Hockey slaps Barnett over GST

Hockey slaps Barnett over GST

Treasurer Joe Hockey has dismissed calls from state governments to overhaul the goods and services tax and has challenged premiers to bring their own spending under control, saying the GST is not a cure-all for their budget woes.

Caution urged on property

Caution urged on property

The Reserve Bank board noted in September that it was, “one area where households could be starting to take some risks with their finances”. Nevertheless, to many investors housing looks like a “no brainer”.

NBN direct link-ups for 2.5m premises

At least 2.5 million homes and businesses are set to receive direct fibre connections under contracts NBN Co signed before the federal election, despite Coalition plans to change the rollout.

Australian wines threaten to leave sour taste in China

Australian wines threaten to leave sour taste in China

Although the Australian line-up in the premium wine section of a Shanghai supermarket is largely predictable some labels and their prices raise eyebrows.

Hockey needs law change to halt clean energy fund

Federal cabinet is set to thrash out whether to push ahead with demands the $10 billion clean energy fund immediately cease operation, amid doubts Treasurer Joe Hockey has the power to direct the organisation.

Libs keen to fill Shaw’s shoes as by-election prospects loom

Candidates are circling the Victorian state seat of Frankston in the wake of criminal charges against independent MP Geoff Shaw.

NT wants leadership of indigenous affairs

NT wants leadership of indigenous affairs

Northern Territory Chief Minister Adam Giles has warned the new Coalition government to “tread carefully” on indigenous affairs and allow the NT to take the leadership in developing commercial opportunities.

Manufacturing jobs down to record low level

Fewer people worked in manufacturing in August than at any time since statistics began, but the sector can still create a political furore.

Cormann plans savings that boost growth

EXCLUSIVE | Finance Minister Mathias Cormann says the government’s audit commission will be expected to find savings measures that can be implemented in time for next year’s May budget, highlighting the pressing time-frame confronting the new government.

Indonesia to fight cigarette packaging laws

Relations between Australia and Indonesia remain strained, with Jakarta saying it will press ahead with a challenge to Australia’s plain cigarette packaging.

The rise and rise of the Catholic middle class

The rise and rise of the Catholic middle class

Catholics in Australia were initially a marginalised group, but now many of the highest-ranked members of government are Catholic, including the Jesuit-trained Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Rising property sales show Noosa back in favour

Rising property sales show Noosa back in favour

Corporate Travel Management’s boss Jamie Pherous has splashed out $14 million on two beachfront apartments at Noosa, giving the best signal yet that the exclusive coastal town is on the path to recovery.

Brian Toohey

Don’t deny sportspeople right to free speech

The latest sports scandal – over Johnathan Thurston’s post-game comments – should spur Peter Dutton, the Coalition’s new Minister for Sport and Health, to defend free speech for sportspeople.

Geoff Kitney

The benign Abbott campaign mask comes off

The political animal that is the new Prime Minister is showing his true colours after shedding the softer camouflage that helped win the election.



The rise and rise of the Catholic middle class

Catholics in Australia were initially a marginalised group, but now many of the highest-ranked members of government are Catholic, including the Jesuit-trained Prime Minister Tony Abbott.


How to blow billions: WA’s munificent government

The WA Liberal government’s pockets were bulging with money, but it just couldn’t stop being everyone’s mate.

The rise and rise of the Catholic middle class

Catholics in Australia were initially a marginalised group, but now many of the highest-ranked members of government are Catholic, including the Jesuit-trained Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Legal Affairs

Court system had ‘strangled itself’ but revision will come at a cost

Australia’s legal profession needs to accept less money in order to reform our flailing legal system, according to the retired South Australian Chief Justice John Doyle.

Law council to fight $30m Family Court cuts

The president of the Law Council of Australian intends to write to incoming Attorney-General George Brandis, QC, asking where the $30 million in cuts to the Family Court will come from and raising concerns about the impact it will have on the already under resourced jurisdiction.


Billionaire pays $128m to revive Rhodes Scholarship

Billionaire pays $128m to revive Rhodes Scholarship

Billionaire John McCall MacBain, who sold the Trading Post classifieds media in Australia to Telstra for $636 milllion, has revived the financially stressed Rhodes Scholarship with a $128 million donation.

Department of Industry created in huge government shake-up

The Abbott government has split science and research from higher education, created a stand-alone employment department and formed a huge industry portfolio in a huge shake-up of government responsibilities.

Arts & Saleroom

Art of the poet

Sylvia Plath is remembered for her poetry, and for her suicide 50 years ago. But a new book recalls that she was also an accomplished artist, and art inspired her poetry.

The shoots of green growth are showing in China

Being green has its challenges in China, but its people, fed up with hearing about toxins in their rice, tainted infant formula, dumped dead pigs being used to make pork dumplings and hazardous pollution readings, are embracing all things organic.


Humility is key to workplace leadership

Leadership development programs need to develop a component on humility. Evidence shows that the trait inspires loyalty, helps build and sustain cohesive, ­productive teamwork and decreases staff turnover.

Professional Services

PwC, Deloitte in digital arms race

Professional services giant PwC has acquired Brisbane mining data analytics boutique GBI Mining Intelligence, its second mining-related purchase in recent months as advisory firms look for new growth avenues in a flat market.