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Khadi Pflanzenhaarfarbe [Schönes Haar - Folge 16]
Indisches HAARWUCHSMITTEL für STÄRKERE HAARE / Khadi Shikakai Pulver
Khadi hair growth vitalising oil review and demo (how I massage my head)
Farbowanie henną bezbarwną Khadi
Special Report - The Journey of Khadi
KHADI'... esperimenti sui Capelli!
Tinta naturale Khadi - facciamola insieme *_*
Rose Hair Repair Shampoo von Khadi [Schönes Haar - Folge 23]
Farbowanie włosów farbą Khadi - Ciemny brąz
Un promosso un bocciato: So Bio e Khadi!
Oleje khadi - do twarzy i włosów oraz jak olejuję moje włosy
Khadi Don Vine Compilation ★ All Vines (HD)
If the glass is half empty, at least you can't drown.
Happiness is a state of mind
Ibu: Maybe you should look at the world as your friend.::Ben Singer: Yeah, as soon as I see fish falling from the sky.
Ibu: Has anyone ever told you that maybe you are a bit too negative Ben?
Ben Singer: [Stares at the Man] Who are you? Are you God?
Ben Singer: Thoughts are things, are you one of those things? Is that why you're in my dreams?::The Man: It's all about expectations: she never told you to back off.::Ben Singer: That's pretty obvious.::The Man: How much of your life is your fault, And how much is the world's. That is your big question. You have no career, you've been fired from your job, your own daughter won't speak to you. Bottom line, you can't even earn a living.::Ben Singer: That's what it's all about for you, isn't it? Money.::The Man: Let's leave money out of the equation, what would you like it to be all about?
Ben Singer: [His car's out of gas] What kind of neighborhood doesn't have a gas station?
Khadi: We are like lion and hippo trying to mate.::Ben Singer: Which one's the hippo?::Khadi: You.
Ben Singer: [Courtroom presentation] I know I'm just a joke to you, and you only decided to hear my case because you're amused. Some crackpot acting as his own attorney accusing the city of depraved indifference. Do you know what the most crowded room is in the Getty Museum? It's the room with Van Gogh's Irises. Why? Because someone bought the painting for 54 million dollars. There's a reverential silence in the Iris room; Mr. and Mrs. Museum Goer might as well be looking at a framed pile of cash. Newspapers publish movie grosses, if a movie grosses over a hundred million dollars, we assume it must be good. There's no God, there's no beauty, if a painting or a CD doesn't sell, throw it out. The 910 Freeway has a very sharp turn as it winds into the valley from the hills. And every year four or five motorists are killed on this spot. And the city conducted a costs and effects study, and concluded that the costs in terms of human life was not equal to the cost of rebuilding the highway. And so this deadly spot on the highway remains and in five years 20 more people will die. Well if this isn't depraved indifference, I don't know what is. Ibu Endai came her from Senegal; he worked a guard in an outlet store in Carson. He's a great chess player, he's my friend. And, uh, he was thrown away. Well, what kind of a world do we live in that his life is worth less than this Nobody's ability to get quickly into a parking space. Or the city impound's need to for revenue so that each one of these amoebas can have a beach house in Miami. Is that really the kind of world we want to live in?
Actors Ted Ferguson (actor), Matthew Broderick (actor), Joan Scheckel (miscellaneous crew), Greg Bernstein (miscellaneous crew), Drew Waters (actor), Laurent Boye-Guérin (miscellaneous crew), Robert Pfeffer (miscellaneous crew), Jodelle Ferland (actress), Philip Baker Hall (actor), Michael K. Williams (actor), David Jensen (actor), Matthew Leutwyler (producer), Sanaa Lathan (actress), Ally Walker (actress), Johnny Rock (actor),
Actors Lars-Erik Berenett (actor), Barbro Hiort af Ornäs (actress), Jean Frédéric Axelsson (composer), Bia Gomes (actress), Leyla Assaf-Tengroth (director), Leyla Assaf-Tengroth (writer), Bo Bjelfvenstam (writer), Mamadou Diallo (actor), Adriano Gomes Ferreira (composer), Mayo Coprante (composer), Maria Mounira Jauad (actress), Djenabu Djallo (actor), Victor Nunes (actor), Lennart Schagerlöv (actor), Christina Larsson (actress),
Wieder einmal habe ich mir die Haare gefärbt, diesmal mit der Pflanzenhaarfarbe von Khadi: → Khadi: → die Pflanzenhaarfarbe Du...
Khadi - the fabric of freedom A film directed by Kanika Myer, it is a tribute to the freedom movement in India and how Khadi was a means of self-enpowerment ...
New video monday-wednesday-friday! Hey everyone! :) Today I'm going to be doing a review and demo on Khadi hair growth vitalising oil. My blog: Twitter: Facebook page: Email id: Instagram: Shreyajain26 Finds: Shreya Jain Subscribe to : Please follow me :) Till next time,take care Love XOXO Shreya
No i jeszcze mam prośbę :) A mianowicie byłabym wdzięczna za rejestrację! Hennę możecie kupić tu:
Khadi - a hand spun cloth which became a symbol of India's defiance against the British empire. The word Khadi brings up the image of the Mahatma with his "c...
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Ciao a tutte ragazze oggi faremo insieme la tinta naturale della Khadi e vedremo insieme qual sarà il risultato finale, spero tanto che questo video possa esservi utile :D Seguimi su: FACEBOOK BLOG GOOGLE+ INSTAGRAM TWITTER If you are a make-up company and you'd like me to try out your products for a make-up tutorial or a video review please message me at:
Ein wunderbares Shampoo für Feuchtigkeit und Glanz mit milden Tensiden - ohne Sulfate, ohne Alkohol und ohne Silikone → gesunde Inhaltsstoffe [0:45] → meine persönliche Meinung [3:31] → Spülung ist unnötig dank dem sauren pH-Wert [5:49] → für einen fettigen Ansatz und trockene Spitzen [6:49] → Fazit [7:21] Wissenswertes zu Coco-Glucoside: Inhaltsstoffe unter nachlesen: Das Shampoo auf der Seite von Khadi bestellen: Das Shampoo auf Amazon bestellen:;=1371557745&sr;=8-1&keywords;=Rose+Hair+Repair+Shampoo Mein... Blog: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Eyeem: Etap farbowania włosów naturalną henną Khadi w odcieniu ciemnego brązu. Na materiale video widzimy proces oraz ef...
Recensione di 2 prodotti Sio e 2 prodotti Khadi: -Khadi Olio anticellulite alle 10 erbe -Khadi Shampoo Amla -So bio maschera per capelli -So bio lozione micellare alla calendula Video haul di questi prodotti Video recensione mascara audaciex Dai uno sguardo al mio blog per altre recensioni La mia pagina Facebook Il mio account Twitter Google+ Playlist recensioni bio Playlist recensioni non bio Playlist tutorial e prodotti per capelli e-mail:
Hej wszystkim! :) Olej anti aging to ten: Olej do włosów to ten: http://www.he...
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Es war wieder so weit und mein erster Versuch mit der Pflanzenhaarfarbe von Khadi in Dunkelbraun habe ich hinter mir. Das Mischungsverhältnis habe ich mir leider nicht aufgeschrieben und habe die Farben nach dem Augenmaß vermischt. Heraus kam eine recht dunkle Farbe, die nur leichtrotstichig ist. Bitte mischt das Pulver entsprechend der Beschreibung an. Haare färben mit Pflanzenhaarfarbe Haare färben mit Pflanzenhaarfarbe mit Hellbraun KHADI PFLANZENHAARFARBE HELLBRAUN KHADI PFLANZENHAARFARBE DUNKELBRAUN Filialfinder (erstes Video) Ich auf Facebook, vielleicht I Like? Zwitscher mit mir :)!/coconut21037 instagram coconut210379
↓↓ Więcej Informacji ↓↓ naturalna henna KHADI z Amlą i Jatrophą - przygotowanie, nakładanie na włosy, farbowanie, efekt po Witajcie kochani! W tym filmiku pokażę Wam jak przygotować hennę Khadi z Amlą i Jatrophą, jak nałożyć ją na włosy oraz jak zmienia się kolor dzień po dniu :) + moja opinia Nie wstawiałam zdjęć przed i po, ponieważ nakładam hennę regularnie od ponad dwóch lat i nie ma żadnych spektakularnych zmian w kolorze, bo ona praktycznie się nie zmywa z włosów :) Jeśli lubisz mój kanał na YouTube zapraszam również na bloga: Zapraszam do obejrzenia innych moich filmików: Muzyka: Broke For Free - Only Knows Informacja: Filmik jest niesponsorowany - wszystkie produkty, które pokazuję w tym filmiku zostały zakupione i opłacone przeze mnie. Aparat/Kamera: Canon EOS 500D Obiektyw: Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 Słowa kluczowe: julia,Khādī,Jatropha,amla,khadi,henna,naturalna,naturalne farbowanie,farbowanie włosów,odżywianie,odżywka,olejowanie,szampon,jaki,jak,henna z Amlą i Jatrophą,hennowanie,włosów,najlepsza,henna do włosów,złoty odcień,rudy odcień,rudy brąz,brąz,jasny brąz,naturalna henna,henna jasny brąz,z amlą i jatrophą,rude włosy,burgundowe włosy,ciemna czerwień
Ciao! Applicazione della polvere tintoria della marca Khadi ,quetsa è color nocciola/castano e vediamo come è la resa anhe su capelli bianchi. il mio blog:
Bonjour à tous voici une Revue soin Ayurvédiques cheveux (Khadi, Poudres ayurvédiques...) soyez attentives ces produits font des miracles pour les cheveux !...
Singer : Ramji Khand and Purnakala BC Music : Lalit KC/Nishan DC Lyrics : Lalit KC/Nishan DC Rights for this video for YouTube Platform is with Music Nepal; provided by Ashish Music
Dance Song from super hit movie Dil (1990), a love story starring Aamir Khan, Madhuri Dixit, Anupam Kher, Saeed Jaffery, Johnny Leaver. Director: Indra Kumar...
••• Daj kciuka w górę jeśli Ci się podobało i subskrybuj mój kanał jeśli chcesz być na bieżąco ••• Mój fanpage: Napisz do mnie: Link do olejku, o którym mówię: Dziękuje za oglądanie i do następnego ! Buziaki ;*
Movie: Guddi Music Director: Vasant Desai Singers: Lata Mangeshkar Director: Hrishikesh Mukherjee Enjoy this super hit song from the 1971 movie Guddi starrin...
A State-level exhibition of khadi and village industries products will be held ... Relevance of khadi.
The Hindu 2015-03-29Summer calls for cool clothing ... Seersucker: ... Linen: ... Khadi: If the West has linen, India offers its own variation, Khadi ... Madras:
The Times of India 2015-03-28a selection of fine silks vegetable dyed and hand-painted contrasted with our anchor handlooms ...
The Times of India 2015-03-28The de signer duo worked with found fabrics - from khadi to cotton to silk, and also scrap, but the ...
The Times of India 2015-03-28He murdered Mahalingappa, a watchman at a guesthouse belonging to Khadi Bhandar, as he was against ...
Deccan Herald 2015-03-28... indigo, khadi and cottons, and took inspiration from their friends who also modelled for them.
The Times of India 2015-03-28Farmers will take vegetables, fruits, cereals, khadi clothes, home-made juice, honey, chutney ...
The Times of India 2015-03-28The deceased, Mahalinga was working as watchman-cum-gardener for a Khadi Bhandar Guest House in RMV Extension.
The Hindu 2015-03-27The designer duo worked with found fabrics - from khadi to cotton to silk, and also scrap, but the ...
The Times of India 2015-03-27(Source: Macquarie Group Limited ). Sydney, 27 Mar 2015 ... S. PERSONS. Macquarie Group Limited (ASX: MQG; ADR: ... Contact. Karen Khadi.
noodls 2015-03-27The fabric is midway between thick khadi and fine linen — Microspin claims to use biodegradable ...
The Hindu 2015-03-27... saris in khadi -- from pure khadi to silk khadi -- which will be a great comfort wear for women.
The Times of India 2015-03-26Ramnik Sharma, owner of a khadi shop at Maurya Lok, said, "There was no customer at my shop till 4pm ...
The Times of India 2015-03-26The term khādī or khaddar (Devanagari: खद्दर, Nastaliq: کھدّر) means cotton. khādī is Indian handspun and hand-woven cloth. The raw materials may be cotton, silk, or wool, which are spun into threads on a spinning wheel called a charkha. It is a versatile fabric, cool in the summer and warm in the winter. However, being a cruder form of material, it wrinkles much faster than other preparations of cotton. In order to improve the look, khādī is often starched to have a stiffer shape. It is widely accepted in fashion circles.
Khadi is not just a cloth, it is a whole movement started by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.[citation needed] The Khadi movement aimed at boycotting foreign goods and promoting Indian goods, thereby improving India's economy. Mahatma Gandhi began promoting the spinning of khādī for rural self-employment and self-reliance (instead of using cloth manufactured industrially in Britain) in 1920s India thus making khadi an integral part and icon of the Swadeshi movement. The freedom struggle revolved around the use of khādī fabrics and the dumping of foreign-made clothes. When some people complained about the costliness of khadi to Mahatma Gandhi, he started wearing only dhoti. Thus it symbolized the political ideas and independence itself, and to this day most politicians in India are seen only in khādī clothing.[citation needed] The flag of India is only allowed to be made from this material, although in practice many flag manufacturers, especially those outside of India, ignore this rule.[citation needed]
Aamir Hussain Khan (pronounced [ˈaːmɪr ˈxaːn]) (born 14 March 1965) is an Indian film actor, director and producer who has established himself as one of the leading actors of Hindi cinema.
Starting his career as a child actor in his uncle Nasir Hussain's film Yaadon Ki Baaraat (1973), Khan began his professional career eleven years later with Holi (1984) and had his first commercial success with Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak (1988). He received his first National Film Award as a Special Jury Award for his roles in the films Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak (1988) and Raakh (1989). After eight previous nominations during the 1980s and 1990s, Khan received his first Filmfare Award for Best Actor for his performance in the major grosser Raja Hindustani (1996) and later earned his second Best Actor award for his performance in the Academy Award-nominated Lagaan, which also marked the debut of his own production company.
Following a four-year break from acting, Khan made his comeback playing the title role in the historical Mangal Pandey: The Rising (2005), and later won a Filmfare Critics Award for Best Actor for his role in Rang De Basanti (2006). The following year, he made his directorial debut with Taare Zameen Par, for which he received a Filmfare Award for Best Director. This was followed by Ghajini (2008), which became the highest grossing film of that year, and 3 Idiots (2009), which became the highest-grossing Bollywood film of all-time, unadjusted for inflation. The Government of India honoured him with the Padma Shri in 2003 and the Padma Bhushan in 2010 for his contributions towards the arts.
I can taste the wreckage
Of dismembered dreams
Ghostly disciple, nothing as it seems
I will follow you until this dark cloud recedes
Pain of another, heal this I plead
My heart still bleeds for you
Take the long way home
My heart still bleeds for you
Solemn times stain us like
The blood of all that's unknown
This cursed you the worst
Give me your love
Solemn times stain us like
Your hate sustains me
Such suffering comforts me
Your failures take me elsewhere
Your choices set me free
I know you watch me
I know your every move
This game is over
There is nothing left to prove
This is the end of Eden
This is my last goodbye
I've laid to rest the demons
Still, I'd love to watch you die
There is nothing left to cry for
My blessing is your curse
I've had enough of torture
I hope you feel it worse
I know you watch me
I know you every move
This game is over
There is nothing left to prove
There are no enemies left
Such things are born from grief
I grow stronger with every glance
I feel helpless waiting.
Could this all be the end?
It's all coming down all at once.
Am I losing you?
No Way Out!
Until this all crashes down, I'll hold on.
you're going to make this work
Into the darkness...not knowing at all....
you're going to make this work
Are you out there waiting, wondering about me?
Never felt so alone as I do now.
No way out!
Until this all crashes down, I'll hold on.
you're going to make this work
Into the darkness...Not knowing at all
I'm just trying to make this work
Until this all crashes down, I'll hold on.
Into the darkness...Not knowing at all
The path through life!
Unseen and unheard!
Of babies' breath or less!
Blind to the truth!
Like sheep led to slaughter!
A rose will bring an end to this!
Let them fall behind, let them see
Vanishing the light
Destroy the weak!
Learn to think before you speak!
Ready, aim...riot
Ready, aim...riot
Enslaved like beasts!
By unseen hands!
Your kind will cease to thrive!
To burn like brush!
The flames arise!
Until nothing's left alive!
Let them fall behind, let them see
Vanishing the light
Destroy the weak!
Learn to think before you speak!
Ready, aim...riot
Ready, aim...riot
Destroy the weak!
Learn to think before you speak!
Let's raise the bar!
Rid us of the ones who are!
Destroy the weak!
Learn to think before you speak!
Let's raise the bar!
Rid us of the ones who are!
Ready, aim...riot
Ready, aim...riot
Ready, aim...riot
The bitter feelings! The twisted lies!
Accusations swarm like flies!
Unsheathe the knife, the choice gives rise!
Betrayal's where my heart collides!
It's time! To rise!
Against the lies!
The selfish learnings!
Clever disguise!
Can't see past your own demise!
It's yourself that you despise!
There's no one left to hear your cries!
You mean nothing to me
Never have and never will
I forgive and forget you
It's time...for you to do the same!
Delusions plague you!
Green to the core!
It's a desperate grab for more!
You bit the hand that fed, what for!?
A sad attempt to settle a score!
It's time! To rise!
Against the lies!
A selfish witch hunt!
Turned on its side!
How does it feel to burn alive!?
Secure the post, the flames arise!
Ignited thatch reflects in my eyes!
(Hey, hey) It's time!
(Hey, hey) To rise!
(Hey, hey) Against! The lies!
Trusted you
With my life
Shattered dreams
Broken glass
I hope there is closure
Down your path
For I have yet to find
The means to forgive
So what if you were all I had?
Is it over?
Wasting away
And forget to see
Go choose your way
Leaving everything
You walked away from this
Did it make it easier on you?
So what now?
Life must go on still haunted
You know how hard to face the day
I hope it is good for you
I tried, oh how I tried, but it’s broken
I feel trapped and it's all
In my dirty hands
These walls are closing in
You always were so hard
To please
You thought you had me on
My knees
I think I'm going under
Red flags for all of this
You're cold and calculating
A knife held to my lips
And this anticipating
Blade bleeding for a kiss
This is the day, and you wait
Is this fate, laying waste
And you'll stay here forever
Stay here forever
And all that's left are scars
And lies
Whispering while beauty dies
I claw my neck for answers
As last life slips away
What does he tell me this time?
We're just whores on a fucking assembly line.
Believe me I was there.
Take what I want and get the fuck out of here.lets raise the wall,
somebody,to raise the wall. Suck me.
Jonnys been a very bad boy
Jonnys been a very bad boy....
This door is so high.
My life is oblivious to you and the sun hurts my eyes,
but remember you were not going to raise the wall. stop me ,
to raise the wall. (ooh) and you look at me, see through me,
I am nothing to you, you look at me, see through me,
I am nothing to you, what does it want to be?
you know you love me. you want to ruin me, I take this end.
Destroy this in me but if you want someone...
So, Im Nothing.
You Took Something From Me, Now You've Dissapeared.
You're Right Where I Want You.
You Said You Wanted It, Alright.
No! Its Not Alright
Now I'm Something, And Your Head Is In My Closet.
Dead Forever, They'll Never Search It...
Out Of Sight No! Its Not Alright
I'm Cold, So Cold, Ohh, Ohh
If i Find It
Now the party's over
The last stone is cast
Your days of destruction
Will surely be you last
Just swallow this pill
You'll suffer unto me now!
One foot into the grave
(Die! Die) My darlin'
I wanna see you fall tonight
(Die! Die) My darlin'
I wanna see you fall...
Now it's curtains for you
You've done wrong
You're so vain, I think you'd take
Credit for this song
The blue pill or the red one?
You'll cut yourself down one day!
One foot into the grave
Come closer! Still closer!
I want to see your eyes dim!
Come closer! Still closer!
I want to see your eyes dim!
[Chorus (2x)]
I want to see you fall
And what of passion!?
And what of shame!?
We have suffered both the same!
And what of regret!?
And what of hate!?
The price we pay is all too great!
Callous are your thoughtless ways!
I hope and pray for better days!
Disguised behind the lies
Do you not realize?
This is heartless
This is heartless
Disguised behind the lies
Do you not realize?
This is heartless
This is cut throat!
And what of forgiveness!?
And what of blame!?
Does your venom spew my name!?
And what of resentment!?
So what if I'm damned!?
Vicious actions deserve reprimand!
Callous are your thoughtless ways!
I hope and pray for better days!
Callous are your thoughtless ways!
I hope and pray for better days!
Blood spilled
Head filled
Play dead...
Consider yourself now, my friend Enemy number one
You are bound and gagged, sacred circle broken trust
Now the plague has been cast in your town, acid tongue venom word
Why bother to lie?
Leave the lamp behind.
Your mouth full of (lead and lies)
Don’t walk in to fire
You might find that you'll get burned
What a find dirty face
Guilt at last, is this a lesson that’s learned?
Can you hear your own blood in your veins, calling out your demise?
Silence a word to the wise...
Your mouth full of (lead and lies)
I can’t hear you scream
I Look At her In That Paper Dress.
I Wonder Why She Won't Burn.
She's Just A Paper Doll,
Thats All, Just A Paper Doll.
I Dress Her Up She Knocks Me down
They Try Her On For Size she Fits, Nice.
One Size Fits All
Now Her Soul Is Dead, Now Her Bodies Raw,
You Can Numb Her Pain
Watch The Blood Run Down Her Face.
But Dont Take Notice.
Watch The Blood Run Down Her Arms.
Please Don't Take Notice.
I Know You Have Her Soul.
(and) I See It In Your Eyes.
She Knows You Have Her Soul.
(and) She Sees It In Your Eyes.
Now Her Soul Is Dead, Now Her Bodies Raw,
She Wants You To Eat Her Pain.
A glance over your own shoulder
A vow that today will stand out Caged in a routine
Intent unknown
The element Of surprise
Impact undetermined but vast
Mark me...
Brandishing a cold loaded smile Simplicity,
subtlety, discordance fate and allegory
Indeed I will condescend
Exhausting every trace to give you,
What you asked for
Everything you demanded you bleed right from me
At last, I will be free
And the phoenix rises
Invasion of my last hope
For once just know your place
We are only human
Everything you demanded you bleed right from me
So weak you cannot see
A reign of terror on us
The persecution begins
Hold tight the circle
Working woe at ever chance
This is the end of innocence
Just one against the crowd
One torch to light the way there
One torch to burn it down
Through fire and trial
Confess your sins
The lady burns
And no one wins T
he lady is for burning now
Hold her down
Against her will, against her word
Hold her down
And hope no more
Hold her down
Bring back the heads of sinners
Such witches don't wear crowns
A spectre hides among us
Converge and watch them drown
Through fire and trial
Confess your sins
The lady burns
spit i think i'll spit
For all those girls, who speak contradiction
The guy who crept through the shadows everyday
to clutch his own conclusion
Watch all the blood, as it drips from your veins you coward Godspeed,
may your death come quickly
i think i'll take this hate and , SPIT, SPIT, SPIT
Now as it's passed onto the next one I feel a bloodrush come right over me
You know you will never be right in the eyes of the ones who know
You trusted the devil and she will betray you
Why do i get shit all the time from you men
You are swine
You think dick is the answer
In this darkness
Troubled waters
Lies a flicker
Of hopes fire
Come to your senses
Wager a risk
I won’t let go
Waiting for this
It’s wonderful
I watch as
This golden bird flies free
In this ash-vault
A rose garden
These walls will never
See me just to
Save me
Save me
Save me
You fell to the ground like rain
On deaf ears your cries met hands And knees were blistered
Shouting from the tallest tree
You declared wrong
But they never listen
There’s safety in numbers
This cold-hearted world!
The Coldest Winter...
You don’t see me like I know you
Hiding behind glass
So sickened by grief
You can’t let them win
They’ll have you
Playing life makes death so good
This cold-hearted world!
The Coldest Winter...
i feel helpless, stare in disbelief
how can you sleep at night?
hold her with just one look,
just one foot she's innocent
put your hands around my neck
stripping me of all my dignity
vendetta black against her
your bloody mouth against her
raped of everything she owned
it's so lonely at the bottom
putting pieces of a puzzle
back together we've forgotten
hold your daughters down
throw your daughters down
seeing beauty turn to waste
let your ego
be the death of me
hand held tight behind my back
stealing all that's precious to me
would you do this to your own?
breathing, lying to my face
i can see you're still the same
kill before and kill again
Hell above
Your star is below
There's no comprehension
There's no voice of reason here
Fairy tales dividing
Broken wings unfold
Before you
Take a look at what you've become
Hell above
Your star is below
All I see
Covered in dirt
Hell above
Your star is below
All hope dies
Burning Bridges
I'll take the truth before trust
When the world comes crashing down
Embrace the pain
In a world of lies
I'll take the truth before trust
Flight betrayed you
Clipped your own
Take a look at what you've become
You, You aren't really here with me
You never were
Sweep the dust from our eyes once again
Watch the sunset of our hearts for one last time
At sunrise I'll be gone
Another pistol loaded
This time it's mine
Breathe Just for one more day and you'll come back to me
You're so cold
I, I still wonder whether you'll come back to be
Just hold on Sleep,
Sleep now love, the sun extinguishes itself
I will never look back, look for something else
Deliver me with your sweet song and take me home
Take me home again
Another pistol loaded
This time it's mine
My heart just bleeds devotion
Give me a sign
Breathe and you'll come back to me
Say what you will
I will walk past that plate
of glass
Your time has passed
Don't ever say it's my time
Burning hatred will light my way
A choice not an echo
And as your world comes down,
I will be there
You look so pretty, digging
Your grave
You look so pretty what's
Left to save?
Say what you will
Eyes to the skies
Not Feeling, Not Nothing.
Good Intentions But Jealousy Takes Over All.
Excuses, Abuses.
This Time I. Know Its Not Over so Why
Take All My Pride And I Shove It Back Down Inside.
This Time harassment's gone to far.
He Wanted More. Wanted a Silenced Whore.
You Were My Life. Kill Me Now And Burn My Soul.
What Is It Me? You Can't Go Out At Night.
Answer Me. Tell Me About Your Others, I've Started To Like That
Answer Me. What About All Those Times
You Looked Me In The Eyes And Said You Lied.
You Know Its Over, Its Over.
What do you see in Me? I Can't Go Out At Night.
Answer Me. Tell Me About Your
Others,would You Like That. Answer Me. What About All Those Times
You Looked Me In The Eyes And Said You Lied.
You Know Its Over, Its Over. What do you see in me? I Can't
Go Out At Night. Answer Me.
Tell Me About Your Other Stories Like that. Answer Me.
What About All Those Times You Looked Me
In The Eyes And Said You Lied.
You Know Its Over, Its Over. I'm through...
I want to hate this
I cannot lie
Candy suicide
I think that I might die
Endless torture played out!
Time and time again!
Wipe the blood and tears!
I must let this in!
This is the sweetest kiss of death
It's now or never, do or die
This is the sweetest kiss of death
It's now or never, do or die
The sweetest ending
Without a name
Every corner's dark
And every day's the same
Crucify the wicked!
Time distorted past!
This time it's shoot to kill!
Let this be the last...
(The sweetest kiss of death...)
(It's do or die...)
(Do or die...)
The plague of all ages!
Contagious to touch!
A blister on my heart!
The hunger is endless!
The beast is upon us!
It's love that ends the world!
The smell of blood!
The taste of fear!
The lust for something more!
Endless darkness!
My plague!
Endless darkness!
My plague!
The fever has broken!
The changes are coming!
From beast to burden and back!
Desire and pain!
The hurt is the same!
The beast, she beckons for more!
The thrill of the hunt!
The wounded burden!
The first to fall as prey!
I can feel it
Now...I can feel it
Ohhh, and so it begins!
The world is ending!
And all it takes is once!
The wrath of the scourge!
Disease of compassion!
Will undo all our kind!
A hollow-tipped pill!
The only cure!
The beast inside the whore!
There is an art, to falling apart
Just follow steps 1 through 10 and you're done
When you don't know yourself, anymore
It's time to get out of here
Just take my hand there is nothing to fear
Another day is wasted again
And everything that could have been
A burden I still bear
Even though you're gone
I'm still holding onto everything that could have been
Even though you're gone I'm still holding onto everything that could have been
Mistakes, I've made a few
Look at the mess that I've made and you'll see
That things don't always go as planned
Mistrust, the source of this pain
You say you're angry, there's no one to blame but you and the choices you've made
I wounder what could have been
Is this the end?
I wonder what could have been
In between life and death
I need a place where I can rest
Not black nor white
I've tried my best
Always gray is where I hide
I never want to choose a side
Not dark nor light
Always unsatisfied
I've fallen down again
I've fallen down again
In the midst of pain and pride
In solemn center I confide
The rising tide
Swallows the light (swallows the light!)
I've fallen down again
I've fallen down again
I've fallen down again
I've fallen down again
I've fallen down again
I've fallen down again
I've fallen down again...
An act of desperation
When will this ever end?
My sorrow turns to hatred
'll get my sweet revenge
Lies, deception
I've never been so strong
Lies, deception
You've never been so wrong
Never again will I let this
Never Again
You'll beg for mercy now
Never again will I let this destroy my plans
You'll beg for mercy
I'm bitter to the core now
I've seen those kindoms fall
All trust has crumbled slowly
I'll build up higher walls
Lies, deception
I've never been so strong
Lies, deception
I feel your pain
Almost lost it all
You are all the same
The wounded bleed to death
Tarnish my name
You deserve nothing at all...
You knew that life was a game...
You deserve nothing at all...
You must endure your own PAIN!
Life in the dark without a light
Hollow empty
Let’s get it right
You deserve nothing at all...
You knew that life was a game...
You deserve nothing at all...
Red dress serpent...
Just stop it..
Just stop it...
Red dress serpent and you’ll stay here!
You deserve nothing at all...
You knew that life was a game...
You deserve nothing at all...
Summer dies
Winter takes its place
It chills inside
A cold sedated slumber
I have cried
For this thankless life
These tears turn ice I
have been forsaken
Through the lies I can see the truth
When all warmth dies
Cold becomes familiar
I have waited for this day
Winter's warning comes
Another summer dies but she'll be back again
To save me from this endless night
I have cried enough
Another summer dies but there'll be light again
To save me from this endless
Save me from
Down this path
Out of existence
Its winter's wrath
That I fear the most
Shades of green
Through the ice and snow
Let me know I have been forgiven
I have waited for this day
Summer dies
Winter takes its place
It chills inside
You. Take me.. Down. But You're Too...
Strong... I Don't.. Wanna Try.
Dog... Is You. Rude, Vulgar, Obsessive, Not True.
Once In Your Life You woudnt be so sure.
HUMILIATION. What The Fuck!?
Our Father, Who Art In Heaven.
Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom Come, I Will Be Done.
On Earth As It Is In Heaven.
Vindiction bleeds you
From every pore
Until hope runs out
Until my feet leave the
The first trance of
That too familiar feeling
Smiles and daggers
Hearts are bleeding
Don't say no
I'll soon know
Convictions see you through
Are you all you know?
Your faded costume is
Wearing thin
Was there no comfort in
Your own skin?
You always were slow
Learner inside your ugly
Living lies
Tell yourself that
Next time you cry
Don't go
Don't go
Don't go
Run run run run run run run run Run, YEAH!
You better make your face up in Your favourite disguise
With your button down lips and your Roller blind eyes
With your empty smile
And your hungry heart
Feel the bile rising from your guilty past
With your nerves in tatters when the cockleshell shatters
And the hammers batter down the door
You'd better run!
Run run run run run run run run
Run, YEAH!
You better run all day and run all night
And keep your dirty feelings deep inside
And if you're taking your Girlfriend out tonight
You'd better park the car well out of sight
Cause if they catch you in the back seat trying to pick her locks
They're gonna send you back to mother in a cardboard box
You better run!
Run run run run run run run run
It crawls along the floor subdued
Nothing amounts to
Nothing realizing
Nothing afraid of
Nothing act upon
Nothing stopping at
Nothing consider
Nothing consequence
Comes Back
Like Wolves!
Hydra dead times six cowering
Nothing amounts to
Nothing realizing
Nothing afraid of
Nothing act upon
Nothing stopping at
Nothing consider
Nothing consequence
Comes Back
Like Wolves!
Free From The Sun. In The Dark I Am None.
Though My Heart Sinks Like That One, I Am Done.
Respect Nothing! Not This Love.
Falling Further in This Motherfucking Hole!
Believe Me, Believe Me, Believe Me When I Say you suck.
You Disgust Me When You bring Me Down.
But though My Heart Says I Will Die Without You.
You Respect Nothing! Not This Love.
Falling Further In This Motherfucking Hole!
Believe Me When I Say You Suck. oh fuck!
Believe Me, Believe Me, Please Believe Me,
When I Say, When I Say, When I Say, When I... Say
FUCK YOU. Like I Said
And this love will be the death of me
Blank eyes see no end
Pulse is weak
Your skin is turning blue
I can't let go of you
Hope is gone T
he light is dim again
I'm praying for a sign
Fragile hearts
A face so porcelain
This blow surely break you
I am at the end of all of life's decisions
It's not too late
Can you, will you please be there for when it all comes down?
In slow motion
I'll hold on to this empty shell
It's everything I have
Lower me into the ground before all of these crumbles onto me
And I will hold you
And I will hold you down
Alive to see your death
You'll never make a sound
And I will hold you
And I will hold you down
You'll be forever
Look at you now
Eyes wide open
Truth begged to be told
I walk around in circles to revisit Where I’ve always been
You spoke of where your heart was
I thought
I knew you well
Ties that bind you have been severed
Look at you now
Eyes wide open
Truth begged to be told
I want to make you feel this
Trusting arms let me fall once again
I stood close to an enemy and Closer to a friend
Ties that bind you have been severed.
Look at you now
Eyes wide open
My sweet obsession
My greatest masterpiece
When I undress you
Everything falls in place
I will control you
This flower of flesh and blood
True crimson blooming
I'll tear the petals off of you
Flower of flesh
My love will die for it
Boundless and red
My love lies motionless
My own creation
My one and only slave
Into the darkness
The hate of hell is boundless
This blade consoles you
True beauty staining through
This love destroys you
Life is cold when you're wounded
Nothing stings so deep
I'm in love with this weakness
It's becoming me
I'm not here
In this moment
Will this last forever?
Oh my sweet Lies,
Be the death of me
There are things
Left unspoken
Built on broken dreams
I would end my life for this
Everytime I speak
Wipe away all these tears
Living every day in fear
Finding nothing but empty
Wide awake and dreaming
Is this what it seems?
Close my eyes forever
I'll wake up
Desperation strips me
These last days have not been free
Stealing every breath from me
Whispering defeat
And I see it in your eyes
Long gone
And i feel it in your heart
Long gone
And I see it in your eyes
The Knife Is On The Table.
I Put Myself To Sleep.
All I Know Is All I Know.
Remember What You Sow Is What Reap!
Why Can't I Fucking Believe You?
This is too much for me.
A Little Sheltered Girl Is What I'll Always Be.
So Loving And Considerate.
Too Scared Of What I'll Be.
I Look Into The Mirror, The Whore Is All I See.
Like You. Like Me.
Diminished, Self important, i'll never see.
Like You. Like Me.
I Never Want To Be Like Me.
Do You Think I'm A Whore?
I'm A Whore
Why can't I Fucking Believe You?
This is Your Words For Me.
A Little Sheltered Girl Is What I'll Always Fucking Be.
So Loving And Considerate.
Too Scared Of What I'll Be.
I Look Into The Mirror, The Whore Is All I See.
Like You. Like Me.
I'll Never Cheat. I'm stubborn you see.
Like you. Want Me. Know Me. For Eternity.
I'm A Whore
A chance to dream
Something clearly calling out but left unspoken
To end it all
Another heaven tumbles down
A fire awoken
This curse is endless
Like a vacant in your eyes
I've lost the will to live again
It's something that I share
This car crash
Moves in slow motion
And I can't help but stare
To fan the flames
The embers quickly burning out are overtaken
To seal you fate
The only thing I've ever known has left me broken
This curse is endless
Like the vacant in your eyes
They see me moving
Targets once again
Wounded, disarmed
Fear my only friend
These tales of heartache
Lessons by the mile
I'd lay to rest my being
Solumn death march took in stride
That was my elegy
Open casket full of lies
The last rites have been spoken
It's time to die, then rise
Out of the flames
Unearth the change
Nothing can stay the same
Out of the flames
We'll rise again
Dying is not the end
Sweet revenge for
Attempts to bury me
Suffering will serve you right
Deliverance from
This cry for amnesty
I will stand and take what's mine
All mine
The last rites have been spoken
Hopelessly in love with death!
The beast, she breathes her lonely breath!
To cast away the last of love!
Until there's only heartache!
From love to lust! From death to dust!
The things we feel we cannot trust!
The emptiness consumes my blood!
Until this love's a burden!
I know, I know
The truth that hides inside
I know, I know
The truth becomes the lie
I know! I know!
What it's like to burn alive!
Full is never burdened as empty as!
Rotting conscience left behind!
And they will bow! Down before me!
Pledge allegiance on one knee!
That there is nothing found, only hatred!
Fuck the world, it's just you and me!
Is it the truth!?
Or is it a fucking lie!?
Wings spread, poised
Faintly convulsing the sky
How will I know?
Bask now in this graying
Search for that word
Something likened goodbye
How will I know
That they will cry?
We were blessed
(in this lifetime)
Laid to rest
(all we live for)
We were blessed
Voices ring on
Autumn is always at hand
Angel corpses
Hollow and stolen so fast
I heard your voice
And it spoke softly to me
We have this time
And then we're free
Take me under
Watching me fall
Into the flames
Of a broken soul tonight
No stone overturned
This graveyard of mine
Allows me no peace
Sleep as day dies
Sleepwalk with the dead
Wander aimlessly through the night
Love and regret
Course through my veins
As I slowly fade away
Please let me sleep
Just one last night
Before I must wake
And I walk with these ghosts
And I walk with these ghosts
And I walk with these ghosts...
Sleep as night falls
Sleepwalk with the dead
Hope keeps me alive
And so we're here again
I try to speak
Beg forgiveness
This fall from grave is in my hands
I'll stay away
You're so forgiving
I'm so wrong
Stinging tears
Burn resentment
All I have
Is in your possession
And my heart does not
Bleed for anyone but my own
Straight faced
In your embrace
Gripped around my heart
Innocent I plead my case
I'm never going back
Please don't unwind
This tether twined
Around your heart
This tether breaks
Finish what you start
I know that it's not too late
To save us from ourselves
Remember when your smile
Made everything worthwhile
You're growing cold The end is near
I know it's sad Its true my dear
What's one more blow to seal this fate
And what's one more nail
It's getting late
So check our pulse
Keep our hearts from breaking
Beating still six feet deep
A funeral for all the love we've lost
We'll bury yesterday
Things I've never said before
Always six feet deep
Buried alive I soon grow weak
One last embrace
Then never speak
Death warrant signed
Lying in state
This coffin is lined
It's never too late to check our pulse