Samanyolu Tv de Davetsiz Misafir programı, Boyabat'ta
Boyabat Davul Zurna Fasıl Kadir Çalık 0537 358 16 57
Boyabat HES Barajı (Hydroelectric power plant dam)
Davetsiz Misafir Boyabat
57 kaos ft esmer boyabat 2014 (nefret ediyorum)
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Boyabat Davul-Zurna Ekibi 1 (Eren-0542 633 8047)
Boyabat Davul Zurna Adem Ertas 3 kısım
Sinop boyabat'ta feci kaza- 7 ölü
Samanyolu Tv de Davetsiz Misafir programı, Boyabat'ta
Boyabat Davul Zurna Fasıl Kadir Çalık 0537 358 16 57
Boyabat HES Barajı (Hydroelectric power plant dam)
Davetsiz Misafir Boyabat
57 kaos ft esmer boyabat 2014 (nefret ediyorum)
sinoplu dede komik(bürnük-boyabat biraz küfürlü)
Boyabat Davul-Zurna Ekibi 1 (Eren-0542 633 8047)
Boyabat Davul Zurna Adem Ertas 3 kısım
Sinop boyabat'ta feci kaza- 7 ölü
Sinop Boyabat'lı Ali Çınar'dan BOYABAT'LIM Türküsü
Boyabat Tanıtım Videosu
Sinop Boyabat Batı Köyleri Hazırlayan Halit Akcan
Kanal b tv Boyabat Tanıtımı
Boyabat Kurban Pazarı -1(Ömer AYTEKİN)
Boyabat güldeste ilahi grubu.mp4
boyabat şıhlı köyü davul zurna
Boyabat Tanıtım | Boyabat Belediyesi |
Boyabat is a town and district of Sinop Province in the Black Sea region of Turkey. The mayor is Mehmet Ermiş (AKP).
Boyabat has a population of 50,000 in the town itself. The town is in the Gökırmak valley located 100 km south of Sinop over the mountain range along the Black Sea coast.
The town is the trade hub for over a hundred villages around it. Of larger centers nearby, up the Gökırmak ("blue river") valley to the west is Kastamonu, down the Gökırmak and later Kızıl River valley to the east you find Samsun.
The name Boyabat is said to consist of "boy" which means border and the Persian suffix "abad" (آباد) which means built/cultivated town/agricultural landscape. It bears witness to the fact that the border between the Byzantine empire and the empire of the Seljuq Turks was once here.
Boyabat town was built below a castle which probably has not been in serious use since around 1300 A.D. but may be as old as 2800 years. The castle overlooks the Gökirmak valley. This valley is long and lies parallel with the Black Sea coast. Together with a similarly placed valley in eastern Anatolia it forms a natural east-west pathway used both in antiquity and later as part of the silk road. The older history of Boyabat may have started from Bronze Age, and it may have been ruled by Kaskians, Hittites, Paphlagonians, Persians, Lydians, Pontus kingdom, and Romans.
I woke up one morning heard a robin's song.
I asked that robin "Why do you sing?"
"It was a voice whose rhymes are worlds
That made my song for me
How could I not sing?"
I woke up on morning heard a robins song
I asked that robin "Who made your throat?"
"That same hand that flies a million dawns
Made my tiny throat and wrote my songs
How could I not sing?"
I built an arbor and I asked the vine
"How come you grow so tall?"
"If I can make it above the wall
That same hand that holds out hope for all
Will gild me in the morning sky
And though I cannot sing
That hand a gentle wind will bring
And make a rustling lullaby
For milky sleeping babes
How could I not grow?"
I woke up one morning and I asked the sky
"How can you bear such emptiness?"
"For that bright eye that looks out and smiles
And makes my night her day
What would I not bear?"
I woke up one morning and I heard her voice
She called me by my name
What would I not give
To be called her child
What would I not give
To be called her friend
I'm gonna wake up one morning I'm gonna see her face
Smiling down on me
That robin's song and that morning sky
Are all the hope I need
I don't know how and I don't know why
But I'm gonna wake up one morning and I'll see her face
Smiling Down on me
I'm gonna wake up one morning
I'm gonna wake up one morning
Playing in the bricks and the foundry dust
I lost track of time
I'm gonna get it when I get home
He's gonna kill me when I get home
That love should turn to bitterness
All so naturally
Poison from my pretty song
Turned to ruin me
I'm gonna get when I get home
He's gonna kill me when I get home
I know you must have held me once
I saw a photograph
Safe and happy in your arms
A smiling god of wrath
I'm gonna get it when I get home
He's gonna kill me when I get home
One sunny judgment day
I lost track of time
Playing in the bricks and the foundry dust
I lost track of time
I'm gonna get it when I get home
(A Lullaby)
What about my father?
He's gone so far away
What song can reach him?
What song can reach him I can't say
He's like a little child
Just like a little child, sleeping where he lay
Shouldn't he have a morning?
Shouldn't he have a day?
I remember that morning
It was such a sunny day
You sang and you smiled
I tried to sing along
Back then I was the child
And you gave me my first song
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy, when skies are gray
Shouldn't you have a morning?
Shouldn't you have a day?
What was it that I knew then
That I let myself forget?
Wasn't my sunrise you then
And isn't this my sunset?
Shouldn't you have a morning?
Shouldn't you have a dawn?
Shouldn't you have a sunrise?
Shouldn't you have a song?
You can forget me
But forget your sorrow too
How can my heart let me
Let me let go of you
How can I let the dead bury you
How can I stand apart
How can I watch as that hopeful child
Loses the hope of his heart
Your hands lie so harmlessly
On a forgiven breast
You became like a child to me
Innocent and blest
Now isn't there a heart that's all knowing?
And I know what that heart would do
Wouldn't it tremble, tremble and break
Break like a morning for you?
What about my father?
He's gone so far away
What song can reach you?
What song can reach you where you lay?
Shouldn't you have a morning?
Shouldn't you have a morning?
Shouldn't you have a morning?
Chorus ;
Well i guess il never know. whats going on in that head of your. tell me something that aint a lie. tell me something that will make me fly. Tell me something like will never be apart.
Verse 1 l
Every night i sit in that place wondering whats going on in that hed of yours.
Waiting like a star waits
Hiding in a sunny morn'
Waiting like a song I've never sung
Always hiding
On a child's tongue
Hiding in a rosebud
Waiting in the cold
Growing where I never go
Always blooming
Roses in the snow
Hiding in a morning
Hiding in a day
Hiding in a watchful eye
So beloved
Never knowing why
You can buy me for the price of a sparrow
And if you tell me I'm pretty I won't fly
Buy me for the price of a sparrow
But you have to promise to lie
What does a hooker know about loving
And what does my daddy know about me
There's something wrong and I'm wondering
What could it possibly be
I thought I was so happy
And I think it's such a shame
I thought I was so happy that day
That day you forgot my name
Let my song be your song
Let my song be your song
Let my song be your song
Like gentle rain
On a grateful tree
Who can befriend that morning star
That morning star
Didn't he come to mock the dead?
Small wonder my heart fled so far
Who can befriend that morning star?
Who can forgive a God that dies
A God that dies
Vanishing into bitter day
Small wonder my heart fled so far
Who can befriend that morning star?
Didn't they run like racing boys
Like racing boys
While I stumble over me
Small wonder my heart fled so far
Who can befriend that morning star?
I hid my aces in a widow's lap
In a widow's lap
And tried to win them back again
Small wonder my heart fled so far
Who can befriend that morning star?
Only the living love that star
That morning star
How can they live who love the dead?
Small wonder my heart fled so far
Who can befriend that morning star?
Morning star
Look down on me
Look down on me
And take me where my love has gone
Small wonder my heart fled so far
My love has made a fool of me
Unwise enough to know
That roses on a thistle grow
And I shall climb for kisses every day
In such a shameless rush
That every other rose will blush and say
Ah love
What foolery
My love has made a fool of me
My love has mad a moon of me
A rising smile of light
So sickle sharp and starry bright
That I shall climb for kisses every day
In such a shameless rush
That every cloud above will blush and say
Ah love
What lunacy
My love has made a moon me
My love has made a song of me
To know by heart and sing
And ride on his remembering
That I shall climb for kisses every day
In such a shameless rush
That when he sings my love will blush and say
Ah love
How comforting
My love has made a song of me
My love has made a stone of me
That wants to be a star
What faith could take a stone so far
And pierce the clouds that mock my day
With nature's one straight line
That shaft of light that loves to shine
Your love
How comforting
That love
That foolish little moon
That starry little stone
The comfort of my heart
My heart's come home to me
That robin from a world away
Has come like first warm rain
My heart's come home to me
To mingle like a robin's song with night
And make night seem as good as day
My Heart's come home to me
That robin from a world away
Has come like first warm rain
My hearts come home to me
To make men seem as good as gods
That God himself look down and say
My heart's come home to me
That robin from a world away
Has come like first warm rain
My heart's come home to me
Oh yes, I remember now
Those ancient lovers I and Thou
Have come like first warm rain
My heart's come home
My heart's come home
Love's small song
Love's small song
Though my love is far away
I shall sing and wake the day
Love's small song
Love's small song
Though my love is ages gone
I shall sing love's small song
I shall sing and wake the dawn
I'll make a book of songs for my Anne Marie
With every good beginning and every grateful end
And every grateful end to close upon a world of good
My arms to close upon a world of good
As nature's best pretense as her sweetest lie
That branch's furthest bud to reach a winter sky
To reach a winter sky and close upon a world of good
My arms to close upon a world of good
A garden gate of arms for a fertile field
I'll find a man to hold you as a fountain sealed
As a fountain sealed and close upon a world of good
My arms to close upon a world of good
As sunlight comes to sorry stone
So come, my love
And take this sorriest stone of all
To find a grateful place
That warm and sunlit wall
My arms to close upon a world of good
Little window
Little window open wide
Little window
Open on a clear blue sky
And let that sky be sweet
To cross an age for you
And take your comfort there, Dear
Baby's sleeping
Her sister's sleeping by her side
Mama's sleeping
And Daddy sings a lullaby
And let that song be sweet
To cross an age to you
And take your comfort there, Dear
Kitty's waiting
Waiting for that morning sky
Kitty's waiting
Morning comes and Kitty cries
And let those tears be sweet
To cross an age to you
And take your comfort there, Dear
Tiny fingers
Tiny fingers on a tiny hand
Tiny fingers
Reaching out to find a friend
That such a tiny hand
Should cross an age to me
And hold out such a sky
So clear and blue
And full of hope
So full of hope
So full of hope
You made the day so broad
To hide an age behind me
Like a star
Hide me in your day
Like a star
Hide me in your day
And though it bring my ending
Let wisdom sing love's song
With a heart that breaks like morning
That breaks like morning all day long
And though it bring my ending
I still want to sing that song
With a heart that breaks like morning
From withered grass
And broken branches
You made my heart a robin's nest
How many mornings would I wait
If there were even half a chance
That one might find you in my arms
I'd smile a sky from East to West
I'd smile a sky from East to West
Should I have wondered
Who would warm me
When winter comes and robins fly
How many winters would I wait
If there were even half a chance
That April find you in my arms
I'd smile a sky from East to West
I'd smile a sky from East to West
How many seas I'd set to rolling
If one might find you by my shore
To cool you with my weakest wave
If there were even half a chance
That you might find some comfort there
I'd smile a sky from East to West
I'd smile a sky from East to West
If running free were mine to give you
How many meadows would you run!
How many treetops in the wind
Would rustle every leaf with hope
If I could hear you laughing there
I'd smile a sky from East to West
One night as I lay sleeping
I could hear children singing a song
When I woke up I was weeping
And I knew that something was terribly wrong
Who are all those children
And what do they want with me?
What's that song they're singing?
Something about Calvary
Up on Calvary
Jesus Said, Don't weep for me
No, don't weep for me
Weep for your children instead
Who are all of those children anyway?
They ought to be home in bed
What happened to your Mama?
Where has your Daddy gone?
What happened to your big sister
And why are you singing that dreadful song?
Take up your cross and follow
Wake up from your sleep
Wake up, wake up in sorrow
Wake up, wake up and weep
Take up your cross and follow
Won't you follow me?
Wake up, wake up in sorrow
Rocking in a grassy cradle
I want to wake up in your heart
Lift me up and call me sunshine
Take me where the roses grow
I want to be the song you sung me
How many years ago
Show me on my fingers
I really want to know
Show me on my fingers
Show me where the roses grow
Sitting at your starry table
I was a helpless gaping babe
The Lilacs have come
That bloom the whole year round
Friends remembered and lovers found
And lovers found
With words that reach from star to stone
And lies as true as nature's own
My friends and I will sing a sea of merciful days
For the lilacs have come
That bloom the whole year round
Friends remembered and lovers found
And lovers found
Arise, my love, and come away
For the winter's ruinous work is done
Arise my love and come away
For the earth has heard the robin's song
And welcomed every word
And welcomed every word
For the lilacs have come
That bloom the whole year round
Friends remembered and lovers found
And lovers found
So good
Beyond all wishing
That even as we slept
Small voices, sweet to sing,
Did sing a promise kept
My friends and I will sing a sea of merciful days
For the lilacs have come
That bloom the whole year round
Friends remembered and lovers found
Hook: (BACK UP!) 14x in background
If we be ackin up, You best be backin up
(repeat 6x)
Verse 1: (Pastor Troy)
If I'm ackin up, you better cut of the game
I ain't got to say nothing, just have to tell them my name
I'm the flame, I got mo' flame then a lighter
I ain't trying to be lame, but this ain't nobody fighter
The southern writer, the preacher and keep a heater beside
Oomp Camp and Pastor Troy we letting it ride
So many died, I ain't never been the one for that
So now I travel everywhere with mack mack mack
I crack heads till I'm fed, and I dodge tricks
I cut the game off quick past ninety-six
I'm getting sick of the game
Just handle my business man
I catch ya slippin', I'ma lick ya ass for everything
We Ready
Hook: (BACK UP!) 8x in background
If we be ackin up, You best be backin up
(repeat 4x)
Verse 2: (Peter the Disciple)
It's little Peter, the ity-bity, short ass color
But it ain't nothing, I got some shit to bust up ya sweater
Head bussa from Augusta, went to talking about
Run up on a muthafucker, then I'm gone pour 'em out
I hang with Loco, Dollar Bill, and Baby D
I'm screaming ready, muthafucker don't fuck wit me
A young gangsta, I grew up with them g's from the south
And if it's anger, I'm ready to shuv that in a nigga mouth
Bitch it's the devil, better not test me funny
Oomp Camp in dis bitch
Where the fuck is the money
My Pastor told me forever represent for my team
Make them niggas come clean or bust they head with the beam
Hook: (BACK UP!) 8x in background
If we be ackin up, You best be backin up
(repeat 4x)
Verse 3:
Muthafuckers, and fuck ya mother you sucker bitch
Oomp Camp bring the drama so nigga I'm coming bitch
I got them thang thangs, so nigga I'm bustin' bitch
Peel ya brain brain, when I see ya you dead bitch
We don't play in Ga, so nigga fuck where you stay
I got that Russian a.k., ain't no mo bustin okay
50 rounds, 50 deep cause coz I'm 20 feet back
Simpson road till I die, Lincoln cemetery, Well uh huh
Hook: (BACK UP!) 8x in background
If we be ackin up, You best be backin up
(repeat 4x)
Verse 4: (Baby D)
Well I act up, ya'll pussy muthafuckers better back up
See we 2 D, double E-P, deep that's how C-R- double E-P, creep
Baby D 2 g bitch
No mercy for no punk bitches or snitches no cowards, watered and flower
Nigga, no flaw niggas, bust 'em in the jaw nigga
This is for my thug niggas gone off that wall nigga
Get off me
Smoke 'em like a baker, deck 'em out like Decatur
Fire the pump like a cheetah
Ask yo girl did I beat her when I skeet her
Hook: (BACK UP!) till end in background
If we be ackin up, You best be backin up
A-T, A-T, A-T, A-T, A-T, ATL hoe
ATL hoe
ATL hoe
ATL hoe
ATL hoe
My nigga what you know about the A-T-L-A-N-T-A
GA my nigga we swervin'
[Incomp] sittin' on Michael Jordan blinin' when the sun be scorchin'
Who that be me B-A-B-Y D from da B-I-G double O-M-P
I said it before but I'm goin' to say it again
My nigga we too D double E-P, I represent the dirty dirty south
Down here lil' buddy we don't play no games, I represent the A-T-L
Eastside shawty and the Westside niggas on da thang
Throw your hood up, make your shoulder jump
If ya hatin' on the "A" then lock 'em in the trunk
Ya don't know who you fuckin' with
But I'll bet we'll bounce on your motherfuckin' ass like it ain't shit
ATL Hoe throwin' up them "A's"
Gangsta walk on the motherfuckin' stage
Nigga watch me bounce on these sucka ass punks
Then fuck around and got the "A" town started
Don't make me say, "Ain't told you so"
Throwin' bows to the nose sayin', "Yeah hoe"
Pastor Troy, Archie, and Big Oomp click
Add it up young nigga that Gangsta shit
ATL hoe
ATL hoe
ATL hoe
Yeah, nigga it's Archie
The phatest skinny nigga you will ever know
Try'in to stop my cheddar flow
Holla at my beretta blow
Atcha dome and atcha chest
Wear your chrome and wear your vest
Had your home a bloody mess
Faked thugs get bless with a slug to the chest
Arch to the "I" to the "E"
Passin' Baby D beside me
Eastside Boyz is right behind me
"A" town bitch nigga you try'in to find me
Simpson Road down to Godbe
These are the places that I be
These are the faces that I see
I die for the city, don't play by me
You can try me if you wanna Archie be brin'in drama
Pistol carriers bury ya, make you say, "We The Bomb Ya"
Death before dishonor, put that on my mama
The phat boy representer, 'til I'm a goner, yeah, nigga
ATL hoe
ATL hoe
ATL hoe
Pistol pistol my pistol banana fanna Atlanta
Bombin; on the bitch, the young the filthy rich
The six I use to drive was live but under rated
I cut off the top and had the V12 gold plated
But some niggas hated, they do not hated in public
Them pussy ass niggas gon' make me jump to my bucket
The brown one with the three rims
I whoop up on your block, nigga your chance slim
Do you remember Tim they call him, "Poor Timmy"
I fuck his pussy over his hammy with a fifty rimmy
Think you are nigga friendly 'cause I'm the Pastor
Bitch, I ain't Creflow, this ATL hoe
ATL hoe
ATL hoe
ATL hoe
I said shit, damn, get off your ass and jam,
All the thugs in the club, let me see you get 'em up
All the hoes get a lil' lil' low,
A lil' low now
Said oh shit, goddamn, get off your ass and jam,
I see ya shakin' Lil' Mama shorty bounce that ass
Gimme a Remy bottle, but I don't need no glass
Keep shakin' for a thug, bitch I got a dog who
Rollin' on a X in the mothafuckin' club
I like big booty hoes,
They like to dance on the pole,
They like to make the pussy pop, a please
Now drop
My neck, my back,
Lick my dick, my balls and my crack,
I gotta stack the flow like Ludacris, bitch I got hoes
I gotta bitch that suck dick in every area code
She like it 69 days,
The bitch get paid,
See I could suck pussy in 69 ways
You would think its a dream,
The way she use it to him,
Taught pussy or not,
She'll fuck the whole block
Straight bouncin',
Bitch ride a Chevy, I see a thug
That T-blue flame on the gentleman club
Well you will see her,
Her family call her Sweet Susie but
Her stage name is Marguerita,
The dick eater
Pussy poppin' and twerkin',
Never stop her from workin',
Man then she flirtin',
Sippin' that erkin jerkin
All in the body,
Let you see her shake her ass,
But when she shake it, she make them other hoes get mad
Well if you bounce that ass,
Pussy poppin' and droppin',
Now shake that ass cheek,
Bring your ass over here,
Let me get a sneak peek,
So don't be playin' with thugs
She yankin' Baby D
We'd love to see pussy, ah
The girliest hoes
Bendin' over touchin' their toes,
Upside down, 69 ways to roll
The freakiest broad,
Lookin' for the streakiest bone,
After hours, rob a house, then they takin' it off
Shake it like flubber,
Make that booty bounce like rubber
You can make a little money
Cause you thinkin' the mothafucka like whoa,
Let me see you slide down the pole, now get low
And bend over and touch your toes
Alright, alright
Do it nigga, lick it nigga
Do it nigga, lick it, a lick it nigga do it
Do it nigga, lick it nigga
Do it nigga, lick it, a lick it nigga do it
Eat my pussy nigga, y'all fuck niggas gotta
Break bread nigga while I'm bouncin' that ass
I said shit, goddamn, fuck niggas get with the program,
Cause niggas only good for lickin' the clit
f/ Lil C
* send corrections to the typist
C'mon- Get crunk, get crunk
You aint crunk yet (x 11)
So get crunk! Now get crunk, get crunk my nigga get crunk (repeat)
(Baby D)
I bet you thought we wasn't comin' but yes, I'm back
with some dubs on a chevy painted midnight black
Crankin this thang bringin that pain
That eastside bitch
Got em off tha chain bouncin, throwin bows -n- shit
Call me Eastside shawty, lil chopper toy if ya naughty
Get them fuck ass niggaz off me
Because they like?
Still down with Decatur, Motrail and Macafee
? Caliroll, Glenwood we too deep
Like Troy we been ready? On them thangs
Throwin Eastside on the brain on them puss ass lames
See that E-A-S-T-S-I-D-E, we be droppin them niggaz
Westside we choppin them niggaz
In the club, eastside be the crunkest throw yo mothafuckin "E"s up
If they aint jumpin with you then crank they ass up
So I told them bitches bout fuckin with us
Cuz them Eastside niggaz don't give a fuck
So get crunk, get crunk, now get crunk my nigga get crunk(x5)
(Lil C)
We them niggas that run through houses that hit you for some?
Got connections pushin keys
Shit way for oversea (?)
Westside niggaz poppin slugs
We dem niggaz ride dubs
We dem niggaz keep it crunk
Bustin eads off in tha clubs
See my niggaz carry choppas
Lookin? we gon' drop em
We gon cock it, lock it, pop it, lookin back tryin to stop it
? Benthill, check out that we been real, bankhood crunk
to highway roll, we carry hoe niggaz kill
Huh so what you really know bout my side
We act a fool in every club waitin for a nigga to shine
Rolled up, jumpin out dem benzo's, 20 inchlarenzo's(?)
Who it be, Lil C.Hoe im from the westside that best side
you know they all know me
From Zone 1 to Zone 3
Eastside they can't hold me
Get Crunk
C'mon- Get crunk, get crunk
You aint crunk yet (x 11)
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
I'll take you up to the highest heights
Let's spread our wings and fly away-ay
Surround you with love that's pure delight
Release your spirit, set you free
Come and feel my energy-y-y
Let's be as one in soul and mind
I'll fill your world with ecstacy
Touch all your dreams way down insi-i-ide
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy, yeah-eah-eah-eah
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Let me touch your dreams
Just spread your wings and fly away
Come take a tri-ip to my wonderland
Let's spread our wings and fly away-ay
Lotions of love flow through your hands
See vision's colours everyday
Let me feel your warm embra-a-ace
Release the colours in your mi-ind
I'll put a smile upon your face
I've got what it takes to make you mi-i-ine
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy, yeah-eah-eah-eah
Let me be your fantasy
I'll take you higher...
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy
Let me be your fantasy (fantasy)
(Let me be your fantasy)
Let me be your, let me be-ee
Let me be your fantasy
(Let me be your fantasy)
[Baby D]
She was looking so good when I saw her in the mall
Hair done nails done and all
Getting off the elevatior
Nigga had to pause
Got a woodie in my draws
Got her number(so I'll talk to you later)
Shawty do you wanna ride with me
Slip and slide with me
Baby tell me what's really on your mind
Anytime of the day is the right time
Call me on the phone
We'll be creeping in the middle of the night
Baby girl if the mood's right
Sipping wine by the candle light
I bet you never had a lover like me
Get you in between the sheets
Feel the heat as I kiss you from your head to your feet
So shawty what you say
Baby can you swing my way
Forever in a day
I will always say
Baby can we sweat this one more again
Chorus: Ebony Crom
Why why why Baby D
Why can't you be faithful to me
Listen boy
[Baby D]
5 minutes of action
Slow grinding on the mattress
Eye to eye with mine
Had an action for passion
Because I'm long lasting
See I wanna hit it quit it
Get (? ? ?) right
And I really didn't understand
Was it 'cause I'm a bigger fan
By the way she turn boys to men
She had me wanting to do it again
And again and again and again
But I'm a playa for life, right, tight,
Then let's get it on
Where the phone let's bone
Keep it going all soft
I just come to break you off
What you want what you need
Come with me and freak your fantasy
Every night she be begging me please
[Baby D & Lil' C]
(Chorus A)
STOMP THAT SHIT!!! (Don't fall shawty)
(Repeat 4x)
[Baby D]
I know y'all getting sick and tired of hearing that same ole junk
Baby D too deep off in this thi-zang and I came to get you crunk
When we jump up in the club it feel like the earth quaking
And yean know the Oomp Camp we got the whole world shaking
We came to R-O-C-K ya and shake off them haters
And when they ask me where I'm from I say Eastside Decatur
I suppose I'm colder then H 2 O froze
I'm sitting like some 25's on that SS swoll
I'm staying down for that Dirty that A-T-L ya heard me
Rocking crowds North, East, West, way down South now bounce
Now let me ask you a question, have you ever met somebody like me?
When I hit the door you better hit the floor
cause we came here to get the cheese
Please believe by all means we party rockers
See me and Cizzle we doing this for the pill poppers
The girls jock us, we show stoppers
When we hit the stage and the music plays the club start rocking
(Chorus B)
STOMP THAT SHIT!!! (Don't fall shawty)
[Lil' C]
You give me one verse with ten bars and watch how I rock this
Nigga hating on the Oomp Camp cause your girl they love this
My boy done took some dubs off a 2000 mayne
So we mounted it on cut dog with Euroes and grain
My niggas watching every stage all they can say is Oooo
Them boys from the Oomp Camp be acting a fool
You give us ten G's and me and my boy we'll rock this,
They can't stop this
Uh, uh
Now get up off me shawty, a don't fall shawty uh, uh
I thought I told 'em that ain't all shawty
P-l-a-y t-i-m-e is over my nigga
Now watch me show you my nigga
(Chorus C)
Stomp, stomp-stomp, stomp-stomp
[Hook:] (x4)
I'm Bout Money, Bitch I'm Bout Money
I'm Bout Money, Bitch I'm Bout Money
Bitch I'm, Bitch I'm Bout Money
I'm On A Chase For That Paper
[Verse 1:]
I'm bout money it's M.O.B
Benz, Grants, that's all I see
Brown paper bag, pass that to me
Grab that duffel bag out the backseat
Die for the cheddar I carry that llama
Stack it in the winter so I shine for the summer
Yeah, what you really know bout that?
I come like (?) bring a little back
You wanna build a stack?
Nigga what's that?
At least stack 10 so I can get a good pack
I get gwop, understand that
I'm way in the front, y'all way in the back
Gimme my keys you not valet
My Mazaratti, your Chevrolet
Haters can't stop me I'm on my shit
I love gwop baby that's my bitch
I always give back to the hood nigga
When I roll through they say Baby D's a good nigga
Feelin good nigga
Lookin good nigga
Put your knot in the air if you're a money go-getta
Raw-I'm (?) on hatas
Black (?) black chain I'm (?)
Hell naw not me playa
Me if you bout that paper
[Verse 2:]
If you bout money
We bout money
Throw it in the air
Make it rain 100s
I get gwop
Monday thru Sunday
Never sleep on me
Never seen me comin
Check my resume ya boy top notch
Take it from the rainbow straight to the pot
Think I'm broke?
Nope I'm not
Pants on my ankles, that's that gwop
Then Oomp sat down with Koch
Made them a promise we'll never ever flop
Came from the bottom straight to the top
Ain't been the same since Pac
Look around this muthaf**ka a lotta niggas shocked
While he out he take my spot
A lotta niggas left but I stayed down
Make you bow down nigga gimme that crown
Never met a nigga like me
A-Town fresh guchi from my head to my feet
10 toes, stuntin on my bunyan (?)
I wonder how long you can keep them on-ya
I see a nigga laughin but ain't shit funny
Straight to the bank I'm countin my money
A-Town's secret weapon yup I'm comin
* *crowd screaming*
Baby D:
Dip in a plane
Naw looking smooth in a chopper boy
In a Chevy baby
I'm gettin richa boy
Let me rub ya lady
What have you been doing?
Have you been freakin lately?
No stuntin or frontin
Because you I want it
So back it up
Cuz you know i'm on it
You drive me crazy
Not lettin lately
Big bout it Benzes
Ballin wit my friends
We pulled up to da club
Wit a Chevy on dubs
Come give me a hug baby
Ya see me on some dubs
Swervin crazy
I know you wanna cut me up baby
But first of all we gotta hit da club baby
Ya see me ridin in a Chevy baby
Ya see me on some dubs
Swervin crazy
I know you wanna cut me up
But first of all
We gotta hit da club
Sammy Sam:
I see in yo eyes you wants to lay me
But baby you gots to pay me
You see cleanin doolie
But later we can get crazy
We can hit da club or somethin
Get drunk or somethin
End up at the tail
Where we cuttin or somethin
Ain't no cares
Bout this playa
They want the fame or somethin
Association wit a youngsta
that love havin fun
Aye it's Mr.Freddy Major Fred from G.A slum
Enjoy swervin
And spittin all that game
to those that wanna hear em
Hit the club and watch me in that thang
Straight from the real
Lil C:
I'm ridin in a Chevy been da hit
Atlanta live
I'm doin da bills
Speedin down 2-85
Swervin bouncin on some dubs
Watching out for deez hattas
We got on Iceberg
Carty A's
And some gators
Tight clothes
We swervin
In a Chevy baby
Flip flop changing colors
For da club
Know that
Next weekend
Wegone be back
Doin it again
And again
In a big bout it Benz
(Chorus 3x)
Put em in the air, rep where you stay (x4)
Put em up my nigga put em up (x4)
I'm a west side nigga so fuck what ya think
I'm a south side nigga so fuck what ya think
I'm a north side nigga so fuck what ya think
I'm a east side nigga so fuck what ya think
[Baby D]
Now you can catch me in a black tee iced up
In the club on a freak wit my sess up
See I don't give a fuck
Nigga knuck if you buck
I see through these weak niggas cuz i peak niggas
On my street niggas throwin up the east side buckin on hoes
Get out my face young nigga fo i shot at your nose
I stay strapped call these fake niggas aint givin me that
Now he aint thinkin cuz i had to put a hole in his cap
Don't get it twisted by the rap homes
The way I rock homes
Stay in the streets with bricks get my grind on
I fuck wit real niggas out in the field niggas
2.5 on a crip befo the deal niggas
Ya think im playin wit ya betta listen what i'm sayin to ya
Ya push me ima have to put these hands to ya
I'm on as concrete the nightmare on yo street
Aint nobody in the A fuckin wit me
[Sean Paul]
Yea im back (back), drop top 'lac on deck
Crease in my slash shawty how you love dat
You know the name you hear the slang
Shawty slurrin out my mouth
Aint no thang you know we damn down in the dirty south
I'm a east side nigga bitch i put it in yo face
All my niggas they gorillas they aint scared to get no pay
Nigga traffin servin yay keep them heaters stowed away
Young niggas hundred dolla billas killas where i stay
All my niggas they have bud and all
Smokin drankin servin yall
Young niggas we been a case, stashin dope up in they jaw
From the po pos trappin on the back street
Killa of the night ride wit work up on the back street
Yea I'm for real hoe
Catch me switchin lane to lane
Comin down on candy mayne bumpin out of damn shame
And yous a damn lame thankin that my fo dont ride
So Paul will work them all yall to the east side
[Pastor Troy]
Last but not least its the Pastor yall
Always been ready to ball
Big ol cars, gave me the words
Hit the O wit big blunts of herbs
South side nigga my hood rep well
You don't like detroit nigga go to hell
All I can tell, ya washed up
Try me home boy, ya fucked up
My home boys, DSGB, the (??) is ridin with me
For ever damn the real rep the real
I'm puttin it up for my nigga Dolla Bill
put me in the freezer cuz im so icy (2)
put me in the freezer, put me put me in the freezer, p-p-put me in the freezer cuz im so icy (repeat)
verse 1 (Baby D):
Its baby D, Gucci shawty low we gotta be a hit
i walk up in the club chain hangin to my dick
i kno that im the shit, so haters start talkin down on me
keep a full pound on me so keep em down homie
bout a half a mill on me look at my wrist
the whole interstar dont shine like this
bitch im rich gotta in glu watch
put me in the freezer, cuz im so hott
im so icy from my head to my feet
that i dont ride, i glide down the streets
these chains aint cheap, these frames aint cheap
if you aint talkin bout money shawty then dont speak
put me in the freezer right next to the beef
my chain 56s grams to ozs
take them shades down then you can clearly see
that errybody in the A icy like me
verse 2 (Gucci):
itz the opposite of baller hi dawg its real cold
the opposite of big clay cousins will dro
where the price high, Gucci price low
chain hang low cuz Gucci said so
if a hater see my chain then you kno he wanna fight me
firss still change the party dawg alwayz bring em to the light
oh no Gucci mane, bout ta (?)
wit the blue n white chain it could change the whole world
ima ice yo see the light show
club night club right Gucci shawty hello bright
grey stones red stones yellow lights bigger is so bright
i could use it as a flashlight
so icy ima bout to fall
verse 3 (Shawty-Lo):
yea im so hott, but still so cool
i keep the heater on me cuz i rock dem cool
wit dem ice cubes?
shawty thts wuts hannin
yea rondaa whispered im the o-straight jackson
ima walkin freezer, ice straight carried
ima walk easier , im not average
baby on my wrist sayin he so flashy
and they glued together like front street and (?)
yeah.. the press dont matter
I keep that fave heater
I could spend a lot of cheddar
When you get money, you can do whatever
Slashes on my face I can see a little better
[Baby D]
Now what you really know about dat dirty south
Throwin bows, mean mugging, grilled out, thugged out
What's up shawty
Get crunk (ohh-ohhhh)
You way
Get rowdy (ohh-ohhhh)
Cuz dem boys coming bringin the noise (ohh-ohhhh)
When you see me holla at me potna (ohh-ohhhh)
20 inches SS Impalaz
Say ATL baby
It's all gravy
The home of the beats, gold Ds' and the Chevy (yeah) (We ready!!!!)
On stage, I get da club crunk
I make em jump jump
I make ya girl shiggidy shake to the HOH (yeah) (hoody hoo!!)
When ya see me holla at me (ohh-ohhhh)
[LiL C]
I thought I told ya I'd be back
To flip from ride Lacs
Colors on gold Regals
18's on flats (uhh-ohhhh)
We got da whole club waitin (ohh-ohhhh)
That's what da whole crowd sayin
In the southside every ghetto say they sayin they
Don't fall
What's up shawty (ohh-ohhhh)
We da call
They see the crunk, it ain't no mystery
So what ya want
Got hollin and screamin
And make the whole world jump
Ridin Chevys on 18s
We sparkin up on the scene
Lil C how you doin man
Now watch how the crowd scream
[Chorus 2x]
We throwin bows and fights
So it be crunk all night
Dollar Bill keep em jumpin when I grab the mic (ohh-ohhhh)
Where dey at boy there they go get em
Major make be the click that spit
Throwin bows outta top of the Jag (ohh-ohhhh)
When I see ya girl bouncin dat azz
Y'all, don't wanna get buck wit me
Naw, 20 Gs ain't enough for me
Can't hold a G
Ya betta roll wit me
Or get slacked up shawty
Wit da OC
Buck shot on tha rag
Boy we don't be playin
Everywhere we go playa
We got da club sayin
Where da Westside at?
Where da Eastside at?
Where da Southside at?
Where da Northside at?
[Baby D and Dollar]
(Baby D)
Where dey at?
Where dey at?
(Baby D)
Where dey at?
Where dey at?
(Baby D)
Where dey at?
Where dey at?
(Baby D)
Where dey at?
Where dey at?
(Baby D)
Where dey at?
{Continues until fade, then}
(Baby D)
At the club and see a group of girls in they car, aight then my folk
So you pull up like a big time superstar, yeah,yeah
Roll down the window playing see money aint a thing, aight then my folk
Then one of the girls say ay Baby whats yo name, yeah,yeah
See this go out to my folk in the ATL, whats up then my folk
DZ, Pimp Wood, and Martrel, yeah, yeah
And to the dj's thats playing this song, precate that my folk
To the girl over there with the lil skirt on, aght then my folk
Let me hear you say aight then my folk
you say it, aight then my folk (repeat 4x)
Yeah yeah one time (Uh Oh) your right Baby D be checking in
by A-T-L (Uh Oh)
With my home boy, Bone Crusher(Uh Oh) and a my homie Dru, two, oh c'mon dunk(15x)(Uh Oh 2x)(Bring it On, what?)(6x)
It's going down in this bitch tonight, nigga
It's going down in this bitch tonight, biatch
It's going down in this bitch tonight, nigga
It's going down in this bitch tonight, tell
(He ain't saying nothing 8x)(What these niggas 8x)(What)
(Verse 1)
(Baby D)
I;m gonna send it to your city
We gonna act a damn clown
Put it down for all my niggas reppin' that funky A-Town
It don't matter where you from shawty do what you do
Rep your city let me see ya throw it up 'cause I'm a rep mine too
LA to Tennesse all the way to the NYC
I'm talking bout the side but I know its Double O to P
Known for getting the club pumped up and outta control
And making them girls come up up outta they clothes
24's I found some dro and we do the damn thing
Sip Champagne in the VIP is just a part of the game
But who's to blame when the clubs getting buck ass wild
It's them boys from the A throwing bows in the crowd
Keep talking loud and watch it man, I'll shut you up
Cause I'm the butta-sudder but your bound to get stuck
You better duck, or get your ass stomped to the ground
If you don't know by now it's about to go down
(Verse 2)
I can't believe it we keep on ryhmin
Don't make me go out in silence
Talking when we just resort to violence
Talkin just can't just stop those problems
Back in the club
We pushin those bottles
Have to be drinkin
What is yall thinking?
It aint goin down
bitch we blowin up the nation
Paper chasin
Leavin them trails blazin
Only hell can save em
God can raise em
Had to take em
Don't throw parky evermo
Holiday rapin
D-R-U is scared of payton
Whatcha say?
Absoultly nothing partner
Pullin' them down I'm captivatin'
Living this life it has to go down
Ridin' around to push and the pound
Any mo?
Smokin the dro
Wallet with money is shakin' with dough
Kickin them dough
Just makin sho
I am getting down to get loot
Except my struggles
Messin with family I will do ya
I aint got no reason to lie
Now its head of the season when I see you we ride
We ain't gonna even reply
Shawty, we lettin' em fly
We throwin em up
And lettin' em know it's goin' down tonight
(Verse 3)
So you're saying you want to get physical
So catch enough from this bitch boy I'm sick of you
Bitch boy, I'm down for the tussel
Show you what's up under this fat, it's the muscle
Mr. Killa
We're right to your jaw
I'm drillin' ya
So what the f**k it is tight
Nigga yeah I aint never scared
If you rather your hand
Where the f**k niggas fled
Where my soldiers man?
When I give the command
Leave his body in his shoes
Where the f**k nigga stands
Run through yall
From the ???? to the Squad
We be doin' yall
We leave them all stanky like
Horse manure ya'll
Yo it's personal to me
Like a mother f**kers want it
You know what I mean
I'm straight from the field
Headin to swats
So you best f**king smarten up or I'll show you what I got
* [Hook]
Dat Eastside Ho, (baby-d :westside)
Dat Westside Ho, (southside)
Dat Southside Ho, (northside)
Dat Northside Ho, (eastside)
(Repeat 2x)
[Baby D]
What'cha know about the e-a-s-t-s-i-d-e
we droppin dem, loggin ass niggaz, we be rockin dem
we ridin 22's on that SS Impala
representin dem thugs
with girls and every chevy on dubs
wit du-ran-gos
twerkin, bouncin throwin bows
in da south dat be my city you can call it dirty, dirty
got me rollin westside, eastside thats Decatur
in da other cut
when I estimate ya
navigate ya
throw yo hood up shawty represent where ya stay
in 305, 917 all da way to L.A.
they say the WESTSIDE nigga
be the BESTSIDE nigga
fuck around and get caught up in a drive-by nigga
southside ho,
eastside ho,
westside bitch,
yea my nigga we ready to start some shit
da ATL need to bundle up and bust somethin on yall suckers
i bet you wont hit a motherfucker, now what
[hook 2x]
[baby d]
nigga yea, if ya didnt know they call me baby d, a.k.a:lil choppa toy
ATL boy, the originator of this eastside, westside shit BITCH!
[big oomp, in background]
[baby d]
my nigga we brigin da pain
we be droppin them diggity-things
now how many niggaz in da club in here drunk
where ya from my nigga, lemme see ya get crunk
eastside, westside, southside
chump, aint too many motherfuckers make a nigga pick up in here
so dont fear when ya see a nigga comin through
who dem e-a-s-t-s-i-d-e
comin in d, double e, p
get crunk when ya see me comin through
with my hair low
i smell trouble
throw ya motherfucking middle finger up
if ya dont give a fuck
tear da club up
get buck
lets start some shit
how many motherfuckers in here bouncin bitch
outside in the big body outta control
and the westside, eastside throwin bows, now lets go
[hook, repeat 2x]
[baby d]
Baby D off in dis bia bia
Eastside nigga
Lil C off in dis bia bia bia
Westside nigga
Eastside Hoe!
Westside Nigga!
Eastside Hoe (Naw nigga westside biatch!) - (7x)
Eastside Hoe (4x)
Naw Nigga, westside biatch (4x)
(Baby D)
Just call me motherfuckin Baby D from the D-E-C
Candler road, Gresham road, Mark Trail, McAfee
Bouldercrest, eastside fuck the rest
fuck nigga don't wanna test
dat eastside playa nigga
strait from decatur nigga
dat candy pain't on my toy
label me a Georgia boy
grilled out, smoked out
a SS on 19s
Candler road, eastwick my nigga who got that green
I got control
a-t-l-a-n-t-a, eastside G-A
where ya from nigga
eastside nigga
we ridin dirty 4 reel
eastside nigga we trill
if dey ain't den spill em fuck em
dere dey go GET EM
(naw nigga)
(Lil C)
So what y'all really know about the westside
From Bankhead to Simpson Road that 559
we grilled out from the flo' up
from Hollywood sho nuff
I talk a lot shit cause eastside get swoll up
(BIA BIA!!!!!)
1234 boi
I'm still screamin westside
see I'm bouncin wit my boys
we too deep in dis shit
Westside runnin dis bitch
put the swang on that nigga if he make the wrong twitch
We swervin SS Impalas
eastside hoes don't holla
see westside niggaz are cheap
and ride hundred 4 deep
so back up off me in this place
make way westside comin through
what the FUCK y'all gon do
(naw nigga)
(naw nigga)
(naw nigga)
JUMP (16X)
Snap ya fingers
Snap ya fingers
Snap ya fingers
Snap ya fingers
And if u dont know how then watch her do it
Do It [x13]
And if u dont know how then watch her do it
Do It [x13]
Now wiggle ya waist
Thats right girl go whip that cake
In other words make ya ass shake
First ya bounce then ya lean then snap ya fingers
Ya hips ya thigh ya whole demeanor
Sexy lips like Trina
And a walk like Tyra
P. Diddy what ya doing lata on tomorrow
Can we do it, do it, do it, do it, do it
I seen ya on da dance floor gettin it like yugi(?)
Damn lil mama slow down
But u cant stop 'cause ya too da crunk now
I see ya throwin da hood and she jutted to da ground
We gone off patron and here come another round
So turn around and
Do It [x13]
And if u dont know how then watch her do it
Do It [x13]
And if u dont know how then watch her do it
Can u move ya body like a vibrator
Wiggle ya big brown ass like a jaw breaker
See like Buffy u were lucky to have a back like that
See like my razor phone ma stomach flat like that
A lil cute six-pack
Around her navel is a tat
A lotta hatas in da back
'cause stilettoes got her stacked up
Watch her do a dance and ya see how they back up
And if u dont know how then watch her Act Up
Pull up on ya like namel doors on a lac truck
Break it down turn around for a couple stacks what
Ay come on shawty lemme see ya thong
Ya tryna do it like me but u all wrong
Now watch me
Do It [x13]
And if u dont know how then watch her do it
Do It [x13]
And if u dont know how then watch her do it
A bounce stop then lean
Now snap ya fingers
A bounce stop then lean
Now snap ya fingers
A bounce stop then lean
If u dont know how then watch her do it
(Tweedle-lee-dee-dee-dee, tweedle-lee-dee-dee x 3)
(Tweet x 4)
He rocks in the tree tops all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet
Rockin' robin (Tweet x 3)
Rockin' robin (Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Blow rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Every little swallow, every chick-a-dee
Every little bird in the tall oak tree
The wise old owl, the big black crow
Flappin' their wings singing go bird go
Rockin' robin (Tweet x 3)
Rockin' robin (Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Blow rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
A pretty little raven at the bird-band stand
Taught him how to do the bop, it was grand
They started going steady and bless my soul
He out-bopped the buzzard and the oriole
He rocks in the tree top all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet
Rockin' robin (Tweet x 3)
Rockin' robin (Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Vlow rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Well, a pretty little raven at the bird-band stand
Taught him how to do the bop, it was grand
They started going steady and bless my soul
He out-bopped the Buzzard and the Oriole
He rocks in the tree top all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet
Rockin' robin, (tweet, tweet, tweet)
Rockin' robin' (tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Blow rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Rockin' robin, (tweet, tweet, tweet)
Rockin' robin' (tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
Blow rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
(tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)
(Tweedle-lee-dee-dee-dee, tweedle-lee-dee-dee x 3)
(Tweet x 2)
He rocks in the tree tops all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and singing his song
All the little birdies on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet
Rockin' robin, rock rock
Rockin' robin
Blow rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
Every little swallow, every chick-a-dee
Every little bird in the tall oak tree
The wise old owl, the big black crow
Flappin' their wings singing go bird go
Rockin' robin, rock rock
Rockin' robin
Blow rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
Yeah yeah
Pretty little raven at the bird-band stand
Told them how to do the bob and it was grand
They started going steady and bless my soul
He out-bopped the buzzard and the oriol
He rocks in the tree tops all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and singing his song
All the little birdies on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet
Rockin' robin, rock rock
Rockin' robin
Blow rockin' robin
'Cause we're really gonna rock tonight
Pretty little raven at the bird-band stand
Told them how to do the bop and it was grand
They started going steady and bless my soul
He out-bopped the buzzard and the oriol
He rocks in the tree tops all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and singing his song
All the little birdies on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet
Rockin' robin, rock rock
Rockin' robin
Blow rockin' robin
Well I went to the dance the other night
Everybody will stay
I said over and over and over again
this dance is gonna be a drag
I said over and over and over again
this dance is gonna be a drag
I said over and over and over again
this dance is gonna be a drag
But all at once it happened
Will the prettiest in this world
Oh please want you come over here
and talk to me and be my girl
I said please want you come over here
And talk to me and be my girl
Oh please want you come over here
And talk to me and be my girl
She said that she was sorry
That I was a little bit late
She would wait and wait and wait and wait
For her steady date
She would wait and wait and wait and wait
For her steady date
She would wait and wait and wait and wait
For her steady date
Now my poor heart was broken
All my life were had she been
But I`ll try over and over and over
And over again
I`ll try over and over and over
And over again
I`ll try over and over and over
(Robert Byrd)
Little bitty pretty one
Come on and talk-a to me
A-lovey dovey dovey one
Come sit down on my knee
Little bitty pretty one
Come on and talk-a to me
A-lovey dovey, dovey one
Come sit down on my knee
Oh, my love
my darling
I've hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
Godspeed your love to me
Lonely rivers flow to the sea,
to the sea
to the open arms of the sea
lonely rivers sigh 'wait for me, wait for me'
I'll be coming home wait for me
Oh, my love
my darling
I've hungered for your touch
a long lonely time
and time goes by so slowly
and time can do so much
are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
"Esse cabelo, esses olhos,...
Essa mulher, essa menina
Me deixa... cheio de razão
Seu cabelo me faz lembrar
Os encantos que vem do mar
Meu segredo vou revelar
Pra você me envolver
Nos mistérios do seu olhar
Seu cabelo me faz lembrar
Os encantos que vem do mar
Meu segredo vou revelar
Pra você me envolver
Nos mistérios do seu olhar
A ginga do seu andar
Faz balançar
Se eu lhe pedir amor,
Você me dá?!
Seus olhos são contas de aguá marinha
Você vai ser minha e eu vou te ganhar
Seu corpo moreno falando de amor
Um doce veneno pra me envenenar
Seu cabelo me faz lembrar
Os encantos que vem do mar
Meu segredo vou revelar
Pra você me envolver
Nos mistérios do seu olhar
Seu cabelo me faz lembrar
Os encantos que vem do mar
Meu segredo vou revelar
Pra você me envolver
Nos mistérios do seu olhar
"Éééé ao mar, essa mulher
Segredos do mar