirate Radio - By RPM

RPM ao Vivo 2002 - Show Completo

RPM ao Vivo 2002 - Show Completo 01 - Revoluções Por Minuto 02 - Alvorada Voraz 03 - Juvenília 04 - Sete Mares 05 - Fatal 06 - Liberdade/Guerra Fria 07 - Lon...

RPM ao Vivo 2002 - Show Com­ple­to
RPM ao Vivo 2002 - Show Com­ple­to 01 - Rev­oluções Por Min­u­to 02 - Alvo­ra­da Voraz 03 - Juven...
pub­lished: 19 Aug 2012
RPM - Rádio Pi­ra­ta Ao Vivo (Álbum Com­ple­to) [1986]
Rádio Pi­ra­ta ao Vivo é o se­gun­do álbum da banda de rock brasileira RPM, lançado em 1986. É...
pub­lished: 24 Dec 2012
RPM - Rev­oluções Por Min­u­to (Álbum Com­ple­to) [1985]
A música jovem no Brasil pode ser di­vi­di­da sem medo de errar em A/RPM e D/RPM.​Divisor de á...
pub­lished: 27 Jan 2013
Power Rangers RPM- Episode 3: Rain
Power Rangers RPM Note: Please any­thing shown, is not owned by the up­load­er. EV­ERY­THING S...
pub­lished: 28 Sep 2013
Rpm - Alvo­ra­da Voraz
RPM em show com a mu­si­ca Alvo­ra­da Voraz....
pub­lished: 18 Dec 2008
RPM - Olhar 43
O RPM (Rev­oluções por Min­u­to) é o grupo do rock brasileiro surgi­do em 1985, tendo sido um ...
pub­lished: 05 May 2009
Power Rangers RPM-Episode 1: Road to Corinth
Power Rangers RPM I don't own Power Rangers and Saban En­ter­tain­ment owns it now.. This is ...
pub­lished: 22 Sep 2013
Demo: RPM Ul­tra­zord For­ma­tion!
Wel­come to my demo of the RPM Ul­tra­zord, the be­he­moth formed when you com­bine the High Oct...
pub­lished: 06 Dec 2009
Power Rangers RPM- Episode 4
Power Rangers RPM Note: Please any­thing shown, is not owned by the up­load­er. EV­ERY­THING S...
pub­lished: 04 Oct 2013
Power Rangers: R.P.M - Promo 1
The Of­fi­cial Power Rangers: R.P.M Promo 1. The promo fea­tures the cast mem­bers: Eka Darvil...
pub­lished: 09 Feb 2009
au­thor: rpm­cast
Les Mills RPM™ 51 (footage from Ul­ti­mate Super Work­shop Syd­ney, 2011)
RPM™ is a 45 minute in­door cy­cling work­out that burns se­ri­ous calo­ries. What you are viewi...
pub­lished: 01 Aug 2011
Power Rangers RPM- Episode 6
pub­lished: 12 Oct 2013
RPM by Les Mills
Heroes cam­paign video of RPM by Les Mills....
pub­lished: 11 May 2008
au­thor: Les Mills
Pi­rate Radio - By RPM
RPM - Radio Pi­ra­ta....
pub­lished: 17 Feb 2007
au­thor: Cmte Ser­gio
Youtube results:
R.P.M. by Sasha Pieterse - Of­fi­cial video
BUY NOW - https://​itunes.​apple.​com/​us/​album/​r.​p.​m.​-single/​id654443181 R.P.M. is the sec­ond...
pub­lished: 14 Jun 2013
For­du­lat­szam RPM ( tel­jes film mag­yarul ).avi
Ker­lek szavaz ha ertekeled hogy fel tetem a fil­met....
pub­lished: 08 Apr 2012
au­thor: An­drei Vasil
Ro­dri­go Faro canta RPM no Dança, Gat­in­ho deste sábado (17) - O Mel­hor do Brasil
pes­soal peço um favor a todos voçes cur­tam a pag­i­na da loja da Gaby fontenelle do pro­gra­ma...
pub­lished: 18 Nov 2012
au­thor: GABY Potência
RPM - Es­pe­cial Globo Re­porter
RPM - Es­pe­cial Globo Re­porter Ex­trai­do do DVD Rádio Pi­ra­ta Ao Vivo....
pub­lished: 16 Jun 2012
au­thor: 4coiotes
photo: AP / Vincent Yu
Villagers stranded by last week's Typhoon Haiyan scramble for aid from a U.S. Navy Sea Hawk helicopter from the U.S. aircraft carrier USS George Washington in the coastal town of Tanawan, central Philippines Sunday, Nov. 17. 2013.
Edit The Hindu
17 Nov 2013
Since the typhoon hit, Danny Estember, a 50-year-old ambulance driver, has been hiking three hours round-trip into the mountains each day to obtain what he can only hope is clean water for his five daughters and two sons. The exhausting journey is necessary because safe water is desperately scarce in this storm-ravaged portion of the Philippines ... With at least 6,00,000 people homeless, the demand is massive ... Estember said ... The U.S ... ....(size: 5.4Kb)
photo: AP / Aaron Favila
A Filipino trooper distributes water to survivors waiting for a military flight to Manila as they flee typhoon hit Tacloban city, Leyte province, central Philippines on Friday, Nov. 15, 2013. Survivors of Typhoon Haiyan, one of the most powerful typhoons ever recorded, have only now begun to receive some aid, a week after their homes and lives were torn apart.
Edit BBC News
15 Nov 2013
Aid workers struggling to help survivors of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines have described the situation as bleak - one week after the storm tore into the country. A spokesman for Medecins Sans Frontieres said the logistical issues of distributing aid were enormous. However, correspondents in the ruined city of Tacloban say US military aircraft are beginning to bring in aid ... Continue reading the main story Aid at a glance ... Australia ... ....(size: 4.1Kb)

Edit Denver Post
17 Nov 2013
Ginny and John Freyer chaired the 2013 Museum After Dark fundraiser for Denver Museum of Nature & Science ... How does one begin a trip Across the Universe? ... But since the parking lot at Denver Museum of Nature & Science isn't equipped with launching pads like the ones at Kennedy Space Center, the 550 guests at Museum After Dark blasted off to the museum's west entrance in golf carts piloted by valets from RPM Parking Companies ... ....(size: 2.3Kb)
Edit STL Today
17 Nov 2013
The standard Chevy Camaro, which comes with a V-6, apparently figured — quite accurately, as it turns out — that the return of the fire-breathing, 500-hp Z/28 would get all the press. So, for the new model year, this blue-collar edition makes do mainly with modest styling changes ... Few will squawk ... No problem ... Capable of reaching 60 mph in 6 seconds while singing a snarly exhaust note above 3,000 rpm, the V-6 Camaro is a hoot ... Louis ... Louis....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit Dayton Daily News
17 Nov 2013
If you like to drive your Honda fast — and if you want to go faster — Philip LaPointe would like a word with you ... Before, parts made by Honda Performance Development, the automaker’s racing arm, were meant for race cars. The idea now is to make tuner kits and other high-performance parts available to Honda enthusiasts who drive street cars ... The stock CR-Z provides 130 horsepower from a 1.5-liter, four-cylinder engine at 6000 rpm ... ....(size: 3.5Kb)
Edit Sun Star
17 Nov 2013
IN EXCHANGE for relief goods, Xavier University (XU)-Ateneo de Cagayan gave free hugs to donors ... Villano said that inside the school alone, there were two males and two females who gave free hugs to those who are willing to get a hug and donate relief goods ... God’s grace ... The sale will start at 2 p.m. until 7 p.m ... Music groups in the city will stage a concert to collect relief goods on Friday at the RPM, located beside Centrio Mall ... ....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit The Verge
17 Nov 2013
All i want is a 256 gig Service Pro 2. Posted by techfreaks on November 17, 2013 03.09 am 0. I'm getting super antsy and might make a poor choice and buy the 128 model. The 256 can't be found anywhere online or in a store. I'd like to hear your opinions on this. I'll break down what i'm going to use it for ... Right now i have 2 systems. My shop machine which is a custom built PC running windows ... Both my Mac and PC have 7200 RPM hard drives ... Go....(size: 5.7Kb)
Edit noodls
16 Nov 2013
(Source. BMW - Bayerische Motoren Werke AG). Richmond Hill, ON. BMW today announced the introduction of an entirely new model series with the introduction of the all-new BMW 2 Series Coupé ... Pricing for the 2014 BMW 2 Series Coupés will be announced in November.  BMW 2 Series Coupé Highlights ... 2,979 cc ... 315 hp at 5,800 - 6,000 rpm, max. torque 332 lb-ft at 1,300 - 4,500 rpm ... 241 hp at 5,000 - 6,500 rpm, max ... 258 lb-ft at 1,250 - 4,500 rpm....(size: 6.5Kb)
Edit Ohio
16 Nov 2013
COMPUTERS. Switching email causes glitch. Q ... A. I think you were locked out of Facebook because your Comcast email address no longer exists ... Site. ... The purpose is to transmit engine power to the drive wheels and to optimize vehicle performance at all speeds by keeping the engine in its most efficient RPM range ... The fundamental advantage is their ability to keep the engine in a very narrow, highly efficient RPM range to maximize performance....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit The Charlotte Observer
16 Nov 2013
HOMESTEAD, Fla. Is it possible NASCAR could alter the track makeup of the Chase for the Sprint Cup in future seasons?. NASCAR President Mike Helton seemed to open the door to such a move in comments made during a news conference Friday at Homestead-Miami Speedway ... Annett to move to Cup series ... RPM still plans to run a Nationwide series team in 2014, but team officials have not yet formalized plans around a driver ... ....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit Canada Dot Com
16 Nov 2013
Ted Staunton recently bought a box of old 78-rpm records from a seller who had, in turn, purchased them at an estate sale. Staunton, a retired graphic artist from Surrey, is a collector of old 78s. As a graphic artist, he is fascinated by the designs on their labels and sleeves. There were about 80 records in the box. They were in mint condition, and most of the records were in their original paper sleeves ... They were all Japanese ... It read....(size: 6.0Kb)
Edit Kathimerini
15 Nov 2013
The International Organizing Committee – Australia – for the Restitution of the Parthenon Marbles (IOC-A-RPM) is hosting its British and American counterparts from November 15-17 for the joint conference, which has attracted campaigners, scholars and philhellenes from around the world ... The IOC-A-RPM, founded in 1981, is the ......(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit The Examiner
15 Nov 2013
54 Joe Gibbs Racing Toyota ... Richard Petty Motorsports (RPM) Development Driver Corey LaJoie will make his first NASCAR Nationwide Series (NNS) start at Homestead-Miami (Fla.) Speedway this weekend. RPM will field a second NNS entry at the one-and-a-half mile track for the rookie driver ... I'm happy it's with a great organization like RPM, and I couldn't be more excited to represent them on and off the race track," added No ... 17 ... ....(size: 7.2Kb)
Edit Herald Tribune
15 Nov 2013
Alliance names Sandies winners. The nine winners of the Lakewood Ranch Business Alliance's Sandies Members' Choice Awards are.. One of a Kind. Judy Athari, Buffalo Lodging (Courtyard by Marriott). Bull by the Horns. Tommy Klauber, Polo Grill & Bar. Rising Star. Chris DeLeonardo, Wells Fargo Advisors LLC. Ray of Sunshine ... Marc Simms, RPM Business Advisors LLC ... Marc Simms, RPM Business Advisors LLC.</p><p>Networking Queen ... ....(size: 4.6Kb)
Edit noodls
15 Nov 2013
(Source. PROTON Holdings Berhad) PRESS. The All-New Proton Suprima S Arrives In The Land Down Under. Posted on Nov 14, 2013 ... The Suprima S is powered by PROTON's own 1.6 litre, DOHC, 16-valve, Campro, Charged Fuel Efficiency (CFE) engine that produces 103kW @ 5,000 rpm and 205Nm @ 2,000-4,000 rpm ... LOTUS Ride and Handling developed exclusively for the Suprima S range give it exceptional dynamics ... Five colours are available ... distributed by....(size: 5.3Kb)

Revolutions per minute (abbreviated rpm, RPM, r/min, or r·min−1) is a measure of the frequency of a rotation. It annotates the number of full rotations completed in one minute around a fixed axis. It is used as a measure of rotational speed of a mechanical component.

Standards organizations generally recommend the symbol r/min, which is more consistent with the general use of unit symbols. This is not enforced as an international standard. In French for example, tr/mn (tours par minute) is commonly used, and the German equivalent reads U/min (Umdrehungen pro Minute).

According to the International System of Units (SI), rpm is not a unit. This is because Revolutions is a semantic annotation rather than a unit. The annotation is instead done in the subscript of the formula sign if needed. Because of the measured physical quantity, the formula sign has to be f for (rotational) frequency and ω or Ω for angular velocity. The corresponding basic SI unit is s−1 or Hz. When measuring angular speed, rad·s−1 can also be used as unit.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Leslie ("Les") Roy Mills CNZM, MBE, (born 1 November 1934 in Auckland) is a retired New Zealand athlete, who represented New Zealand at Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games over two decades. He competed in shot put, discus and weightlifting events. At the 1966 British Empire and Commonwealth Games he achieved his best result, a gold medal in discus.

After retiring from active competition, Mills became a gym owner in 1968 and a businessman. He was Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand's largest city, from 1990 to 1998. He gives his name to Les Mills International, a company founded by his son Phillip Mills.

He also has trained New Zealand throwers, such as Beatrice Faumuina.

Mills's personal best for the shot put was a New Zealand national record for 44 years, until 16-year-old Jacko Gill broke it on 23 April 2011 with a throw of 20.01 m

Mills is only one of two people to have the rare honour of twice being the New Zealand flag bearer at Olympic Games, the other being Arthur Porritt.

Mills served as the Mayor of Auckland City between 1990 and 1998. His Mayoral term commenced with a by-election in 1990 after the resignation of Dame Catherine Tizard, who had been appointed Governor-General. The new council had been formed following local body amalgamation in 1989 which saw many of the district borough councils merged into one larger city. Mills' first term oversaw the merger of these many district boroughs into one city. The Aotea Centre was also opened at the beginning of his term. Other initiatives which commenced on Mills' watch as Mayor included the introduction of the green "wheelie bins", metered user charges for water use, council assets like golf courses were leased to private management, and the city also quit some assets that no longer were of priority, like its abattoir.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Sasha Pieterse (born February 17, 1996) is an American film and television actress. She is known for her role as Amanda Strazzulla on Heroes, and as Alison DiLaurentis on ABC Family's TV series Pretty Little Liars, which first premiered in June 2010.

Born in Johannesburg, South Africa and raised in Las Vegas before moving to Los Angeles, Sasha Embeth Pieterse grew up around show business. Her parents were both professional dance partners who performed all over the world, and Pieterse loved being on stage with them. She soon met with an agent who quickly signed her to acting, and she's been busy acting and modeling ever since. At 6 years old, Sasha Pieterse got her start in television, co-starring as "Buffy" on The WB comedy series Family Affair. In 2004, she appeared in Stargate SG-1 and House. In 2005, she appeared in her first film The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl cast as Marissa "Ice Princess" and also in a short-lived series called Wanted with her former Family Affair co-star, Gary Cole. In 2009 Pieterse was cast as Alison DiLaurentis in the TV series Pretty Little Liars based on the book series by Sara Shepard. Being only 14 at the time, she is the youngest actress on the show, all her co-stars being in their early to mid 20s.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Rodrigo Faro (born 20 October 1973 in São Paulo, Brazil) is a Brazilian telenovela actor, singer, dancer and TV presenter.

He was a singer of the boy band Dominó.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Aiyyo actions reactions, addition subtraction
Crew split the factions, split the fractions
E-mail celly talk two-way faxes
Rap bold is love just ask the axis, relax
Listen to what your ears say
Don't believe the hear-say, or a beer say
You fuckin' with entrepreneurs and rhyme wars
Marked up passports and world-wide tours
But still bangin' out of cars I'm sure
All the heads that cop our shit romp the tour
You kick a little something but the crowd want more
I kick a smorgasbord, that could feed the poor
I learn to spit raps, brace for kick back
And drip wax, some of the illest on slip mats
Cy Young pitchin', catch the transmission
Swollen Membership on a Cali to Van mission.
Passport stamped up at the station
Through customs through immigration
The sign reads welcome to your nation
We come to bring the celibration.
The war on paper, bongs and smoke vapours
Blowin' up and out, goin' up a belt
Watch the formula, shadows and corridors
We haven't slept yet, my eyes are bloodshot
And when the drums drop, that's the fun part
Stare and snipe you out here at the street fight
Let the beat ride black market midnight
Attack a stack of vamps like a pit fight
So many bones get broken in the rib shack
That's where I live at, yo watch the kick back
RPMs back seats and engine blocks
I got my tale pipe stuck up in a glove box
All our songs rock, duck the Molotov
Clear bottle, call the dogs off
At the borders, and at the air ports
We shoot straight and know exactly what to aim for.
Aiyyo it's spread like a virus, Mad Prev and Iris (Iriscience)
Never ask if you can dig it like Cyrus
Shadow boxin' got a killer silhouette
Even when we open crowd be like they rock the illest set
Feel us yet? You romper room rappers
Ain't catchin' half the shit I say until the mornin' after
This shit is evil on pars don't have to play it backwards
This was made from stacks of cash from underneath my mattress
But most of y'all are just a bunch of fuckin' actors
Flexible suckin' your own dick for practice, actors
If I can't get a chance to put my claim on it
You smoked about a thousand pounds with my name on it
Free medical and dental plan
I'm on six figures bitch you drive a rental van
Smokin' weed in coffee shops, stripper sucked for dough

You will recover when you discover baby
There is no other when you recover baby
And when the mood is right, you'll get it every night
Go on and play it light, your on the other side
Your beautiful, beside me
Your beautiful, it's me
I will let you, I will let you down
Into another, don't run for cover baby
There is no other into another baby
And when the time is right I got you in my sight
I'll reach into your life and look around inside
Your beautiful, inside of me
Your beautiful, it's me
I will let you, I will let you down
I will let you, I will let you down
Your beautiful, inside of me
Your beautiful, it's me
I will let you, I will let you down
I will let you, I will let you down
I will let you
I will let you
I will let you
I will let you

Shawnna kick hot shit for bitches that got they baby daddies locked
in the pen' gone; fittin to rock cause he did wrong
Run up on the cops and he hit 'em with the glock with his wig gone
Sellin rock on the big phone
In the projects niggaz run up on your set with the tech' out
Leave you wet with you chest out
Killer niggaz realer niggaz have a nigga fill a never realer nigga
Drill a nigga fuckin with a villian never spill a nigga
Fuck that! Nigga bust back, we in the 'Llac
Me and my bitches all strapped
Puffin the sack and we be sippin on 'gnac
Fittin to react, and pop a nigga for them stacks (OOH-OOOH!)
Niggaz I'm with they put the fifth to your whole melon
Now with the murderers are known felons
I gotta pop a nigga drop a nigga rock a nigga shock a nigga
Lock a nigga fuck a nigga, cop the floppin nigga
Roll for my bitches that be droppin in the strip clubs
Tryin get 'em a lil' somethin
If you gotta take it off, take it off like a boss for the big ones
Then you get you a big gun
Motherfuckers from the Chi like to put it yo' eye if it's on bitch
Put it straight to yo' dome heads
Now you fuckin with them gangsters, ballers, hoes, hustlers
Bangers - niggaz that with them real motherfuckers like whoa!
It's real real - on the block I been up for days
I gotta keep the steel steel - in case a nigga wanna get in the way
So now what's the deal deal? On the street you got nothin to say
So when I see him I'ma get him (WHAT!) drill him (WHAT!)
Fill him fill him (WHAT WHAT!)
Twista kick hot shit for hoes and thugs
in ghettoes and clubs that get crunk; for my homies locked down
to whoever hurtin in the hood and ballers with 22's on big trucks
To my thugs that call over to they mob
And to the hustlers that be servin hydro and cocaine
To my niggaz that ain't hoes; if they have to
they will steal a nigga touch a nigga check a nigga cut a nigga
Pull the trigger bust a nigga, yellow motherfucker nigga
Ready to fill and spill a drink, I'm drunk go and weed it up
And I'm talkin about go like I'm smokin the bone
full of some shit that damn sho' wouldn't seed it up
Got you fillin the hole then go see your body
probably reanimated with all my Legit Ballaz rollin up
Up the streets stuffed the beats
So you see them Navigators, Escalades, Benzes,
Beamers, Excursions - bumpin systems TV's and them 20's spinnin
Mob for them niggaz that done up off them hard times
K-Town, West side, South side
Murder us for the money that's why I'm known to kick a hard rhyme
Whatever set you represent throw it up
If you buck or crunk then take yo' motherfuckin shirt off
Dealers get your work off; you wanna party
full of hustle niggaz killer niggaz gangsta niggaz chill niggaz
Baller niggaz thug niggaz player haters real niggaz
I'ma kick hot shit for bitches up in the industry tryin to compete me
I'm from the hood South side, West side
where niggaz'll put a motherfuckin slug in my enemy
Motown, Pucketown, do or die
The difference between a motherfuckin thug and a gangsta
One's thug in a chamber
Get a nigga stick a nigga put him in a ditch and then forget a nigga
Hit a nigga puck a nigga little with the rocker nigga
Puff that say you love that
We in the 'Llac and put the lemon in the 'gnac
Remy and sacks that got me scummy in the back
Puffin the raps that got me layin out slacks
and it's speakin like, "Wow, that, blunt let me hit the weed"
Cause I been feelin like
fuck a nigga bust a nigga Shawnna never love a nigga
Chi about to show the motherfuckers how to rush a nigga
Crush that put it on momma
On everything I got e'rything for the drama, puff marijuana
To the Shawnna and put it on ya
Flows who you froze in a comma
We so relentless, you know Chi up in the business
Flows in yo' dome in an instance
Hoes and them folks and the Mo's and the ki's and the fo's

Quero das horas escuras
Cumplicidade em qualquer loucura
Quero as noites em claro
A eletricidade, um luar de mil watts
Já não morro mais de medo
Que o tempo escorra pelos dedos
Já não sinto quase nada
Na madrugada fria
Quero a sujeira nas ruas
Nas veias de asfalto, quero me injetar
Quero o perigo correndo comigo
Sem nunca poder me alcançar
Já não morro mais de medo
Que o tempo escorra pelos dedos
Já não sei de quase nada
Sob a luz do sol
Quero a cidade vazia
O clarão do dia me ofusca a visão
Minha cabeça lateja
Meu corpo cansado se espalha no chão

Sinais de vida no pais vizinho
Eu já não ando mais sozinho
Toca o telefone
Chega um telegrama enfim
Ouvimos qualquer coisa de Brasília
Rumores falam em guerrilha
Foto no jornal
Cadeia nacional
Viola e canto ingênuo do caboclo
Caiu o santo do pau oco
Foge pro riacho
Foge que eu te acho assim
Fulano se atirou da ponte aérea
Não agüentou fila de espera
Apertar os cintos
Preparar para descolar
Nos chegam gritos da ilha do norte
Ensaio pra dança da morte
Tem disco pirata
Tem vídeo cassete até
Agora a China bebe Coca-Cola
Aqui na esquina cheiram cola

Invadir, pilhar, tomar o que É nosso
Pirataria nas ondas do rádio
Havia alguma coisa errada com o rei
Preparar a nossa invasão
E fazer justiça com as próprias mãos
Dinamitar um paiol de bobagens
E navegar o mar da tranqüilidade
Toquem o meu coração, façam a revolução
Que estar no ar, nas ondas do rádio
Nos submundo repousa o repudio
E deve despertar
You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
Girl you couldn't get much higher
Come on baby light my fire
Come on baby light my fire
Try to set the night on fire
Come on baby light my fire
Disputar em cada freqüência
Um espaço nosso nessa decadência
canhões de amor ao que vai vingar
Toquem o meu coração, façam a revolução
Que está no ar, nas ondas do radio
No underground repousa o repudio
E deve despertar
Toquem o meu coração, façam a revolução
Que está no ar, Que está no ar
No underground
E deve despertar

Nem mais um cigarro invade meus pulmões
Bombas de fumaça explodem nos salões
Nem mais uma taça rasa de cristal
Querosene e álcool explodem no local
Não tem mais tempo
Não tem mais ninguém
Rezando nos templos em Jerusalém
Nem mais uma linha,
A alma sozinha
Lívida e divide-se em partes desiguais
Nem mais um remédio
Já não tem remédio
O tédio que se instala na sala de estar
Não tem mais tempo
Não tem mais ninguém
Explodem os templos
Vão dizer amém

Disfarça e faz que nem me viu
Que não me ouviu te chamar
Desfaz assim de mim
Que nem se faz com qualquer um
Agora eu sei, passei por cada papel
E rastejei, tentando entrar no seu céu
Agora eu sei, passei por cada papel
Me embriaguei e acordei num bordel
Já sei que um é pouco
Dois é bom e três é demais
Eu fico louco de ciúmes de um outro rapaz
Agora eu sei, passei por cada papel
E rastejei, tentando entrar no seu céu
Agora eu sei, passei por cada papel
Me embriaguei e acordei num bordel
Na madrugada
Na mesa do bar
Louras geladas
Vêm me consolar
Qualquer mulher é sempre assim
Vocês são todas iguais
Nos enlouquecem, então se esquecem
E já não querem mais
Agora eu sei, passei por cada papel
E rastejei, tentando entrar no seu céu
Agora eu sei, passei por cada papel
Me embriaguei e acordei num bordel.
Muito mais...
Na madrugada
Na mesa do bar
Loiras geladas
Vêm me consolar.
Passei por cada papel e rastejei.
Passei por cada papel, me embriaguei
E acordei num bordel

Sinto um imenso vazio, e o Brasil
Que herda o costume servil
Não serviu pra mim
Juventude, aventura e medo
Desde cedo, encerrado em grades de aço
E um pedaço do meu coração é teu
Destroçado com as mãos
Pelas mãos de Deus
E as imagens, transmissões divinas
E o cinismo, e o protestantismo europeu
Parte o primeiro avião
E eu não vou voltar
E quem vem pra ficar
Pra cuidar de ti
Terra linda
Sofre ainda a vinda
De piratas,
Mercenários sem direção
E eu até sei quem são
Sim, eu sei
Você sempre faz confusão
Diz que não, e vem
Vem chorando
Vem pedir desculpas
Vem sangrando
Dividir a culpa entre nós

Luz de velas nos castiçais
Iluminam tempos atrás
O passado é uma ilusão
Seu retrato acusação
Outro inverno gela em meu coração
Neste inferno é sempre a mesma estação
Outro inverno gela em meu coração
Neste inferno é sempre a mesma estação
Vento frio vem me chamar
Me arrepio só de pensar
Num futuro escuro e só
Inseguro, voltando ao pó
No silêncio escuto a voz
São demônios ou somos nós
Sem juízo, sem salvação
Exorcizo sua aparição

Ela vai à luta de corpo inteiro
Ela faz de tudo, ela faz ligeiro
E as coisas que precisa, tudo o que quer
Se materializa uma mulher
Uma menina enlouquecida
Pela cidade, a sina e a buzina
Vontade férrea, feminina fúria
Determinada, perigo, prazer
Ela não se assusta, nem mesmo pisca
Sabe o quanto custa servir de isca
Anda pelas ruas de madrugada
Tem as pernas sujas, as mão geladas
Rímel nos olhos, batom que mancha
Fuma, se perfuma e o penteado não desmancha
Quem sabe é mãe, mãe de família
Quem sabe até é sua própria filha

Um grito de estrela
Vem do infinito
E um bando de luz
Repete o grito
Todas as cores e outra mais
Procriam flores Astrais
O verme passeia na lua cheia
O verme passeia na lua cheia
O verme passeia na lua cheia
O verme passeia na lua cheia

Na virada do século
Alvorada Voraz
Nos aguardam exércitos
Que nos guardam da paz - que paz
A face do mal, um grito de horror
Um fato normal, um êxtase de dor
E medo de tudo
Medo do nada
Medo da vida
Assim engatilhada
Fardas e força
Forjam as armações
Farsas e jogos
Armas de fogo
Um corte exposto
Em seu rosto amor, e eu
Nesse mundo assim vendo esse filme passar
Assistindo ao fim vendo meu tempo passar
Como num clip de ação
Um clic seco, um revólver
Aponta em meu coração
O caso Morel, o crime da mala
Coroa Brastel, o escândalo das jóias
E um contrabando,
E um bando de gente importante envolvida
Juram que não
Torturam ninguém
Agem assim
Pro seu próprio bem
São tão legais
Foras da lei
Sabem de tudo
O que eu não sei

Se você pudesse me dizer
Se você soubesse o que fazer
O que você faria
aonde iria chegar...
Se você soubesse quem você é
Até onde vai a sua fé
O que você faria
pagaria pra ver
Se pudesse escolher
Entre o bem e o mal
Ser ou não ser...
Se querer é poder
Tem que ir até o final
se quiser vencer...
Se pudesse eu te levaria
Até onde você quer chegar
O brilho das estrelas
O primeiro lugar
O mundo é perigoso
E cheio de armadilhas
De mistério e gozo
Verdades e mentiras
Viver é quase um jogo
Um mergulho no infinito
Se souber brincar com fogo
Não há nada mais bonito

Vem como uma chuva de verão, atenção!
Vem como um relâmpago no céu, um trovão
Vem súbito e intenso como um sinal
Vem como uma mulher, como um vendaval
Lábios cor de vinho tinto
Sabe o que estou sentindo e tem
Olhos da cor do verão
E você vê
Claro como a luz do dia
Ela é uma rainha e tem
Tanto amor no coração
Vem quando você já não sabia por que
Nem pra onde ir e nem o que fazer
Vem rápido e preciso
E você vê
Vem como um aviso do que pode ser
Vem, a coisa mais bonita que você já viu
Vem e tem o poder de mudar a sua vida

Ooh ooh ooh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh whoa
Ooh ooh ooh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh
Ooh ooh ooh oh whoa
Baby ko, penge ng konting oras mo
Para lang mapakita, halika, pakinggan mo
Maraming pogi d'yaan
Merong mayaman at sikat
Marami ring pa-machong nagkalat
Ako ay simple lang at gwapo
Nagmamahal sa'yo
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo, ang puso ko
Grabe 'to ang kapal ng mukha mo noh?
Akala mo kung sino, si Piolo? Mangarap ka noh!
Ngunit nahuli mo na kahit marami pang iba
Naglalaway ka pa rin sa akin
Sige na nga aaminin ko na
Na-iinlove ako sa'yo
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo, ang puso ko
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo, ang puso ko
Para sa iyo lang itong puso ko
Lahat ay gagawin ko para sa'yo
Mahalin mo lang ako, Ibibigay ko lahat
At ang puso ko sa'yo, ay laging tapat
Ako nga ay salat, pero itsura ay angat
Lahat sila pagnakita ako, mapapakagat
Pero walang ibang mahal, kundi ikaw
Kaya ngayon ay nandirito at nanliligaw
Dili puso ko sayo'y, naglalaway
Kaya naman ako sayo'y, patay na patay
Mahal kita, bigyan mo sana ng halaga
Alam mo ba ako sayo'y, nagkakandarapa
Marami nga d'yaang iba, at puro maskulado pa
Pero hindi ako susuko at magpaparaya
YEAH, para sayo lang itong puso ko
Kaya mahal, pakinggan mo ako
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo, ang puso ko
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo yo yo yo yo
(It's all for you)
Para sa'yo, ang puso ko
You know it's true
What can I do?
Ang "puso" ko, it's all for you
You know it's true
What can I do?
Lahat ng "love" ko, it's all for you
You know it's true
What can I do?
Ang "puso" ko, it's all for you
You know it's true
What can I do?

I'm wandering round and round, nowhere to go
I'm lonely in London, London is lovely so
I cross the streets without fear
Everybody keeps the way clear
I know I know no one here to say hello
I know they keep the way clear
I am lonely in London without fear
I'm wandering round and round, nowhere to go
While my eyes go looking for flying saucers in the sky
But my eyes go looking for flying saucers in the sky
Oh Sunday, Monday, Autumn pass by me
And people hurry on so peacefully
A group approaches a policeman
He seems so pleased to please them
It's good to live, at least, and I agree
He seems so pleased, at least
And it's so good to live in peace
And Sunday, Monday, years, and I agree
While my eyes go looking for flying saucers in the sky
But my eyes go looking for flying saucers in the sky
I choose no face to look at, choose no way
I just happen to be here, and it's ok
Green grass, blue eyes, grey sky
God bless silent pain and happiness
I came around to say yes, and I say

Havia um tempo em que eu vivia
Um sentimento quase infantil
Havia o medo e a timidez
Todo um lado em que você nunca viu
E agora eu vejo
Aquele beijo era mesmo o fim
Era o começo
E o meu desejo se perdeu em mim
Agora eu ando correndo tanto
Procurando aquele novo lugar
Aquela festa, o que me resta
E encontrar alguém legal pra ficar
E agora eu vejo
Aquele beijo era mesmo o fim
Era o começo
E o meu desejo se perdeu em mim
Agora eu ando correndo tanto
Procurando aquele novo lugar
Aquela festa, o que me resta
E encontrar alguém legal pra ficar
E agora é tarde
Acordo tarde
Do meu lado alguém
Que eu nem conhecia
Outra crinça adulterada

Não fale de amor
Não diga bobagem
Não prometa aquilo que não vai cumprir
Eu já sei de cór toda essa viagem
E sei que não é fácil decidir
Mas seja o que for
Tome cuidado
Aparetemente não faz mal
Brincar de amor
Mas é complicado
E qualquer erro pode ser fatal
Não fale demais
Não se desespere
Tudo tem a hora e o lugar
Não volte atrás
Agora, espere
Procure aprender como se faz.

Seu corpo é fruto proibido
É a chave de todo o pecado
E da libido, e pr'um garoto introvertido
Como eu é a pura perdição
É um lago negro o seu olhar
É água turva de beber, se envenenar
Nas suas curvas derrapar, sair da estrada
E morrer no mar, no mar
É perigoso o seu sorriso,
É um sorriso assim jocoso, impreciso
Diria, misterioso, indecifrável
Riso de mulher!
Não sei se é caça ou caçadora, se Diana ou Afrodite
Ou se é Brigite, Stephanie de Mônaco aqui estou
Inteiro ao seu dispor... princesa!
Pobre de mim, invento rimas assim pra você
E o outro vem em cima e você nem pra me escutar
Pois acabou, não vou rimar coisa nenhuma
Agora vai como sair que eu já não quero nem saber
Se vai caber ou vão me censurar! Será?
E pra você eu deixo apenas meu olhar 43
Aquele assim, meio de lado, já saindo
Indo embora, louco por você
Que pena...

Shawnna kick hot shit for bitches that got they baby daddies locked
In the pen gone, finna to rock 'cause he did wrong
Run up on the cops and he hit 'em with the glock with his wig gone
Sellin' rock on the big phone
In the projects niggaz run up on your set with the tech' out
Leave you wet with you chest out
Killer niggaz, realer niggaz, have a nigga, fill a never realer nigga
Drill a nigga fuckin' with a villain never spill a nigga
Fuck that, nigga bust back, we in the 'llac
Me and my bitches all strapped
Puffin' the sack and we be sippin' on 'gnac
Finna to react, and pop a nigga for them stacks
Niggaz I'm with they put the fifth to your whole melon
Now with the murderers are known felons
I gotta pop a nigga drop a nigga rock a nigga shock a nigga
Lock a nigga fuck a nigga, cop the floppin' nigga
Roll for my bitches that be droppin' in the strip clubs
Tryin' get 'em a lil' somethin
If you gotta take it off, take it off like a boss for the big ones
Then you get you a big gun
Motherfuckers from the Chi like to put it yo' eye if it's on bitch
Put it straight to yo' dome heads
Now you fuckin' with them gangsters, ballers, hoes, hustlers
Bangers, niggaz that with them real motherfuckers like whoa
It's real, real, on the block I been up for days
I gotta keep the steel steel, in case a nigga wanna get in the way
So now what's the deal, deal? On the street you got nothin' to say
So when I see him I'ma get him, what, drill him, what
Fill him fill him, what, what
It's real, real, on the block I been up for days
I gotta keep the steel steel, in case a nigga wanna get in the way
So now what's the deal, deal? On the street you got nothin' to say
So when I see him I'ma get him, what, drill him, what
Fill him fill him, what, what
Twista kick hot shit for hoes and thugs
In ghettoes and clubs that get crunk, for my homies locked down
To whoever hurtin' in the hood and ballers with 22's on big trucks
To my thugs that call over to they mob
And to the hustlers that be servin' hydro and cocaine
To my niggaz that ain't hoes; if they have to
They will steal a nigga touch a nigga check a nigga cut a nigga
Pull the trigger bust a nigga, yellow motherfucker nigga
Ready to fill and spill a drink, I'm drunk go and weed it up
And I'm talkin' about go like I'm smokin' the bone
Full of some shit that damn sho' wouldn't seed it up
Got you fillin' the hole then go see your body
Probably reanimated with all my legit ballaz rollin' up
Up the streets stuffed the beats
So you see them Navigators, Escalades, Benzes
Beamers, Excursions, bumpin' systems TV's and them 20's spinnin'
Mob for them niggaz that done up off them hard times
K-Town, West side, South side
Murder us for the money that's why I'm known to kick a hard rhyme
Whatever set you represent throw it up
If you buck or crunk then take yo' motherfuckin' shirt off
Dealers get your work off; you wanna party
Full of hustle niggaz, killer niggaz, gangsta niggaz, chill niggaz
Baller niggaz, thug niggaz, player haters, real niggaz
It's real, real, on the block I been up for days
I gotta keep the steel steel, in case a nigga wanna get in the way
So now what's the deal, deal? On the street you got nothin' to say
So when I see him I'ma get him, what, drill him, what
Fill him fill him, what, what
It's real, real, on the block I been up for days
I gotta keep the steel steel, in case a nigga wanna get in the way
So now what's the deal, deal? On the street you got nothin' to say
So when I see him I'ma get him, what, drill him, what
Fill him fill him, what, what
I'ma kick hot shit for bitches up in the industry tryin' to compete me
I'm from the hood South side, West side
Where niggaz'll put a motherfuckin' slug in my enemy
Motown, pucketown, do or die
The difference between a motherfuckin' thug and a gangsta
One's thug in a chamber
Get a nigga stick a nigga put him in a ditch and then forget a nigga
Hit a nigga puck a nigga little with the rocker nigga
Puff that say you love that
We in the 'llac and put the lemon in the 'gnac
Remy and sacks that got me scummy in the back
Puffin' the raps that got me layin' out slacks
And it's speakin' like, "Wow, that, blunt let me hit the weed"
'Cause I been feelin' like
Fuck a nigga bust a nigga Shawnna never love a nigga
Chi about to show the motherfuckers how to rush a nigga
Crush that put it on momma
On everything I got e'rything for the drama, puff marijuana
To the Shawnna and put it on ya
Flows who you froze in a coma
We so relentless, you know Chi up in the business
Flows in yo' dome in an instance
Hoes and them folks and the M.O's and the K.I's and the F.O's
And the B.D's and lows and the fiends and the hoes and god
It's real, real, on the block I been up for days
I gotta keep the steel steel, in case a nigga wanna get in the way
So now what's the deal, deal? On the street you got nothin' to say
So when I see him I'ma get him, what, drill him, what
Fill him fill him, what, what
It's real, real, on the block I been up for days
I gotta keep the steel steel, in case a nigga wanna get in the way
So now what's the deal, deal? On the street you got nothin' to say
So when I see him I'ma get him, what, drill him, what
Fill him fill him, what, what
It's real, real, on the block I been up for days
I gotta keep the steel steel, in case a nigga wanna get in the way
So now what's the deal, deal? On the street you got nothin' to say
So when I see him I'ma get him, what, drill him, what
Fill him fill him, what, what
It's real, real, on the block I been up for days
I gotta keep the steel steel, in case a nigga wanna get in the way
So now what's the deal, deal? On the street you got nothin' to say
So when I see him I'ma get him, what, drill him, what

Onde está o meu amor?
Quem será, com quem se parece?
Estará no Brasil
Ou será que nem me conhece?
Onde andará meu amor?
Seja onde for irá chegar
Onde está o meu amor?
Que será que ele faz da vida?
Deve saber amar
E outras coisas que Deus duvida
Corre, se esconde
Finge que não
Jura que sim
Morre de amores
Longe de mim
Onde está o meu amor?
Leve, envolto em tanto mistério
Deve saber voar
Deve ser tudo que eu espero
Onde andará o meu amor?
Seja onde for
Eu sei que vai chegar