
Archive for August, 2013

Kian Tire Workers Fight Transfer of the Factory to the Previous Owner

Kian Tire workers staged a massive fight in 2007 and 2008 to successfully oust the owner who on workers accounts was bent on closing down the factory and selling its real estate worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The factory has been run under the auspices of Industries Support Organization since. There have, however, been […]


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Zagros Steel Workers Win Demands after Two Weeks of Struggle

Taking their protests from Kurdistan to Tehran, laid off workers from Zagros Steel Factory were able to win back their jobs and back wages, gains disputed by the factory general manager. On July 9, 235 steel workers were laid off by Zagros Steel Factroy management in the Kurdish city of Qorveh, due to what termed […]


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Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory Workers Go on Strike

Free Union of Iranian Workers reports that about 500 Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory workers went on strike on July 29. The workers have five basic demands: 1. Review of the Occupation Classification system at the factory 2. Stepping down of four managers with the factory with dual jobs. One of them, Borzou Ahmadi is […]


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Economic Downturn Takes its Toll on the Workers’ Jobs

The economic stagflation arising from the economic policies in the country aggravated by the international embargo is hitting the working class hard. Numbers from different sectors indicate many jobs being lost due to the economic problems. According to Mohammadreza Najafimanesh with Auto Parts Manufacturers Association, in the course of the last year, at least 122 […]


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100 Construction Workers Attend Parliamentary Session in Protest

According to Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA), on July 21, one hundred construction workers from provinces of Khorasan, Semnan, Golestan, Mazandaran, Qom, Fars, Yazd, Lorestan, Azerbayjan and Tehran attended the parliamentary session in protest of the 900 Million Tomans allocated by the parliament for Construction workers social security benefits. The amount is found to be […]


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Tehran Symphony Orchestra Musicians and Singers Call for their Demands

On July 21, a group of musicians and choir singers with Tehran Symphony Orchestra gathered by Vahdat Concert Hall in Tehran calling for changes in their contracts as well as observing their copy rights in the process of publishing their audio and visual productions.


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