- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 15387

Australian Election: A Game of Polls [RAP NEWS 20]
Rap News season finale: Episode 20 - A Game Of Polls. A messenger raven has arrived in the...
published: 25 Aug 2013
Australian Election: A Game of Polls [RAP NEWS 20]
Rap News season finale: Episode 20 - A Game Of Polls. A messenger raven has arrived in the Juice Media studio bearing tidings from the land of Australios: Elections are Coming. The perpetually warring factions and severely inbred families from across the Australian political sphere are squaring up in a more than usually bloody campaign. It's Right versus slightly more Right in the election to end all elections for a few years. Join Robert Foster as he meets the bloodthirsty players in this violent saga. Who will slay whom? Who will prevail and claim the Irony Throne in Canberra? Who is that mysterious platinum-haired challenger in exile overseas? All these questions and more will be ignored in this celebratory 20th episode of Rap News.
- Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant in a suburban backyard home-studio in Melbourne, Australia - on Wurundjeri Land.
Music orchestration by Adrian Sergovich, based on 'A Game Of Thrones' theme.
Beat by One Tone: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheOfficialTone
Instrumental re-working of John Farnham's 'You're the Voice' by Steve Proctor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ve0mB-_G-2o
Original Johnny Farnham music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbkOZTSvrHs
Julian vocals sung by Chris Doheny; recorded by Jonathan Dreyfus and Craig Harnath @ Hothouse Audio St. Kilda.
Guest appearances by:
Sean Bedlam as Kevin Rudd http://www.youtube.com/user/seanbedlam
Ellen Burbidge as Julia Gillard and Julian Assange as Julian Assange (really)
Voices for Kevin and Tony performed by Ming Lang
Voice for Julia by Lucy Cahill
Make-up courtesy of Rosie Dunlop
Images and artwork by Photoshop ninja Zoe Tame: http://www.visualtonic.com.au
Blood and gore special effects and intro by our Rap News fx-wizard, Jonas Schweizer.
Props to Zoë Umlaut from Umlautronics for creating the superb props
Our Ecuadorian Embassy film crew: Ibrahim Serra-Mohammed, Juan Luis Passarelli, Jose Luis Passarelli and Stella for Embassy shoot assistance.
Thanks to Sarah Harrison for tactical assistance
Vaarunika Dharmapala for kind hospitality in the UK.
Our friends Ben Erwin and Nick W. for tehnical assistance and advice
Jillian, Julie, Isabelle and Sally for brainstorming conversations about misogyny :)
Koolfy from http://nurpa.be for creating the sync'd English captions for all our episodes, including this one.
Video and music edited by Giordano
** SUPPORT the production of new episodes of Juice Rap News, an independent show, by making a donation: http://thejuicemedia.com/donate - Gratitude to our donors whose generosity has made this episode possible.
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If you'd like to translate this episode into your language, please contact us via our website http://thejuicemedia.com/contact
- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 15387

September 2013 Russia said very concerned USA may respond militarily
September 2013 Breaking News Russia's Foreign Ministry said Today that it is very concerne...
published: 25 Aug 2013
September 2013 Russia said very concerned USA may respond militarily
September 2013 Breaking News Russia's Foreign Ministry said Today that it is very concerned that Washington may respond militarily to the suspected chemical weapons attack by Syria's government - http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Assad-rejects-chemical-weapons-allegations-says-US-will-fail-if-it-intervenes-in-Syria-324259
August 2013 NBC stating state of emergency - Iran warns USA regional War as USA Warships draw close to Syria Mediterranean sea Last Days End Times news prophecy update
August 2013 CNN President Obama on Syria Chemical Attack - Last Days End Times news prophecy update
ISLAM, Muslim Brotherhood seeking world dominance, Al Qaeda, Syria (Iran and Russia in Syria and told USA if get military involved will be an all out war with USA), Iran, Russia, China (Russia and China recently doing war games together in Russia and by Japanese waters), Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinians, North Korea, USA & Japan recently doing war games in USA and other nations all showing signs of the breaking point ...it will only take a mistake or out right decision to start world war three...not if but when will it begin......the middle east is ripe and ready for a full blown world war 3.......and nuclear warfare is on the table of involved nations let alone the terrorists there are suitcase nuclear bombs missing from the former USSR...and very well possible terrorists have them and chemical weapons in syria too...so just because it has been quiet concerning super powers the past few months don't be fooled it will stay that way very long...the trigger for world war 3 has been pulled and ready to be fired
U.S. Weighs Options On Syria After Reported Chemical Attack - Friday Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel stated the president has asked the Pentagon for options on Syria and that U.S. warships armed with cruise missiles were being repositioned in the Mediterranean.
President Obama has been meeting with his national security team to discuss reports of the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons, a White House official said Saturday, amid strong hints that a U.S. military strike was on the table.
Doctors Without Borders Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said Saturday that in the three hours following the alleged attack on Wednesday, three hospitals in Damascus that it supports reported approximately 3,600 patients displaying symptoms consistent with exposure to a neurotoxic agent & 355 reportedly died, the humanitarian group said.
We have a range of options available, and we are going to act very deliberately so that we're making decisions consistent with our national interest as well as our assessment of what can advance our objectives in Syria," the White House official, speaking on background, said.
Hagel said the Defense Department "has a responsibility to provide the president with options for contingencies, and that requires positioning our forces, positioning our assets, to be able to carry out different options — whatever options the president might choose."
Obama, who has shown reluctance to intervene in Syria's 2-1/2-year civil war has said that the use of chemical weapons would be a "red line" for the United States.
In June, the White House said it had that killed 100 to 150 Syrians.
Angela Kane, the United Nations disarmament chief, arrived in Damascus on Saturday in hopes of persuading the government to allow a team to examine the site of Wednesday's reported attack in Ghouta district, a suburb of the capital.
Obama, in an interview with CNN aired on Friday, said the attack was "clearly a big event of grave concern", but he cautioned that U.N. investigators should be given time to determine whether chemical weapons were used.
"If the U.S. goes in and attacks another country without a U.N. mandate and without clear evidence that can be presented, then there are questions in terms of whether international law supports it, do we have the coalition to make it work?" the president said in his first public comments since the alleged attack.
Syrian state television has suggested rebels are to blame for the attack this week. It said government soldiers "suffocated" as they tried to enter Jobar, one of the towns in the Ghouta district where chemical weapons are said to have been used.
That suggestion was echoed by Syria's deputy prime minister, Qadri Jamil, who blamed the rebels.
on Friday that he was personally in favor of the U.N. looking into the Ghouta incident.
"Medical staff working in these facilities provided detailed information to MSF doctors regarding large numbers of patients arriving with symptoms including convulsions, excess saliva, pinpoint pupils, blurred vision and respiratory distress," said Dr. Bart Janssens, MSF director of operations, said in a statement.
- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 435463

IGN News - Microsoft Employees Get White Xbox One
A white Xbox One console and controller are coming this November, but you and I probably w...
published: 26 Aug 2013
IGN News - Microsoft Employees Get White Xbox One
A white Xbox One console and controller are coming this November, but you and I probably won't be able to get one.
- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 48887

Climatempo News - Edição das 17h30 - 26/08/2013
A meteorologista Josélia Pegorim fala dos contrastes térmicos no Brasil. O calor chegou ao...
published: 26 Aug 2013
Climatempo News - Edição das 17h30 - 26/08/2013
A meteorologista Josélia Pegorim fala dos contrastes térmicos no Brasil. O calor chegou aos 40ºC no Norte e Nordeste, Brasília teve
recorde de calor, mas o Sul já gelou de novo. O recado especial vai para SP, onde o ar polar entra forte nesta terça-feira e esfria
muito, inclusive a capital paulista. Confira ainda outras informações sobre frio, neve e geada. O Climatempo News vai ao ar, ao
vivo, de segunda à sexta-feira, em três edições: 9h30, 12h30 e 17h30 (até 31 de agosto). Você pode participar pelas redes sociais.
Envie suas perguntas: #climatemponews. Atenção! A partir de 2 de setembro, a terceira edição do Climatempo News vai acontecer meia hora mais cedo, às 17 horas.
- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 2072

Fox News Turns Vicious Against Former Insider
"Fox News honcho Roger Ailes has fired his right-hand man Brian Lewis for unspecified fina...
published: 25 Aug 2013
Fox News Turns Vicious Against Former Insider
"Fox News honcho Roger Ailes has fired his right-hand man Brian Lewis for unspecified financial issues and "multiple, material and significant breaches of his employment contract."
Lewis, a veteran of the cable news channel, had been a top executive since Ailes founded the powerful network 17 years ago, most recently serving as executive vice president of corporate communications."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.
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- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 26018

September 2013 President Barack Obama Meets National Security Team on Syria
September 2013 The talks come as the US considers options after Britain's retreat and prep...
published: 24 Aug 2013
September 2013 President Barack Obama Meets National Security Team on Syria
September 2013 The talks come as the US considers options after Britain's retreat and prepares to release intelligence on Syria's gas attack. - read more http://news.sky.com/story/1134945/syria-obama-meets-national-security-team
August 2013 The White House signaled Thursday that President Barack Obama is ready to go it alone to strike Syria despite the British parliament's rejection of military action and the lack of a UN mandate. - read more http://news.yahoo.com/obama-ready-alone-syria-233837173.html
August 2013 (Washington, D.C.) — U.S., British and French forces are preparing for military strikes in Syria - Last Days End Times news prophecy update 8-27-13 - http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/2013/08/26/syria-iran-threaten-to-attack-israel-with-strategic-weapons-if-west-hits-assad-regime-netanyahu-says-israel-is-ready-our-finger-is-on-the-trigger/
August 2013 CNN President Obama on Syria Chemical Attack - Last Days End Times news prophecy update 8-25-13 -
ISLAM, Muslim Brotherhood seeking world dominance, Al Qaeda, Syria (Iran and Russia in Syria and told USA if get military involved will be an all out war with USA), Iran, Russia, China (Russia and China recently doing war games together in Russia and by Japanese waters), Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinians, North Korea, USA & Japan recently doing war games in USA and other nations all showing signs of the breaking point ...it will only take a mistake or out right decision to start world war three...not if but when will it begin......the middle east is ripe and ready for a full blown world war 3.......and nuclear warfare is on the table of involved nations let alone the terrorists there are suitcase nuclear bombs missing from the former USSR...and very well possible terrorists have them and chemical weapons in syria too...so just because it has been quiet concerning super powers the past few months don't be fooled it will stay that way very long...the trigger for world war 3 has been pulled and ready to be fired
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel stated the president has asked the Pentagon for options on Syria and that U.S. warships armed with cruise missiles were being repositioned in the Mediterranean.
Doctors Without Borders Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said Saturday that in the three hours following the alleged attack on Wednesday, three hospitals in Damascus that it supports reported approximately 3,600 patients displaying symptoms consistent with exposure to a neurotoxic agent & 355 reportedly died, the humanitarian group said.
We have a range of options available, and we are going to act very deliberately so that we're making decisions consistent with our national interest as well as our assessment of what can advance our objectives in Syria," the White House official, speaking on background, said.
Hagel said the Defense Department "has a responsibility to provide the president with options for contingencies, and that requires positioning our forces, positioning our assets, to be able to carry out different options — whatever options the president might choose."
Obama, who has shown reluctance to intervene in Syria's 2-1/2-year civil war has said that the use of chemical weapons would be a "red line" for the United States.
In June, the White House said it had that killed 100 to 150 Syrians.
Angela Kane, the United Nations disarmament chief, arrived in Damascus on Saturday in hopes of persuading the government to allow a team to examine the site of Wednesday's reported attack in Ghouta district, a suburb of the capital.
Obama, in an interview with CNN aired on Friday, said the attack was "clearly a big event of grave concern", but he cautioned that U.N. investigators should be given time to determine whether chemical weapons were used.
"If the U.S. goes in and attacks another country without a U.N. mandate and without clear evidence that can be presented, then there are questions in terms of whether international law supports it, do we have the coalition to make it work?" the president said in his first public comments since the alleged attack.
Syrian state television has suggested rebels are to blame for the attack this week. It said government soldiers "suffocated" as they tried to enter Jobar, one of the towns in the Ghouta district where chemical weapons are said to have been used.
That suggestion was echoed by Syria's deputy prime minister, Qadri Jamil, who blamed the rebels.
on Friday that he was personally in favor of the U.N. looking into the Ghouta incident.
"Medical staff working in these facilities provided detailed information to MSF doctors regarding large numbers of patients arriving with symptoms including convulsions, excess saliva, pinpoint pupils, blurred vision and respiratory distress," said Dr. Bart Janssens, MSF director of operations, said in a statement.
- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 115480

Climatempo News - Edição das 12h30 - 26/08/2013
Confira as últimas informações sobre as condições do tempo no Brasil com a meteorologista ...
published: 26 Aug 2013
Climatempo News - Edição das 12h30 - 26/08/2013
Confira as últimas informações sobre as condições do tempo no Brasil com a meteorologista Josélia Pegorim.
- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 1176

Best News Bloopers Compilation August 2013
The News Bloopers August 2013 Fail Compilation!
23 Things You Can Still Do as an "Adult": ...
published: 25 Aug 2013
Best News Bloopers Compilation August 2013
The News Bloopers August 2013 Fail Compilation!
23 Things You Can Still Do as an "Adult": http://youtu.be/_6SPW5nQvw4
Join the community. Send in clips you find online at: http://2bucksentertainment.com
My Facebook page for funny images and videos that can't be posted on Youtube:
Check out Fail Compilations: http://www.youtube.com/failarmy
DAFUQ DID I JUST SEE Vol. 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll0fPneX0h8
Original News Bloopers from August 2013:
news bloopers compilation 2013 reporter news anchor fail live tv mishap ultimate live tv fail compilation
news bloopers compilation 2013 reporter news anchor fail live tv mishap ultimate live tv fail compilation
news bloopers compilation 2013 reporter news anchor fail live tv mishap ultimate live tv fail compilation
- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 129266

News In Two Minutes - Syria Warns The US - American Extremists - Saudi Nuclear Aims - Survival News
Department of Def. Defines American Extremists - Syria Warns United States -- Bird Flu Spr...
published: 25 Aug 2013
News In Two Minutes - Syria Warns The US - American Extremists - Saudi Nuclear Aims - Survival News
Department of Def. Defines American Extremists - Syria Warns United States -- Bird Flu Spreads in Nepal -- Saudi Arabia Nuclear Plans - Czech Republic Protests -- QuakeWatch.
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- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 15656

News: Emirates Team New Zealand eyes 'September Showdown' as Luna Rossa bows out
Emirates Team New Zealand and Italy's Luna Rossa Challenge are familiar foes in the Americ...
published: 26 Aug 2013
News: Emirates Team New Zealand eyes 'September Showdown' as Luna Rossa bows out
Emirates Team New Zealand and Italy's Luna Rossa Challenge are familiar foes in the America's Cup arena.
The two teams were finalists in the previous Louis Vuitton Cup in 2007 and also squared off for the 30th America's Cup Match in 2000. Each time the Kiwis came out on top, as they did again today when they won the 30th anniversary Louis Vuitton Cup 7-1.
- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 3968

GTA 5 - What Is Going GOLD!?! - GTA 5 News Revisit.
I explain what going GOLD means to me. An update for those that aren't familiar with the t...
published: 25 Aug 2013
GTA 5 - What Is Going GOLD!?! - GTA 5 News Revisit.
I explain what going GOLD means to me. An update for those that aren't familiar with the term.
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- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 11599

3MIN News August 26, 2013: Starwater, Carbon/Temp Chart, Spaceweather
What is Agenda 21 Counterstrike? - http://www....
published: 26 Aug 2013
3MIN News August 26, 2013: Starwater, Carbon/Temp Chart, Spaceweather
What is Agenda 21 Counterstrike? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQTh9wfFwG4
Donate Memberships for Others: http://tiny.cc/f195ww or https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=DJA3SBBF29BFN
Original music by NEMES1S
http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/shop/ [Get NEMES1S Music!]
Carbon Tracker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbgUE04Y-Xg&context;=C43c7ee4ADvjVQa1PpcFNrUvr58NUnczikjQd5Q9fncKagX4f79_4%3D
Starwater: http://www.astrobio.net/exclusive/5644/revisiting-waters-fate-around-low-mass-stars
How to Watch the Sun: Spaceweather 101 - http://youtu.be/ld5ecZuHECA
Energy from Space 2.0: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15b-jx7FYHs
The REAL Climate Changer: http://youtu.be/_yy3YJBOw_o
Ice Age Soon? http://youtu.be/UuYTcnN7TQk
An Unlikely but Relevant Risk - The Solar Killshot: http://youtu.be/X0KJ_dxp170
NDBC Buoys: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/
Tropical Storms: http://www.wunderground.com/tropical/
HurricaneZone Satellite Images: http://www.hurricanezone.net/westpacific/animations.html
Weather Channel: http://www.weather.com/
NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory: http://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/Default.php
Pressure Maps: http://www.woweather.com/cgi-bin/expertcharts?LANG=us&MENU;=0000000000&CONT;=glob&MODELL;=gfs&MODELLTYP;=1&BASE;=-&VAR;=pslv&HH;=0&ARCHIV;=0&PANEL;=0&ZOOM;=0.=
Satellite Maps: http://www.woweather.com/cgi-app/satellite?LANG=us&CONT;=namk
Forecast Maps: http://www.woweather.com/weather/maps/forecastmaps?LANG=us&CONT;=usus
EL DORADO WORLD WEATHER MAP: http://www.eldoradocountyweather.com/satellite/ssec/world/world-composite-ir-sat.html
TORCON: http://www.weather.com/news/tornado-torcon-index [Tornado Forecast for the day]
HURRICANE TRACKER: http://www.weather.com/weather/hurricanecentral/tracker
Precipitation Totals: http://www.cocorahs.org/ViewData/ListIntensePrecipReports.aspx
GOES Satellites: http://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/goes/
THE WINDMAP: http://hint.fm/wind/
Severe Weather Threats: http://www.weather.com/news/weather-severe/severe-weather-tracker
Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites: http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/satellite/index_e.html
Temperature Delta: http://www.intellicast.com/National/Temperature/Delta.aspx
Records/Extremes: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/extremes/records/
Spaceweather: http://spaceweather.com
SOHO Solar Wind: http://umtof.umd.edu/pm/
HAARP Data Meters: http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/data.html
Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=ceres;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb
SDO: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/
Helioviewer: http://www.helioviewer.org/
SOHO: http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/soho_movie_theater
Stereo: http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/images
SOLARIMG: http://solarimg.org/artis/
iSWA: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/iswa/iSWA.html
NASA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/iSWACygnetStreamer?timestamp=2038-01-23+00%3A44%3A00&window;=-1&cygnetId;=261
NOAA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wsa-enlil/
GOES Xray: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/sxi/goes15/index.html
Gamma Ray Bursts: http://grb.sonoma.edu/
BARTOL Cosmic Rays: http://neutronm.bartol.udel.edu//spaceweather/welcome.html
ISWA: http://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/
NOAA Sunspot Classifications: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/SRS.txt
GONG: http://gong2.nso.edu/dailyimages/
GONG Magnetic Maps: http://gong.nso.edu/data/magmap/ondemand.html
MISC Links:
JAPAN Radiation Map: http://jciv.iidj.net/map/
RADIATION Network: http://radiationnetwork.com/
LISS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplots_gsn.php
QUAKES LIST FULL: http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/seismologist.php
RSOE: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php [That cool alert map I use]
Moon: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/pacalc.html
- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 21250

TV9 News: Actress-Turned Politician Ramya, DK Suresh 'Arrives' New Delhi To Take Oath
TV9 News: Actress-Turned Politician Ramya, DK Suresh 'Arrives' New Delhi To Take Oath..,
published: 27 Aug 2013
TV9 News: Actress-Turned Politician Ramya, DK Suresh 'Arrives' New Delhi To Take Oath
TV9 News: Actress-Turned Politician Ramya, DK Suresh 'Arrives' New Delhi To Take Oath..,
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- published: 27 Aug 2013
- views: 12

August 27 2013 Breaking News Assad rejects chemical weapons allegations warns USA against attack
August 27 2013 Breaking News Assad rejects chemical weapons allegations, warns US against ...
published: 23 Aug 2013
August 27 2013 Breaking News Assad rejects chemical weapons allegations warns USA against attack
August 27 2013 Breaking News Assad rejects chemical weapons allegations, warns US against attack - Last days end times news prophecy update 8-27-13 http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Assad-rejects-chemical-weapons-allegations-says-US-will-fail-if-it-intervenes-in-Syria-324259
August 2013 Doctors without boarders approximately 3,600 of its patients in Damascus showed symptoms of exposure to a neurotoxic agent (Chemical warfare)
Health concerns Air, Water, Food - Fears Grow In Damascus With Reported Chemical Attack read more http://www.npr.org/blogs/parallels/2013/08/24/215166028/health-fears-grow-in-damascus-with-reported-chemical-attack
August 24 2013 Breaking News shameful International disgrace One million children have fled Syria conflict - Last days end times news prophecy update 8-24-13
1,100 Syrians killed in new chemical weapons attacks.- Syrian activists inspect the bodies of people they say were killed by nerve gas in the Ghouta region near Damascus on Wednesday August 21st 2013. (source: Reuters)
CNN - President Barack Obama stating Syria will require America's attention. Essential American interests are at stake as Syria's two-year-old civil war continues to rage, President Barack Obama asserted in an exclusive interview with CNN that aired Friday August 23 2013.
Speaking with "New Day" anchor Chris Cuomo, Obama defended his administration's decision to not intervene militarily in the conflict so far, but predicted that American focus on the country's strife would be necessary for the fighting to come to an end.
"I think it is fair to say that, as difficult as the problem is, this is something that is going to require America's attention and hopefully the entire international community's attention," Obama said.
His remarks came the same week rebels in Syria alleged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons in an attack on rebels. The assault killed more than a thousand people, the rebels claimed.
Obama said the United States, along with United Nations inspectors, were gathering information on the attack, but that preliminary signs point to a "big event of grave concern."
"It is very troublesome," he said. "That starts getting to some core national interests that the United States has, both in terms of us making sure that weapons of mass destruction are not proliferating, as well as needing to protect our allies, our bases in the region."
A year ago, Obama laid out his barometer for greater action in Syria during a White House press conference. He said in August 2012 that "a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized."
"That would change my calculus," Obama said at the time. "That would change my equation."
Earlier this summer, the Obama administration announced it would provide military support to rebel fighters because al-Assad's forces had used chemical weapons. Some members of Congress have called for greater U.S. involvement.
In the CNN interview, Obama countered those calls by pointing both to international law and to the cost of intervening further in the Syrian conflict. He also noted the billions of U.S. dollars still being spent in Afghanistan as the war in that country winds down.
"Sometimes what we've seen is that folks will call for immediate action, jumping into stuff, that does not turn out well, gets us mired in very difficult situations, can result in us being drawn into very expensive, difficult, costly interventions that actually breed more resentment in the region," he said.
Obama: Time Frame For Possible Action On Syria Has Shortened - read more http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/08/23/214747582/obam-time-frame-for-possible-action-on-syria-has-shortened
Watch CNN exclusive interview with President Barack Obama http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/08/23/obama-syria-will-require-americas-attention/
Chemical Weapons Claims Spur Calls For Force Against Syria - read more - http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/08/22/214411237/chemical-weapons-claims-bring-calls-for-force-against-syria
In Familiar Refrain, Syria Faces Criticism, Not Intervention read more - http://www.npr.org/blogs/parallels/2013/08/22/214493192/after-syrian-killings-how-will-u-s-and-its-allies-respond
A Glimpse Of Syria's 1 Million Child Refugees - read more - http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/08/23/214793685/a-glimpse-of-syrias-1-million-child-refugees
- published: 23 Aug 2013
- views: 66297
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4MIN News August 22, 2013: Rogue Planets, Earth-Directed CME
What is the Counterstrike? See at the 1:20 mark of http://youtu.be/5msEffxjpBc
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published: 22 Aug 2013
4MIN News August 22, 2013: Rogue Planets, Earth-Directed CME
What is the Counterstrike? See at the 1:20 mark of http://youtu.be/5msEffxjpBc
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Fermi 5 Years: http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/femri_5_year_2500x1407.jpg?itok=SRwgrtHS
NASA Lunar LADEE Mission: http://www.nasa.gov/content/nasa-goddard-plays-major-role-in-nasa-lunar-mission/#.UhXHAxa7Okg
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An Unlikely but Relevant Risk - The Solar Killshot: http://youtu.be/X0KJ_dxp170
NDBC Buoys: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/
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HurricaneZone Satellite Images: http://www.hurricanezone.net/westpacific/animations.html
Weather Channel: http://www.weather.com/
NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory: http://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/Default.php
Pressure Maps: http://www.woweather.com/cgi-bin/expertcharts?LANG=us&MENU;=0000000000&CONT;=glob&MODELL;=gfs&MODELLTYP;=1&BASE;=-&VAR;=pslv&HH;=0&ARCHIV;=0&PANEL;=0&ZOOM;=0.=
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TORCON: http://www.weather.com/news/tornado-torcon-index [Tornado Forecast for the day]
HURRICANE TRACKER: http://www.weather.com/weather/hurricanecentral/tracker
Precipitation Totals: http://www.cocorahs.org/ViewData/ListIntensePrecipReports.aspx
GOES Satellites: http://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/goes/
THE WINDMAP: http://hint.fm/wind/
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Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites: http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/satellite/index_e.html
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Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=ceres;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb
SDO: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/
Helioviewer: http://www.helioviewer.org/
SOHO: http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/soho_movie_theater
Stereo: http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/images
SOLARIMG: http://solarimg.org/artis/
iSWA: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/iswa/iSWA.html
NASA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/iSWACygnetStreamer?timestamp=2038-01-23+00%3A44%3A00&window;=-1&cygnetId;=261
NOAA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wsa-enlil/
GOES Xray: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/sxi/goes15/index.html
Gamma Ray Bursts: http://grb.sonoma.edu/
BARTOL Cosmic Rays: http://neutronm.bartol.udel.edu//spaceweather/welcome.html
ISWA: http://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/
NOAA Sunspot Classifications: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/SRS.txt
GONG: http://gong2.nso.edu/dailyimages/
GONG Magnetic Maps: http://gong.nso.edu/data/magmap/ondemand.html
MISC Links:
JAPAN Radiation Map: http://jciv.iidj.net/map/
RADIATION Network: http://radiationnetwork.com/
LISS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplots_gsn.php
QUAKES LIST FULL: http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/seismologist.php
RSOE: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php [That cool alert map I use]
Moon: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/pacalc.html
- published: 22 Aug 2013
- views: 301

News X: Sonia Gandhi rushed to hospital
UPA Chief Sonia Gandhi has been rushed to AIIMS Hospital after she was not feeling well Pa...
published: 26 Aug 2013
News X: Sonia Gandhi rushed to hospital
UPA Chief Sonia Gandhi has been rushed to AIIMS Hospital after she was not feeling well Party Vice-President and Nehru-Gandhi scion Rahul Gandhi was there for company along with other ministers. Sources close to NewsX claim that she was not keeping well since last night.
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- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 509

Climatempo News - Edição das 9h30 - 27/08/2013
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published: 27 Aug 2013
Climatempo News - Edição das 9h30 - 27/08/2013
A meteorologista Josélia Pegorim fala das condições para neve nesta terça-feira e das mudanças no tempo provocadas por uma grande e forte frente fria que avança sobre o país. Como frio se espalha sobre o país? O Climatempo News vai ao ar, ao vivo, de segunda à sexta-feira, em três edições: 9h30, 12h30 e 17h30 (até 31 de agosto). Você pode participar pelas redes sociais. Envie suas perguntas: #climatemponews. Atenção! A partir de 2 de setembro, a terceira edição do Climatempo News vai acontecer meia hora mais cedo, às 17 horas.
- published: 27 Aug 2013
- views: 578

Zee News: Mumbai gang-rape victim recounts horror
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published: 24 Aug 2013
Zee News: Mumbai gang-rape victim recounts horror
In a grisly revelation in Mumbai gang-rape case, the victim told the Mumbai police that the men had held a broken beer bottle over the victim's neck and threatened to kill her if she moved.
- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 300