Nostradamus is a 1994 biographical film directed by Roger Christian.
Nostradamus (1994)
Nostradamus (1994)
Nostradamus 1994
Nostradamus 1994
Nostradamus 1994 magyarul
Nostradamus 1994 trailer
Nostradamus - ganzer Film auf Deutsch
Nostradamus 1994 full movie
L'Ombre D'un Doute - Les Prophéties de Nostradamus
Nostradamus 1994 part 2
Nostradamus 1994 part 3
Nostradamus 1994 part 4
QUUM - Los Talismanes de Nostradamus (1994)
Assita Nostradamus 1994 Online
A universal anti-religious satire which occours in the latter of 2001 and deals with the life of God and his son Jesus. While Jesus is trained and sent to bring redemption, God is desperately seeking for the meaning of his only incomprehensible creation - Love.
Keywords: judas, nostradamus, reference-to-god, reference-to-jesus-christ, virgin-mary
Hosted by Orson Welles, this documentary utilizes a grab bag of dramatized scenes, stock footage, TV news clips and interviews to ask: Did 16th century French astrologer and physician Nostradamus actually predict such events as the fall of King Louis XVI, the rise of Napoleon, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? And are there prophecies that have yet to come true?
Keywords: 1500s, 1700s, 1900s, antichrist, astrology, atomic-bomb, based-on-book, french-revolution, napoleon-bonaparte, nostradamus
Presenter: [following World War III] After a peace for a thousand years, Nostradamus tells us next to nothing. He does, however, tell us in what year the world will finally come to an end - the year 3797.
Presenter: [about the predictions of the future] But before continuing, let me warn you now that these predictions of the future are not at all comforting - and I might go on to add that these visions of the past, these warnings of the future, are not the opinions of the producers of this film. They're certainly not my opinions.
Hosted by Orson Welles, this documentary utilizes a grab bag of dramatized scenes, stock footage, TV news clips and interviews to ask: Did 16th century French astrologer and physician Nostradamus actually predict such events as the fall of King Louis XVI, the rise of Napoleon, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? And are there prophecies that have yet to come true?
Keywords: 1500s, 1700s, 1900s, antichrist, astrology, atomic-bomb, based-on-book, french-revolution, napoleon-bonaparte, nostradamus
Presenter: [following World War III] After a peace for a thousand years, Nostradamus tells us next to nothing. He does, however, tell us in what year the world will finally come to an end - the year 3797.
Presenter: [about the predictions of the future] But before continuing, let me warn you now that these predictions of the future are not at all comforting - and I might go on to add that these visions of the past, these warnings of the future, are not the opinions of the producers of this film. They're certainly not my opinions.
A wealthy business man discovers he has a brain tumor and seeks medical help. The business man finds a scientist experimenting with transplanting monkey heads on different monkey bodies. The business man decides to steal the head of Nostradamus from the prophet's crypt.
Keywords: brain-tumor, doctor, eyeball, grave-robbing, head, head-transplant, laboratory, millionaire, nostradamus, research
a diabolical dream come true! Who is his Next Victim?
In 1555 France, an aging Michel de Nostradamus reads aloud a letter he has written to sleeping young son, intended to be read when the boy is older and Nostradamus has passed. He explains his concerns about writing down his prophecies, and the reason he has decided to do so. Next, the prophetical writings of Nostradamus are compared to numerous actual historical events during the French Revolution as examples of the accuracy of his predictions. Finally, a Nostradamus prophecy about a period of peace is offered as a possible outlook for contemporary America.
Keywords: character-name-in-title, french-revolution, narration, nostradamus, prediction, prophecy, title-spoken-by-narrator
The prophecies of Nostradamus, written hundreds of years ago, are interpreted as predicting certain post-World War II events. These include the ascension of 'Queen Elizabeth II' (qv) to the throne of England, the creation of the United Nations, the Korean War, atomic bomb testing, the trials of Communist spies in the early 1950s, and new ways that astronomers will study the universe.
Keywords: 16th-century, astrologer, astronomer, atomic-bomb, clairvoyance, death-of-child, death-of-wife, hermann-göring, hitler, korean-war
Narrator: This is Carey Wilson. I want to talk about the most important thing in life, and that is tomorrow.
This initial entry in a series of several MGM shorts on Nostradamus starts with a short biography of the seer into the future. His early predictions concern European monarchs. His prophecies also foretell the American Revolution in 1776 and later the French Revolution of 1789. There is even a prediction about an event in Paris, France in 1999!
Keywords: 1770s, 1990s, mgm-historical-mystery, narration, nostradamus, paris-france, prophecy
Nostradamus (1994)
Nostradamus (1994)
Nostradamus 1994
Nostradamus 1994
Nostradamus 1994 magyarul
Nostradamus 1994 trailer
Nostradamus - ganzer Film auf Deutsch
Nostradamus 1994 full movie
L'Ombre D'un Doute - Les Prophéties de Nostradamus
Nostradamus 1994 part 2
Nostradamus 1994 part 3
Nostradamus 1994 part 4
QUUM - Los Talismanes de Nostradamus (1994)
Assita Nostradamus 1994 Online
Regardez Nostradamus 1994 en Ligne
Sehen Nostradamus 1994 Online
Nostradamus Película Completa en español
Nostradamus (1994) official 6Q4
Watch Nostradamus 1994 Online
Nostradamus (1994) online MNJ
K N Rao on Nostradamus with Dr. Praveen Tiwari PART-1
O Livro Perdido de Nostradamus
Nostradamus elveszett konyve YouTube
Looking out over golden fields
Wondering what the world will be tomorrow
Like sleepwalkers we go fumbling in the dark
Looking back over golden years
Wondering where the dream will be tomorrow
When spirits rise and we might march on
Hailey's comet came blazing across the sky
I heard of one who saw the whole thing in the night
To gaze upon a world that nobody could know
Just like a nightmare lying waiting to unfold
We live and learn
We learn to live
The power and glory
When you go stargazing
Looking round I heard a voice and someone say
Here tomorrow just as likely gone today
I heard a prophet watch reflections in a pool
But surrounded by intolerance and fools
We live and learn
We learn to live
The power and glory
When you go stargazing
Dream making
Faðir afa míns er eitthundraðogsextíu ára,
hitti hann fyrir viku, drukkum púrtvín spiluðum Tarot.
Ég er steingeit en hann er vog.
Miðillinn segir að það sé ágætis samband.
Horfi á áruna sveipa þig dulúðlegum blæ.
Þú ert falleg með þriðja auganu séð.
Öll þessi námskeið hafa gert mér svo gott,
loksins er ég stjörnufróður spámaður með eindæmum.
Nostradamus var ekkert merkilegri en ég.
Ég get ráðið framtíðina alveg eins og hann.
Komandi tíð mun verða hörð en bærileg.
Frétti það á spjalli við löngu látinn mann.
Allt í einu sé ég...
.himnana opnast fyrir ofan mig.
Regnið fellur með þrumugný.
Vera í mannsmynd mælir á framandi tungu.
Nostradamus var ekkert merkilegri en ég.
Ég get ráðið framtíðina alveg eins og hann.
Komandi tíð mun verða hörð en bærileg.
Frétti það á spjalli við löngu látinn mann.
Allt sem ég sé það hefur ótal hliðar.
Víddirnar fléttast saman og mynda eina
þar sem að litir og lögun skipta engu.
Hverf inn í sjálfan mig og kveð ykkur að sinni.
Nostradamus var ekkert merkilegri en ég.
Ég get ráðið framtíðina alveg eins og hann.
Komandi tíð mun verða hörð en bærileg.
Frétti það á spjalli við löngu látinn mann.
Nostradamus var ekkert merkilegri en ég.
Ég get ráðið framtíðina alveg eins og hann.
Komandi tíð mun verða hörð en bærileg.
Sceptical visions
myths of a god
Dreams from the future
he brought us all
far from religion
living in hell
Nobody believes you
fucking mistake
In is books he wrote
forebodings and horrors
The story begings now
prophecies of our time
The fire and the flame
The nations waithing for the day
A second opportunity
All our fate is in his eyes
It's not a movie
time will tell
human disasters
that never end
Announced forebodings
Inminent war
Battle and death
spreading the blood
In is books...
Do you ever get the feelingThat it's all coming trueAnd it's all being realised by youDo you ever get the feelingWhat was prophesied was trueAnd it's all being witnessed now by you
The faces of the childrenIn the artist's loving handsAre all returningInto sandThe waters of the oceansAnd the rivers running dryIt brings a tear to your eyeDon't let Terra die
Do you ever get the feelingThat it's all coming trueAnd it's all being recognised by youDo you ever get the feelingNostradamus told us trueAnd it's all being witnessed now by you
The waters of the oceansAnd the rivers running dryIt brings a tear to your eyeThe faces of the childrenIn the artist's loving handsAre all returningInto sandAnd slipped right through our hands
Nostradamus,do you think that you can mention me?
and tell me:did you dedicate a page?
did you see me dancing,in stilettos in a summer dress
and tell me,will she love me again?
I said I figured it out,it's been a long time coming
and I think about it,think about it,a long time come
I did some thinking and I did some growing
and i'm gunna shake your body like a kick drum
i'd like to lay you down
and taste you at the delta like i've got somethin' to prove
I said,"I figured it out,I got nothin' to lose"
she said,"so what,I hurt there too"
I hurt there too
I hurt there
she said,I hurt there too
Nostradamus,do you think that you can mention me?
and tell me:did you dedicate a page?
did you see me break down,in the desert in my wedding gown?
and tell me,will she hurt me again?
I figured it out,I can screw like Clinton
and you pushed your body right into me like a gun
and my eyes are lazy,just like my emotions
and you pushed your body right into me like a gun
i'd like to lay you down
and shake you up the middle like I got somethin' to prove
I said,"I figured it out,i got nothin' to lose"
she said,"so what,i hurt there too"
I hurt there too
I hurt there
she said,"I hurt there too"
I figured it out,I am an obscene gesture
and that every passing minute is a sexual phase
a phallic illusion in the royal procession
and now every pressing sentence is a wrong page
i'd like to lay you down
and kiss you at the crossroads like i've got somethin' to prove
I said,"I figured it out,I got nothin' to lose"
she said,"so what,I hurt there too"
I hurt there too
I hurt there
she said,"I hurt there too"
I hurt there too
I hurt there too
I hurt there
she said,"I hurt there too"
Hey,everybody just dancing
hey,everybody just smiled
hey,everybody's just so sorry that
everybody just had to lie and
Trained, from birth how to kill
Suicide campaign
Brainwashed to believe.
Blood, she'd from years of war
Clamor for revenge
Human killing machines
Pray, to a deity you've been told
Raging your war hymns
Victims once again
Souls, many laid to rest
Now your time has come
You're the chosen one
In the east the wind is blowing
The boats across the sea
And their sails will fill the morning
And their cries ring out to me
Oh, oh, oh, the more it changes
The more it stays the same
And the hand just re-arranges
The players in the game
Oh, I had a dream
It seemed I stood alone
And the veil of all the years
Goes sinking from my eyes like a stone
A king shall fall and put to death
By the English parliament shall be
Fire and plague to London come
In the year of six and twenties three
An emperor of France shall rise
Who will be born near Italy
His rule shall cost his empire
Dear Napoloron his name shall be
From Castile does Franco come
And the Government driven out shall be
An English king seeks divorce
And from his throne cast down is he
One named Hister shall become
A captain of Greater Germany
No law does this man observe
And bloody his rise and fall shall be
Man, man, your time is sand
Your ways are leaves upon the sea
I am the eyes of Nostradamus
All your ways are known to me
Man, man, your time is sand
Your ways are leaves upon the sea
I am the eyes of Nostradamus
All your ways are known to me
In the new lands of America
Three brothers now shall come to power
Two alone are born to rule
But all must die before their hour
Two great men yet brothers not
Make the north united stand
Its power be seen to grow
And fear possess the eastern lands
Three leagues from the gates of Rome
A Pope named Pol is doomed to die
A great wall that divides a city at this time is cast aside
These are the signs I bring to you
To show you when the time is nigh
Man, man, your time is sand
Your ways are leaves upon the sea
I am the eyes of Nostradamus
Estant assis de nuict secret estude,
Seul reposé sur la selle d'aerain:
Flambe exigue sortant de sollitude,
Fait prospérer qui n'est à croire vain.
La verge en main mise au milieu de branches,
De l'onde il moulle & le limbe & le pied:
Un peur & voix fremissent par les manches:
Splendeur divine. le divin pres s'assied.
Le regne humain d'angelique geniture,
Fera son regne paix union tenir:
Captive guerre demy de sa closture,
Long temps la paix leur fera maintenir.
En la frontiere de caussade & charlus,
Non guieres loing du fond de la vallee,
De ville franche musique à son de luths,
Environnez combouls & grand mittee.
Avant long temps le tout sera rangé,
Nous esperons un siecle bien senestre:
L'estat des masques & des seuls bien changé,
Peu trouveront qu'à son rang vueille estre.
Le prochain fils de l'aisnier parviendra,
Tant eslevé iusqu'au regne des fors:
Son aspre gloire un chacun la craindra,
Mais ses enfans du regne gettez hors.
Hattest Du jemals das Gefühl,
daß alles was Du träumst,
wahr werden würde,
und das alles was du denkst,
sich realisiert.
Hattest Du jemals die Kraft,
in die Zukunft zu sehen,
und der Zeit in der Du lebst,
zu entgehen.
Bist Du jemals aus dem Schlummer
Deines Gesites erwacht,
und fragtest, warum der Schöpfer
den Menschen gemacht.
weiß was die Zeit erhellt.
sah durch den Schleier der Welt.
Schöpft seine Kraft.