
Archive for November, 2012

Iranian Worker Sattar Beheshti Killed Under Torture In Prison

Sattar Beheshti, a 35 year old worker from southwest Tehran, died under torture for his views. He ran a weblog called My Life for My Iran which was critical of the regime’s policies. Sattar’s death has saddened his readers and friends and triggered a wave of commentary and condemnation from across the political field from [...]


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Strike Actions in Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex in Mahshahr

Last July, following 18 months of well-organized and tenacious struggle, contracting workers at Bandar Imam Petrochemical complex in the port city of Mahshahr won their demand to be paid as salaried employees rather than subcontracted workers. This meant an end to the operations of myriad intermidiary firms which specialize in exploiting their employee. Despite this [...]


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In Iran, as Elsewhere, Freedom for Union Activists!

On November 7, a number of French trade unions released a joint statement in defense of trade union rights and incarcerated labor activists in Iran. The English translation of the statement below is provided by Iran Labor Report. In Iran, as elsewhere, workers should have the right to organize themselves as they choose to! Once [...]


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Labor House holds “Workers’ Parliament”

On November 7, the official union organization, the Labor house, held a one day “workers parliament” at the site of the old parliament building hosting the labor bloc representatives in the parliament, Labor House activists, certain other government-sanctioned labor activists, as well as foreign guests such as the General Secretary of the World Federation of [...]


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Economic Downturn and Plant Closures

The downturn has hit production facilities hard with many resorting to layoffs and plant closures. With the changes to the Subsidies Law and failure of the government to provide industrial firms with promised subsidies, many factories find it extremely difficult to sustain production. The following is a sampling of some of the plant shut downs [...]


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Social Security Law Under Attack

Saeed Mortazavi, the head of the Social Security Organization has recently spoken about proposed changes to the Social Security Law. Details of these changes have not been published. Certain amendments have been leaked which according to the Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA), include changes to the eligibility age and years of service, increase in the [...]


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