- published: 15 May 2013
- views: 31
- author: SmartForexEducation

Standard and Poor 500 Technical Analysis-15th May 2013
http://www.smartforexeducation.com- The Forex financial portal, providing the most insight...
published: 15 May 2013
author: SmartForexEducation
Standard and Poor 500 Technical Analysis-15th May 2013
http://www.smartforexeducation.com- The Forex financial portal, providing the most insightful articles, regarding trading and forex broker reviews. Keep in t...
- published: 15 May 2013
- views: 31
- author: SmartForexEducation

The U.S. Retail Sector Spread Tightens As Sales Grow
According to the U.S. Commerce Department, retail and food service sales slightly rose by ...
published: 21 May 2013
author: Standard & Poor's
The U.S. Retail Sector Spread Tightens As Sales Grow
According to the U.S. Commerce Department, retail and food service sales slightly rose by 0.1% in April following a 0.5% decline in March. Over the course of those months, the retail sector...
- published: 21 May 2013
- views: 2
- author: Standard & Poor's

April U.S. Retail Sales Surpass Standard & Poor's Expectations
Rising home prices, a soaring stock market, and moderate gas prices spurred a rise in U.S....
published: 16 May 2013
author: Standard & Poor's
April U.S. Retail Sales Surpass Standard & Poor's Expectations
Rising home prices, a soaring stock market, and moderate gas prices spurred a rise in U.S. retail sales in April, exceeding Standard & Poor's expectations. H...
- published: 16 May 2013
- views: 7
- author: Standard & Poor's

SPX S&P; 500 Index Technical Analysis Chart Analysis Index Commentary
http://www.StockMarketFunding.com SPX S&P; 500 Index Technical Analysis Chart Analysis Stan...
published: 05 Oct 2010
SPX S&P; 500 Index Technical Analysis Chart Analysis Index Commentary
http://www.StockMarketFunding.com SPX S&P; 500 Index Technical Analysis Chart Analysis Standard & Poor's 500 Index Commentary. S&P; 500 Index Trend Trading Cha...
- published: 05 Oct 2010
- views: 14365
- author: StockMarketFunding Trading School

Standard and Poors 500 Index Binary Option Call: 30 Minute Expiration
Pick a broker: http://www.smarthelping.com/p/binary-options-broker.html Trying to change m...
published: 13 May 2013
author: smarthelping
Standard and Poors 500 Index Binary Option Call: 30 Minute Expiration
Pick a broker: http://www.smarthelping.com/p/binary-options-broker.html Trying to change my luck around with the SPX. It is my good old favorite that has bee...
- published: 13 May 2013
- views: 16
- author: smarthelping

Education Book Review: Standard and Poors 500 Guide 2013 by Standard & Poor's
http://www.EducationBookMix.com This is the summary of Standard and Poors 500 Guide 2013 b...
published: 13 Oct 2012
author: EducationBookMix
Education Book Review: Standard and Poors 500 Guide 2013 by Standard & Poor's
http://www.EducationBookMix.com This is the summary of Standard and Poors 500 Guide 2013 by Standard & Poor's.
- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 39
- author: EducationBookMix

Análisis técnico en acciones: Standard and Poor's 500 (SP500) - 18 de octubre de 2012.mov
Esta semana ha sido positiva para el S&P; debido a que completa tres días de velas alcistas...
published: 18 Oct 2012
author: expertoseninversion
Análisis técnico en acciones: Standard and Poor's 500 (SP500) - 18 de octubre de 2012.mov
Esta semana ha sido positiva para el S&P; debido a que completa tres días de velas alcistas. Hoy 18 de octubre, y mañana 19, se darán los resultados de empres...
- published: 18 Oct 2012
- views: 41
- author: expertoseninversion

Análisis técnico en acciones: Standard and Poor's 500 (SP 500) - 26 de septiembre de 2012
Hoy se observó la mayor caída de tres meses en el índice, con la posiblidad de incremetar ...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: Canal de expertoseninversion.com
Análisis técnico en acciones: Standard and Poor's 500 (SP 500) - 26 de septiembre de 2012
Hoy se observó la mayor caída de tres meses en el índice, con la posiblidad de incremetar las correcciones en el corto plazo.
- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 43
- author: Canal de expertoseninversion.com

Standard & Poor's Global Economic Outlook: An Expansion With Complex Cross-Currents
Standard & Poor's expects the global economy to continue to expand over the next year, buo...
published: 14 May 2013
author: Standard & Poor's
Standard & Poor's Global Economic Outlook: An Expansion With Complex Cross-Currents
Standard & Poor's expects the global economy to continue to expand over the next year, buoyed by expansionary monetary policies but crimped by governments' f...
- published: 14 May 2013
- views: 9
- author: Standard & Poor's

What's Behind Standard & Poor's Recovery Ratings On H.J. Heinz's Debt
Standard & Poor's recently assigned recovery and issue ratings to H.J. Heinz's senior secu...
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: Standard & Poor's
What's Behind Standard & Poor's Recovery Ratings On H.J. Heinz's Debt
Standard & Poor's recently assigned recovery and issue ratings to H.J. Heinz's senior secured and unsecured debt. In this CreditMatters TV segment, Managing ...
- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 14
- author: Standard & Poor's

Standard and Poors 500 Index Explained
http://www.lucky-dog-investing.com/standard-and-poors.html explains the Standard and Poors...
published: 24 Nov 2007
author: Lucky Dog Investing
Standard and Poors 500 Index Explained
http://www.lucky-dog-investing.com/standard-and-poors.html explains the Standard and Poors 500 Index.
- published: 24 Nov 2007
- views: 750
- author: Lucky Dog Investing

Qué llevaría a Standard & Poor's a tomar acciones de calificación sobre Colombia y Perú
Durante los últimos años, la implementación de políticas económicas prudentes y los precio...
published: 12 Mar 2013
author: Standard & Poor's
Qué llevaría a Standard & Poor's a tomar acciones de calificación sobre Colombia y Perú
Durante los últimos años, la implementación de políticas económicas prudentes y los precios favorables de los commodities han mejorado la calidad crediticia ...
- published: 12 Mar 2013
- views: 19
- author: Standard & Poor's

S&P; 500 Analysis (Week of Nov 21st)
S&P; 500 Index (Standard & Poors) by Ronald Lang, Senior Partner www.MajesticTrader.com "Re...
published: 19 Nov 2011
author: MajesticTrader.com
S&P; 500 Analysis (Week of Nov 21st)
S&P; 500 Index (Standard & Poors) by Ronald Lang, Senior Partner www.MajesticTrader.com "Request a Copy of our Newsletter"
- published: 19 Nov 2011
- views: 457
- author: MajesticTrader.com

Lesson 23: Standard and Poors 500
http://www.lucky-dog-investing.com/standard-and-poors-video-tutorial.html Lesson 23: Stand...
published: 04 Oct 2011
author: Lucky Dog Investing
Lesson 23: Standard and Poors 500
http://www.lucky-dog-investing.com/standard-and-poors-video-tutorial.html Lesson 23: Standard and Poors 500.
- published: 04 Oct 2011
- views: 76
- author: Lucky Dog Investing
Vimeo results:

2012 Rev Moon's Life and Works (Eng and Kor Transcript)
Video about True Father's Life - "Peace King - True Parents, Rev Sun Myung Moon's Life and...
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: Tongil
2012 Rev Moon's Life and Works (Eng and Kor Transcript)
Video about True Father's Life - "Peace King - True Parents, Rev Sun Myung Moon's Life and Works"
광활한 우주,
아름다운 지구!
평화 이상세계의 꿈~.
이 꿈은 하나님과 인류가 바라던 오랜 염원이다.
부모의 심정으로 종의 몸을 쓰고,
땀은 땅을 위하여, 눈물은 인류를 위하여, 피는 하늘을 위해
그리고 하나님조국을 위해 일생을 헌신해온 문선명 선생!
선생은 이제 인류 앞에 참부모, 세상 앞에 구세주, 천주 앞에 평화의 왕,
하늘 앞에 성자의 푯대로 추앙받고 있다.
Vast universe,
Beautiful Earth!
Dream of peaceful ideal world~.
This is the long cherished dream of God and humanity.
In the shoes of a servant with the heart of the parents,
Shedding sweat for earth, tears for humanity, and blood for heaven,
The man who has spent his entire life for God’s homeland: Rev. Sun Myung Moon!
Rev. Moon is now revered as the True Parents to humanity, the savior to the world, the King of Peace of the cosmos and the model saint infront of heaven.
선생은 3.1독립만세운동이 일어난지 10개월만인 1920년 1월 6일 평안북도 정주에 태어났다. 선생은 어린시절부터 호기심이 많았다. 온종일 산으로 강으로 누비면서 자연을 벗 삼았다. 그리고 자신보다는 주위를 생각하는 속 깊은 소년이었다.
하지만 조국은 일제 치하에서 신음하고 있었다.
선생의 고향인 평안북도 정주는, 만주로 향하는 피난민의 길목이었다.
10 months after the 3.1 Korean independence movement, Rev. Moon was born in Jeongju of Pyeong-An Book-Do on January 6th 1920.Rev. Moon was a boy full of curiosity. He befriended nature, spending his days roaming the mountains and rivers. He was also quite mature, always thinking others before himself.
However, the nation was groaning in misery under the Japanese rule.
His hometown, Jeong-Ju, was on the path of refugees running toward Manchuria.
정주에서도 살림이 도타웠던 선생의 집안은 나눔의 가풍을 실천하며 살아왔다. 증조할아버지는 ‘팔도강산 사람에게 밥을 먹이면 팔도강산에서 축복이 몰려든다’는 유언을 남길 정도였고, 그런 선생의 집은 힘들게 고향을 떠나는 피난민들이 잠시 요기를 하고 하룻밤 쉬어갈 수 있는 쉼터였다.
이런 가풍 속에 자란 소년 문선명은 어린 시절 부터 남의 불행과 아픔을 외면하지 못했다.
집안의 쌀부대를 져다가 피난민에게 나눠주기도 여러 번이었다.
Rev. Moon’s family was renowned for giving charity to those in need. His great-grandfather even left a saying, ‘If you feed people from all over the nation, the blessings of the nation will come to you,’ and thus, Rev. Moon’s house became a place where the refugees tired from their journey could stop to eat food and rest.
Having been raised with this kind of family tradition, from his early childhood Rev. Moon couldn’t ignore other people’s pain and suffering.
He often gave sacks of his family’s rice to the refugees passing by his home.
나라를 되찾기 위해서는 새로운 지식이 필요하다는 것을 깨닫고 오산학교에 입학하여 이듬해 정주공립보통학교로 전학했다.
He understood that he needed new knowledge in order to reclaim the nation, and so he entered Osan school, and transferred the following year to Jeong-Ju public school.
학교공부와 더불어 소년 문선명은 목사이자 독립운동가였던 문윤국 할아버지의 영향으로 종교와 애국에 대한 뜻을 키워나간다.
Influenced by his grandfather Yoon-Kook Moon, who was a pastor and also a independence activist, Rev. Moon’s love for religion and his country grew.
16살 되던 무렵...
13남매 중 다섯 가족을 잃는 아픔을 겪어야 했던 소년 문선명...
형제와 친구의 죽음, 민족의 수탈로 삶과 죽음에 대해 고민하던 16살의 소년은 산속에서 홀로 기도하며 하나님께 그 답을 구했다.
1935년 부활절 새벽. 밤새 눈물로 기도하던 소년은 예수님을 영적으로 만난다.
At the age of 16…
Young Rev. Moon lost 5 of his 13 siblings…
Grieving the death of his siblings and friends and for the suffering of the nation, the young boy at 16 years of age went up a mountain alone to seek answers from God.
On the dawn of Easter morning in 1935, the boy who prayed in tears all night long met Jesus in spirit.
이 날 하나님의 뜻 성사를 위한 결심은 평생을 움직이는 원동력이 되었다.
부활절 이후 소년 문선명은 그전과 확연히 달라졌다.
말수가 줄고, 깊은 사색을 하는 시간이 늘어갔다.
그러다 마침내 1938년 19세 때 서울 흑석동으로 상경하게 된다.
처음 고향을 떠나 낯선 땅에서의 하숙생활.
당시 만해도 첨단 학문분야였던 경성상공실무학교 전기과에 다녔

Xingu - The Struggle of the People for the River (Indigenous Brazilians fight Amazon dam project)
Stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam
The Brazilian government is moving ahead "at any cost" wit...
published: 23 Aug 2011
author: Bangalô Filmes
Xingu - The Struggle of the People for the River (Indigenous Brazilians fight Amazon dam project)
Stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam
The Brazilian government is moving ahead "at any cost" with plans to build the third-largest dam in the world and one of the Amazon's most controversial development projects – the Belo Monte dam on the Xingu River in the state of Pará. The Belo Monte dam complex dates back to Brazil's military dictatorship and the government has attempted to build it through various series of national investment programs including Brasil em Ação and the Program to Accelerate Growth. Original plans to dam the Xingu have been greenwashed through multiple public relations programs over the course of two decades in the face of intense national and international protest.
Impacts on Environment and People
In order to feed the powerhouse of the Belo Monte dam complex, up to 80% of the Xingu River will be diverted from its original course, causing a permanent drought on the river's "Big Bend," and directly affecting the Paquiçamba and Arara territories of the Juruna and Arara indigenous peoples. To make this possible, two huge canals 500 meters wide by 75 km long will be excavated, unearthing more land than was removed to build the Panama Canal. Belo Monte's two reservoirs and canals will flood a total of 668 km2 of which 400 km2 is standing forest. The flooding will also force more than 20,000 people from their homes in the municipalities of Altamira and Vitoria do Xingu.
Hydroelectric energy is touted as both a solution to Brazil's periodic blackouts and as a "clean development" approach to global climate change. However, Philip Fearnside of the National Amazon Research Institute (INPA) has calculated that the forests flooded by Belo Monte's reservoirs will generate enormous quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more potent than CO2.
Belo Monte will also attract 100,000 migrants to the region. However, at the height of construction, only 40,000 jobs – only 2,000 of them long-term – will have been created. The remaining labor pool will be driven to resort to illegal logging and cattle ranching, the two main causes of deforestation in the Amazon. In addition, new migrants could fuel social tensions as they look for work, pushing into indigenous territories and protected areas to carve out a livelihood. Meanwhile, the needs of those who do find jobs will add pressure to an already weak infrastructure and social services in the largest cities.
For the Xingu's poor farmers, temporary employment created by the dam is not a viable replacement for lost agricultural lands and the river's fish supply. Considered an "obstacle" to business interests, indigenous peoples are particularly vulnerable. Mega-projects typically confront indigenous communities with disease, loss of food and clean water sources, cultural disintegration and human rights abuses by illegal loggers, migrant workers and land speculators. The indirect and long term impacts of Belo Monte are of even greater concern as other unsustainable industries such as aluminum and metal refineries, soy plantations, logging, and mining expand into the area.
Energy Inefficiency and Future Upstream Dams
Belo Monte will be one of the most energy inefficient dams in the history of Brazil. It will produce only 10% of its 11,233 megawatt (MW) installed capacity during the 3-5 month-long dry season, an average of only 4,462 MW throughout the year, or 39% of its nominal capacity. To guarantee a year-round flow of water, the government would need to construct a series of large dams on the Xingu and its tributaries that will gravely impact forests and forest peoples.
The original plans for damming the Xingu included six dams: Kararão, Babaquara, Jarina, Ipixuna, Iriri, and Kokraimoro. However, when the indigenous people of the Xingu rejected the dams and defended the river in 1989, the government changed their approach: the name Kararão (a war cry in Kayapó) became "Belo Monte", the name Babaquara became "Altamira", and so forth.
At the Second Historical Encounter in Defense of the Xingu in May 2008, the government announced it would only license and auction one dam complex – "Belo Monte" – which in reality is three dams: the main dam at Ilha do Pimental, a complementary reinforcement dam called Bela Vista, and the main turbine house at Belo Monte do Pontal. However, because of the dramatic variations in the Xingu River's flow between the rainy season and dry season, the government knows that building Belo Monte is economically unviable unless more dams are built upstream. Earlier plans for Belo Monte called for four additional upstream dams: Altamira, Iriri, Pombal, and São Felix.
The possible future upstream dams would impact Kayapó indigenous territories, flood the lands of peoples such as the Araweté, Assuriní and Arara, and cause extensive damage to forests and fisheries across the region.
What the Electricity is For
The government claims that Belo Monte's cheap energy will power the houses of Brazilian fami

Vandalusia and the Vandals of North Africa
The greatest achievement of Rome was not art or science or civilised values - it was propa...
published: 04 Jun 2010
author: Yunus Yunani
Vandalusia and the Vandals of North Africa
The greatest achievement of Rome was not art or science or civilised values - it was propaganda.
In fact, we so completely bought into admiration for the Roman Empire and a contempt for the barbarians that 2000 years after Rome's collapse was still being peddled their version of the past at school.
Somehow - from beyond the grave - Rome managed to pull off the most audacious con-trick in history.
How did they do it?
Well the answer's tied up in the Sack of Rome and the end of the Roman Empire in Europe.
Rome wasn't finished yet; that would be the job of the barbarians whose name has gone down in history as a by-word for wanton destruction.
The Vandals.
But Vandal didn't always this connotation.
Vandal or "Wandali" originally meant "wanderers"/
It was fear of the Huns that launched their great migration in midwinter 406.
Tens of thousands of them crossed the frozen Rhine into Gaul.
They were not a warlike people and once they were over the river a third of them would be slaughtered by the local inhabitants.
Their king was killed but his baby son survived.
Geiseric would spend his childhood as a refugee in this wandering band of desperate people.
As tens of thousands of them moved through Gaul looking for somewhere to settle, the sheer numbers provoked violence.
So much violence that it was said that the whole of Gaul became a funeral pyre.
They were attacked by Romans, then Visigoths, then Romans and Visigoths together.
Eventually the Vandals ended up in southern Spain, in Andalusia, which is possibly named after them.
By 428, Geiseric was the undisputed leader.
He seems to have been a formidable man.
For example, when a certain princess committed adultery, he had her ears and nose cut off.
I don't think I'd have liked him particularly.
I don't think the Romans did either.
The reason was nothing to do with his alleged savagery but with his religion.
You see Geiseric was a Christian.
But wait a minute, you said the Romans were Christians and that's true.
But Geiseric's problem was that he was the wrong sort of Christian.
In fact, his sort of Christianity was considered worse than paganism by Rome.
It was so evil that the Empire had expressed outlawed it as a criminal heresy.
The version of Christianity adopted by Geiseric and his people was not Catholicism, it was Arianism.
Now the Arians believed that since Jesus is the son of God he must somehow be subordinate to God the father whereas the Catholics said they were both equal in status.
Now this may seem like a very minor point of divergence but it became a bitter conflict.
Catholicism said that Jesus was identical with God - that rubbed off on the Emperor ... Jesus - Emperor ... Emperor - Jesus.
Just like that.
Both represented God on Earth.
Both - according to the Romans - were infallible.
Peter Heller explained - that in Roman hands - the new faith became more than a path to righteousness.
"The Roman state make this claim about itself that it is put in place here by the Divinity.
"The Emperor is God's right-hand man on earth.
"Now if you buy into the Emperor's version of Christianity then you should be subservient to him that's what that ideology tells you.
So for going for a Christian ideology but not the State-sponsored one you are making a clear statement that you are an alternative power-structure and that you are not completely subordinate to the Imperial Power."
Geiseric certainly did not want to be subordinate to Imperial Power.
After a lifetime of being hunted and persecuted he hated Rome and since Catholicism was now identified with the Empire he hated that too.
Even here in Spain, the Empire would not let him settle.
Spain didn't suit Guiseric one bit.
For starters his people were constantly being attacked and secondly he wasn't recognised by Rome.
He must have looked longingly across the straits to northern Africa.
Perhaps beyond the sea he and his people could find a part of the Roman Empire where they could settle.
Rome thought of the Mediterranean as its own property - they called it "Our Sea" (Mare Nostrum) and it was illegal even to teach a barbarian how to sail.
But Guiseric had a vision of himself as the new Moses, leading his people away from the Pharaoh in Rome.
He couldn't part the sea but he would embark on a huge project building hundreds of boats to transport an entire nation.
In the summer of 429 they crossed the Straits of Gibraltar to North Africa.
80,000 people packed on a flotilla of small boats.
Their crossing was so unexpected that it was virtually unopposed.
Which is odd because North Africa was the last place that Rome wanted to be over-run by barbarians.
Why? Because North Africa was fertile and it was very rich; the most Romanised province in the West outside Italy.
Rome had been unopposed in this part of the world for more than 500 years.
This is just one of the many magnificent cities that flourished here in Roman North Africa.
Then it was ca

Gary Younge - Margins Define the Mainstream
At any given moment an identity's borders may shift and blur according to prevailing attit...
published: 18 May 2010
author: Victoria and Albert Museum
Gary Younge - Margins Define the Mainstream
At any given moment an identity's borders may shift and blur according to prevailing attitudes and political realities. Those who were black, Jewish or British yesterday may find themselves differently designated tomorrow. The recent case of South African sprinter Caster Semanya illustrates even sex is not as definite a category as many assume. It is precisely in those borderlands - the margins - that the mainstream is defined. Gatekeepers, both official and popular, attempt to police these frontiers. But humanity, ever dynamic and evolving, finds ways to evade their grasp. So what is marginal and what is mainstream are both relative to each other and in a constant state of change within themselves.
This presentation was part of The Sackler Conference for Arts Education - From the Margins to the Core? - An international conference exploring the shifting roles and increasing significance of diversity and equality in contemporary museum and heritage policy and practice held at The Sackler Centre, V&A;, 24-26 March 2010.
The Margins Define the Mainstream
Gary Young, (Journalist, The Guardian)
I want to start with a tale of two white girls. Sandra Laing from Mpumulanga in South Africa and Bliss Broyard who was raised in the blue-blood world of Connecticut's twee suburbs and private schools. Broyard’s racial identity was ensconced in the comfort of insular whiteness that had always known there were 'others' but never really considered them. 'I'd never had a conversation about race,' she confesses, in her book One Drop. 'In the world I was raised in, it was considered an impolite subject. Although I grew up within an hour's drive of three of the poorest black communities in the United States those neighbourhoods seemed as distant as a foreign country.'
But in early adulthood Broyard would discover that on one level she had a greater connection to those neighbourhoods than she imagined. For on his deathbed her father, Anatole, confessed that he was in fact a black man who had been passing as white throughout most of his adult life. Initially she was thrilled at the news. It was, she wrote, "as though I'd been reading a fascinating history book and then discovered my own name in the index. I felt like I mattered in a way that I hadn't before."
But then came the heavy lifting. The family her father had left behind, many of whom lived in the South, and her relationship to those poor black communities that she had known of but never actually known, forced her to reassess everything she had once thought about herself. "I felt unsettled: I'd already experimented with describing myself as black on a few occasions and it hadn't gone over well."
The other white girl, Laing was born to two white Apartheid-supporting Afrikaaner parents in the small town of Piet Retief near the Swazi border. Her grandparents were also white. Blood tests proved she was her father's daughter. Yet Sandra emerged dark-skinned with afro hair - a black girl. And under the strict segregationist laws of Apartheid the fact that she had two white parents could only mean so much. Sandra was removed from her whites-only school and reclassified as "coloured".
Sandra's parents fought the reclassification hard. "Sandra has been brought up as a White," her father explained to the Rand Daily Mail. "She is darker than we are, but in every way she has always been a White person. If her appearance is due to some "coloured blood' in either of us, then it must be very far back among our forebears, and neither of us is aware of it. If this is, in fact, so, does it make our family any different from so many others in South Africa?"
Eventually Sandra would be reclassified as white. But in a country where segregation was rigid and nobody accepted her as white, this legalistic change was more than a technicality but less than an objective reality. Eventually she decided that since black people were prepared to accept her literally on face value while whites were not that she would reclassify herself back to coloured.
Two white girls in two nations founded in no small part on racial classification and segregation, discover that they are both in different ways black. These we might broadly agree are two marginal tales. In all likelihood we know relatively few people who have these racial experiences.
But for the purposes of this contribution, and I would argue this conference, they are instructive because they shine considerable light on how the relationship between the margins and the core is understood, misunderstood, assumed, accepted and all too often unacknowledged. There are 4 specific ways in which this plays out in society in general that are illustrated here that I want to dwell on in the rest of this talk.
First, that the margins in no small part define the core. They establish the boundaries within which the core can be understood. Without the margins there can be no core, just as without borders there can be no nation. The two concepts are not
Youtube results:

Step 8 - SuperJobSearch App - Links to Standard and Poor's Top 500 Companies
This is a tutorial from SuperJobSearch App. Here is a list of some of the finest companies...
published: 29 Jan 2013
author: PK Studner
Step 8 - SuperJobSearch App - Links to Standard and Poor's Top 500 Companies
This is a tutorial from SuperJobSearch App. Here is a list of some of the finest companies in the United States along with their career centers.
- published: 29 Jan 2013
- views: 4
- author: PK Studner

Micron Technology Inc. Fall The Most in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index
Micron Technologies (NYSE:MU) fell the most in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, erasing 9....
published: 03 Oct 2011
author: Financial News Network
Micron Technology Inc. Fall The Most in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index
Micron Technologies (NYSE:MU) fell the most in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, erasing 9.7% to $4.55. The U.S. manufacturer of computer-memory chips may fac...
- published: 03 Oct 2011
- views: 68
- author: Financial News Network

Standard & Poor's rules out rating upgrade for India - Hindustan Times [Slide Show]
Standard & Poor's rules out rating upgrade for India - Hindustan Times....
published: 04 May 2013
author: Mahil Jay
Standard & Poor's rules out rating upgrade for India - Hindustan Times [Slide Show]
Standard & Poor's rules out rating upgrade for India - Hindustan Times.
- published: 04 May 2013
- author: Mahil Jay

Reading the US Economy Through Its Indexes
Indexes for the US stock market have hit all-time highs in recent weeks. But a Florida-bas...
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: VOA Khmer
Reading the US Economy Through Its Indexes
Indexes for the US stock market have hit all-time highs in recent weeks. But a Florida-based economist says this might be signs of an economic slowdown in th...
- published: 24 Apr 2013
- views: 1845
- author: VOA Khmer