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Pakistan, Yemen And Afghanistan Have Children Too, And They Are Being Killed by Our Drones

Posted: 09/10/2013 6:58 pm

The death of a child -- any child -- is always painful and shocking. The awful gassing of children in Syria breaks the heart and tortures the soul. We all should and must speak up about this outrage.

But the deaths of 178 Pakistani children by American drones must also be acknowledged. We must put an end to killing children in the name of security. As National Security Advisor Susan Rice has said, "Nations cannot unleash the world's most horrific weapons against innocent civilians, especially children." She was talking about chemical weapons, but "death by drone" is equally horrific. Take one look at the photos of children killed by our drones, provided to me by Noor Beham when I made a trip to Pakistan last year, for graphic confirmation.

According to U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power, "These weapons kill in the most gruesome possible way. They kill indiscriminately. They are incapable of distinguishing between a child and a rebel." Again, the quote refers to chemical weapons, but replace "rebel" with "militant" and she could be talking about drones. Whether Syrian or Pakistani, children should not be victims of war.

As the administration calls attention to the terrible killing of children in Syria, I call upon them to acknowledge the killing of children by U.S. drones, and to immediately halt our drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan.


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Life gives us time only love gives us meaning
13 minutes ago (10:20 PM)
At last we have a reporter that eventually gets what the problem is......... it is not chemical weapons or who is using them...... the problem is ALL weapons that can kill indiscriminately........
That is any weapon that has a chance of killing anyone other than the intended target, and guess what? that takes away every weapon that the major arms dealers (USA 44%) make the most money out of...
That is why they will not look at it.......
14 minutes ago (10:20 PM)
A nation is measured for it's character by helping, healing and building, any low life can bring hurt to people, it takes a great country to be benevolent.
For extra fun, read my posts in Igniknokt's voice.
17 minutes ago (10:17 PM)
Yes yes, Obama's a bad bad man, and that's the thing we need to remember above all else. Just two points:

1) Obama is trying to target terrorists, while minimizing civilian casualties as much as possible. Assad and terrorists, on the other hand, are perfectly comfortable with killing as many civilians as they possibly can -- indeed, it's their goal. So the two are by no means the same.

2) If you're going to complain about civilian casualties, be intellectually honest enough to try to factor in how many civilians are killed when terrorists can operate WITHOUT disruption. The past couple weekends in Iraq saw bombs go off in various marketplaces and other locations, because al Qaeda was mad that the Iraq goverment locks up terrorists; they've promised more strikes. That's several dozen innocent Iraqis dead because al Qaeda threw a tantrum; if Obama knows where they're holed up and it's a civilian-free location, you'd better believe I hope Obama drones them to kingdom come.
Unborn, unchanging, undying Universe
17 minutes ago (10:16 PM)

United States Great Britain China Russia France Germany Sweden Italy Israel Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates India  Pakistan  Taiwan Iran Lebanon
At least 43 other nations are using unarmed drones.  Drones have been around for a long time-- they are simply remotely controlled unmanned aircraft; no great technological mystery.  Guidance systems have improved over time, and they are by far the most accurate aerial military weapon causing the least amount of collateral damage.
Drones are even available for hobbyists, although their use of air space is legally restricted for safety and security reasons.
Better get used to drones.  They're here to stay.
21 minutes ago (10:12 PM)
I have no use for this guy.

And I'm a liberal.
Let's bring love back to liberalism
27 minutes ago (10:06 PM)
The US is one of the worst war criminal nations in the world. Where are the calls for military strikes against Obama's regime?
34 minutes ago ( 9:59 PM)
While we are being told to look at the pictures of the dead kids in Syria and imagine that Assad did it. We are not supposed to think about the kids being born in Fallujah with no arms, legs or eyes from whatever it was we dropped on that city. In fact we are supposed to ignore the hundreds of thousands of children that have been killed in the last 70 years that Obama called attention to. What is the real history of those 70 years. We as a nation ignore international law as it suits us, we don't sign half of the treaties that are passed. If we do sign them it's because we grant ourselves exemptions for the consequences.
Responsibility vs. Depraved Indifference.
40 minutes ago ( 9:54 PM)
I have no problem with drone strikes. We have enemies, and we are taking them down. We try to minimize civilian casualties, but we can't always. If we were fighting them traditionally, many more innocents would be casualties.

Facts are facts.
Midnight Toker
Without privacy no one is truly free
47 minutes ago ( 9:47 PM)
Ahhh war crimes that no one if the corporate media or establishment care about. Ahh the hypocrisy of our plutocracy.
49 minutes ago ( 9:44 PM)
It's of no consequence, though the strikes are unsanctioned and extra-judicial, they are approved by our Nobel Peace Laureate whose word is law. By definition then, they are legal and would hold up in the Hague. Just ask his ovine legions. He is the Kwisatz Haderach. Worship.


60 minutes ago ( 9:33 PM)
children yes, but also a visit to U.S. V.A. hospitals will show what our undeclared wars have done to ourselves. While the U.S. has a dysfunctional congress - the U.S. President has nothing to do but conduct undeclared wars. PAC's and western historical ideology confine these undeclared wars against muslims.
After over 40 years of support for the Democratic
1 hour ago ( 9:28 PM)
The Obama (Democratic!) administration:

Responsibility vs. Depraved Indifference.
37 minutes ago ( 9:56 PM)
Do you know how the US won it's revolution? It is called Guerrilla War.
E=mc2: From light you exist
1 hour ago ( 9:27 PM)
The U.S. government doesn't acknowledge hypocrisy, they classify it.
1 hour ago ( 9:27 PM)
Greenwald nailed it.i hope Obama reads this.
The Blacksmith & the Artist reflected in their art
1 hour ago ( 9:26 PM)
On a battle field in a declared (Legal!) war I'm all good with the drones but anything short of that and no!
18 minutes ago (10:16 PM)
Well said.!