- published: 26 Jan 2022
- views: 4658
Iwashi Uri Koi No Hikiami (鰯賣戀曳網 The Sardine Seller's Net of Love) is a 1954 comedic Kabuki play by Yukio Mishima (三島 由紀夫). It was first performed in November 1954 at the Kabukiza theatre in Tokyo, and was praised for its "refreshing originality"
The sardine-seller, Sarugenji (猿源氏) has fallen in love with an upper-class courtesan known as "Hotarubi". However, due to his lowly social position it seems as if he has no hope of ever encountering her. Due to a fortunate meeting of chance with his father, Ebina Namidabutsu, and his horse-seller friend, Bakurourokurouzaemon, Sarugenji is able to devise a plan to pose as the samurai "Utsunomiya" in order to enter the pleasure quarter and woo Hotarubi. The trio then encounter difficulty getting Sarugenji to mount Bakurourokurouzaemon's three-legged horse.
Meanwhile, the courtesans of the pleasure house, including Hotarubi, are occupied playing a game involving matching poetry on shells, as they notice a strange-looking gardener. They are interrupted by the arrival of Ebina from the Hanamichi. He informs the owner of the premises, Teishu, of the impending arrival of "Lord Utsunomiya". Upon Sarugenji's arrival in his samurai guise, he encounters difficulty from the courtesans, each teasing him by pretending to be Hotarubi. After the entrance of the true Hotarubi, the courtesans demand a story of bravery from "Lord Utsunomiya". Sarugenji tells them a story dominated by fish puns and then passes out upon Hotarubi's lap from too much sake as the rest of the courtesans leave the stage.
Iwashi Uri Koi no Hikiami ("The Sardine Seller and the Net of Love") is the greatest contribution of novelist Yukio Mishima to kabuki, and one of the most important plays since the end of the Meiji period. It is also a treasured work of the Nakamuraya repertoire. If you have any question, correction or suggestion you can contact me at: in.praise.of.shadows.kabuki@gmail.com #kabuki #theatre #japan
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Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here: https://sc.mp/subscribe-youtube French-Japanese Maholo Terajima made his debut kabuki performance in Tokyo on May 1, 2023. The 10-year-old has become Japan’s first officially recognised dual-national kabuki actor. Follow us on: Website: https://scmp.com SCMP Knowledge: https://www.scmp.com/knowledge Facebook: https://facebook.com/scmp Twitter: https://twitter.com/scmpnews Instagram: https://instagram.com/scmpnews Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/south-china-morning-post/
京と江戸の意地と粋、からみあう恋模様 歌舞伎座「芸術祭十月大歌舞伎」 第二部『祇園恋づくし』 令和4年10月4日(火)~27日(木) ★公演詳細(歌舞伎美人) https://www.kabuki-bito.jp/theaters/kabukiza/play/794
2023年7月28日(金)~8月3日(木)全国の映画館で上映 平成21年(2009年)1月に歌舞伎座さよなら公演にて上演された本作は、中村勘三郎のおちゃめでユーモラスな鰯賣猿源氏と、坂東玉三郎演じる秘密を抱えた美しい傾城蛍火が織りなす恋模様を描いた名舞台です。 稀代の作家・三島由紀夫が残した「三島歌舞伎」のひとつであり、室町時代の御伽草子を題材に書かれたどこかファンタジックな風合いの本作をスクリーンでお楽しみください。 坂東玉三郎による特別インタビューもお見逃しなく。
Visit Portland State University at http://www.pdx.edu
鰯売恋曳網, by Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=2588187 / CC BY SA 3.0 #三島由紀夫の戯曲 #1950年代の戯曲 #1954年の舞台作品 #歌舞伎の演目 #京都市を舞台とした舞台作品 #江戸時代を舞台とした作品 #花街・遊廓を舞台とした作品 #身分違いの恋愛を扱った作品 #イワシ 『鰯売恋曳網』(いわしうりこいのひきあみ)は、三島由紀夫作の歌舞伎の演目。 大名高家の客専用の遊女に一目惚れした鰯売り(魚売り)が大名に化けて廓に行く物語。 三島の純文学とは全く趣きの異なる娯楽的作風だが、余裕を感じさせるファルスで、秀逸なナンセンスと、晴れやかな祝祭性、健康な笑いが溢れた作品として高評価された。 室町時代の御伽草子『猿源氏草子』をもとに、『魚鳥平家』、『小夜姫の草子』などの部分を取り入れていると三島は述べている。 1954年(昭和29年)、雑誌『演劇界』11月号に掲載され、同年11月2日より芸術祭11月大歌舞伎として、歌舞伎座で十七代目中村勘三郎の猿源氏、六代目中村歌右衛門の蛍火で初演された。 以後もこの当り役で繰り返し上演され、のちには十八代目中村勘三郎の猿源氏と五代目坂東玉三郎の蛍火で上演されてきた人気演目である。 台本は1955年(昭和30年)7月20日に新潮社より刊行の『ラディゲの死』に収録された。 オーストラリアでも、「ザ歌舞伎」の一演目(英題:The Sardine Seller's Net of Love、Sardine Seller Casts The Net of Love、Catching a Fish Called Love)として公演され、中国(中題:売魚郎巧締姻縁)でも翻訳されている。 鰯売の猿源氏は、川風に吹き上げられた輿の御簾の隙間から、都一の美しい遊女・蛍...
Iwashi Uri Koi No Hikiami (鰯賣戀曳網 The Sardine Seller's Net of Love) is a 1954 comedic Kabuki play by Yukio Mishima (三島 由紀夫). It was first performed in November 1954 at the Kabukiza theatre in Tokyo, and was praised for its "refreshing originality"
The sardine-seller, Sarugenji (猿源氏) has fallen in love with an upper-class courtesan known as "Hotarubi". However, due to his lowly social position it seems as if he has no hope of ever encountering her. Due to a fortunate meeting of chance with his father, Ebina Namidabutsu, and his horse-seller friend, Bakurourokurouzaemon, Sarugenji is able to devise a plan to pose as the samurai "Utsunomiya" in order to enter the pleasure quarter and woo Hotarubi. The trio then encounter difficulty getting Sarugenji to mount Bakurourokurouzaemon's three-legged horse.
Meanwhile, the courtesans of the pleasure house, including Hotarubi, are occupied playing a game involving matching poetry on shells, as they notice a strange-looking gardener. They are interrupted by the arrival of Ebina from the Hanamichi. He informs the owner of the premises, Teishu, of the impending arrival of "Lord Utsunomiya". Upon Sarugenji's arrival in his samurai guise, he encounters difficulty from the courtesans, each teasing him by pretending to be Hotarubi. After the entrance of the true Hotarubi, the courtesans demand a story of bravery from "Lord Utsunomiya". Sarugenji tells them a story dominated by fish puns and then passes out upon Hotarubi's lap from too much sake as the rest of the courtesans leave the stage.