- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 19520
- author: vvladmir patti

Metro[1997]DVDrip[ENG] Full Movie
Metro[1997]DVDrip[ENG] Full Movie....
published: 11 Sep 2012
author: vvladmir patti
Metro[1997]DVDrip[ENG] Full Movie
Metro[1997]DVDrip[ENG] Full Movie.
- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 19520
- author: vvladmir patti

"Life is a negotiation." The trailer for the underrated action thriller, Metro(1997) starr...
published: 27 Nov 2011
author: OcpCommunications
"Life is a negotiation." The trailer for the underrated action thriller, Metro(1997) starring Eddie Murphy, Michael Wincott, Carmen Ejogo, Kim Miyori, Art Ev...
- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 20875
- author: OcpCommunications

Metro (1997)
Metro Movie Trailer with eddi murphy....
published: 22 Jul 2007
author: Ivaylo Yovchev
Metro (1997)
Metro Movie Trailer with eddi murphy.
- published: 22 Jul 2007
- views: 36975
- author: Ivaylo Yovchev

Eddie Murphy interview "Metro" 1997
Comedians are complex...Been talking to Eddie Murphy for many years...this was a film that...
published: 24 Mar 2012
author: Jimmy Carter
Eddie Murphy interview "Metro" 1997
Comedians are complex...Been talking to Eddie Murphy for many years...this was a film that was post Axel Foley..post Nutty Professor...He is always pushing t...
- published: 24 Mar 2012
- views: 1449
- author: Jimmy Carter

Michael Korda (Metro, 1997) - Getting away with murder
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: Инга Заякина
Michael Korda (Metro, 1997) - Getting away with murder
- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 164
- author: Инга Заякина

My tribute to the underrated 90's action flick, Metro(1997) starring Eddie Murphy, Michael...
published: 29 Nov 2011
author: OcpCommunications
My tribute to the underrated 90's action flick, Metro(1997) starring Eddie Murphy, Michael Wincott, Carmen Ejogo, Kim Miyori, Art Evans, James Carpenter, Mic...
- published: 29 Nov 2011
- views: 1230
- author: OcpCommunications

Metro (1997) Deutscher Trailer
R: Thomas Carter....
published: 05 Sep 2011
author: ThePostman2407
Metro (1997) Deutscher Trailer
R: Thomas Carter.
- published: 05 Sep 2011
- views: 2049
- author: ThePostman2407

Metro(1997) Movie Review 1/2
Part one of my review of the underrated action thriller, Metro(1997) starring Eddie Murphy...
published: 29 Nov 2011
author: OcpCommunications
Metro(1997) Movie Review 1/2
Part one of my review of the underrated action thriller, Metro(1997) starring Eddie Murphy, Michael Wincott, Carmen Ejogo, Kim Miyori, Art Evans, James Carpe...
- published: 29 Nov 2011
- views: 140
- author: OcpCommunications

1997 Geo Metro Review
Got for 1k, needs some small things done to it, just cleaned the egr so it can pass smog, ...
published: 08 May 2011
author: hanksranger
1997 Geo Metro Review
Got for 1k, needs some small things done to it, just cleaned the egr so it can pass smog, have to either get the injector cleaned professionals or buy a new ...
- published: 08 May 2011
- views: 3745
- author: hanksranger

1997 Geo Metro Review Requested By 1997FordProbeGT
This is a video request from 1997FordProbeGT Year: 1997 Make: Geo/Suzuki Model: Metro/Swif...
published: 25 Apr 2009
author: jmoyet
1997 Geo Metro Review Requested By 1997FordProbeGT
This is a video request from 1997FordProbeGT Year: 1997 Make: Geo/Suzuki Model: Metro/Swift Engine: Suzuki, 1.0L, Inline 3, 55hp, 58ft lbs, Transmission: 5 s...
- published: 25 Apr 2009
- views: 9872
- author: jmoyet

System of a Down-The Metro (1997 Self Titled Demo)
A Wonderful Demo. Released in 1997,and its apart of System of a Down "Self titled" Demo Ta...
published: 23 Mar 2009
author: TManXL2000
System of a Down-The Metro (1997 Self Titled Demo)
A Wonderful Demo. Released in 1997,and its apart of System of a Down "Self titled" Demo Tape. Source: www.SoadFans.com.
- published: 23 Mar 2009
- views: 10488
- author: TManXL2000

Geo Metro 1997 interior and removal #3
Just a quick video on how well the oven cleaner worked on the carpet....
published: 13 Oct 2012
author: metroman47
Geo Metro 1997 interior and removal #3
Just a quick video on how well the oven cleaner worked on the carpet.
- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 172
- author: metroman47

Geo Metro 1997 interior and removal
Here is a video on the nasty interior before I took it all out and after I got it all out....
published: 13 Oct 2012
author: metroman47
Geo Metro 1997 interior and removal
Here is a video on the nasty interior before I took it all out and after I got it all out. I've finished it all and now have it back in I just need to make t...
- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 244
- author: metroman47
Vimeo results:

For updates and more adventures follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/andrewwonder and c...
published: 29 Dec 2010
author: Andrew Wonder
For updates and more adventures follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/andrewwonder and check out my website http://andrewwonder.com
This is a film I made after some adventures underground with Steve Duncan (http://www.undercity.org) last summer. We also have a teaser video which you can watch on my vimeo page (http://vimeo.com/5752275).
For more information about the video and our other adventures please contact Andrew Wonder (Director/Cinematographer) at andrewwonder@mac.com.
Steve and I just completed another underground expedition with Norwegian explorer Erling Kagge (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erling_Kagge). It was featured in a three page article on the front page of the NY Times metro section and was written by Alan Feuer (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/02/nyregion/02underground.html). We were also covered by NPR's Jacki Lyden whose report will be aired on 1/2/11 and posted on NPR's site (http://www.npr.org/2011/01/02/132482428/into-the-tunnels-exploring-the-underside-of-nyc).
Shot on a canon 5d mkii with canon 24 f/1.4 (version 1) with the zacuto rapid fire, Zoom H4N and a sennheiser g2 wireless lav. The zacuto was really great at being there when I needed it but also staying out of the way.
Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. Thanks for watching!

El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife
"El Cielo de Canarias"
Realizado y producid...
published: 03 May 2011
author: Daniel López
El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife
"El Cielo de Canarias"
Realizado y producido por Daniel López. www.elcielodecanarias.com
Actualización, publicado en:
NASA en Astronomy Picture of the Day:
National Geographic:
Bad Astronomy:
Universe Today:
Escenas tomadas desde Tenerife, a más de 2.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar y a lo largo de un año, para poder captar todos los posibles matices, nubes, estrellas, colores desde un paisaje único y desde uno de los mejores cielos del planeta.
Primero de una serie de vídeos Time Lapse nocturnos y crepusculares tomados en las Islas Canarias tratando de captar la belleza de cada isla.
Para captar el movimiento natural de la tierra, estrellas nubes, sol y Luna se usó la técnica TimeLapse, raíles Dolly verticales y horizontales, cabezales con movimientos horizontal y vertical. toma de datos HDR.
Algunas escenas del vídeo:
- "La Catedral" en el llano de Ucanca, toma nocturna con el Planeta Júpiter cruzando la escena.
- El Árbol de Piedra (Roque Cinchado) con un Tajinaste apuntando a la estrella polar.
- Tajinastes "nocturnos", El Tajinaste Rojo, endemismo Canario que florece en primavera.
- El "Gorro" en el Teide. Formación de una nube conocida como gorro en el pico del Teide.
- "Cascadas de nubes" que atraviesan las montañas como ríos de nubes multicolor.
- Mar de nubes rompiendo contra las montañas al igual que lo hiciera el mar.
- Gran charco de agua en el llano de Ucanca donde estrellas y nubes lenticulares se reflejan.
- Tajinastes nocturnos con la Vía Láctea saliendo por el horizonte tomada con un raíl dolly.
- Video del Sol poniéndose y un doble "rayo verde".
- Pléyades y la galaxia de Andrómeda entre rocas en las minas de San José.
- Escenas espectaculares de la puesta de sol en el Parque Nacional del Teide con nubes y movimiento dolly.
- ArcoIris desde el Parque Nacional del Teide.
- Halos multicolor alrededor de la Luna.
- Nubes estacionarias que permanecen horas en el mismo sitio ven como cambian sus colores por la puesta de Sol.
Daniel López es fotógrafo y astrofotógrafo que vive en Tenerife. Trabaja realizando fotografía y vídeo, especializado en nocturnas usando multitud de técnicas, desde cámara con trípode para captar cielo y tierra en la misma foto, telescopios amateur para realizar fotografías de los objetos astronómicos hasta telescopios profesionales para captar detalles y alta resolución. También realiza y produce videos relacionados con la naturaleza, paisajes y lugares interesantes en los que siempre trata de sacar algo nuevo y dar otro punto de vista diferente y "mágico".
Angel´s Tear (Aeon 2). Matti Paalanen
"El Cielo de Canarias" "Canary Sky"
Project produced by Daniel Lopez. www.elcielodecanarias.com
Scenes taken from Tenerife, more than 2,000 meters above sea level and over a year to capture all possible shades, clouds, stars, colors from a unique landscape and from one of the best skies on the planet.
First in a series of videos nocturnal and crepuscular Time Lapse taken in the Canary Islands trying to capture the beauty of each island.
To capture the natural movement of the earth, stars, clouds, sun and moon TimeLapse technique was used, Dolly vertical and horizontal rails, spindles with horizontal and vertical movements. HDR data collection.
Some scenes of the video:
- "The Cathedral" in the plain of Ucanca, night shot with the planet Jupiter across the scene.
- El Arbol de Piedra (Roque Cinchado) with a Tajinaste pointing to Polaris.
- Tajinastes "night", The Red Tajinaste, endemism Canario blooming in spring.
- The "hat" in the Teide. Formation of a cloud known as cap at the peak of Teide.
- "Waterfalls of clouds crossing the mountains and rivers of multicolored clouds.
- Sea of clouds crashing against the mountains as it did the sea.
- Large pool of water in the plain of Ucanca lenticular clouds where stars are reflected.
- Tajinastes night with the Milky Way taken out on the horizon with a dolly track.
- Video of the sun setting and a double green flash. "
- Pleiades and the Andromeda galaxy between rocks in the mines of San Jose.
- Scenes spectacular sunset in the Teide National Park with clouds and moving dolly.
- ArcoIris from the Teide National Park.
Daniel Lopez is a photographer / astrophotographer based in Tenerife . Works by photography and video, specializing in evening using many techniques, from camera tripod grasp heaven and earth i

The Quiet City: Winter in Paris
Watch my latest short from Yosemite. https://vimeo.com/73893277
Find me on Facebook and T...
published: 29 Mar 2013
author: Andrew Julian
The Quiet City: Winter in Paris
Watch my latest short from Yosemite. https://vimeo.com/73893277
Find me on Facebook and Twitter. @AndrewJulianB http://www.facebook.com/andrewjulianb
I can't promise I'll have anything interesting to say, but I'll keep you posted on any new work I put out there. Thanks!
Claire and I recently took a trip to France, and I filmed this during our time in Paris. Until this trip, I had only ever experienced Paris in the summer and I was struck by just how different the city is when most of us tourist are gone. We were equipped with our metro and museum passes and were able to easily access most places of interest without even waiting in line. It was incredible! We were even given a private tour of the École du Louvre. Thanks Elisabeth!
The weather wasn't always perfect, but our experience was totally different and unique. Now I'm truly curious to visit the city in other seasons. Maybe a trip during the Fall someday?
I continue to be amazed by the little camera that could, aka the the Blackmagic Cinema Camera. I have yet to shoot ProRes or DNxHD, though I've seen amazing footage that was shot in the compressed modes. For me it's all about the uncompressed raw. It's not the easiest or fastest format to work with in post, but it allows me to color grade the images to get exactly the look I'm after.
I had the latest firmware for this shoot and put the timelapse feature to use. It's not going to replace a DSLR for serious timelapse work, but it is an amazing companion in my opinion. It can shoot consistently at higher frame rates than a DSLR can sustain, so shots where you only want a subtle timelapse effect are achievable. You can also shoot with longer intervals, but the slowest shutter speed is still only 1/24th of a second so shots become less smooth the longer your interval is. Ideally, you'd want to be closer to a 180 degree shutter.
Music: Spiegel im Spiegel composed by Arvo Pärt
Camera and Lenses:
-Blackmagic Cinema Camera EF
-Sigma 8-16mm
-Canon 24-70mm
-Canon 50mm 1.4
-Canon 70-200 IS II

Silent Transitions
Twitter: www.twitter.com/salomonligthelm
Website: www.ligthelm.tv
Blog: www.salomonligthel...
published: 28 Jan 2011
author: Salomon
Silent Transitions
Twitter: www.twitter.com/salomonligthelm
Website: www.ligthelm.tv
Blog: www.salomonligthelm.blogspot.com
Email: salomon@ligthelm.tv
Great color grading resource Color Grading Central, visit here: http://bit.ly/qbnJ8K
For film grain check out: http://bit.ly/zpFHZN
Silent Transitions is a personal project inspired by two verses from Scripture - 2 Samuel 22vs20 and Psalm 46vs10.
Shot at 60 fps and slowed down to 1% using twixtor - not perfect as always but it works
Shot with Canon 7D in Dubai
Sigma 30mm f1.4 for the initial scenes and Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 for the jump sequences
Audio designed in Pro Tools
Thank you to Franzwa Roux for acting in this piece
and Luke Atencio for the voice-over
check www.ligthelm.tv or the blog @ www.salomonligthelm.blogspot.com - will give some more background info/context for this soon
- interview about the piece at http://rendertimeblog.com/index/index.php?option=com_content&view;=article&id;=157:salomon-ligthelm-interview&catid;=41:blog
Youtube results:

Geo Metro 1997 interior and removal #2
Here is some vid of the interior before I removed it and cleaned it. The oven cleaner to g...
published: 13 Oct 2012
author: metroman47
Geo Metro 1997 interior and removal #2
Here is some vid of the interior before I removed it and cleaned it. The oven cleaner to get rid of all the grease on the carpet works great as you'll see. I...
- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 132
- author: metroman47

1997 TV Trailer for the movie "Metro"
Recorded January 1997....
published: 27 Jun 2010
author: SwozyGustafsson .
1997 TV Trailer for the movie "Metro"
Recorded January 1997.
- published: 27 Jun 2010
- views: 2721
- author: SwozyGustafsson .

1997 Geo Metro - Still running.
Thought I'd make a video of the metro since I haven't made one in a long time. only update...
published: 24 Jun 2009
author: jmoyet
1997 Geo Metro - Still running.
Thought I'd make a video of the metro since I haven't made one in a long time. only update is a new muffler.
- published: 24 Jun 2009
- views: 15498
- author: jmoyet