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PNC - S.T.U. Official Video HD
George FM Freestyle - PNC, Scribe, David Dallas
PNC - Take It All feat. Jordache, David Dallas, Louie Knuxx & Percieve
PNC - Love Jones feat Pieter T
PNC - Go
PNC feat P Digsss - Ride (audio)
PNC - When I Fall Asleep
PNC - Kobe & LeBron (feat. David Dallas)
Proceso de aspirantes en la academia de PNC
Partners N Crime PNC  - N.O. Block Party (Hot Girl Bounce)
PNC - Tonight


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PNC - S.T.U. Official Video HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:28
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

PNC - S.T.U. Official Video HD

New Video from Pacman,Newport & Conrad (WATCH IN 1080 HD) follow@PACMANDAGUNMAN @1FLYMEXICAN @conrad4rmdaave.
  • published: 22 Mar 2013
  • views: 252382
  • author: NJLATV - S.T.U. Official Video HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:09
  • Updated: 11 Sep 2013


  • published: 11 Sep 2013
  • views: 642 - REP THA S
George FM Freestyle - PNC, Scribe, David Dallas
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:26
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

George FM Freestyle - PNC, Scribe, David Dallas

Dirty Records celebrate 10 years by taking over the George FM studio. Featuring PNC, Scribe and David Dallas freestyling over Lazy Jay 'Float My Boat' (aka A...
  • published: 07 May 2012
  • views: 116927
  • author: P-MONEY FM Freestyle - PNC, Scribe, David Dallas
PNC - Take It All feat. Jordache, David Dallas, Louie Knuxx & Percieve
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:19
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

PNC - Take It All feat. Jordache, David Dallas, Louie Knuxx & Percieve

Download the Free MP3 at Directed by Anthony Plant. Produced by Matt Miller. Presented by Crooks & Ca...
  • published: 28 Feb 2012
  • views: 146475
  • author: slickvanxl - Take It All feat. Jordache, David Dallas, Louie Knuxx & Percieve
PNC - Love Jones feat Pieter T
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:14
  • Updated: 13 Sep 2013

PNC - Love Jones feat Pieter T

iTunes: Directed By Sam Matthews for Flying Kiwi Productions Produced by Andy Bayly and Alex Plummer Makeup: Rebekah Banks and Lili Shine Lighting: Storme Hituaa Song Produced by Matt Miller Funded by New Zealand On Air
  • published: 13 Sep 2013
  • views: 4513 - Love Jones feat Pieter T
PNC - Go
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:24
  • Updated: 02 Aug 2013

PNC - Go

From the album Under The Influence. Download it for free at Directed by Sam Matthews for Flying Kiwi Productions. Song Produced by...
  • published: 07 Aug 2012
  • views: 34263
  • author: slickvanxl - Go
PNC feat P Digsss - Ride (audio)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:48
  • Updated: 04 Dec 2013

PNC feat P Digsss - Ride (audio)

iTunes: Produced by Matt Miller & Patrick Hawkins Latest single from PNC's upcoming album The Codes
  • published: 04 Dec 2013
  • views: 301 feat P Digsss - Ride (audio)
PNC - When I Fall Asleep
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:03
  • Updated: 23 Oct 2013

PNC - When I Fall Asleep

Available on iTunes: Song produced by Matt Miller Directed, shot and edited by Sam Matthews for Flying Kiwi Productions Produced by Andy Bayly and Alex plummer Crew: Storme Hitaua and Sean Cribbens Makeup: Julie Pyun and Abbie Gardiner Styling: Sam Mckenna and Tegan Larkins Gowns by Modes, Glamour Boutique & Vinka Design Jewellery by Veronica B and Diva Thanks to Britomart 1885 & York St Studios Off PNC's upcoming studio album
  • published: 23 Oct 2013
  • views: 4348 - When I Fall Asleep
PNC - Kobe & LeBron (feat. David Dallas)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:28
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

PNC - Kobe & LeBron (feat. David Dallas)

Available on iTunes Directed & Edited by Andy Campion. Director of Photography Matty Warmington. Song Producer by Matt Miller. Funded by NZ On Air.
  • published: 14 Aug 2013
  • views: 7315 - Kobe & LeBron (feat. David Dallas)
Proceso de aspirantes en la academia de PNC
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:44
  • Updated: 12 Jul 2013

Proceso de aspirantes en la academia de PNC

El abandonar los estudios, el trabajo y el sacrificio de permanecer alejado de la familia son los retos que han enfrentado durante un mes, aproximadamente, m...
  • published: 14 Mar 2012
  • views: 12671
  • author: agncorreo de aspirantes en la academia de PNC
Partners N Crime PNC  - N.O. Block Party (Hot Girl Bounce)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:47
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Partners N Crime PNC - N.O. Block Party (Hot Girl Bounce)

Another rare New Orleans bounce music classic track, N.O. Block Party (aka Hot Boy Hot Girl) by Partners N Crime (PNC from Pump Tha Party) featuring DJ Jubil... N Crime PNC - N.O. Block Party (Hot Girl Bounce)
PNC - Tonight
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:32
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

PNC - Tonight

Here it is - 'Tonight', the fourth video from PNC's second album 'Bazooka Kid', due for release on June 2nd, 2009. Tonight is available online from May 4th o... - Tonight
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:16
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013


  • published: 14 Aug 2013
  • views: 647 - WIT EVERYTHANG
Profession : PNC - Personnel Navigant Commercial [fr]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:11
  • Updated: 02 Jul 2013

Profession : PNC - Personnel Navigant Commercial [fr]

Stéphanie, à l'image des milliers d'hôtesses et de stewards d'Air France, accueille les clients à bord des avions de la compagnie. Outre sa mission commercia... : PNC - Personnel Navigant Commercial [fr]
  • PNC - S.T.U. Official Video HD
    PNC - S.T.U. Official Video HD
  • George FM Freestyle - PNC, Scribe, David Dallas
    George FM Freestyle - PNC, Scribe, David Dallas
  • PNC - Take It All feat. Jordache, David Dallas, Louie Knuxx & Percieve
    PNC - Take It All feat. Jordache, David Dallas, Louie Knuxx & Percieve
  • PNC - Love Jones feat Pieter T
    PNC - Love Jones feat Pieter T
  • PNC - Go
    PNC - Go
  • PNC feat P Digsss - Ride (audio)
    PNC feat P Digsss - Ride (audio)
  • PNC - When I Fall Asleep
    PNC - When I Fall Asleep
  • PNC - Kobe & LeBron (feat. David Dallas)
    PNC - Kobe & LeBron (feat. David Dallas)
  • Proceso de aspirantes en la academia de PNC
    Proceso de aspirantes en la academia de PNC
  • Partners N Crime PNC  - N.O. Block Party (Hot Girl Bounce)
    Partners N Crime PNC - N.O. Block Party (Hot Girl Bounce)
  • PNC - Tonight
    PNC - Tonight
  • Profession : PNC - Personnel Navigant Commercial [fr]
    Profession : PNC - Personnel Navigant Commercial [fr]

PNC - S.T.U. Official Video HD

New Video from Pacman,Newport & Conrad (WATCH IN 1080 HD) follow@PACMANDAGUNMAN @1FLYMEXICAN @conrad4rmdaave.
  • published: 22 Mar 2013
  • views: 252382
  • author: NJLATV

PNC - S.T.U. Of­fi­cial Video HD
New Video from Pac­man,New­port & Con­rad (WATCH IN 1080 HD) follow@​PACMANDAGUNMAN @1FLY­MEX­IC...
pub­lished: 22 Mar 2013
au­thor: NJLATV
pub­lished: 11 Sep 2013
George FM Freestyle - PNC, Scribe, David Dal­las
Dirty Records cel­e­brate 10 years by tak­ing over the George FM stu­dio. Fea­tur­ing PNC, Scrib...
pub­lished: 07 May 2012
au­thor: P-MON­EY
PNC - Take It All feat. Jor­dache, David Dal­las, Louie Knuxx & Per­cieve
Down­load the Free MP3 at http://​soundcloud.​com/​pnc-1/​pnc-take-it-all-ft-jordache Di­rect­ed ...
pub­lished: 28 Feb 2012
au­thor: slick­vanxl
PNC - Love Jones feat Pieter T
iTunes: https://​itunes.​apple.​com/​us/​album/​love-jones-feat.​-pieter-t/​id694371135 Di­rect­ed ...
pub­lished: 13 Sep 2013
PNC - Go
From the album Under The In­flu­ence. Down­load it for free at http://​www.​pncmusic.​co.​nz/​ Dir...
pub­lished: 07 Aug 2012
au­thor: slick­vanxl
PNC feat P Digsss - Ride (audio)
iTunes: https://​itunes.​apple.​com/​nz/​album/​ride-feat.​-p-digsss/​id770996760?​i=770998225 Pro...
pub­lished: 04 Dec 2013
PNC - When I Fall Asleep
Avail­able on iTunes: https://​itunes.​apple.​com/​nz/​album/​when-i-fall-asleep/​id728846166?​i=72...​
pub­lished: 23 Oct 2013
PNC - Kobe & Le­Bron (feat. David Dal­las)
Avail­able on iTunes Di­rect­ed & Edit­ed by Andy Cam­pi­on. Di­rec­tor of Pho­tog­ra­phy Matty Wa...
pub­lished: 14 Aug 2013
Pro­ce­so de as­pi­rantes en la academia de PNC
El aban­donar los es­tu­dios, el tra­ba­jo y el sac­ri­fi­cio de per­manecer ale­ja­do de la fa­mil­ia ...
pub­lished: 14 Mar 2012
au­thor: ag­n­correo
Part­ners N Crime PNC - N.O. Block Party (Hot Girl Bounce)
An­oth­er rare New Or­leans bounce music clas­sic track, N.O. Block Party (aka Hot Boy Hot Gir...
pub­lished: 16 Jun 2008
PNC - Tonight
Here it is - 'Tonight', the fourth video from PNC's sec­ond album 'Bazooka Kid', due for re...
pub­lished: 01 May 2009
pub­lished: 14 Aug 2013
Pro­fes­sion : PNC - Per­son­nel Nav­i­gant Com­mer­cial [fr]
Stéphanie, à l'image des mil­liers d'hôtess­es et de stew­ards d'Air France, ac­cueille les cl...
pub­lished: 12 Oct 2012
Youtube results:
PNC - That Kinda Guy
Buy the sin­gle here http://​itunes.​apple.​com/​nz/​album/​that-kinda-guy-single/​id427102370 2nd...
pub­lished: 31 Mar 2011
au­thor: slick­vanxl
Abuso de la PNC en reg­istro a per­sonas sospe­chosas
Video capta abuso de la PNC en reg­istro a per­sonas sospe­chosas. Los op­er­a­tivos que re­al­iza...
pub­lished: 05 Jun 2012
PNC - I'll Be On It feat. Awa
From the album "Under The In­flu­ence". Down­load it for free at http://​www.​pncmusic.​co.​nz/​ P...
pub­lished: 16 Jul 2012
au­thor: slick­vanxl
PNC - Tonight (TVRip)
pub­lished: 19 Jan 2013
photo: AP / Ben Curtis
File - Displaced people get off a river barge from Bor, some of the thousands who fled the recent fighting between government and rebel forces in Bor by boat across the White Nile, in the town of Awerial, South Sudan Thursday, Jan. 2, 2014.
Edit The Guardian
14 Jan 2014
Between 200 and 300 people fleeing fighting in the city of Malakal feared dead in ferry accident on the White Nile river. The ferry passengers were fleeing fighting in the city of Malakal. Photograph. Simon Maina/AFP/Getty Images. At least 200 South Sudanese civilians drowned on Tuesday in a ferry accident on the White Nile river while fleeing fresh fighting in the city of Malakal, an army spokesman said ... "They all drowned ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
photo: AP / Ng Han Guan
Chinese health workers, wearing masks, walk past a group of security guards blocking a petitioner outside China's Health Ministry where a joint press conference between Chinese health officials and World Health Organization
Edit Caijing
16 Jan 2014
150 infections confirmed since March, health authorities say. The number of human H7N9 bird flu infections continues to rise nationwide with about 20 new cases reported in the first two weeks of 2014. On Wednesday, three new H7N9 cases were reported from Shanghai and Fujian and Zhejiang provinces. Since Jan 1, Shanghai has reported four cases, including a 35-year-old man from Ningbo, Zhejiang province, on Wednesday ... ....(size: 2.9Kb)
photo: AP / U.S. Air Force, John Parie
In this image released by the U.S. Air Force, a Malmstrom Air Force Base missile maintenance team removes the upper section of an ICBM at a Montana missile site
Edit National Public Radio
16 Jan 2014
Already reeling from reports about alleged drug use by some officers in its nuclear missile corps and the alleged "drunken and inappropriate behavior" of that command's top general, the Air Force now has another scandal on its hands ... As Tom reports.. "The investigation began into possible illegal drug use, and ended up widening into a cheating scandal ... Stars and Stripes says that. ... Mark A. Welsh III said." ... The Post adds, though, that. ... ......(size: 2.7Kb)

Edit Ohio
17 Jan 2014
PNC Financial Services Group Inc., the second-biggest U.S. regional bank, posted fourth-quarter profit that beat analysts’ estimates as the lender trimmed expenses and set aside less money for soured loans ... Huntington results ... ....(size: 1.0Kb)
16 Jan 2014
PNC Financial Services Group Inc ... For the full year, PNC earned $3.97 billion, or $7.39 per share, up from $2.83 billion, or $5.30 per share, in 2012 ... PNC shares rose $1.71, or 2.2 percent, to $80.55 in premarket trading an hour before the market open. ....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit The Business Review
16 Jan 2014
PNC has 66 branches and $1.4 billion in deposits in metro Atlanta ... PNC (NYSE. PNC) earned $1.85 a diluted share, up from $1.24 a share ... "These results validate the strategy that we've been executing," PNC CEO William Demchak said in a . "As the new year begins, PNC has a strong balance ... PNC has 66 branches and $1.4 billion in deposits in metro Atlanta....(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit Stockhouse
16 Jan 2014
16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc ... PNC) today reported 2013 net income of $4.2 billion, or $7.39 per diluted common share, compared with 2012 net income of $3.0 billion, or $5.30 per diluted common share ... "PNC reported record net income for 2013," said William S ... In addition, the fourth quarter included a contribution to the PNC Foundation and higher legal accruals....(size: 5.2Kb)
16 Jan 2014
... PNC Bank branch in the 8700 block of Norwin Avenue....(size: 0.3Kb)
Edit noodls
16 Jan 2014
(Source. HOSE - HoChiMinh Stock Exchange) Phuong Nam Cultural Joint Stock Corporation has disclosed a trading result of inside shareholders as follows.. - Stock symbol. PNC. - Trader.Mr ... 13,600 shares....(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
16 Jan 2014
PNC Financial Services Group this morning reported that profits for the fourth quarter shot up 48 percent and hit a new record for the full year as Pittsburgh’s biggest bank set aside less money to cover bad loans and continued to work on cutting costs. ....(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit Business Journal
16 Jan 2014
Patty Tascarella Senior Reporter- Pittsburgh Business Times Email  . Twitter  . Google+  . LinkedIn. PNC Bank Thursday said it provided $50 million in senior secured financing to Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney & Co. to complete a deal. PNC (NYSE.PNC) is part of Pittsburgh-based PNC Financial Services Group Inc ... Steel City Capital Funding, a division of PNC, provided a portion of the financing ... Related links. ... ....(size: 6.4Kb)
Edit Business Journal
16 Jan 2014
PNC Financial Services Group Inc ... PNC (NYSE.PNC) reported 2013 net income of $4.2 billion, or $7.39 per common share, up from $3 billion, or $5.30 per common share, in 2012 ... The street, in early trading, boosted PNC’s stock by more than 3 percent and it hit $81.28 per share, its highest point in more than five years. But it’s important to note that a mortgage repurchase provision took a big bite out of PNC’s 4Q 2012 results....(size: 7.6Kb)
Edit Business Journal
16 Jan 2014
Buoyed by a strong fourth quarter that outpaced Wall Street estimates, PNC Financial Services Group Inc ... How PNC (NYSE.PNC) is faring in transitioning or accommodating clients from branch to electronic transactions is also being watched closely by analysts. PNC said in its earnings release that about 39 percent of consumer customers used non-branch ......(size: 6.8Kb)
Edit noodls
16 Jan 2014
The PNC Financial Services Group Inc) PNC Earns Record Net Income of $4.2 Billion for Full Year 2013 and Reports $7.39 Diluted EPS Reports Fourth Quarter Net Income of $1.1 Billion and $1.85 Diluted EPS ... PNC) today reported 2013 net income of $4.2 billion, or $7.39 per diluted common share, compared with 2012 net income of $3.0 billion, or $5.30 per diluted common share ... PNC continued to build its strong capital position....(size: 101.1Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
16 Jan 2014
AtLeast one of the check box should be selected You are following news about Follow the latest news about PNC ... 16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc ... PNC) today reported 2013 net income of $4.2 billion, or $7.39 per diluted common share, compared with 2012 net income of $3.0 billion, or $5.30 per diluted common share ... "PNC reported record net income for 2013," said William S ... 99.4Kb)
Edit noodls
16 Jan 2014
The morning event will take place on Pittsburgh's North Shore, starting on Federal Street and runners will finish by crossing home plate inside PNC Park ... Top male and female individual runners in each age group (under 15, 16-19 and 10 year age groups from 20 to 70-plus), as well as top male, female and co-ed teams, will be recognized on the field at PNC Park prior to that night's game against the Milwaukee Brewers....(size: 3.0Kb)

PNC may refer to:

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

David Keith Dallas (born 28 August 1982 in Papatoetoe, Auckland) is an award winning New Zealand rapper of Samoan/European descent, He is signed to Dirty Records and Duck Down Music Inc.

He released his debut EP Something Now in 2008, and then his debut solo album, Something Awesome, on 31 August 2009. His second studio album, The Rose Tint, was released on 11 May 2011 and features appearances from Freddie Gibbs, PNC and Buckshot. He is also half of the award winning duo Frontline, who were the recipients of the New Zealand Music Awards Best Hip Hop Album award in 2006 for their album Borrowed Time.

Dallas' first solo offering, "Something Now", was released on 8 December 2008, through Dirty Records.

His debut solo album, Something Awesome, was released on 31 August 2009. It reached #1 on New Zealand's iTunes chart. Something Awesome was awarded Best Urban/Hip Hop album at the 2010 New Zealand Music Awards on 7 October 2010.

After his video Big Time was featured on Kanye West's blog in 2010, as well as other US-based medias drawing attention to his music, Dallas signed with Duck Down Records and has been spending time in New York City, collaborating with such artists as Freddie Gibbs, Buckshot, Kid Daytona and Tayyib Ali.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Pieter Tuhoro born in (1987), known by his stage name Pieter T is a New Zealand R&B singer and music producer. He was originally a member in the short lived music group, Boyband in 2006. Pieter T made his solo musical debut in 2009 with the single Cold Nights followed by the singles, Stay With Me, Can't Stop Loving You and Something Else which peaked at #6 on NZ Radio Charts. His latest release is the single the Business feat. PNC and Dei Hamo off his debut album Life, Love and Lessons.

In 2006, Pieter won a radio station competition on The Edge (radio station) to become a member in a manufactured New Zealand boy band. As part of the group he was given the nickname,(Hot Boy). Since the band disbanded in late 2006, he has been the only member to continue pursuing a music career.

In late 2008, Pieter met NZ urban artist Chong Nee who co-signed him to Kog Mastering / trading as Handmade Records. Kog Studio quickly starting working alongside him as he brought in producers such as Rahxx, A-Status and David Nesian to create tracks for his debut album.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Partners-N-Crime is a rap group from New Orleans, Louisiana, made up of Kango Slim (born Walter Williams) and Mr. Meanor (born Michael Patterson), friends raised in the 17th ward of New Orleans, where they met in high school through a mutual friend. The two earned a local buzz performing at various New Orleans talent shows, and eventually signed to Big Boy Records. A rivalry between Partners-N-Crime and Cash Money Records group U.N.L.V. led to further hostilities between Big Boy and Cash Money before the two groups made peace.

The group is considered legendary to locals. The music that they play is in a style that is all their own, and the people of New Orleans love it. Mr. Mena believes that his fans are fanatics, and love the music. The music is different from regular New Orleans bounce music in that they are able to rap to it. It is their own unique style that there is none other of. The group has gone on tour all of the United States, including the Virgin Islands .

Partners-N-Crime had widespread success in Louisiana with their single "Let the Good Times Roll", a song that discusses the social change in the black community in the year 1994. This year was one of the most violent years in New Orleans, the "City of Social Justice". "Pump the Party" was also produced in 1994. PNC eventually created their own imprint Crime Lab Entertainment, a division of fellow New Orleanian rapper Juvenile's UTP label .

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Luke Bryan (born July 17, 1976) is an American country singer. Bryan began his musical career in the mid-2000s, writing songs for Travis Tritt and Billy Currington. After signing with Capitol Records Nashville in 2007, he released the album I'll Stay Me, which included the singles "All My Friends Say", "We Rode in Trucks" and "Country Man". Followup album Doin' My Thing included "Do I", which Bryan co-wrote with Charles Kelley of Lady Antebellum, and the number one singles "Rain Is a Good Thing" and "Someone Else Calling You Baby". Tailgates & Tanlines, released in 2011, includes "Country Girl (Shake It for Me)" and his third number one, "I Don't Want This Night to End". Bryan co-wrote all of his singles with the exception of "Drunk on You" and co-produced all three albums with Jeff Stevens.

Bryan was born and raised in Leesburg, Georgia. At age fourteen, his parents bought him his first guitar, and after learning to play it, he joined various local bands and began to play in local clubs. After graduating Lee County High School, Bryan planned to move to Nashville, Tennessee; however, this move was delayed, due to the death of his brother, Chris, on the same day he planned to leave. Luke attended Georgia Southern University, and is a member of the Eta Zeta chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. After graduation Luke went to work for his dad, despite everyone encouraging him to move to Tennessee. His dad encouraged him to relocate and he arrived in Nashville in 2001, signing a record deal only two months later.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.
