Once upon a time,
In a far away land,
A young Prince lived in a shining castle.
Although he had everything his heart desired,
the Prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind.
But then, one winter's night,
an old beggar woman came to the castle
and offered him a single rose
in return for shelter from the bitter cold.
Repulsed by her haggard appearance,
the Prince sneered at the gift,
and turned the old woman away.
But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances,
for Beauty is found within.
And when he dismissed her again,
the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress.
The prince tried to apologize,
but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart.
And as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast
and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there.
Ashamed of his monstrous form,
the Beast concealed himself inside his castle,
with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.
The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose,
which would bloom until his twenty-first year.
If he could learn to love another,
and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell,
Then the spell would be broken.
If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time.
As the years passed,
he fell into despair and lost all hope,
For who could ever learn to love .... a beast?
Frank Zappa (guitar, synclavier)
Steve Vai (guitar)
Ray White (guitar, vocals)
Tommy Mars (keyboards)
Chuck Wild (piano)
Arthur Barrow (bass)
Scott Thunes (bass)
Jay Anderson (string bass)
Ed Mann (percussion)
Chad Wackerman (drums)
Ike Willis (vocals)
Terry Bozzio (vocals)
Dale Bozzio (vocals)
Napoleon Murphy Brock (vocals)
Bob Harris (vocals)
Johnny "Guitar" Watson (vocals)
Once upon a time, musta been 'round October, few years back, in one o' dose TOP SECRET LAB-MOTORIES de gubbnint keep stashed away underneath Virginia, an EVIL PRINCE, occasion'ly employed as a part-time THEATRICAL CRITICIZER set to woikin' on a plot fo de systematic GENOCIDICAL REMOVE'LANCE of all unwanted highly-rhythmic individj'lls an' sissy-boys!
De cocksucker done whiffed up a secret POTIUM... an' right 'long wid it, de ATROCIOUS IDEA dat what he been boilin' up down deahhhh jes' mights be de FINAL SOLUTIUM to DE WHITE MAIN'S 'BOIDENNN', ef yo' acquire my drift...
Well, he were sure he had a GOOD THING GOIN'... but, dere was always de possobility dat somethin' might fuck up, so, he planned to have a little test, jes' to check it all out befo' he dump't it in de wattuh supply.
Sho'tly denafter, wit HIGH-LEVEL GUBNINT CO-ROBBERATIUM, he arranged to have a good-will visit to SAN QUENTIM, 'long wit some country-westin mu- zishnin's, 'n sprinkle a little bit of it on some of de boys in deahhh (since dey done used a few of 'em befo' when dey was messin' wit de ZYPH'LISS).
So, heah dey come wit de POTIUM, dump'nit all in de mash potatoes!
Den dey wen' up to de warden's office fo' some HOT TODDY, watchin' a little football while dey's waitin' to see what gone happen!
Fact o' de matter were: NOTHIN' HAPPENED, so dey went off'n dribbled it in a special shipnint of GALOOT CO-LOG-NUH dat went out 'bouts NOVEMBER!
Next thing y'know, fagnits be droppin' off like flies...'long wit a large number of severely-tanned individj'lls, pre-zumnably of HAY'CHEN EXTRAKMENT!
Music by: neil diamond
So my sister and I left Louisiana
Where the moon on the Mississippi is a-shining ever,
Like you always hear in the songs of Dixie.
We look forward to our home-coming?
And the sooner the better.
Anna II
And the sooner the better!
Anna I
It's a month already since we started
For the great big cities where you go to make money.
In seven years our fortune will be made
And then we can go back.
Anna II
In six years would be much nicer.
Anna I
Our mom and dad and both our brothers wait in old
And we'll send them all our money as we make it,
For all the money's got to go to build a little house
Down by the Mississippi in Louisiana.
Right, Anna ?
Anna II
Yes, Anna.
Anna I
She's the one with the looks, I'm realistic,
She's just a little mad, my head is on straight.
But we're really one divided being
Even though you see two of us
And both of us are Anna,
Together we've but a single past, a single future,
One heart and one savings account,
And we only do what's best for one another.
Right, Anna?
Anna II
We're gonna be laughing about this
We're gonna be dancing around
It's gonna be so good now
It's gonna be so good
Oh, so exciting, go on and on
Every time you leave us
So summer will be gone
So you'll never grow old to us
It's gonna be so good now
It's gonna be so good
Can you see the lark ascending?
Oh, so romantic, swept me off my feet
Like some kind of magic
Like the light in Italy
Lost its way across the sea
Roma roma mia
Tesoro mio, bella
Pieno di sole luce
Bali cozi bene, bene
Pianissimo, pianissimo
What a lovely afternoon
What a lovely afternoon
Oh, will you come with us
Just on the border of your waking mind
There lies another time
Where darkness and light are one
And as you tread the halls of sanity
You feel so glad to be, unable to go beyond
Madame Giry: Phantasma, city of wonders. Mr. Y presents marvelous astonishments, human prodigies. Ha. The Oolala Girl, five performances daily. Christine Daae, the soprano of the century. Gone, all gone
Fleck: Yes, there's nothing left, nothing but ghosts, but I knew you'd come back, Madame Giry.
Madame Giry: You, you're still here.
Fleck: Of course we're still here, the freaks, the monsters, the bizarre. Where else could we exist but here? And after the tragedy, after the master disappeared with the child, after the fire that consumed everything.
Madame Giry: His dream. Our dream.
Fleck: Remember how it was? Remember?
Coney Isle.
Glistening and glimmering
Rising bright
Drenched with light
See it smile
Beckoning and shimmering
All agleam
Like a dream
Fleck and Madame Giry: Every fantasy set free
Sun rising by the sea
Madame Giry: Coney isle
Miracle and miracle
Lead and sound
All around
Mile by mile
Loud and lured and lyrical
Thrill and thrill
Never still
All America was there
Bigger next to billionaire
In they came
Chasing sensation and romance
Eyes aflame
Desperate for pleasure yet unknown
Night and day
Pouring in by a hundreds and thousands
Swept away
As if every desire was made real
That's the Place That You Ruined, You Fool
Fleck: That's the place that you ruined, you fool!
Madame Giry: What do you mean?
Fleck: That's the world you destroyed with your greed
Madame Giry: It wasn't my fault. I couldn't have known.
words and music by Arlo Guthrie
In the event of my demise
Be sure to include this statement
When you are bent on closing my eyes
Thinking about what my life meant
Alone on a hill back in '65
Things looked a lot like changing
Singing our songs that we harmonized
Dreaming of worlds rearranging
And I don't know why I'm singing tonight
Maybe it's time someone told you
Just because you say you've seen the light
Doesn't mean nobody sold you
I can remember all of your smiles
During the demonstrations
Taking on what seemed like the whole world
Igniting the hearts of our nations
And together we sang our victory songs
Though we were worlds apart
Every thing then has now passed away
Except for the love in my heart
Sitting at home on computerized beds
Tryine to come to conclusions
Seeing reflections from rose-colored heads
Ignoring the states of illusion
Drunk in a world of material wealth
No one can notice you falling
Fantastic flights once good tor your health
Now make you deaf to your calling
And all alone the prophet groans
With words as yet unseen
Who'll be awake when the master returns
Who will be lost in their dreams
So in the event of my demise
8e sure to include this statement
Only the words of love kept alive
[From The 300 Movie]
This is where we fight
this is where they die
on the shields boys
[Fat Joe talking]
Coca. I'm in the greatest shape of my life! 300 Brolic nigga. Who wanna fight? (Who who who who) Who wanna f**k around with the don right now, nigga? (Who who who who who) BX TS nigga squadians Arm up!
Just when you thought it was
safe to turn the corner I
had to run up on him like blat! now he's gone
who you think you kidding you
i will just get rid of you
leave you in that critical it's
joey crack the don
You don't even know me
got hundred homies and bodes
with chromies that run up on me
blow your brains on your moms
i am a professional
i will cut your testicles
stuff em in your mouth where them lil shits belong
We want war
we love war
we need war
we want war
Just when you thought it was
safe to turn the corner I
had to run up on him like blat! now he's gone
Just when you thought it was
safe to turn the corner I
had to run up on him like blat! now he's gone
crack man, crack man
playin with the gat then
hear that? brat ta tat ta tat ta like a song
taurus, raging bull about the size of my arm
see the size of the charm make your wife leave your arm
that's right, i fight, i done been in brawls
i done did some things that made some killers shit they drawers
i done be on boats in Columbia sipping raw and
i done ripped up plenty of stages with Biggie Smalls
Oh shit, wait a minute, I done did it all
poor righteous teacher I'm featured on final call
Hustle I'm a Laker man yes yes y'all
and Pun already told you that we ready for war
quit playing, hit mayne, blood stains on the wall
shit mayne, his brains, your remains on the floor
i am a professional
i will cut your testicles
stuff em in your mouth where them lil shits belong
We want war
we love war
we need war
we want war
Just when you thought it was
safe to turn the corner I
had to run up on him like blat! now he's gone
Just when you thought it was
safe to turn the corner I
had to run up on him like blat! now he's gone
We want war
we love war
we need war
we want war
Just when you thought it was
safe to turn the corner I
had to run up on him like blat! now he's gone
Just when you thought it was
safe to turn the corner I
De todos los animales de la creacin, el hombre es el nico que bebe sin
tener sed,
come sin tener hambre y habla sin tener nada que decir. Por eso es mejor
forjar el alma
que amueblarla.
[Letra: Txus]
[Msica: Mohamed]
Dicen, que de todos los animales de la creación,
el hombre es el único
que bebe sin tener sed,
come sin tener hambre
y habla sin tener nada que decir.
Por eso es mejor forjar el alma
que amueblarla.
Es el fin del Camino, es Finisterra.
A. The time telepathy experiment
B. Overture
C. Ayreon's quest
In the misty jungles of the Styx
Hides the lost city of the dead
The tomb of ancient kings
The forgotten graveyard of Volusia
Tucked in the woods
Near North Chicago
Early November
Commences our saga
Two loved in silence
For fear of corruption
Then fate chimed in
With an evil grin and a mighty interruption
She awoke in a panic
The TV in static
She heard a voice
In the attic
Crouched behind her door
With a Swiss Army knife
She cried in silence
Fearing for her life
Protecting herself
She stabbed the intruder
The lights turned on
Her knife impaled her suitor
She'd committed a murder
While he laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her boyfriend's heart for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
And all she thinks of is him
She cried through the morning
As she read the paper
Her father told police
The boy broke in to rape her
She ran to the bathroom
Enraged and pissed
Grabbed a razor
And tic-tac-toed her wrist
She'd committed a murder
And while she laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her final pulse for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
And all she thinks of is him
The Iron Savior is a gigantic vessel in the orbit of the planet earth. It is controlled by an immortal human brain - the bio-unit - which is hooked to a mighty computersystem that carries out it's orders and controles the vessel's daily routine. The Iron Savior was built and designed by the ancient
civilization of Atlantis to defend themselves against the deadly thread of the so called Alliance. Except the lost continent of Atlantis all land was controlled and dominated by the global force. In these parts of the world the moral evolution took a different path. Gaining ultimate power was their only focus. Ruled by pure egoism, where killing and betraying were legal methods to achieve wellfare, this civilization never developed a social spirit. To care and provide for themselves as well as possible was their only existing low. For milliniums the balance of power between Atlantis and the Alliance made war useless since the atlantian weapon technology was more developed. But suddenly this balance was about to change and the alliance attack on Atlantis seemed to become possible. In this situation Atlantis developed a global defence project based on a huge vessel in earth orbit,the Iron Savior. Equiped with the latest technology and enormous fire power this project was supposed to regain the old balance of power again. But then the dream of a peaceful coexistance was broken. A traitor sold the secret codes to the Alliance. With these codes the Alliance managed to paralize the Savior's biounit and to take control over the computer. In a devastating assult the defender turned into a dreadful assailant and the moon colony of Atlantis was turned to dust. But the war was not lost yet. A brave landing them managed to board the Iron Savior and to regain control. In a race against time they sent the vessel out into face to make a second misuse of the Alliance impossible. They programmeda course that should bring the Savior back to solar system 350.000 years later in the hope, that the conflict will be resolved and earth would be united. For those men it was a final journey of no return. Before they died out in the code a prime directive for all actions was programmed into the computer systems in case the Alliance would still exist: Protect Atlantise and conquer the Alliance. This directive could only be deactivated by the proper atlantian security code sequences. But it was already too late to stop the war. In grim and rage the Alliance pushed their buttons and in a final atomic strike Atlantice was destroyed completely and was lost in the seas forever.But the rest of the world also was effected by this catastrophy. Earthquakes, vulcanic eruptionce, atomic fall - out and dramatic changes in climate turned earth into a living hell. Those who survived, slowly, from generation to generation, degenerated more and more. Finally evolution was thrown back into the stone age where the downing of another mankind began....
Now in the year 2108 the Iron Savior returns to earth and is confronted eith
with a scenario where the civilization of Atlantis no longer exists. All attempts to contact possible survivers failed.The bio-unit is still paralized and unable to make desicions. So the computer still in charge draws the fatal conclusion that Alliance who still exists and rules the planet.With the logic of a lifeless machine the Iron Savior carries out it's prime direction: PROTECT ATLANTIS AND CONQUER THE ALLIANCE. The following lyrics are based on these events and describe specific situations in the past, present and future of the Iron Savior story...
A morning in magenta, the petals fed from the dew.
She held her breath for a moment, to pause off the stream.
Still clinging to vast, old memories.
And I would marvel at her beauty, playing through the rain.
The coffin is beautifully engraved.
Stained by soil, symbols of death.
All of which are stared upon, with porcelain eyes it seems.
Some spoke, and it was my turn to go.
In death entwined, I could not believe.
But it hangs around my neck.
A soft breeze passed me by, somewhat warmer for a second.
Hello, and welcome to The Everglow by Mae.
You are now listening to the audio portion of the album.
To complete your experience,
please open the booklet that accompanies the compact disc.
Good, you are now ready to experience The Everglow.
You'll know it's time to turn the page when you hear this sound:
Thank you, and enjoy your journey.
Fellow traveller, what you posses is something unique,
two entities in one. The first is composed from five new songs,
designed to bring you one step closer to the realms of MORPHEUS.
The second is the reincarnation of the: "TEMPLE OF THE LOST RACE"
mini Lp, released in 91. Many searching for it but in vain.
At last this lost page of the band's history is a restored.
We resurected the old songs while keeping the spirit that was
Tucked in the woods
Near North Chicago
Early November
Commences our saga
Two loved in silence
For fear of corruption
Then fate chimed in
With an evil grin and a mighty interruption
She awoke in a panic
The TV in static
She heard a voice
In the attic
Crouched behind her door
With a Swiss Army knife
She cried in silence
Fearing for her life
Protecting herself
She stabbed the intruder
The lights turned on
Her knife impaled her suitor
She'd committed a murder
While he laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her boyfriend's heart for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
And all she thinks of is him
She cried through the morning
As she read the paper
Her father told police
The boy broke in to rape her
She ran to the bathroom
Enraged and pissed
Grabbed a razor
And tic-tac-toed her wrist
She'd committed a murder
And while she laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her final pulse for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
The planet of death and damnation. The dumping ground of people with weak
souls, who cause war and starvation. The year 1995. John Doe, one of the
inhabitants, is living in a state of distress, knowing that he is dependent on
the computerbrain who is guiding the state with no destination. The brave new
people equal progress, they say, but the ordinary John Doe has never been
taught how to survive alone! And he doesn't dare to think! However, the
computer-brain has a special feature to act gentle and to sympathize with
human mind, after all - humans have feelings. In the midst of all this there
is also an angel, a shining creature, the light of life who can see inside a
man. It is the angels mission to encourage and cheer up the normal mortal. She
sees the pain of John Doe.
Tucked in the woods
Near North Chicago
Early November
Commences our saga
Two loved in silence
For fear of corruption
Then fate chimed in
With an evil grin and a mighty interruption
She awoke in a panic
The TV in static
She heard a voice
In the attic
Crouched behind her door
With a Swiss Army knife
She cried in silence
Fearing for her life
Protecting herself
She stabbed the intruder
The lights turned on
Her knife impaled her suitor
She'd committed a murder
While he laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her boyfriend's heart for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
And all she thinks of is him
She cried through the morning
As she read the paper
Her father told police
The boy broke in to rape her
She ran to the bathroom
Enraged and pissed
Grabbed a razor
And tic-tac-toed her wrist
She'd committed a murder
And while she laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her final pulse for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
Once upon a time, in a faraway land,
A young Prince lived in a shining castle.
Although he had everything his heart desired,
The Prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.
But then, one winter's night,
An old beggar woman came to the castle
And offered him a single Rose
In return for shelter from the bitter cold.
Repulsed by her haggard appearance,
The Prince sneered at the gift,
And turned the old woman away.
But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances,
For Beauty is found within.
And when he dismissed her again,
The old woman's ugliness melted away
To reveal a beautiful Enchantress.
The Prince tried to apologize, but it was too late,
For she had seen that there was no love in his heart.
And as punishment,
She transformed him into a hideous beast,
And placed a powerful spell on the castle,
And all who lived there.
Ashamed of his monstrous form,
The beast concealed himself inside his castle,
With a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.
The Rose she had offered,
Was truly an enchanted rose,
Which would bloom for many years.
If he could learn to love another,
And earn her love in return
By the time the last petal fell,
Then the spell would be broken.
If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast
For all time.
As the years passed,
He fell into despair, and lost all hope,
So the gods called upon the old dwarf and the mighty
wizard and told them what
they sought. The dwarf took the sword "Nothung", once
belonging to "Siegfried
the dragon-slayer", fused and smithed from it's steel
four shakels of metal.
The wizard created the same number of amulets from the
skin of a black demon.
He then took the silver shaded blood of a dead unicorn
from which he drew four
magic runes, each drenched with natural power.
The power and strength of a bear would be given to the
bearer of the hammer
"giants death", the speed of a hunting hawk to the
bearer of the bow "heart
hunter", the brutality of a lone wolf to the bearer of
the axe "skullcrusher",
and the deafening roar of a black lion to the bearer of
the sword "souleater".
Then the dwarf mounted the shakels of metal on the
amulets whilst reciting
ancient words of magic power. Thereafter the amulets
were presented to the
dragon lords, who brought them to midgard, home of the
thunderwarriors. They
recieved this gift and a mighty power flushed through
their veins. It was the
power of magic-the magic of steel.
Suddenly thunder rocked the silence, lightning crushed
the roof of the hall,
and the two mightiest gods of valhalla -Thor and Odin-
stood on the stage. The
god of thunder held his hammer on high. Odin wailed his
spear into the
audience. Any wimp present knew now that death was
imminent. They disappeared
as quickly as they came.
In the blink of an eye the thunderwarriors conquered
the stage: Once again they
would ride side by side with their legion of doom,
under the sign of the
wizard, to their next test- the "battle of steel"... So
they fought with the
power of metal and again were victorious. They devoured
the hearts and spilled
the blood of their enemies. Their weapons found the
hearts of all decievers and
liers, crushing their bodies to the ground. After the
"battle of steel" was
over the ground was covered by a sea of blood. From
that day on the four
thunderwarriors knew that they were forever bound by
Stick up your hands oh baby
You can believe or maybe
Drink all your money
'Till you paint your face, what a waist
Fill up your tank with bubbles
And if they say you're trouble
Laugh at the guy with goggles
He's a hunk, but a skunk
Everyday people, They rush to the e-hole
They light up their pianos
with underwear in their hair
Left, right and center
a box with distemper
the future remembers
In 2104, lithological excavations at the Fourth Mars Colony unearthed an artifact of unknown,
seemingly non-human origin;
an icosahedron of an unrecognized, non terrestrial metallic composition, inscribed with strange,
indecipherable sigils and glyphs.
After long months of intense study, epigraphy experts on Earth ascertained a tenuous parallel between the unknown
language on the icosaherdon and certain obscure Aztec hieroglyphics, and thus were able to extrapolate a meaning from
the unearthly inscriptions.
The translation spoke of a legendary repository of ultimate knowledge known as the Empyreal Lexicon... a codex of alien
origin said to contain incredible cosmic secrets; arcane words and psionic waves of power which were the keys to
unlocking a network of cerebral-transferrence portals linking the myriad galaxies of the multiverse, and also the means to
transcend the boundaries of the space-time continuum, enabling corporeal beings to travel between dimensions and
traverse at will the unknown realms which lay between universes, tapping into the limitless energies which permeated the
sidereal fabric of the cosmos.
The translation of the Mars icosaherdon also hinted disturbingly at a great pangalactic conflict which was waged over the
possession of the codex between the mysterious cosmic beings who had appointed themselves the keepers of the
Lexicon and some terrifying shadowy foe mentioned only fleetingly in the alien text.
The final battle in this cataclysmic power struggle was apparently fought in Earth's own solar system, and the Keepers of
the Lexicon, their power depleted and teetering on the verge of defeat, shattered the codex into a myriad shards,
scattering the fragments across the star system in order to prevent the secrets of the Lexicon from falling into the hands
of their darksome nemesis.
According to the Martian artifact, several fragments of the Lexicon were hidden on the third planet from the sun, the Earth
One fragment was secreted in ancient Atlantis, another in Lemuria. Further pieces of the cosmic codex fell to earth in Ys
and eon-veiled Mu.
Still further fragments of the Lexicon were said to have been hidden somewhere beneath the frozen surface of the bleak
moon Callisto, and on the other mysterious orbs Hyperion and Titan.
Lastly, the alien artifact spoke mysteriously of something hidden beneath the cratered surface of Earth's own Moon.
Ascertaining co-ordinates from the Mars icosahedron, an expedition embarked immediately from the Epsilon IV Moon
Base and began to excavate the lunar sphere.
Thus was a veiled warning unheeded, and no one could know what to expect as the machinations of humankind breached
Quarks, gluons, red giants, white dwarfs, big bang
There are eight billion tales in the naked universe
This is just one of them
But, they all have black holes
A creative nuisance
Recognizing stupidity as a positive force
Tucked in the woods
Near North Chicago
Early November
Commences our saga
Two loved in silence
For fear of corruption
Then fate chimed in
With an evil grin and a mighty interruption
She awoke in a panic
The TV in static
She heard a voice
In the attic
Crouched behind her door
With a Swiss Army knife
She cried in silence
Fearing for her life
Protecting herself
She stabbed the intruder
The lights turned on
Her knife impaled her suitor
She'd committed a murder
While he laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her boyfriend's heart for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
And all she thinks of is him
She cried through the morning
As she read the paper
Her father told police
The boy broke in to rape her
She ran to the bathroom
Enraged and pissed
Grabbed a razor
And tic-tac-toed her wrist
She'd committed a murder
And while she laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her final pulse for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
"the band began to tune up, though it seemed a pointless exercise considering the kind
"und es sind welche unter uns ohne Seele
ihre Herzen haben keine Kenntniss vom Guten
In ancient times in the valley of Graydoor,
a powerful and noble king lived.
He had been governing his lands wisely and fairly for a long, long time.
In the fiftieth year of his kingdom,
his royal subjects went to his court with many presents in order to honour him.
Among these men there was an old warrior called Halvor.
When it was hi turn, he approached the king,
This one's for you friend if you like the moon,
good tunes and old cartoons.
All good for you.
And even after a night at the bar,
you watch the stinging stars,
piercing you right in the heart.
And you realize this may not last for long
'till the ding dong.
So you best go strong, sing songs,
wear thongs 'till the others live on
and you're born again in Hong Kong
where you'll like ping pong,
your friends, reading and the sound of a gong.
Well anyway, we all look for one thing and one thing only,
and that's not to feel lonely, so hold me.
Life is just a constant illusion, carpeted dreams of man's confusion
Expertly stripped of reasons why, dissected clean and barely alive
Freedom is a dream of the dead, a martyrs cry deep within your head
Where air is not a worthy cause, to destroy the land with mindless wars
England, your children die in vain, for reasons of political gain
Tucked in the woods
Near North Chicago
Early November
Commences our saga
Two loved in silence
For fear of corruption
Then fate chimed in
With an evil grin and a mighty interruption
She awoke in a panic
The TV in static
She heard a voice
In the attic
Crouched behind her door
With a Swiss Army knife
She cried in silence
Fearing for her life
Protecting herself
She stabbed the intruder
The lights turned on
Her knife impaled her suitor
She'd committed a murder
While he laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her boyfriend's heart for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
And all she thinks of is him
She cried through the morning
As she read the paper
Her father told police
The boy broke in to rape her
She ran to the bathroom
Enraged and pissed
Grabbed a razor
And tic-tac-toed her wrist
She'd committed a murder
And while she laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her final pulse for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
A Citizen's Duty:
The story of America is a story best seen through the eyes of its people. It is a story built on the idea of freedom, through the common efforts of a nation united. America, now over 200 years old, is a country that is different from all others, in that it offers equal opportunity to anyone, regardless of gender, sexuality or race. It is on this creed that the story of America was founded.
Unfortunately, that is all it is. A story.
Lies built on deceptions. A nation's history cloaked in murder. The idea of a ruling class is still very much with us. Ninety percent of all wealth is inherited wealth. We may have lost the titles, but an aristocracy still flourishes.
It is a citizen's duty to resist the system that pits us against one another.
It is a citizen's duty to refuse to believe the fears their media has implanted in us through sensationalized and biased coverage.
It is a citizen's duty to renounce the idea of borders and boundaries, as they strengthen their hold on us by serving the dual purpose of separating us and therefore dividing our strength. Burn their symbols. And as they burn physically, let them burn internally, a charred reminder of a nation that could have been.
Chaidh mi 'n-dé dhan choille challtainn
Shireadh chnòthan airson bladh
Ach 's e bh'air a h-uile geug ach
D'aodann-sa gam thriall
Chaidh mi 'n-dé gu tràigh a' mhaoraich
Lòn de choilleagan a bhuain
Nochd a h-uile slige neamhnaid
D'àilleachd-sa a luaidh
Chaidh mi staigh dhan aon taigh-òsda
Son do sgiùrsadh as mo cheann
H-uile glainne thog mi thaom do
Mhaiseachd aist' na deann
Chiaon mi tràth a-raoir dhan leabaidh
Thusa ruagadh as le suain
Ach cha tug thu cead dhomh cadal
Gus an dèanainn duan
Dh'iarrainn-sa bhith saor od thòireadh
Ach gu bheil sinn roinnt o chéil'
Do chumadh bhith an àit' do shamhla
Agam bhios an fhèill
Dh'fhàg thu mi 'nam bhaothair gòrach
Bòdhradh chàirdean le do chliù
Nuair a thig thu chì iad nach eil
Mearachd ann am fhiù
Chì iad sgurr a' danns le saobh-shruth
Famh is iolair' anns an ruidhl'
Stamh gu caomh ag altram sùbh-làir
Mireadh mu an sùil
Chì iad mis' is thusa sùgradh
Bil ri bil ar n-anail aoint'
Cniadachadh mar seo gu sìor le
Original theme by Jannike Tveiten
Arranged by Austrheim & Ole
Vitae At Threscwald Anachoreta In Mortem
Some folks dream of the wonders they'll do
Before their time on this planet is through
Some just don't have anything planned
They hide their hopes and their heads in the sand
Now I don't say who is wrong, who is right
But if by chance you are here for the night
Then all I need is an hour or two
To tell the tale of a dreamer like you
We all dream a lot-- some are lucky, some are not
But if you think it, want it, dream it, then it's real
You are what you feel
But all that I say can be told another way
In the story of a boy whose dream came true
Mancher träumt, dass er Wunder vollbringt
Solang das Pendel der Lebensuhr schwingt
Mancher nutzt nie seinen Verstand
Steckt ein lebenslang seinen Kopf in den Sand
Nur Gott weiß, wer das Richtige macht
Der Zufall will's, ihr seid hier neute Nacht
Kommt näher, denn dann hört ihr von mir
Das Märchen eines Träumers wie dir
Träumt nicht jeder oft?
Manchmal glückt's was man erhofft
Denn wenn du tief und ehrlich glaubst an dein Gefühl
Kommst du auch ans Ziel
Drum lauscht und bestaunt, was das alte Gleichnis raunt
Einem Jungen fielen alle Träume zu
Und er war wie du
As I stood, before this circle, I call upon the creatures of the night...
A beginning is a very delicate time. Know then, that is is the year 10191. The known universe is ruled by the Padishah Emperor Shaddam the Fourth, my father. In this time, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice Melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. The Spacing Guild and its navigators, who the spice has mutated over 4000 years, use the orange spice gas, which gives them the ability to fold space. That is, travel to any part of the universe without moving. Oh, yes. I forgot to tell you. The spice exists on only one planet in the entire universe. A desolate, dry planet with vast deserts. Hidden away within the rocks of these deserts are a people known as the Fremen, who have long held a prophecy that a man would come, a messiah, who would lead them to true freedom. The planet is Arrakis, also known as Dune.
When I reminisce about all those years, I see many things. Life and death
Strung together like the mountains and valleys in which we lived. There was
Wealth and opulence, but also tribulation and loss. There was laughter and
Song, and there was also tears.
But even more than tears, blood was shed. And so many were left to their
Unadorned graves, unburied. But to us, death was but another journey. And
Close by the darkness through which we strode, there was also light. The
Light of life and immortality.
And after all, when I reminisce about those years, I mostly remember our
Songs. We sang... as if to drown out the sound of clashing swords, as if
A hero was part of a movement from the not so distant past,
He and others like him felt the world was changing fast,
So they embarked on a journey with their very best intentions,
And thought that what began with them would never find an end.
Ready set go it's easy you know,
It's easy to get wrapped up in the madness,
Ready or not it's all that they go,
and so it goes
Suspend your disbelief in revolution,
Their solutions were a way for them to change the world they lived in
The rich stay rich, the poor got even poorer
And the world engulfed in war only added to the horror
Unlike the more moderated movements that proceeded theirs,
They were absolutely unconcerned with splitting heads,
They fought for the rights and belief that they might even change the human race,
But global revolution never seemed to show its face
Ready set go it's easy you know,
It's easy to get wrapped up in the madness,
Ready or not it's all that they go,
and so it goes
Suspend your disbelief in revolution,
Their solutions were a way for them to change the world they lived in
The rich stay rich, the poor got even poorer
Music: Claude-Michel Schönberg
Lyrics: Alain Boublil
Book: Claude-Michel Schönberg + Alain Boublil
Premiere: Wednesday, July 10, 1996
Don't look at them! Stay away from them!
Don't go near them!
Damned Protestants! Heretics! Damned heretics!
They betrayed our Lord!
We don't want you here!
Get out of Artigat!
Pierre Guerre This is our land!
Chain Gang - Overture / Work Song / Look Down
Look down, look down
Don't look 'em in the eye
Look down, look down,
You're here until you die
The sun is strong
It's hot as hell below
Look down, look down,
There's twenty years to go
I've done no wrong!
Sweet Jesus, hear my prayer!
Look down look down,
Sweet Jesus doesn't care
I know she'll wait,
I know that she'll be true!
Look down, look down,
They've all forgotten you
When I get free ya won't see me
Here for dust!
Look down, look down
Don't look 'em in the eye
How long, oh Lord
Before you let me die?
Look down, look down,
You'll always be a slave
Look down, look down,
You're standing in your grave
Now bring me prisoner 24601
Your time is up
And your parole's begun
You know what that means.
Yes, it means I'm free.
It means you get
Your yellow ticket-of-leave
You are a thief
I stole a loaf of bread.
You robbed a house.
I broke a window pane.
My sister's child was close to death
And we were starving.
You will starve again
Unless you learn the meaning of the law.
I know the meaning of those 19 years
A slave of the law
Five years for what you did
The rest because you tried to run
Yes, 24601.
My name is Jean Valjean
And I am Javert
Do not forget my name!
Do not forget me,
Look down, look down
You'll always be a slave
Look down, look down
You're standing in your grave.
Freedom is mine. The earth is still.
I feel the wind. I breathe again.
And the sky clears
The world is waking.
Drink from the pool. How clean the taste.
Never forget the years, the waste.
Nor forgive them
For what they've done.
They are the guilty - everyone.
The day begins...
And now lets see
What this new world
Will do for me!
[He finds work on a farm]
You'll have to go
I'll pay you off for the day
Collect your bits and pieces there
And be on your way.
You have given me half
What the other men get!
This handful of tin
Wouldn't buy my sweat!
You broke the law
It's there for people to see
Why should you get the same
As honest men like me?
Now every door is closed to me
Another jail. Another key. Another chain
For when I come to any town
They check my papers
And they find the mark of Cain
In their eyes I see their fear
`We do not want you here.'
[He comes to an inn]
My rooms are full
And I've no supper to spare
I'd like to help a stranger
All we want is to be fair
I will pay in advance
I can sleep in a barn
You see how dark it is
I'm not some kind of dog!
You leave my house
Or feel the weight of my rod
We're law-abiding people here
Thanks be to God.
[They throw him out of the inn]
And now I know how freedom feels
The jailer always at your heels
It is the law!
This piece of paper in my hand
That makes me cursed throughout the land
It is the law!
Like a cur
I walk the street,
The dirt beneath their feet.
[He sits down despairingly outside a house from which emerges the Bishop of Digne.]
Come in, Sir, for you are weary,
And the night is cold out there.
Though our lives are very humble
What we have, we have to share.
There is wine here to revive you.
There is bread to make you strong,
There's a bed to rest till morning,
Rest from pain, and rest from wrong.
He let me eat my fill
I had the lion's share
The silver in my hand
Cost twice what I had earned
In all those nineteen years -
That lifetime of despair
And yet he trusted me.
The old fool trusted me -
He'd done his bit of good
I played the grateful serf
And thanked him like I should
But when the house was still,
I got up in the night.
Took the silver
Took my flight!
Tucked in the woods
Near North Chicago
Early November
Commences our saga
Two loved in silence
For fear of corruption
Then fate chimed in
With an evil grin and a mighty interruption
She awoke in a panic
The TV in static
She heard a voice
In the attic
Crouched behind her door
With a Swiss Army knife
She cried in silence
Fearing for her life
Protecting herself
She stabbed the intruder
The lights turned on
Her knife impaled her suitor
She'd committed a murder
While he laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her boyfriend's heart for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
And all she thinks of is him
She cried through the morning
As she read the paper
Her father told police
The boy broke in to rape her
She ran to the bathroom
Enraged and pissed
Grabbed a razor
And tic-tac-toed her wrist
She'd committed a murder
And while she laid there bleeding
She stared, clearly scared
Checked her final pulse for beating
It's not right
The lights get dim
I'm still here
Against any logic
There are no gates closed for me
Now I will tell you my story
Of a dream that made me free
People, I address you
Listen to my story
Around the world it shall fly
It's a song of doubts and fears,
Song of love and glory
The sheet is clean