Tag Archives: Shih Tzu

Like a dog and his ball

Like a dog and his ball

That there is Oscar, my shih tzu. He loves chasing tennis balls but his activity these days is limited as he suffers from joint pains and has a heart complaint. I did however notice a spring in his step this morning and I think it may have to do with the newly released WordPress 3.6 or “Oscar” as it has been named. Matt says the release was named after the famous jazz pianist Oscar Peterson but we all know the cute little dog that really inspired the naming of the release, now don’t we?

Regardless of naming inspiration, the new version has fixed a ton of bugs, added new features and has the amazing Twenty Thirteen theme I’m really looking forward to trying out. Make sure you upgrade ASAP!

Lunch at the Blue Haven Hotel, Kinsale

Shih Tzu with ball on beach We’ve been busy calling to relatives and making our home baby proof over the last week, so we went down to Kinsale and Garrettstown this afternoon to get away from it all. Even though there was a strong cold wind blowing in off the sea Garrettstown Beach wasn’t deserted. People were out and about walking their dogs, some with kids, others with tiny babies. Oscar, our Shih Tzu, had lots of fun chasing after a tennis ball that seemingly had a mind of it’s own as it arced through the air!

Back in Kinsale we met a friend for lunch in the Blue Haven Hotel. The hotel has been there for years but recently underwent a facelift and is beautiful and luxurious inside. Despite the crush of post-Christmas punters looking for food and/or a drink staff were great and found us room for Adam and a baby seat. I ordered an open steak sandwich while Jacinta had fish and chips and Niamh ordered salmon linguini.

Service was a little slow but as the staff were run off their feet it’s understandable. Adam was fed and watered by the time we were served our food, and we made short work of it. My steak sandwich was nice, if a little on the small side. Chips were salty but tasty. The Christmas pudding I had for dessert filled me up nicely though!

So, I definitely recommend the Blue Haven Hotel for a meal. This was our second time there in the last month. The last time I had their burger. It’s a beautiful hotel, food is good, and it’s very baby friendly!

Blue Haven Kinsale Open steak sandwich

Blue Haven Receipt

Blue Haven Hotel Burger