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add video playlist Residents of the semi-autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region are heading to the polls today to elect their local parliament in a vote that is likely to underline the ethnic minority's insistence on greater autonomy from the central, Arab-led government in Baghdad.
Residents of the semi-autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region are heading to the polls today to elect their local parliament in a vote that is likely to underline the ethnic minority\'s insistence on greater autonomy from the central, Arab-led government in Baghdad.
Kur­dis­tan Elec­tions 2013: vot­ers in se­mi-au­tonomous Iraqi re­gion Kur­dis­tan pick new par­lia­ment
In a blow to improving relations between the two Koreas, North Korea has ordered the indefinite postponement of a planned resumption of family reunions.

Six decades after the war that divided the peninsular many families are divided, cut off from each other by the frontier. On Wednesday it had been hoped six days of family reunions could begin, reuniting people who had not seen each other in all that time, or since the last such meetings held nearly three years ago.

The North is accusing Seoul of poisoning dialogue, and says the visits to the Mount Kumgang resort just north of the militarised border would be postponed until there was a \
North Korea post­pones fam­i­ly re­unions with South
Syria has submitted the first details of its chemical weapons to the international watchdog charged with overseeing their destruction, the organisation has said.
Al Jazeera\'s Kristen Saloomey reports from the UN.
Syria gives chem­i­cal dossier to watch­dog
Se­cret Doc­u­ment: U.S. near­ly det­o­nat­ed atom­ic bomb over North Car­oli­na
Many in Congress say chemical weapons deal requires too much trust of the Russians.
Syria Chem­i­cal Weapons: Crit­ics Say Obama Made 'Bad Deal' on Syria
Hon DAYASIRI JAYASEKARA  Election Campagin Theme Song 2013 

 Dayasiri Jayasekara Song  
 Wayamba  Election Campagin Theme Song Video 2013                                       Kurunegala Sri Lanka  
dayasiri jayasekara song
DAYASIRI JAYASEKARA Of­fi­cial Elec­tion Cam­pa­gin Theme Song 2013
Hassan Rouhani, Iran\'s new president, has praised Barack Obama following an exchange of letters with his US counterpart, adding that his government would never develop nuclear weapons.Rouhani said Obama had recently written to him to congratulate him on his election victory and \
Iran's Rouhani hails 'pos­i­tive' Obama words
No wthey are saying Assad is moving the chemical weapons trying to hide them ...BS ! He knows damn well they are watching his every move from satellite !
Syria Mov­ing Chem­i­cal Weapons! Is­rael Gets Ner­vous on UN!
Anthony Badalamenti, who had been the cementing technology director for Halliburton Energy Services Inc., was charged in federal court Thursday with instructing two other employees to delete data during a post-spill review of the cement job on BP\'s
Hal­libur­ton man­ag­er charged with de­stroy­ing ev­i­dence after BP's Gulf of Mex­i­co oil spill
Syria war: deadlock in the UN Security Council

The UN Security Council calls for \
Syria war: dead­lock in the UN Se­cu­ri­ty Coun­cil
Nigerian forces searching for a weapons cache battled Boko Haram insurgents in the capital Abuja Friday as the military sent troops to a town where the Islamists slaughtered at least 87 people, casting further doubt on claims that the group\'s rebellion has been contained. Duration
Nige­ria forces bat­tle Is­lamists in cap­i­tal Abuja
Tropical Storm Manuel edged onto Mexico\'s Pacific coast Sunday while Hurricane Ingrid swirled offshore on the other side of the country, as heavy rains and landslides caused at least 13 deaths and led authorities to evacuate thousands. (Sept. 15)
Raw: Dead­ly Trop­i­cal Storm, Hur­ri­cane Hit Mex­i­co
5 Years After Financial Crisis, Obama Touts Bailout In Economy Recovery - Cavuto
5 Years After Fi­nan­cial Cri­sis, Obama Touts Bailout In Econ­o­my Re­cov­ery - Cavu­to
6:06 subscribe!
drone strike watch this video info on no.2 leader killed in pakistan.
US drone strike kills no.2 Al-Qea­da Yahya Al-li­bi in Pak­istan
The son of the late Libyan dictator Colonel Gaddafi will stand trial today on charges of killings, allegedly committed during the country\'s 2011 civil war. The hearings are taking place in Tripoli as Libya has defied numerous requests from the International Criminal Court to hand Saif Al-Islam over to The Hague. The authorities insist they will ensure a fair trail but as RT\'s Paula Slier reports, many doubt that promise. READ MORE


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Set­tling Scores: Gaddafi's son faces trial in Libya, fair hear­ing doubt­ful

updated 21 Sep 2013; published 21 Sep 2013
Kur­dis­tan Elec­tions 2013: vot­ers in se­mi-au­tonomous Iraqi re­gion Kur­dis­tan pick new par­lia­ment
BBC News 21 Sep 2013, Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region is holding parliamentary elections on Saturday at a critical moment in the history of the Kurds - not only in Iraq but also in the whole Middle East. When it comes to security and safety, Kurdistan is a world apart from the rest of Iraq. Irbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, is growing and...
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updated 21 Sep 2013; published 21 Sep 2013
North Korea post­pones fam­i­ly re­unions with South
The Times of India 21 Sep 2013, SEOUL, South Korea: North Korea has indefinitely postponed reunions of families separated by the Korean War that had been set to start...
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updated 21 Sep 2013; published 21 Sep 2013
Syria gives chem­i­cal dossier to watch­dog
BBC News 21 Sep 2013, The international chemical weapons watchdog has said that it is studying details submitted by Syria about its arsenal of poison gas and nerve agents. But a spokesman for the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said it was expecting more details from Damascus ahead of deadline for submissions by the end of Saturday. Syria has...
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updated 20 Sep 2013; published 20 Sep 2013
Se­cret Doc­u­ment: U.S. near­ly det­o­nat­ed atom­ic bomb over North Car­oli­na
Huffington Post 21 Sep 2013, Getty Japan, Chugoku Region, Hiroshima, Atomic explosion on 6th August, 1945 LONDON, Sept 20 (Reuters) - A U.S. atom bomb nearly exploded in 1961 over North Carolina that would have been 260 times more powerful than the device that devastated Hiroshima, according to a declassified document published in a British newspaper on Friday. The Guardian...
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updated 16 Sep 2013; published 16 Sep 2013
Syria Chem­i­cal Weapons: Crit­ics Say Obama Made 'Bad Deal' on Syria
Houston Chronicle 20 Sep 2013, In the short term, the White House's decision to strike a deal with Russia over Syria's chemical weapons bailed President Barack Obama out of a Syria use-of-force vote that he was likely to lose. But in the medium term, what has transpired after the August 21 chemical weapons attack in Damascus has clearly favored Assad, Russia,...
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updated 20 Aug 2013; published 20 Aug 2013
DAYASIRI JAYASEKARA Of­fi­cial Elec­tion Cam­pa­gin Theme Song 2013
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 20 Sep 2013, JAFFNA, Sri Lanka -- The thugs first appeared around 11:20 on Thursday night, a dozen or so men lurking outside her house. Two wore army uniforms. Ananthi Sasitharan -- a Tamil candidate in the first provincial elections to be held in 25 years in the former insurgent stronghold here -- said she woke her three daughters and prepared for the worst....
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updated 19 Sep 2013; published 19 Sep 2013
Iran's Rouhani hails 'pos­i­tive' Obama words
The Independent 20 Sep 2013, Three months ago, my platform of “prudence and hope” gained a broad, popular mandate. Iranians embraced my approach to domestic and international affairs because they saw it as long overdue. I’m committed to fulfilling my promises to my people, including my pledge to engage in constructive interaction with the world. The world has changed....
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updated 20 Sep 2013; published 20 Sep 2013
Syria Mov­ing Chem­i­cal Weapons! Is­rael Gets Ner­vous on UN!
BBC News 20 Sep 2013, The chemical weapons watchdog, the OPCW, says Syria has begun sending details of its arsenal as part of a US-Russia brokered deal to make it safe. The Hague-based organisation added that it expected more details...
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updated 19 Sep 2013; published 19 Sep 2013
Hal­libur­ton man­ag­er charged with de­stroy­ing ev­i­dence after BP's Gulf of Mex­i­co oil spill
Tulsa World 20 Sep 2013, NEW ORLEANS - A former Halliburton manager was charged Thursday with destroying evidence following BP's 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a case that coincides with a guilty plea to a related charge by the Houston-based oilfield services company. Anthony Badalamenti, who had been the cementing technology director for Halliburton Energy Services...
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updated 22 Aug 2013; published 22 Aug 2013
Syria war: dead­lock in the UN Se­cu­ri­ty Coun­cil
Al Jazeera 20 Sep 2013, Syrian Deputy Prime Minister has said that neither government forces nor the rebels were currently capable of outright military victory in the country's civil war Qadri Jamil told the British Guardian newspaper that the government of President Bashar al-Assad would call for a ceasefire with the armed opposition if the peace talks in Geneva, sought...
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updated 21 Sep 2013; published 21 Sep 2013
Nige­ria forces bat­tle Is­lamists in cap­i­tal Abuja
Joy Online 20 Sep 2013, At least 87 people have been killed in an attack by Boko Haram militants in Nigeria's north-eastern Borno state, according to local officials. Disguised in military uniforms, the militants set up checkpoints outside the town of Benisheik and shot dead those trying to flee, witnesses said....
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updated 16 Sep 2013; published 16 Sep 2013
Raw: Dead­ly Trop­i­cal Storm, Hur­ri­cane Hit Mex­i­co
Swissinfo 20 Sep 2013, Reuters September 20, 2013 - 03:21 By Lizbeth Diaz and Anahi Rama MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - More rain lashed Mexico's northwest coast on Thursday, prompting evacuations and adding to flash floods that have created chaos across the country and killed at least 97 people. Storms have inundated vast areas of Mexico since the weekend, wrecking...
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updated 20 Sep 2013; published 20 Sep 2013
5 Years After Fi­nan­cial Cri­sis, Obama Touts Bailout In Econ­o­my Re­cov­ery - Cavu­to 19 Sep 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "I was elected to end wars, not start them." -President Barack Obama responding to a reporter's question about possibly going to war with Syria. As if not responsible for ongoing economic miseries, President Barack Obama chose the five-year anniversary of the 2008 New York Stock Exchange crash to boast...
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updated 08 Jun 2012; published 08 Jun 2012
US drone strike kills no.2 Al-Qea­da Yahya Al-li­bi in Pak­istan
Dawn 19 Sep 2013, KABUL: The Nato force in Afghanistan has launched an investigation into an attack by a drone aircraft on an Al Qaeda member, which killed eight women and children according to a senior Afghan official. Civilian casualties have been a long-running source of friction between Afghan President Hamid Karzai and...
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Iraq's Kurds focus on autonomy
Full Article BBC News
21 Sep 2013

Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region is holding parliamentary elections on Saturday at a critical moment in the history of the Kurds - not only in Iraq but also in the whole Middle East. When it comes to security and safety, Kurdistan is a world apart from the rest of Iraq. Irbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, is growing and... Autonomy
File - Masud Barzani President of Kurdistan and leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party  (KDP) delivers a speech.
photo: WN / Jamal Penjweny

North Korea postpones reunions of war divided families
Full Article The Times of India
21 Sep 2013

SEOUL, South Korea: North Korea has indefinitely postponed reunions of families separated by the Korean War that had been set to start... War Korea Of Korea
South Korean Yoon Ki-dal, right, cries with his unidentified North Korean son and daughters during the reunion meeting, on the Diamond Mountain in North Korea, Saturday, Sept. 26, 2009.
photo: AP / Korea Pool

Hague watchdog probes Syria chemical weapons data
Full Article BBC News
21 Sep 2013

The international chemical weapons watchdog has said that it is studying details submitted by Syria about its arsenal of poison gas and nerve agents. But a spokesman for the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said it was expecting more details from Damascus ahead of deadline for submissions by the end of Saturday. Syria has... Weapons In Syria Watchdog Ceasefire
File - In this Thursday March 28, 2013 file image taken from video obtained from the Shaam News Network, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows Syrian Free Army fighters in Deal less than 15 kilometers (10 miles) from the Jordanian border in Daraa province, Syria.
photo: AP / Shaam News Network via AP video

Atom Bomb Almost Exploded Over North Carolina In 1961, The Guardian Reports
Full Article Huffington Post
21 Sep 2013

Getty Japan, Chugoku Region, Hiroshima, Atomic explosion on 6th August, 1945 LONDON, Sept 20 (Reuters) - A U.S. atom bomb nearly exploded in 1961 over North Carolina that would have been 260 times more powerful than the device that devastated Hiroshima, according to a declassified document published in a British newspaper on Friday. The Guardian... Goldsboro B-52 Crash Accident In North Carolina
Internal nuclear components of the American B61 nuclear bomb
photo: Creative Commons / Georgewilliamherbert

The Chemical Weapons Deal Is A Huge Gift To Assad, Russia, And Iran
Full Article Houston Chronicle
20 Sep 2013

In the short term, the White House's decision to strike a deal with Russia over Syria's chemical weapons bailed President Barack Obama out of a Syria use-of-force vote that he was likely to lose. But in the medium term, what has transpired after the August 21 chemical weapons attack in Damascus has clearly favored Assad, Russia,... Weapons In Syrian War Intervention In Syria War
In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Saeed Jalili, meets with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus, Syria, Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2012.
photo: AP / SANA

Reports of Violence in Sri Lanka Ahead of Elections
Full Article Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
20 Sep 2013

JAFFNA, Sri Lanka -- The thugs first appeared around 11:20 on Thursday night, a dozen or so men lurking outside her house. Two wore army uniforms. Ananthi Sasitharan -- a Tamil candidate in the first provincial elections to be held in 25 years in the former insurgent stronghold here -- said she woke her three daughters and prepared for the worst.... Sri Lanka Elections Sasitharan Government
A Sri Lankan ethnic Tamil man peeps from between a wall pasted with election propaganda of Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa's ruling party, in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Friday, July 22, 2011.
photo: AP / Eranga Jayawardena

Hassan Rouhani: Why the West should bring Iran in from the cold
Full Article The Independent
20 Sep 2013

Three months ago, my platform of “prudence and hope” gained a broad, popular mandate. Iranians embraced my approach to domestic and international affairs because they saw it as long overdue. I’m committed to fulfilling my promises to my people, including my pledge to engage in constructive interaction with the world. The world has changed.... Rouhani Peace
In this Sept. 10, 2013 photo released by the official website of the office of the Iranian Presidency, Iranian President Hasan Rouhani speaks during an interview with state television at the presidency in Tehran, Iran.
photo: AP / Presidency Office, Rouzbeh Jadidoleslam

Syria 'submits chemical weapons data' to Hague watchdog
Full Article BBC News
20 Sep 2013

The chemical weapons watchdog, the OPCW, says Syria has begun sending details of its arsenal as part of a US-Russia brokered deal to make it safe. The Hague-based organisation added that it expected more details... Weapons War Nations
File - A view of the Security Council stakeout area through a glass door, as journalists gather for a briefing by Syrian Permanent Representative to the UN, Bashar Ja'afari, on Syria-Turkey tensions, 4 October, 2012.
photo: UN / Jennifer S Altman

Ex-Halliburton manager charged in Gulf spill probe
Full Article Tulsa World
20 Sep 2013

NEW ORLEANS - A former Halliburton manager was charged Thursday with destroying evidence following BP's 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a case that coincides with a guilty plea to a related charge by the Houston-based oilfield services company. Anthony Badalamenti, who had been the cementing technology director for Halliburton Energy Services... Horizon Pollution
File - "The damaged Blow Out Preventer (BOP), along with the Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP) Cap, have been removed from the Gulf of Mexico and are currently on board the Q4000. The BOP is considered evidentiary material, and is now under the supervision of the Deepwater Horizon Criminal Investigation Team and FBI Evidence Recovery Team." - National Incident Commander Admiral Thad Allen.
photo: USCG / PO1 Thomas M. Blue

Syria minister: War is deadlocked
Full Article Al Jazeera
20 Sep 2013

Syrian Deputy Prime Minister has said that neither government forces nor the rebels were currently capable of outright military victory in the country's civil war Qadri Jamil told the British Guardian newspaper that the government of President Bashar al-Assad would call for a ceasefire with the armed opposition if the peace talks in Geneva, sought... Al-assad Weapons In Syria Crisis
In this Monday, Dec. 17, 2012 photo, a Free Syrian Army fighter takes cover during fighting with the Syrian Army in Azaz, Syria.
photo: AP / Virginie Nguyen Huang

Scores dead in Nigeria after Boko Haram 'ambush' in Borno
Full Article Joy Online
20 Sep 2013

At least 87 people have been killed in an attack by Boko Haram militants in Nigeria's north-eastern Borno state, according to local officials. Disguised in military uniforms, the militants set up checkpoints outside the town of Benisheik and shot dead those trying to flee, witnesses said.... Shekau Haram Conflict
Nigeria’s Boko Haram Could Be a Western-backed Insurgency
photo: WN / Tarig Anter

Heavy rain lashes northwest Mexico as storm misery spreads
Full Article Swissinfo
20 Sep 2013

Reuters September 20, 2013 - 03:21 By Lizbeth Diaz and Anahi Rama MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - More rain lashed Mexico's northwest coast on Thursday, prompting evacuations and adding to flash floods that have created chaos across the country and killed at least 97 people. Storms have inundated vast areas of Mexico since the weekend, wrecking... Manuel Storms Disaster
Hurricane Manuel intensifying over the Gulf of California on September 18, 2013.

One War Obama Needs to Restart
Full Article
19 Sep 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "I was elected to end wars, not start them." -President Barack Obama responding to a reporter's question about possibly going to war with Syria. As if not responsible for ongoing economic miseries, President Barack Obama chose the five-year anniversary of the 2008 New York Stock Exchange crash to boast... Obama War Economy
President Barack Obama meets with senior advisors in the Oval Office to discuss a new plan for the situation in Syria, August 30, 2013.
photo: White House / Barack Obama

Nato drone strike in Afghanistan being investigated
Full Article Dawn
19 Sep 2013

KABUL: The Nato force in Afghanistan has launched an investigation into an attack by a drone aircraft on an Al Qaeda member, which killed eight women and children according to a senior Afghan official. Civilian casualties have been a long-running source of friction between Afghan President Hamid Karzai and... In Afghanistan Qaeda Drone Strikes
File - A U.S. Air Force MQ-9 Reaper from the 62nd Expeditionary Reconassiance Squadron taxis for take off from Kandahar Air Base, Afghanistan, March 13, 2009, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
photo: USAF / Staff Sgt. James L. Harper Jr.

Kozak grabs first goal as Aston Villa beat Norwich
Full Article Taipei Times
21 Sep 2013

Czech striker Libor Kozak came off the bench and scored his first goal in the Premier League to give Aston Villa a 1-0 win at Norwich City yesterday. A £7 million (US$11.2 million) signing from Lazio, Kozak settled the game with a 30th-minute tap-in at Carrow Road only two minutes after coming on for Christian...
Lazio's French striker Djibril Cisse, left, and his teammates Libor Kozak of the Czech Republic, center, and midfielder Lorik Cana of Albania, right, try to score against Vaslui during a Group D Europa League soccer match in Rome's Olympic stadium, Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011. The game ended 2-2.
photo: AP / Gregorio Borgia

Radwanska to face Pavlyuchenkova in final of Korea Open
Full Article Taipei Times
21 Sep 2013

Poland’s world No. 4 Agnieszka Radwanska breezed past Spaniard Larra Arruabarrena 6-0, 6-2 in the semi-finals of the Korea Open yesterday to set up a title clash with Russia’s Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova. Pavlyuchenkova, seeded third, had a tough outing against former French Open champion Francesca Schiavone of Italy, but eventually prevailed in the...
Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland reacts to a line call during her match with Japan's Kimiko Date-Krumm at the Sydney International Tennis tournament in Sydney, Australia
photo: AP / Rob Griffith

City, United clash with more than just local pride at stake
Full Article Taipei Times
21 Sep 2013

Manchester United and Manchester City approach today’s 166th city derby knowing defeat for either side would leave them in danger of being cut adrift in the Premier League title race. The new season is only four games old, but both sides have already squandered points — United drawing at home to Chelsea and losing at Liverpool, City drawing at...
Manchester City's Edin Dzeko, right, celebrates with captain Vincent Kompany, second right after scoring against South China FC at the Barclays Asia Trophy in Hong Kong, Wednesday July 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Kin Cheung

Yankees ace Pettitte to retire at season’s end
Full Article Taipei Times
21 Sep 2013

AMERICAN LEAGUE Andy Pettitte, a star pitcher who came out of retirement last year for a second stint with the New York Yankees, said on Friday he will call it quits for good after this season. The 41-year-old US left-hander, who admitted in 2008 that he briefly used human growth hormones (HGH) in 2002 to help heal an injury, made his announcement...
Nolan Ryan and Andy Pettitte
photo: Creative Commons / Michael (mx5tx)

David Haye postpones Tyson Fury fight after suffering cut
Full Article BBC News
21 Sep 2013

David Haye has postponed next week's fight with Tyson Fury after suffering a deep cut in sparring...
World cruiserweight champion David Haye of Britain celebrates after beating compatriot Enzo Maccarinelli in their WBA and WBC title boxing match at the O2 arena, London, Sunday, March 9, 2008. Haye stopped Maccarinelli in the second-round to unify the championship belts.
photo: AP / Simon Dawson

Sebastian Vettel fastest in final Singapore GP practice
Full Article BBC News
21 Sep 2013

Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel beat Lotus's Romain Grosjean to top final practice at the Singapore Grand Prix. Vettel headed the Frenchman by 0.191 seconds with Mercedes' Nico Rosberg third from Red Bull's Mark Webber. Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. What makes Singapore so spectacular? Mercedes'...
German Formula One World Champion Sebastian Vettel waves to supporters in Graz, Austria
photo: AP / Ronald Zak

Wayne Rooney: Man Utd boss Moyes thought he had 'gone soft'
Full Article BBC News
21 Sep 2013

New Manchester United manager David Moyes says that when he arrived at Old Trafford his first impression of Wayne Rooney was that he had "gone soft". The Scot said: "I thought he had to get back to being a bit more aggressive." Continue reading the main story “ If he could score another two goals at the weekend, that would...
Manchester United's Wayne Rooney is seen during his team's English Premier League soccer match against Arsenal at Old Trafford Stadium, Manchester, England, Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012.
photo: AP / Jon Super

Michael Laudrup urges Swansea to focus on Crystal Palace test
Full Article BBC News
21 Sep 2013

Swansea City manager Michael Laudrup has asked his players to re-focus swiftly on the Premier League after their stunning Europa League win. The Welsh side kicked off their Group A campaign with a 3-0 win at Valencia. But after that eye-catching win at the Mestalla on Thursday against the group favourites, Swansea are back in action at Crystal...
Michael Laudrup
photo: Creative Commons / Paul Blank

Katy Perry heals hearts
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
21 Sep 2013

Katy Perry reportedly uses her spiritual side to help friends through their relationship problems. The singer has been a shoulder for many stars to lean on, famously helping Robert Pattinson get over his public split from Kristen Stewart earlier this year. She also invited Khloé Kardashian to take a vacation with her this summer. The reality TV...
Katy Perry - Hello Katy Tour 2009.
photo: Creative Commons / BJSchee

Britney Spears `valued at $44m`!
Full Article IMDb
21 Sep 2013

Washington, Sep 21: Britney Spears is worth more than 44 million dollars, it has been revealed....
Britney Spears performs with snake during the finale of the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards Thursday, Sept. 6, 2001, at New York's Metropolitan Opera House.
photo: AP / Beth A. Keiser

‘Single and Ready to Mingle’ Drake Breaks Down Past Romances … and Rumors
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
21 Sep 2013

View gallery. Drake dished about his love life on 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show.' (Michael Rozman/Warner Bros.) The juiciest gossip about Drake's love life is coming from the rapper himself! During his appearance on Friday's "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," the 26-year-old Grammy winner found himself in the hot seat, getting grilled about the many... Ellen Degeneres Show
Drake performs during SpringFest/Best of the Best Miami 2011at Bicentennial Park Miami, Florida - May 29, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Walsh tapped up for nostalgia act
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
21 Sep 2013

Gary Barlow has teased fellow X Factor judge Louis Walsh that he should be in the line-up for a group made up of pensioners whose oldest member is 94. The 61-year-old stands with Coventry-based oldies The Nostalgics in the latest edition of the show as they prepare for their audition. The 14-strong group, whose ages range from 68 to 94, impress the...
British singer-songwriter Gary Barlow performs during a fund-rasing concert attended by Britain's Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, at the Royal Albert Hall in London on Tuesday, December 6, 2011. (AP Photo/Ben Stansall/POOL)
photo: AP / Ben Stansall/POOL

Selena Gomez cancels Russian concerts over visa issues
Full Article Toronto Sun
21 Sep 2013

Tweet ST. PETERSBURG, Russia - U.S. pop singer Selena Gomez has scrapped two concerts in Russia after falling foul of new visa rules which critics say can be used to keep out Western artists who promote gay rights. The concert organisers said the "Come and Get It" singer pulled out of the planned performances in St. Petersburg and... In Russia Gomez
Selena Gomez performs during her 'We Own The Night' tour at the Mizner Park Amphitheater in Boca Raton Florida, USA - July 28, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Chris Brown talks double standard between himself and Jay-Z
Full Article Celebrity Café
21 Sep 2013

Chris Brown is known for his bad boy image ever since he admitted to assaulting Rihanna in February of 2009. But the singer-turned-actor is opening up to Jet Magazine about struggling with his past and the double standard...
Chris Brown performs during SpringFest/Best of the Best Miami 2011at Bicentennial Park Miami, Florida - May 29, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Miley Cyrus is devastated Liam Hemsworth moved on so quickly
Full Article Celebrity Café
21 Sep 2013

A source near Miley Cyrus has revealed that the 20-year-old singer is very upset that Liam Hemsworth was seen smooching Eiza Gonzalez only one day after their breakup went public. The source said, “She knows...
Miley Cyrus @ 2010 Academy Awards
photo: Public Domain / Michael Connors

Sandra Bullock felt `heartbroken` after Jesse James split
Full Article IMDb
21 Sep 2013

London, Sep 21: Sandra Bullock has revealed that she was "heartbroken" after her split...
Sandra Bullock speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Gravity", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Indian cinema's 100 years: Celebrations in Jakarta too
Full Article Newstrack India
21 Sep 2013

Tweet Jakarta, Sep 21 (IANS) The Indian embassy here will Sep 23 launch a series of events under the theme 'Weave of Friendship' to celebrate the centenary year of Indian cinema. The celebrations will be held Sep 23-27. The five-day gala will have a Ramayana cultural show, fashion show depicting...
Indian Dancers Perform dance during the Inaguration the Film Festival
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Vivek Oberoi
photo: Public Domain

Jack Nicholson's tell all memoir reveals 'drug use and homoerotic fantasies'
Full Article IMDb
21 Sep 2013

London, Sep 21: A tell-all biography based on Jack Nicholson, has claimed that the veteran actor had...
Actor Jack Nicholson gestures as he tries on a Borsellino hat in a shop on Vicolo della Cuccagna, near Rome's fashionable Navona Square, Tuesday January 27, 1998. Nicholson is in Rome to promote the opening of his latest film "As Good as It Gets".
photo: AP / Enrico Oliverio

Jake Gyllenhaal: 'I'm moved by folk you might struggle to love at first'
Full Article IMDb
21 Sep 2013

As his new thriller Prisoners gives us another portayal of a good man who's slightly damaged, we wonder whether the Donnie Darko star needs a...
Jake Gyllenhaal at WonderCon 2010
photo: Creative Commons / BrokenSphere

Meet the man behind Kishoreda's voice for Ranbir Kapoor!
Full Article IMDb
21 Sep 2013

While Ranbir Kapoor would be seen on the big screen with Besharam in a few...
Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor waves hand to students during the promotion of film Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani in Kolkata on Thursday, 23 May 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Full Article The Hindu
20 Sep 2013

Out of the sari Mandira Bedi is soon going to start her sari line and she admits that her biggest take away from cricket is saris. “I am not a trained designer, nor do I come from a business family but see I am coming up with a sari line,” she gushes. Calling it the most elegant and sexy attire, Mandira suggests that every woman should...
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Obama to GOP: End brinkmanship on budget, debt
Full Article Detroit news
21 Sep 2013

Associated Press Comments President Barack Obama speaks to workers at the Ford Kansas City Stamping Plant on September 20, 2013 in Liberty, Missouri. Obama spoke at the plant after the Republican controlled U.S. House passed a stop gap funding measure, but also defunding the presidents health care legislation, which may lead to a government shut...
President Barack Obama waves to the audience after speaking at Ford Motor Company Chicago Assembly Plant, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2010.
photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Narendra Modi supporters trying to muzzle dissent: Nitish Kumar
Full Article Headlines India
21 Sep 2013

New Delhi, Sep 21: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar says India could only be governed through inclusive politics and accused BJP leader Narendra Modi's supporters of "trying to muzzle dissent" through social media. In an interview with Rajat Sharma on India TV's "Aap Ki Adalat" show, Kumar made a veiled attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP)...
National Democratic Alliance leader Nitish Kumar waves to supporters on his arrival, at the Patna airport, India, Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2005. The opposition National Democratic Alliance won a crushing victory over the Rashtriya Janata Dal that had governed the impoverished and often lawless eastern Indian state of Bihar for 15 years by exploiting bitter caste divisions.
photo: AP / Prashant Ravi

Jayalalithaa lashes out at Karunanidhi at Indian Cinema-100
Full Article The Hindu
21 Sep 2013

In a stinging criticism, the Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa today hit out at arch rival M Karunanidhi and his family for their alleged ‘stranglehold’ over the Tamil film industry during the DMK regime and for ’not allowing’ others to grow. Inaugurating the celebrations of 100 years of Indian cinema at Jawaharlal Nehru Indoor...
The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Ms. J. Jayalalithaa meeting with the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia to finalize Annual Plan 2005-06 of the State, in New Delhi on November 30, 2004.
photo: PIB of India

Gov't Shutdown Splits Possible 2016 GOP Contenders
Full Article The New York Times
21 Sep 2013

MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. — Sen. Ted Cruz says he will fight "with every breath" to stop the health care overhaul, even if it means shutting down segments of the federal government. That approach, warns former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, is "quite dicey" politically for Republicans. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @NYTNational for breaking news and...
Ted Cruz, former Texas Solicitor General, speaking at CPAC 2011 in Washington, D.C.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Barclays Bank computer theft: Four charged over £1.3m haul
Full Article BBC News
21 Sep 2013

Four men arrested in connection with the theft of £1.3m from Barclays Bank will appear in court later. The money was transferred by computer from the branch in Swiss Cottage in north...
A branch of Barclays bank is seen in London, Monday Jan. 26, 2009.
photo: AP / Matt Dunham

Obama: GOP budget critics holding US 'hostage'
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
21 Sep 2013

CLAYCOMO, Mo. (AP) -- President Barack Obama furiously responded Friday to congressional budget battles that could threaten a partial government shutdown, accusing Republicans voting against his health care law of focusing on politics and "holding the whole country hostage." Locked in a stalemate with lawmakers over spending and borrowing with less... Obama Debt Shutdown
File - President Barack Obama talks with Mona Sutphen, deputy chief of staff for policy, in the Oval Office, March 5, 2010. A bust of Abraham Lincoln is in the foreground.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

Miliband 'Smear Involvement Claims Untrue'
Full Article Skynews
21 Sep 2013

Labour leader Ed Miliband has been forced to deny any involvement in attempts to smear opponents amid claims that "damaging" emails could have been sent by him to one of the key figures in a plot to attack senior Tories. The potential link between Mr Miliband and Derek Draper, who was behind a proposed Labour-supporting political gossip website, is...
Ed Miliband, the newly-elected leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party, waves to supporters prior to his keynote speech at the party's annual conference, in Manchester, England, Tuesday Sept. 28, 2010.
photo: AP / Lefteris Pitarakis

Buffett dubs debt ceiling as ‘dumb’
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
21 Sep 2013

New York: Billionaire investor Warren Buffett said that politicians not lifting the US debt ceiling would be “pretty damn dumb” and viewed a prolonged political standoff on the...
American billionaire Warren Buffett looks while a journalist raises his hand for a question during a news conference with Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates in Beijing, China Thursday, Sept. 30, 2010.
photo: AP / Andy Wong

Kurdistan Elections 2013: voters in semi-autonomous Iraqi region Kurdistan pick new parliament
Kurdistan Elections 2013: voters in semi-autonomous Iraqi region Kurdistan pick new parliament
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  • Duration: 0:47
  • Updated: 21 Sep 2013
Residents of the semi-autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region are heading to the polls today to elect their local parliament in a vote that is likely to underline the ethnic minority's insistence on greater autonomy from the central, Arab-led government in Baghdad.
  • published: 21 Sep 2013
  • views: 85

North Korea postpones family reunions with South
North Korea postpones family reunions with South
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:51
  • Updated: 21 Sep 2013
In a blow to improving relations between the two Koreas, North Korea has ordered the indefinite postponement of a planned resumption of family reunions. Six decades after the war that divided the peninsular many families are divided, cut off from each other by the frontier. On Wednesday it had been hoped six days of family reunions could begin, reuniting people who had not seen each other in all that time, or since the last such meetings held nearly three years ago. The North is accusing Seoul of poisoning dialogue, and says the visits to the Mount Kumgang resort just north of the militarised border would be postponed until there was a "normal atmosphere". Analysts say the move may be North Korean leader Kim Jong-un attempting to extract more concessions from the south. For the North the tourist revenues visits to Mount Kumgang generate come first, whereas for the South it is the family reunions that are the priority.
  • published: 21 Sep 2013
  • views: 2

Syria gives chemical dossier to watchdog
Syria gives chemical dossier to watchdog
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:46
  • Updated: 21 Sep 2013
Syria has submitted the first details of its chemical weapons to the international watchdog charged with overseeing their destruction, the organisation has said. Al Jazeera's Kristen Saloomey reports from the UN.
  • published: 21 Sep 2013
  • views: 512

Secret Document: U.S. nearly detonated atomic bomb over North Carolina
Secret Document: U.S. nearly detonated atomic bomb over North Carolina
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:54
  • Updated: 20 Sep 2013
  • published: 20 Sep 2013
  • views: 0

Syria Chemical Weapons: Critics Say Obama Made 'Bad Deal' on Syria
Syria Chemical Weapons: Critics Say Obama Made 'Bad Deal' on Syria
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:24
  • Updated: 16 Sep 2013
Many in Congress say chemical weapons deal requires too much trust of the Russians.
  • published: 16 Sep 2013
  • views: 6591'Bad_Deal'_on_Syria

DAYASIRI JAYASEKARA Official Election Campagin Theme Song 2013
DAYASIRI JAYASEKARA Official Election Campagin Theme Song 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:01
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013 Hon DAYASIRI JAYASEKARA Election Campagin Theme Song 2013 Dayasiri Jayasekara Song Wayamba Election Campagin Theme Song Video 2013 Kurunegala Sri Lanka dayasiri jayasekara song
  • published: 20 Aug 2013
  • views: 3201

Iran's Rouhani hails 'positive' Obama words
Iran's Rouhani hails 'positive' Obama words
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:20
  • Updated: 19 Sep 2013
Hassan Rouhani, Iran's new president, has praised Barack Obama following an exchange of letters with his US counterpart, adding that his government would never develop nuclear weapons.Rouhani said Obama had recently written to him to congratulate him on his election victory and "some issues of his interest were raised". Al Jazeera's Rosiland Jordan reports from Washington.
  • published: 19 Sep 2013
  • views: 12135's_Rouhani_hails_'positive'_Obama_words

Syria Moving Chemical Weapons! Israel Gets Nervous on UN!
Syria Moving Chemical Weapons! Israel Gets Nervous on UN!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:32
  • Updated: 20 Sep 2013
No wthey are saying Assad is moving the chemical weapons trying to hide them ...BS ! He knows damn well they are watching his every move from satellite !
  • published: 20 Sep 2013
  • views: 3184!_Israel_Gets_Nervous_on_UN!

Halliburton manager charged with destroying evidence after BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill
Halliburton manager charged with destroying evidence after BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:34
  • Updated: 19 Sep 2013
Anthony Badalamenti, who had been the cementing technology director for Halliburton Energy Services Inc., was charged in federal court Thursday with instructing two other employees to delete data during a post-spill review of the cement job on BP's
  • published: 19 Sep 2013
  • views: 17's_Gulf_of_Mexico_oil_spill

Syria war: deadlock in the UN Security Council
Syria war: deadlock in the UN Security Council
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  • Duration: 1:12
  • Updated: 22 Aug 2013
Syria war: deadlock in the UN Security Council The UN Security Council calls for "clarity" over alleged chemical attack in Syria. However, Georgian underlines the impossibility of the Council to speak as one. Thus explaining its inaction, as it appears divided between pro- (Russia and China) and anti- Assad's regime (Western states). Explaining also the difficulties of the assembled experts team to investigate bombed locations. 08/22/2013 News LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field. FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7
  • published: 22 Aug 2013
  • views: 184

Nigeria forces battle Islamists in capital Abuja
Nigeria forces battle Islamists in capital Abuja
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:17
  • Updated: 21 Sep 2013
Nigerian forces searching for a weapons cache battled Boko Haram insurgents in the capital Abuja Friday as the military sent troops to a town where the Islamists slaughtered at least 87 people, casting further doubt on claims that the group's rebellion has been contained. Duration
  • published: 21 Sep 2013
  • views: 0

Raw: Deadly Tropical Storm, Hurricane Hit Mexico
Raw: Deadly Tropical Storm, Hurricane Hit Mexico
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:20
  • Updated: 16 Sep 2013
Tropical Storm Manuel edged onto Mexico's Pacific coast Sunday while Hurricane Ingrid swirled offshore on the other side of the country, as heavy rains and landslides caused at least 13 deaths and led authorities to evacuate thousands. (Sept. 15)
  • published: 16 Sep 2013
  • views: 9112,_Hurricane_Hit_Mexico

5 Years After Financial Crisis, Obama Touts Bailout In Economy Recovery - Cavuto
5 Years After Financial Crisis, Obama Touts Bailout In Economy Recovery - Cavuto
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:06
  • Updated: 20 Sep 2013
5 Years After Financial Crisis, Obama Touts Bailout In Economy Recovery - Cavuto
  • published: 20 Sep 2013
  • views: 95,_Obama_Touts_Bailout_In_Economy_Recovery__Cavuto

US drone strike kills no.2 Al-Qeada  Yahya Al-libi in Pakistan
US drone strike kills no.2 Al-Qeada Yahya Al-libi in Pakistan
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:05
  • Updated: 08 Jun 2012 subscribe! drone strike watch this video info on no.2 leader killed in pakistan.
  • published: 08 Jun 2012
  • views: 125470

Settling Scores: Gaddafi's son faces trial in Libya, fair hearing doubtful
Settling Scores: Gaddafi's son faces trial in Libya, fair hearing doubtful
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:47
  • Updated: 19 Sep 2013
The son of the late Libyan dictator Colonel Gaddafi will stand trial today on charges of killings, allegedly committed during the country's 2011 civil war. The hearings are taking place in Tripoli as Libya has defied numerous requests from the International Criminal Court to hand Saif Al-Islam over to The Hague. The authorities insist they will ensure a fair trail but as RT's Paula Slier reports, many doubt that promise. READ MORE RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 19 Sep 2013
  • views: 4090's_son_faces_trial_in_Libya,_fair_hearing_doubtful

Venezuela's interim President Nicolas Maduro smiles as he's surrounded by supporters during a campaign rally in Sabaneta, Barinas state, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 2, 2013. Late President Hugo Chavez's chosen successor, Nicolas Maduro is competing against opposition leader Henrique Capriles in the April 14 presidential election. Reds at Orioles June 26, 2011 A man walks past scavengers collecting trash and food from garbage bins in Matina, Davao City,Philippines. Headquarters of Tesla Motors Inc., located in Palo Alto, CA, USA

Muslim Peoples hold the Poster to protest against the Uttar Pradesh Goverment for recent Violence in Muzaffarnagar after offering friday prayer in Kolkata on Friday 13 September 2013 Chennai Super King Coach Stephen  Flemming and Player Mike Hussey during the interactive session at Kolkata in Eastern India Un A380 de Singapore Airlines à Paris CDG Pears - fruit - healthy food

Former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo, center, and his wife Simone, are seen in the custody of republican forces loyal to election winner Alassane Ouattara at the Golf Hotel in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Monday, April 11, 2011. Forces stormed the bunker where Gbagbo hung on to power Monday, arresting the man whose refusal to hand over the presidency to the election winner left hundreds dead and threatened to re-ignite a civil war in the world's largest cocoa producer. Oussama Assaidi ** ADVANCE FOR SUNDAY, JAN. 11 ** Traditional gold miners use a high-pressure water jet to blast through the soil at a mine in Hampalit, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, Thursday, April 24, 2008. With the price of gold tripling since 2001, tens of thousands of remote mining sites have sprung up mostly in Asia, Latin America and Africa. (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)hg3 ** NO ONLN ** NO IONLN ** Three Global Health Successes That I Witnessed Firsthand

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro waves from a vehicle, next to his companion Cilia Flores, during a military ceremony recognizing him as Commander-in-chief to the military at the Paseo Los Proceres in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, April, 19, 2013. New York Mets third baseman David Wright before a Mets/Devil Rays spring training game at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Florida, 31 March 2007 New Land Rover Freelander vehicles are seen stockpiled outside the Jaguar and Land Rover factory in Halewood, Liverpool, England, Tuesday Oct. 28, 2008.  Employees of Samsung Electronics Co. walk by their company logo at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul Friday, Jan. 14, 2005. Samsung Electronics Co. said Friday its net profit topped US$10 billion last year, reaching a new landmark in i

Bryant park, New York, USA, March 2008 Jacques Rudolph shot Chili burger Red colour fresh hibiscus flower - nature

Press Conference by Foreign Minister of Australia Alexander Downer, Foreign Minister of Australia, briefs correspondents on the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), a process that began 10 years ago, aiming to make the world a safer place. India's captain M.S. Dhoni, left, and Australia's counterpart Michael Clarke have a chat after Australia had won the match on the third day of their cricket test match at the WACA in Perth, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 15, 2012. Tokyo Stock Exchange - asia stocks Australian Pelican and visiting ocean liner at Portside Wharf is the residential and retail development at Hamilton, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The Brisbane Cruise Terminal which is also part of the development was opened on 29 August 2006.

Who knew NASA aligned with the dark side? That's the only explanation for this image of Mercury snapped by the Messenger spacecraft and released by NASA last week. See also: Watch...
Half a year into Obama’s second term, it has become clear what has been done under his watch. He brought to the world massive banking fraud, drone attacks, indefinite detention,...

German Chancellor Angela Merkel smiles during an election campaign event in Hannover, Germany, Friday Sept. 20, 2013. The German federal elections take place on Sept. 22, 2013.
BERLIN — She enjoys overwhelming popularity and leads an economy that's the envy of Europe. But Angela Merkel is in a fight to clinch a new term for her ruling coalition in Sunday's national election, with polls showing her center-right...
photo: AP / dpa,Jochen Luebke
Jim Balsillie, Co-CEO of Research In Motion, RIM, maker of BlackBerry, presents the BlackBerry PlayBook as he provides an update on the latest BlackBerry product developments during the GITEX exhibition in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Monday Oct. 18, 2010.
By Euan Rocha on 9:39 am September 21, 2013. Category Business, Corporate News Tags: BlackBerry, Smartphones Customers try BlackBerry Z10 touchscreens in Jakarta. (Bloomberg Photo) Toronto. BlackBerry warned on Friday it expects to report a huge...
photo: AP / Kamran Jebreili
A view of New Scotland Yard, the headquarters building of the Metropolitan Police, with its sign in London, Monday, Dec. 20, 2010.
21 September 2013, 2:14 Plane Diverts To Stansted: Two Men Held Tweet Two men have been arrested after a plane was forced to make an emergency landing at Stansted Airport. The Sri Lankan Airlines A330 Airbus, which was carrying 267 passengers and...
photo: AP / Akira Suemori
Egyptian police honor guard members stand at the side of the casket, covered by national flag, of Giza Police Gen. Nabil Farrag during his funeral in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Sept. 20, 2013.
September 20: Joined by Egypt's top interim leaders, Egypt's military chief led a funeral procession today for a police general killed in a raid on an Islamist stronghold near Cairo, aiming to show a national front against supporters of the ousted...
photo: AP / Hassan Ammar
UN chief calls for key role from world business leaders in sustainable development
NEW YORK, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon on Friday called on world business leaders to do even more in conjunction with the United Nations to promote sustainable development worldwide, saying that "we cannot accept a rising...
photo: UN / Paulo Filgueiras
Deep Impact (space mission).
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- U.S. space agency NASA on Friday announced an end to the eight-year Deep Impact mission that included an unprecedented impact, comet flybys and the return of approximately 500,000 images of celestial objects. The...
photo: Public Domain / Mosesofmason
Barrack Obama, President of the United States of America, addresses the general debate of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly, 23 September, 2009.
Dan Robinson WHITE HOUSESyria's civil war and the use of chemical weapons, Iran's nuclear program, and transformations in the Arab world will be key topics in U.S. President Barack Obama's address next Tuesday to the United Nations...
photo: UN / Mark Garten