- published: 20 Jan 2017
- views: 1528
M&J is the debut album of popular French singer and model Vanessa Paradis. It was released in 1988 and featured the hit single "Joe le Taxi".
The album's lead single was the enormously popular song "Joe le taxi", which made Paradis an overnight sensation. The song became a major hit not only in France, where it charted at number 1, but also in the UK, Sweden, Norway and other countries.
The album's more acclaimed single, however, was the affecting tribute to Marilyn Monroe entitled "Marilyn & John". The song, including its English language version, was considered far superior to "Joe le Taxi", and Vanessa performed this song at virtually every awards ceremony during the 1987-1989 season. An obscure Spanish version of the track also appeared and charted.
M&J is considered as one of the most successful French language debut albums in recording history. At the time of its release, Vanessa was only 15 years old, and had no creative control over the record. As a result, the album featured several childish and banal tracks that had little or no lyrical merit. Prime amongst these were "Mosquito" and "Chat Ananas", a song about a cat named Ananas (Pineapple). Vanessa often ridiculed her own work at this stage, and refuses to perform many songs from this CD (also refer to the track list of her Au Zenith album). English-language versions of many songs from the album were also recorded, including "Coupe Coupe" and "Maxou"; an English version of "Marilyn & John" appears at the end of the album.
MJ may refer to:
teledysk M&J;
M&J; - Batxilergoa Zumaia 2017
M&J; - Korrika 2017
M&J; - Euskararekin dantzan - Euskararen Txantxangorria 2016
Vorstellungsvideo / M&J; Spaniels
國立臺南大學三品創意微電影競賽-M&J;-Life Here
M&J; Training Video - Installing a Welted Drips & Returns
M&J; Danflo Valve
M&J; Project - Everybodys Going Ooh
▼ M.J. ▼
M + J
Dugun Batxilergoak, ikasleei etorkizunerako aukera guztiak bermatzen dizkie eta talde txikitan lan egiteko aukera bideratzen du. Aipatu baita ere, matrikulazioa irekia dela, hau da, beste eskola edota herrietako ikasleek ere gure Batxilergoan matrikulatzeko aukera dute. Jakina denez, “Konfidantzaren Pedagogia”-k eskaintzen duen hezkuntza markoarekin gabiltza lanean eta horren barne, hezkuntzara bideratutako arkitektura ari gara ezartzen gure eskolan. Hurrengo ikasturtean batxilergoko ikasleek espazio guztiz abangoardistetan lan egiteko aukera izango dute, orain arte eskoletan ikusi gabeko guneetan. Metodologia berritzaile eta ikas-irakaskuntza prozesu aurreratuenekin lan egiteaz gain, ikasleek maila akademiko bikaina lortzeko azpiegitura erosoenak bideratu ditugu.
Korrikaren 20. edizioa dela eta, M&J; Ikastetxeko hezkuntza komunitatea ere bertan izan da. Astearte arratsaldean, Korrika txikia bizitzeko aukera paregabea izan genuen eta gaueko 3:25ean, eskolako ordezkari modura, LH1 mailako Aaron Alberdi ikasleak eta Jose Antonio Sanchez gurasoak testigua hartu eta herrian zehar eraman zuten gogo biziz. Bai arratsaldean eta baita gauean ere, une berezia bizitzeko aukera izan genuen. Berriro ere Euskararekiko konpromisoa azalduz. Modu honetan, eta bakoitzak berea emanaz lortzen dira guztion helburu orokorrak JARRAI DEZAGUN EUSKARAZ BIZIZ!
Beste hainbat ekintzen artean, Euskararen txantxangorria abestiarekin dantzatzeko aukera paregabea izan dute gure lehen hezkuntzako ikasleek. Gozatu bideoa ikusten!!!
This is a short film about our school, produced by a friend of mine and myself.We filmed our life in college, and some scenery from our school. Hope you enjoy it! Cinematic music licensing as below: 此作品由臺南大學108級生科系 黃元貫、陳品丞 製作。我們錄製了一些校園生活及風景,希望大家喜歡。免費音樂版權由 Nicolai Heidlas Music 所擁有。 QUEEN OF THE SKIES by Nicolai Heidlas Music https://soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidlas Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/1StjgRTfJg4
DANFLO Surge Relief Valves are engineered to track unabated surge-wave pressure transients-open quickly, then closes without slamming shut. The “speed of response” in surge valves is defined as the ability of the valve/valves to relieve peak wave surge flow in the time stated in a hydraulic transient surge analysis. Although this time varies with each application, timed responses of 100 milliseconds or less are not unusual. DANFLO surge relief valves meet these criteria. DANFLO surge valve operation is simple. The cavity behind the valve plug is filled with nitrogen gas to affect proper relief set pressure of the valve. This cavity loading force seats the valve and opposes the force generated by line pressure in front of the valve. The valve remains closed until surge wave pressure exceed...
Back in the late 80s there were three extraordinary men of entertainment in their prime, and while their style was each different they shared a signature. Like the Furies of old, they banded together to seek vengeance on the wicked. They have become...M J FURIOUS. (Couldn't have been a coincidence.) Theme By JDilla www.megaloveluck.com http://megaloveluck.tumblr.com
M&JFILM; (2012) A short film by M&J; Film running time: Project Group "m&jfilm;" Written & Directed by FLOOR JIN Produced by FLOOR JIN Sound Design FLOOR JIN Edited by FLOOR JIN MUSIC: "M&J; MUSIC" Special thanks to: LEE MIN HO M&J; FILM, INC 2012 interview was shot on a Canon 7D
5 days to go for the official release of the most anticipated album of 2012 "MJK" for international diva Haifa Wehbe #HaifaMJK http://www.twitter.com/HaifaWehbe
full blog post here: http://chrisandoliver.com/blog/2011/10/04/this-is-a-story-m-js-concept-portrait-film-2/ You're going to have to trust us on this one: when we created this Portrait Film, we had no idea that a similar film existed which also implemented split screens. It's a great film that has been making its rounds, and by now, you've probably seen it. By the time it reached us, we were scratching our heads at the similarities. Ultimately, the narratives of both of our films are different, but it is pretty neat to see where some of our thinking and composition overlaps--we should make a Venn Diagram just for kicks. If you don't believe us, you can ask our wives. For extra measure, you can even ask our moms--they'll all vouch for us :] Shooting Specs: Aside from planning out our ...
► Video: M.J. against Dead - Pay de Menta Colectivo (Samuel Ayala Lozano + Mónica C. Bautista Llanes) Audio: Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II (Stage 12) - David Wise ► Video presentado en: •Octubre 2011, Programa de Video: México. Círculos de Confusión: Caos Social y Ficciones Dominantes (Festival Internacional de Artes Electrónicas y Video Transitio_MX 04 Afecciones Colaterales), Curaduría por Leo Marz y Rubén Gutiérrez, Centro de la Imagen, México D.F. / CENART, México D.F. •Julio 2011, Exposición Individual Retratos 8-bit; Videodromo Mty, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, México. •Julio 2011, Exposición Colectiva Fan Fatal, Curaduría por Carlos Escobar, Centro Cultural Plaza Fátima, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, México. ► Pay de Menta está formado por Samuel Ayala Lozano y Món...
Dugun Batxilergoak, ikasleei etorkizunerako aukera guztiak bermatzen dizkie eta talde txikitan lan egiteko aukera bideratzen du. Aipatu baita ere, matrikulazioa irekia dela, hau da, beste eskola edota herrietako ikasleek ere gure Batxilergoan matrikulatzeko aukera dute. Jakina denez, “Konfidantzaren Pedagogia”-k eskaintzen duen hezkuntza markoarekin gabiltza lanean eta horren barne, hezkuntzara bideratutako arkitektura ari gara ezartzen gure eskolan. Hurrengo ikasturtean batxilergoko ikasleek espazio guztiz abangoardistetan lan egiteko aukera izango dute, orain arte eskoletan ikusi gabeko guneetan. Metodologia berritzaile eta ikas-irakaskuntza prozesu aurreratuenekin lan egiteaz gain, ikasleek maila akademiko bikaina lortzeko azpiegitura erosoenak bideratu ditugu.
Korrikaren 20. edizioa dela eta, M&J; Ikastetxeko hezkuntza komunitatea ere bertan izan da. Astearte arratsaldean, Korrika txikia bizitzeko aukera paregabea izan genuen eta gaueko 3:25ean, eskolako ordezkari modura, LH1 mailako Aaron Alberdi ikasleak eta Jose Antonio Sanchez gurasoak testigua hartu eta herrian zehar eraman zuten gogo biziz. Bai arratsaldean eta baita gauean ere, une berezia bizitzeko aukera izan genuen. Berriro ere Euskararekiko konpromisoa azalduz. Modu honetan, eta bakoitzak berea emanaz lortzen dira guztion helburu orokorrak JARRAI DEZAGUN EUSKARAZ BIZIZ!
Beste hainbat ekintzen artean, Euskararen txantxangorria abestiarekin dantzatzeko aukera paregabea izan dute gure lehen hezkuntzako ikasleek. Gozatu bideoa ikusten!!!
This is a short film about our school, produced by a friend of mine and myself.We filmed our life in college, and some scenery from our school. Hope you enjoy it! Cinematic music licensing as below: 此作品由臺南大學108級生科系 黃元貫、陳品丞 製作。我們錄製了一些校園生活及風景,希望大家喜歡。免費音樂版權由 Nicolai Heidlas Music 所擁有。 QUEEN OF THE SKIES by Nicolai Heidlas Music https://soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidlas Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/1StjgRTfJg4
DANFLO Surge Relief Valves are engineered to track unabated surge-wave pressure transients-open quickly, then closes without slamming shut. The “speed of response” in surge valves is defined as the ability of the valve/valves to relieve peak wave surge flow in the time stated in a hydraulic transient surge analysis. Although this time varies with each application, timed responses of 100 milliseconds or less are not unusual. DANFLO surge relief valves meet these criteria. DANFLO surge valve operation is simple. The cavity behind the valve plug is filled with nitrogen gas to affect proper relief set pressure of the valve. This cavity loading force seats the valve and opposes the force generated by line pressure in front of the valve. The valve remains closed until surge wave pressure exceed...
Back in the late 80s there were three extraordinary men of entertainment in their prime, and while their style was each different they shared a signature. Like the Furies of old, they banded together to seek vengeance on the wicked. They have become...M J FURIOUS. (Couldn't have been a coincidence.) Theme By JDilla www.megaloveluck.com http://megaloveluck.tumblr.com
M&JFILM; (2012) A short film by M&J; Film running time: Project Group "m&jfilm;" Written & Directed by FLOOR JIN Produced by FLOOR JIN Sound Design FLOOR JIN Edited by FLOOR JIN MUSIC: "M&J; MUSIC" Special thanks to: LEE MIN HO M&J; FILM, INC 2012 interview was shot on a Canon 7D
5 days to go for the official release of the most anticipated album of 2012 "MJK" for international diva Haifa Wehbe #HaifaMJK http://www.twitter.com/HaifaWehbe
full blog post here: http://chrisandoliver.com/blog/2011/10/04/this-is-a-story-m-js-concept-portrait-film-2/ You're going to have to trust us on this one: when we created this Portrait Film, we had no idea that a similar film existed which also implemented split screens. It's a great film that has been making its rounds, and by now, you've probably seen it. By the time it reached us, we were scratching our heads at the similarities. Ultimately, the narratives of both of our films are different, but it is pretty neat to see where some of our thinking and composition overlaps--we should make a Venn Diagram just for kicks. If you don't believe us, you can ask our wives. For extra measure, you can even ask our moms--they'll all vouch for us :] Shooting Specs: Aside from planning out our ...
► Video: M.J. against Dead - Pay de Menta Colectivo (Samuel Ayala Lozano + Mónica C. Bautista Llanes) Audio: Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II (Stage 12) - David Wise ► Video presentado en: •Octubre 2011, Programa de Video: México. Círculos de Confusión: Caos Social y Ficciones Dominantes (Festival Internacional de Artes Electrónicas y Video Transitio_MX 04 Afecciones Colaterales), Curaduría por Leo Marz y Rubén Gutiérrez, Centro de la Imagen, México D.F. / CENART, México D.F. •Julio 2011, Exposición Individual Retratos 8-bit; Videodromo Mty, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, México. •Julio 2011, Exposición Colectiva Fan Fatal, Curaduría por Carlos Escobar, Centro Cultural Plaza Fátima, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, México. ► Pay de Menta está formado por Samuel Ayala Lozano y Món...
We share a joke in the bath,
I know how to make you laugh,
No hang-ups between us,
Not like the other girls in class,
You're different,
All secrets safe with me,
Red lipstick on my cheek,
Your love bites last all week girl.
You can't tell,
You can't tell,
Can't tell anyone
(What we've got going on)
Don't tell,
Don't tell,
Don't tell anyone
(What we've got going on)
We hold hands,
We got plans but,
Don't tell anyone
(What we've got going on)
You can't tell,
You can't tell,
Can't tell anyone
(What we've got going on)
Our love is one others,
Could never come to understand,
When we lie close your heart beats so hard,
I can hear it with my hands,
We laugh but if father,
Ever caught your legs wrapped around me,
He'd tear you from out my arms,
And we'd be history girl.
Don't let them see us hold hands,
Our love is one they'd never understand.
You can't tell,
You can't tell,
Can't tell anyone
(What we've got going on)
Don't tell,
Don't tell,
Don't tell anyone
(What we've got going on)
We hold hands,
We got plans but,
Don't tell anyone
(What we've got going on)
You can't tell,
You can't tell,
Can't tell anyone