- published: 26 Aug 2009
- views: 85829
- author: psari
The Imperial German Navy Fleet Scapa Flow Suicide and Salvage. SMS Hindenburg U Boats etc.
The loss of the German Fleet of Scapa Flow, Scotland 21st June 1919. The largest salvage e...
published: 26 Aug 2009
author: psari
The Imperial German Navy Fleet Scapa Flow Suicide and Salvage. SMS Hindenburg U Boats etc.
The Imperial German Navy Fleet Scapa Flow Suicide and Salvage. SMS Hindenburg U Boats etc.
The loss of the German Fleet of Scapa Flow, Scotland 21st June 1919. The largest salvage ever undertaken. Salvaged mostly upside down using compressed air fo...- published: 26 Aug 2009
- views: 85829
- author: psari
U 47`s Daring Mission - The Sinking of The Royal Oak
It was the Autumn of 1939, October 14th. The HMS Royal Oak was anchored at Scapa Flow. She...
published: 20 May 2013
author: BitmapAxis
U 47`s Daring Mission - The Sinking of The Royal Oak
U 47`s Daring Mission - The Sinking of The Royal Oak
It was the Autumn of 1939, October 14th. The HMS Royal Oak was anchored at Scapa Flow. She was a British Battleship, nicknamed „The Mighty Oak",a veteran of ...- published: 20 May 2013
- views: 626
- author: BitmapAxis
Diving Scapa Flow - June 2013
Highlights from the trip to the Orkneys to dive the German Fleet in Scapa Flow. Dives on a...
published: 13 Jun 2013
author: Kevin Phillips
Diving Scapa Flow - June 2013
Diving Scapa Flow - June 2013
Highlights from the trip to the Orkneys to dive the German Fleet in Scapa Flow. Dives on all the big battleships and a number of the smaller blockships. Dive...- published: 13 Jun 2013
- views: 334
- author: Kevin Phillips
Die Flotte des Kaisers - Wracktauchen in Scapa Flow [HD Doku]
11. November 1918. Waffenstillstand. Der Erste Weltkrieg ruht. Das Deutsche Reich wird ver...
published: 22 Sep 2013
Die Flotte des Kaisers - Wracktauchen in Scapa Flow [HD Doku]
Die Flotte des Kaisers - Wracktauchen in Scapa Flow [HD Doku]
11. November 1918. Waffenstillstand. Der Erste Weltkrieg ruht. Das Deutsche Reich wird verpflichtet, seine Hochseeflotte an die Siegermächte auszuliefern. Wenige Tage später verlassen mehr als 70 deutsche Kriegsschiffe Wilhelmshaven. In einem 50 Kilometer langen Konvoi nehmen sie Kurs auf Scapa Flow, die traditionelle Heimatbasis der britischen Marine inmitten der Orkney-Inseln. Gemäß Paragraph 23 des Waffenstillstandsabkommens von Compiègne wird der riesige Verband in dem ausgedehnten Naturhafen nördlich von Schottland interniert. Etwa 5000 Mann Notbesatzung betreiben die Schiffe. Munition befindet sich nicht an Bord. Sieben Monate lang liegt die Kaiserliche Kriegsflotte unter britischer Aufsicht vor Anker. Die Versorgung der Mannschaften ist schlecht. Bis Juni 1919 wird die Truppenstärke auf 1700 Mann reduziert. Konteradmiral Ludwig von Reuter, Befehlshaber der internierten Einheiten, erhält keine Kenntnis über den Fortgang der Friedensverhandlungen von Versailles. Er befürchtet erneute Kämpfe und die Auslieferung seiner wehrlosen Flotte an England. Daher lässt er am 21. Juni 1919 alle Schiffe durch ihre Besatzungen versenken. Den Bewohnern der Orkney-Inseln kommt das Kriegsgerät auf dem Meeresboden sehr gelegen. Die strukturschwache Region braucht dringend Arbeitsplätze. Die 1,5 Milliarden Goldmark teure kaiserliche Flotte verspricht dem Schrotthandel hohe Gewinne. Zahlreiche Menschen finden Anstellungen bei Bergungsunternehmen und Altmetallhändlern. Bis in die Sechzigerjahre des 20. Jahrhunderts dauern die Arbeiten an. Schiff für Schiff wird ganz oder teilweise gehoben und verwertet. Dann wird das Geschäft unrentabel. Doch die verbliebenen sieben Wracks geben einem neuen Gewerbe Auftrieb: dem Fremdenverkehr. 3000 bis 4000 Tauchenthusiasten aus aller Welt besuchen pro Jahr die entlegenen Inseln, um die versenkten Stahlkolosse in 20 bis 45 Meter Tiefe zu erkunden. Scapa Flow gilt heute als einer der bedeutendsten Wallfahrtsorte für Wracktaucher.- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 28
The battleship SMS Markgraf at Scapa Flow
In August 2011 Icicle Divers spent a week diving the remaining wrecks of the German High S...
published: 08 Sep 2011
author: iciclediver
The battleship SMS Markgraf at Scapa Flow
The battleship SMS Markgraf at Scapa Flow
In August 2011 Icicle Divers spent a week diving the remaining wrecks of the German High Seas Fleet from the Sharon Rose. This is the Margraf, a 25000 ton Ko...- published: 08 Sep 2011
- views: 3775
- author: iciclediver
Wreck diving at Scapa Flow.avi
Scapa Flow, Wreck diving, pSCR, Rebreather, Habanero, Wracktauchen, Roger Tours....
published: 20 Aug 2011
author: MrLarson1000
Wreck diving at Scapa Flow.avi
Wreck diving at Scapa Flow.avi
Scapa Flow, Wreck diving, pSCR, Rebreather, Habanero, Wracktauchen, Roger Tours.- published: 20 Aug 2011
- views: 2751
- author: MrLarson1000
U 47 - Priens Angriff auf Scapa Flow_Spielfilm v. 1958
Am 14. Oktober 1939 drang das von Kapitänleutnant Günther Prien kommandierte deutsche U-Bo...
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: TrotzdemDeutsch
U 47 - Priens Angriff auf Scapa Flow_Spielfilm v. 1958
U 47 - Priens Angriff auf Scapa Flow_Spielfilm v. 1958
Am 14. Oktober 1939 drang das von Kapitänleutnant Günther Prien kommandierte deutsche U-Boot U 47 wagemutig in den britischen Kriegshafen Scapa Flow ein, und...- published: 21 Sep 2012
- views: 39374
- author: TrotzdemDeutsch
published: 19 Mar 2010
author: Antonio Mancha Trejo
COMANDANTE GHUNTER PRIEN.- published: 19 Mar 2010
- views: 29518
- author: Antonio Mancha Trejo
Lonely Scapa Flow
Song composed by Allie Windwick of Kirkwall about the scuttling og the German fleet in Sca...
published: 07 Mar 2013
author: Derek Hamilton
Lonely Scapa Flow
Lonely Scapa Flow
Song composed by Allie Windwick of Kirkwall about the scuttling og the German fleet in Scapa Flow in the Orkney Isles of Scotland. The song was originally su...- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 721
- author: Derek Hamilton
Scapa Flow
21 November 1918, the once mighty German High Seas Fleet surrendered to the British Grand ...
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: ProcyonFive
Scapa Flow
Scapa Flow
21 November 1918, the once mighty German High Seas Fleet surrendered to the British Grand Fleet. 21 June 1919, while the Grand Fleet was away, Admiral von Re...- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 305
- author: ProcyonFive
Scapa Flow - Uuteen Aikaan (1980) [Full Album]
1. Valmiina heräämään 0:00 2. Salaisuuksien satiiniverhot 4:28 3. Mikä aamu 10:45 4. Uutee...
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: Didiheavy
Scapa Flow - Uuteen Aikaan (1980) [Full Album]
Scapa Flow - Uuteen Aikaan (1980) [Full Album]
1. Valmiina heräämään 0:00 2. Salaisuuksien satiiniverhot 4:28 3. Mikä aamu 10:45 4. Uuteen aikaan 16:46 5. Tuuleen kaiverretut portaat 21:07 6. Koi 25:51 7....- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 1638
- author: Didiheavy
Scapa Flow 2012
Scapa Flow 30.09-10.09.2012 - Scotland, venez plonger dans l'histoire avec le club de plon...
published: 21 Apr 2013
author: Foulques Lutry
Scapa Flow 2012
Scapa Flow 2012
Scapa Flow 30.09-10.09.2012 - Scotland, venez plonger dans l'histoire avec le club de plongée Les Foulques !- published: 21 Apr 2013
- views: 15
- author: Foulques Lutry
The Wrecks of Scapa Flow
Highlights of three dives, on the SMS Kronprince Wilhelm, SMS Brummer and SMS Koln in Scap...
published: 22 Jul 2009
author: doryproductions
The Wrecks of Scapa Flow
The Wrecks of Scapa Flow
Highlights of three dives, on the SMS Kronprince Wilhelm, SMS Brummer and SMS Koln in Scapa Flow, Orkney Isles while on a trip with the Brunel universtiy Sub...- published: 22 Jul 2009
- views: 12748
- author: doryproductions
Youtube results:
i have the the Allie Windwick EP in the house somewhere but can not find it! ,i bought it ...
published: 11 Jun 2013
author: Ian Anderson
i have the the Allie Windwick EP in the house somewhere but can not find it! ,i bought it in kirkwall in the late 60s Sleepy laddie is also on it Allie Windw...- published: 11 Jun 2013
- views: 245
- author: Ian Anderson
Andrew Mowat - Lonely Scapa Flow
Allie Windwick's 'Lonely Scapa Flow' as performed and arranged by Andrew Mowat. I think th...
published: 16 Jan 2011
author: Andrew Mowat
Andrew Mowat - Lonely Scapa Flow
Andrew Mowat - Lonely Scapa Flow
Allie Windwick's 'Lonely Scapa Flow' as performed and arranged by Andrew Mowat. I think this is the first time this song's ever been on YouTube, surprisingly.- published: 16 Jan 2011
- views: 3608
- author: Andrew Mowat
Silent Hunter 5: Attack on Scapa Flow (part 1)
Silent Hunter 5 with several mods listed at the end. PS: To all those who complain about t...
published: 08 Mar 2010
author: stabizisback
Silent Hunter 5: Attack on Scapa Flow (part 1)
Silent Hunter 5: Attack on Scapa Flow (part 1)
Silent Hunter 5 with several mods listed at the end. PS: To all those who complain about the authenticity: I am well aware of Priens famous Scapa raid, this ...- published: 08 Mar 2010
- views: 153523
- author: stabizisback
WW2 Newsreel : U-47 returns after the raid on Scapa Flow
WW2 newsreel with english subtitles....
published: 10 Mar 2008
author: Celeon999A
WW2 Newsreel : U-47 returns after the raid on Scapa Flow
WW2 Newsreel : U-47 returns after the raid on Scapa Flow
WW2 newsreel with english subtitles.- published: 10 Mar 2008
- views: 13112
- author: Celeon999A