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McKeown Legal

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Mount Druitt Village NSW 2770

Also Services: Sutherland Shire and Western Suburbs, Sydney

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Business Overview

McKeown Legal is a specialist in the areas of Criminal Law, Family Law, Traffic Law, Wills and Probate and AVO matters. McKeown Legal has serviced offices throughout Sydney and also offers a mobile service where we can come to you if required or more convenient.


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Frequently Asked Questions

We provide the following guarantees to you.

We guarantee you will be treated with respect, courtesy and understanding in respect of your matter.

We guarantee that you will be provided with excellent legal advice and representation at every step of the way throughout your matter.

We guarantee you that you will be given honest and frank advice at all times throughout your matter.

We guarantee you that we will not overcharge you for work and that we will provide you with estimates of our costs at the outset of your matter and along the way as your matter proceeds where necessary.

We guarantee you that we will not put our financial interests in the conduct of any matter above you at any time throughout your matter (although we do expect to be paid in accordance with our agreement with you).

We will respond to your concerns promptly.

f you contact us with a concern regarding your matter we will listen to you and your concerns and respond to them in a timely manner which seeks to resolve those concerns in a positive way.

We are a boutique firm so you will never be just another client.

We are not a large firm where you will get lost and become just another number. However, we are a specialist law firm whose staff are open and available and ready to assist you at all times to the best of our ability.

Many larger firms boost their large numbers of lawyers in effort to somehow imply and promote their numbers as being reflective of the quality of their legal representation. In truth, the size of the firm does not make it the best choice of lawyer. They may be very good at promoting their business, they may have the best marketers but always look behind the size of the firm to see the experience of the lawyer. (It is often the case that the larger firms hire young and inexperienced lawyers to do their work at lower costs to them.)

We are understanding and compassionate.

From the moment you speak to us you will realise that we will treat you with the respect and understanding that each of us deserve. You will not be treated like you are just another client - that is not our way.

We will provide you with a comfortable down to earth environment in which you can air your concerns openly and honestly knowing that we are there to assist you reach the best possible outcome we can obtain for you. We understand that things happen, relationships breakdown, tempers can be flared, mistakes made. We guarantee that we will always be understanding and sensitive in the manner in which we deal with you and your matter generally.

We are a boutique firm so you will n

We provide honest and frank advice to you.

When you come to us with a problem we will listen and then give you our honest advice as to what you can, can't and should do. We will tell you openly and honestly what the best course of action is for you.

What this means to you is that you will always be placed in a position to make the best decision possible. We will give you your options and you can make your decision based upon our frank, honest and sound legal advice which will be truly focused upon your best interests. For example, if we believe you should settle a matter or plead guilty, we will not shy away from advising you to do so when the risks are great. However, we will put our every effort into promoting your best interests whichever option you ultimately choose to take.

We provide high quality legal services to our clients.

McKeown Legal is dedicated to providing the highest quality legal services to each and every client who comes to us for assistance. We believe in the old adage that if you are going to do something than you should do it properly and do it very well.

If you have a matter, whether its a criminal law or traffic law offence or a family law matter we will provide you with service, advice and dedication second to none. We have never had a client tell us at their matter's end that we did a bad job or got a bad result.

We guarantee you that we will do our utmost to maximise your potential for a successful outcome in your case wherever legally possible through diligent enquiry and investigation combined with passionate and skilled advocacy in the courtroom. Likewise we will use these same skills to mitigate any apparent or hidden weaknesses in your case.

No matter what your problem is we believe that we can assist you to overcome it or mitigate the damage as much as humanly possible.

We are specialists in Criminal Law, Family Law, Traffic Law & Will & Probate

We only represent clients in criminal law, family law, wills & probate and traffic law matters. So what this mean for you? Simply this, you are represented by lawyers that are experts in the areas of law that you need help with. You have retained us for a particular problem and we know how to deal with your problem because we do it every other day. So if you want the best representation you can get you can feel confidence and security in knowing that we don't undertake work in any other areas of law (such as conveyancing, debt recovery or commercial law).

We deal in criminal law, family law, wills & probate and traffic law and that's it! Why do we do this - simple...We do it so that we can concentrate on being the best we can be in our area of expertise, ie the best advocates for our clients in criminal law, family law and traffic law. Lets be frank here, no one wants a lawyer who deals with your type of problem once every 6 or 12 months.

We remain constantly up to date on the latest developments and are able to identify and focus upon the relevant issues pertaining to your matter which we know the Court will be concerned about when it hears your matter.

When you have a lawyer working for you and they are unfamiliar with the area of law there is a greater likelihood that you will end up paying for that extra time they take researching the details of your matter. With our lawyers there is no need for undue and lengthy research and unnecessary delays from a lack of knowledge or understanding.

When you choose McKeown Legal you are choosing specialist criminal, family, wills & probate and traffic lawyers.


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Business Hours

Monday 09:00am to 05:00pm
Tuesday 09:00am to 05:00pm
Wednesday 09:00am to 05:00pm
Thursday 09:00am to 05:00pm
Friday 09:00am to 05:00pm

Payment Options

  • Cash
  • Amex
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