The Wayback Machine -
SNA - Anti NWO [Anti New World Order] [Kozengz 2013] (HD Version)
Take Off - John Wayne Airport (SNA)
SNA - Anti Illuminati [ANTI FREIMAURER SONG] [ICMB 2011]
SANANDAJ.GORANI sarizh.yadolah nasiri DILAN..SNA
SNA - Anti Illuminati 2 [KILLUMINATI SONG 2] [ICMB 2012] (HD VERSION)
SNA - Käuflich & Teuflisch [ANTI BIATCH SONG] [ICMB 2012]
SNA Anti-Illuminati Lyric
SNA & Mizzion [Kozengz] feat SLV - Lass mich gehen [BLUTLINIE 2013]
SNA - Anti Illuminati 2 Killuminati 2 ICMB
Sanandaj , Say askar Sna ghadim1


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SNA - Anti NWO [Anti New World Order] [Kozengz 2013] (HD Version)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:14
  • Updated: 02 Oct 2013

SNA - Anti NWO [Anti New World Order] [Kozengz 2013] (HD Version)

der 3te KilluSong im klassischen Bildervideo... so wie es sein soll... peace & danke! Lyrics: Facebook : Beat by: SLV Solvo Music Group facebook: Offizielle Seite des neuen Labels "Kozengz"
  • published: 02 Oct 2013
  • views: 6601 - Anti NWO [Anti New World Order] [Kozengz 2013] (HD Version)
Take Off - John Wayne Airport (SNA)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:01
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Take Off - John Wayne Airport (SNA)

check out the beautiful view of Orange County up in the air.
  • published: 27 Jul 2011
  • views: 3310
  • author: rmatravel Off - John Wayne Airport (SNA)
SNA - Anti Illuminati [ANTI FREIMAURER SONG] [ICMB 2011]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:21
  • Updated: 22 Jul 2013

SNA - Anti Illuminati [ANTI FREIMAURER SONG] [ICMB 2011]

diesen song hab ich nur deshalb geschrieben, weil ich ständig sehe warum sich alle wegen der rasse, der religion oder partei oda so streiten... das geht nich... - Anti Illuminati [ANTI FREIMAURER SONG] [ICMB 2011]
SANANDAJ.GORANI sarizh.yadolah nasiri DILAN..SNA
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:49
  • Updated: 07 Jul 2013

SANANDAJ.GORANI sarizh.yadolah nasiri DILAN..SNA

  • published: 08 Sep 2010
  • views: 24751
  • author: parviz1982 sarizh.yadolah nasiri DILAN..SNA
SNA - Anti Illuminati 2 [KILLUMINATI SONG 2] [ICMB 2012] (HD VERSION)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:25
  • Updated: 31 Jul 2013

SNA - Anti Illuminati 2 [KILLUMINATI SONG 2] [ICMB 2012] (HD VERSION)

Lade den Song kostenlos runter ! Free-Mp3 in BESTER Qualität! Kaufe den Song für 99 Cent wenn du mich unterstützen willst... - Anti Illuminati 2 [KILLUMINATI SONG 2] [ICMB 2012] (HD VERSION)
SNA - Käuflich & Teuflisch [ANTI BIATCH SONG] [ICMB 2012]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:27
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

SNA - Käuflich & Teuflisch [ANTI BIATCH SONG] [ICMB 2012]

Aus eigener Erfahrung mit eigenen Worten beschrieben. Das geht nur an die, die für sie Ehre und Stolz keinen Wert mehr haben. Peace! MIXED BY GIGO FLOW. http... - Käuflich & Teuflisch [ANTI BIATCH SONG] [ICMB 2012]
SNA Anti-Illuminati Lyric
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:21
  • Updated: 19 Jun 2013

SNA Anti-Illuminati Lyric

Bitte Liken und Abbonieren wenn es euch gefällt! :) Und wenn ihr ein Lyric braucht schreibt es in die Kommentare ;) Lg L.A-Girl :))
  • published: 17 May 2012
  • views: 4527
  • author: LA1musicDJ Anti-Illuminati Lyric
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:08
  • Updated: 22 Jan 2012


new foto ..kalip kurdi sharakam sna shahin talbani.
  • published: 24 Mar 2010
  • views: 1742
  • author: parviz1982 SNA shahin talbani
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:21
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2013


Unsere Anti illumninati Facebook Page: - Anti Illuminati [ANTI FREIMAURER SONG]
SNA & Mizzion [Kozengz] feat SLV - Lass mich gehen [BLUTLINIE 2013]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:01
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

SNA & Mizzion [Kozengz] feat SLV - Lass mich gehen [BLUTLINIE 2013]

ein freetrack vom kommenden Album "BLUTLINIE" feat SLV (Solvo Music Group) & Mizzion [Kozengz] feat SLV - Lass mich gehen [BLUTLINIE 2013]
SNA - Anti Illuminati 2 Killuminati 2 ICMB
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:25
  • Updated: 04 Jun 2013

SNA - Anti Illuminati 2 Killuminati 2 ICMB

SNA Anti illuminati... Facebook page: - Anti Illuminati 2 Killuminati 2 ICMB
Sanandaj , Say askar Sna ghadim1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:37
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2013

Sanandaj , Say askar Sna ghadim1

Sna le qadimda , be seday zidoyad say askar kordustani Gorani snai Kurdi, aksi sna le qadima. yadegarek bo snayekan. Sanandaj. , Say askar Sna ghadim1
Amar Gile - Covek tvog sna - NP 2013/2014 - 21.10.2013. EM 06.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:30
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2013

Amar Gile - Covek tvog sna - NP 2013/2014 - 21.10.2013. EM 06.

Grand Production Management : +381 65 88 22 595 Label and copyright:Grand Production Digital distribution: Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale! Music: lyrics: Arr:
  • published: 25 Oct 2013
  • views: 9835 Gile - Covek tvog sna - NP 2013/2014 - 21.10.2013. EM 06.
Bosna Prkosna Od Sna - Tribute  [World Cup 2014]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:50
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

Bosna Prkosna Od Sna - Tribute [World Cup 2014]

Bosnian Dragon FB: Na ovom kanalu bice emitovani videozapisi iskljucivo o fudbalskoj reprezentaciji Bosne i He... Prkosna Od Sna - Tribute [World Cup 2014]

SNA - Anti NWO [Anti New World Order] [Kozengz 2013] (HD Version)

der 3te KilluSong im klassischen Bildervideo... so wie es sein soll... peace & danke! Lyrics: Facebook : Beat by: SLV Solvo Music Group facebook: Offizielle Seite des neuen Labels "Kozengz"
  • published: 02 Oct 2013
  • views: 6601

SNA - Anti NWO [Anti New World Order] [Kozengz 2013] (HD Ver­sion)
der 3te Kil­lu­Song im klas­sis­chen Bildervideo... so wie es sein soll... peace & danke! Lyr...
pub­lished: 02 Oct 2013
Take Off - John Wayne Air­port (SNA)
check out the beau­ti­ful view of Or­ange Coun­ty up in the air....
pub­lished: 27 Jul 2011
au­thor: rma­trav­el
SNA - Anti Il­lu­mi­nati [ANTI FREIMAU­R­ER SONG] [ICMB 2011]
diesen song hab ich nur de­shalb geschrieben, weil ich ständig sehe warum sich alle wegen d...
pub­lished: 18 Nov 2011
au­thor: SNA Of­fiziell
SANANDAJ.​GORANI sarizh.​yadolah nasiri DILAN..​SNA
pub­lished: 08 Sep 2010
au­thor: parviz1982
SNA - Anti Il­lu­mi­nati 2 [KIL­LU­MI­NATI SONG 2] [ICMB 2012] (HD VER­SION)
Lade den Song kosten­los runter ! Free-Mp3 in BESTER Qualität! http://​www.​reverbnation.​com/...​
pub­lished: 27 Aug 2012
au­thor: SNA Of­fiziell
SNA - Käuflich & Teu­flisch [ANTI BI­ATCH SONG] [ICMB 2012]
Aus eigen­er Er­fahrung mit eige­nen Worten beschrieben. Das geht nur an die, die für sie Ehr...
pub­lished: 11 Jun 2012
au­thor: SNA Of­fiziell
SNA An­ti-Il­lu­mi­nati Lyric
Bitte Liken und Ab­bonieren wenn es euch gefällt! :) Und wenn ihr ein Lyric braucht schreib...
pub­lished: 17 May 2012
au­thor: LA1­mu­sicDJ
new foto ..​kalip kurdi sharakam sna shahin tal­bani....
pub­lished: 24 Mar 2010
au­thor: parviz1982
SNA - Anti Il­lu­mi­nati [ANTI FREIMAU­R­ER SONG]
Un­sere Anti il­lumn­i­nati Face­book Page: https://​www.​facebook.​com/​pages/​The-Illuminati-Hunte...​
pub­lished: 24 Mar 2012
SNA & Mizzion [Kozengz] feat SLV - Lass mich gehen [BLUT­LIN­IE 2013]
ein free­track vom kom­menden Album "BLUT­LIN­IE" feat SLV (Solvo Music Group)...
pub­lished: 31 Jan 2013
au­thor: SNA Of­fiziell
SNA - Anti Il­lu­mi­nati 2 Kil­lu­mi­nati 2 ICMB
SNA Anti il­lu­mi­nati... Face­book page: https://​www.​facebook.​com/​pages/​The-Illuminati-Hunter...​
pub­lished: 04 Jan 2013
Sanan­daj , Say askar Sna ghadim1
Sna le qadim­da , be seday zi­doy­ad say askar ko­r­dus­tani Gorani snai Kurdi, aksi sna le qadi...
pub­lished: 08 Jul 2009
Amar Gile - Covek tvog sna - NP 2013/2014 - 21.10.2013. EM 06.
Grand Pro­duc­tion Man­age­ment : +381 65 88 22 595 Label and copy­right:Grand Pro­duc­tion Dig...
pub­lished: 25 Oct 2013
Bosna Prkos­na Od Sna - Trib­ute [World Cup 2014]
Bosni­an Drag­on FB: https://​www.​facebook.​com/​BosnianDragonOfficial Na ovom kanalu bice emit...
pub­lished: 31 May 2013
Youtube results:
Boa & Ivana Kindl - Us­pom­e­na sna (OF­FI­CIAL MUSIC VIDEO) - MTV pre­mi­jera
https://​www.​facebook.​com/​Ivana.​Kindl.​page https://​www.​facebook.​com/​grupa.​boa Lid­eri hrvats...
pub­lished: 27 May 2013
SNA - Schaus­pielerin - [ ICMB 2011 ]
pub­lished: 02 Oct 2011
au­thor: SNA Of­fiziell
OGGIE feat. PLEMA - DEO LOSEG SNA ( Of­fi­cial Video ) 2013
Ple­maFilm2013 Ofi­ci­jal­ni video spot za pesmu '' Deo Loseg Sna '' Kam­era i mon­taza : Igor P...
pub­lished: 28 Feb 2013
Oliv­er - Prije sna
kupi/buy DVD/MP3/CD http://​goo.​gl/​8wcxM Oliv­er - Prije sna album: Samo da je tu Aquar­ius R...
pub­lished: 31 Jan 2011
photo: AP / Armando Franca
Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo, left, and Sweden's Zlatan Ibrahimovic shake hands before the World Cup qualifying playoff
Edit Huffington Post
19 Nov 2013
Ronaldo 4, Zlatan 2. Before Sweden and Portugal faced off in the first leg of their two-game World Cup qualifying playoff pairing, Zlatan Ibrahimovic claimed the matchup wasn't just about himself and Cristiano Ronaldo. Two matches and six total goals later, he appears to have been mistaken. The two superstars accounted for all goals scored as Portugal booked a place in Brazil for the 2014 World Cup ... (GIF via @KICKTV) ... (GIF via @BR_UK) ... ....(size: 15.3Kb)
photo: AP / Karim Kadim
Iraqis inspect the aftermath of a late-night bombing at a cafe in Bayaa neighborhood, southwestern Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013.
Edit Chicago Sun-Times
21 Nov 2013
Updated. November 21, 2013 12.39PM. BAGHDAD (AP) — A truck bomb tore through an outdoor vegetable market in northeastern Iraq, the deadliest of a series of attacks Thursday that killed at least 48 people, officials said ... Two police officers said witnesses told them that a man parked the truck containing the bomb in the market and asked workers to unload the vegetables before leaving the vehicle ... Two shoppers were wounded, they said ... ....(size: 2.7Kb)
photo: AP
File - President John F. Kennedy, first lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally are shown as their limousine heads for Air Force One at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, Nov. 21, 1963.
19 Nov 2013
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "...for he conceives a mortal hatred against that truth which blames him and convinces him of his faults." -Blaise Pascal, Pensees. When Mrs. Conally, Governor John B. Conally's wife, seated in front of the car turned around and said, "Mr ... Kennedy's arrival in Texas. In bold words and right underneath a large frontal and side view of President Kennedy, the hate-Kennedy handbill read ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5....(size: 6.0Kb)
photo: AP / Sang Tan
Aneeta Prem, founder of Freedom Charity, speaks to Associated Press in central London, Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013.
Edit Newstrack India
22 Nov 2013
Tweet. Three women who were enslaved by an elderly couple in South of London for 30 years have been rescued by London police ... The 67-year-old couple who held them slaves were arrested from their house in Lambeth ... Post comments.. ) .. ). ... . . . . . .. . . .. ....(size: 1.3Kb)
photo: AP / Kyodo News, Shigeyuki Inakuma
Smoke billows from a crater of Mt.Asama, central Japan early Monday, Feb. 2, 2009. The mountain spewed volcanic smoke earlier this morning. The country's Meteorological Agency warned Sunday that the volcano was in danger in erupting after detecting an increase in seismic activity
Edit Belfast Telegraph
21 Nov 2013
A volcanic eruption has raised a new island in the seas to the far south of Tokyo, earthquake experts say. Japan's coast guard and the country's Meteorological Agency said the islet was about 660ft in diameter and just off the coast of Nishinoshima, a small, uninhabited island in the Ogasawara chain, which is also known as the Bonin islands ... The coast guard issued an advisory warning of heavy black smoke from the eruption ... new ... new ... new ... ....(size: 5.6Kb)

Edit All Africa
22 Nov 2013
[SNA]Khartoum -The new Turkish Ambassador to ......(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit All Africa
22 Nov 2013
[SNA]Khartoum -The Assistant of the President of ......(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit All Africa
22 Nov 2013
[SNA]Khartoum -The government and the ......(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit All Africa
22 Nov 2013
[SNA]Khartoum -The Council of Ministers on ......(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit All Africa
22 Nov 2013
[SNA]Khartoum -The Council of Ministers chaired ......(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit All Africa
22 Nov 2013
Edit All Africa
22 Nov 2013
[SNA]Khartoum -The Minister of Health at the State of White Nile Dr ... ....(size: 0.4Kb)
Edit All Africa
22 Nov 2013
[SNA]Khartoum -The Council of Ministers got ......(size: 0.3Kb)
22 Nov 2013
Can you really connect to Wi-Fi before takeoff and stay connected all the way to your destination? That's what Southwest now promises. A first-day test of how well it worked. by. (Credit. Southwest Airlines.). When I flew to Las Vegas on Southwest Airlines on Tuesday, I had to do the same old routine of turning off my electronic devices. But for my return trip on Thursday, life was dramatically different ... A rough start ... Approach on into SNA....(size: 10.0Kb)
Edit All Africa
21 Nov 2013
[SNA]Khartoum -The First Vice - President of the ......(size: 0.3Kb)
Edit All Africa
21 Nov 2013
[SNA]Khartoum -The CISSA East Africa Regional ......(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit All Africa
21 Nov 2013
[SNA]Khartoum -First Vice-President of the Republic, Ali ......(size: 0.3Kb)
Edit All Africa
21 Nov 2013
[SNA]Kuwait -President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir, ......(size: 0.4Kb)

Snail is a common name which is applied to most of the members of the molluscan class Gastropoda that have coiled shells in the adult stage. When the word is used in its most general sense, it includes sea snails, land snails and freshwater snails. The word snail without any qualifier is however more often applied to land snails than to those from the sea or freshwater. Snail-like animals that naturally lack a shell, or have only an internal shell, are often called slugs, and land species that have only a very small shell (that they cannot retract into) are called semislugs. Some organisms that are not gastropods, such as the monoplacophora, may informally be referred to as snails.

Snails that respire using a lung belong to the group Pulmonata, while those with gills form a paraphyletic group; in other words, snails with gills are divided into a number of taxonomic groups that are not necessarily more closely related to each other than they are related to some other groups. Snails with lungs and with gills have diversified so widely over geological time that a few species with gills can be found on land, numerous species with a lung can be found in freshwater, and a few marine species have lungs.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Marion Mitchell Morrison (born Marion Robert Morrison; May 26, 1907 – June 11, 1979), better known by his stage name John Wayne, was an American film actor, director and producer. An Academy Award-winner, Wayne was among the top box office draws for three decades, and was named the all-time top money-making star. An enduring American icon, he epitomized rugged masculinity and is famous for his demeanor, including his distinctive calm voice, walk, and height.

Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa but his family relocated to the greater Los Angeles area when he was four years old. He found work at local film studios when he lost his football scholarship to USC as a result of a bodysurfing accident. Initially working for the Fox Film Corporation, he mostly appeared in small bit parts. His acting breakthrough came in 1939 with John Ford's Stagecoach, making him an instant star. Wayne would go on to star in 142 pictures, primarily typecast in Western films.

Among his best known films are The Quiet Man (1952), which follows him as an Irish-American boxer and his love affair with a fiery spinster played by Maureen O'Hara; The Searchers (1956), in which he plays a Civil War veteran who seeks out his abducted niece; Rio Bravo (1959), playing a Sheriff with Dean Martin; True Grit (1969), playing a humorous U.S. Marshal who sets out to avenge a man's death in the role that won Wayne an Academy Award; and The Shootist (1976), his final screen performance in which he plays an aging gunslinger battling cancer.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Transcribed by: Primetime
Boom boom boogie jam up the boogie
to the rhythm, to the boogie to beat
what you hear is not a test i'm trying to move your feet
we got a posse on the east an a posse on the west
but you never did a rough like me
we got a posse on the north an a posse on the south
but you never did a sound like me
Flip flop girls dem have me phone a ring
they love to hear when me d dj sing
hey miss cute little sexy young thing
take me dance, take me, take me dancing
can't believe she drive me 'round the corner
try your best to make me little harder
when the badness, love me no badda
we no ba, we no badda
I look to the dance floor what do I see
say all the sexy girl out there want to dance with me
is there a place we can go to be all alone
so you can get a lick of the snowman's ice cream cone
tick tock here she comes around the way
bring your body over, meck me dock inna your bay
I'm shy you never give another try
take your lovin' want the lovin to make you satisfy
see it deh me have you in the corner now
a no the Irish mash you know me nah give
out as she stand up with a crown plus a smile, I'll..
Flip flop girls dem have me phone a ring
they love to hear when me d dj sing
hey miss cute little sexy young thing
take me dance, take me, take me dancing
can't believe she drive me 'round the corner
try your best to make me little harder
with the badness love me no badder

[Chorus 2x]
She's lethal, tender and fine
She's not conceited but she knows she's a dime
She's lethal, tender and fine
She picked my pocket but committed no crime
[Verse 1]
Let me tell ya a little story about this girl named Missy
She a born and she raised to keep dem mon hungry
Body shape, hair cut like Halle Berry
Fool of the mon that try to come tame this sassy
What she want is a mon who can handle her right
All through the night, baller for life
Well I can smash it up
And I can love it up
But only girl if you want to give it up
[Verse 2]
Can I get that
Can I hit that
Can I get that
I want that
I need that
Can I kiss that
Wouldn't miss that
Cause I know what you need
Mama shake that
[Chorus 2x]
[Verse 3]
Here's another tale about this girl name Laura
You can find her shiny teeth at any corner
Nice and ready for da mon who want spend him dollar
So soon as she see Snow she wasn't spend me dollar
So we jump in da whip and headed to the crib
Then she started to express how she like that informer
She said I'll nice it up then I'll love it up
But when da Laura through you'll have to pay it up
[Verse 2]
[Chorus 2x]
[Verse 2]
[Chorus 2x]

Transcribed by: Azzdem
Oh hey mama
Oh you sexy lover
All I wanna uhh uhh in you
Oh sweet baby
Girl you drive me crazy
All I wanna uhh uhh in you
All I wanna do is be the only one
And girl you know that you will be the one
Oh my loving
Girl you drive me crazy
All I wanna uhh uhh in you
So I don't know what next might fi touch her body
You never know say Daddy me Snow me I feel cool and deadly
That's why the young girl nowadays dem a go fondle belly
Yes sir, Daddy me Snow me are the article don.
But in the in an' the out of a dance them say where you come from,
Yeah he said Daddy me Snow me are the champion
So oh my loving
Oh my sexy mama
All I wanna uhh uhh in you
Be my lover
Oh we drive each other
All I wanna uhh uhh in you
I know you know you make me feel so wonderful
And when I'm with you girl you make me feel like wonder
Baby you know girl you know you are the only one
And you know that the one will tell me love and ???
So there you know it
Oh you got me showing that
All I wanna uhh uhh in you
Sweet sweet mama
Girl you drive me loving
All I wanna uhh uhh in you
One of them a knows a me say one of them try ???
Ah Daddy Snow me I fi tell a reason why
Why don't push it up up higher me say high in a the skies
Sweet baby sweet baby might fi tell a reason why
Me love her in my heart down to me soul
Me love her in my heart down to me soul
But baby, are you a one of a kind
And all my vision is to make you mine
So there
I know you know that you will be the only one
And girl you got me loving from the very start
And there will be no oh there'll no other girl
Cause girl you rock my world
You got me oh and darling
Spin all around in
Cause all I wanna uhh uhh in you
Which gives me all night and all day
Girl you do this to me
All I wanna uhh uhh in you
Sweet sweet mama?

Transcribed by: Maha Khashan & Azzdem
Come down (sound boy don't linger)
Come down (all are you ready)
Come down (them go like Ninja)
Come down (? evidently)
There you go again
Talking off your face
Like you wanna come play me
Point your dirty finger
Lie so much, confess sound boy
But tonight you're goin' to see
Come down
(ad lib) Lord
(ad lib) It's the sound that we'd all like
It name fight for my life
I don't joke
I don't ramp when it comes to my life
A boy I'll stamp
I don't drink off the wine
Me love the drink whiskey
When I think about enemies dead pon my list
Botty boy them dead
Suck off the man and eat cold cock
Like Peter, Paul and a whole lot
Instead of a back shot goet a lick shot
And I like them no
Me no like them at all
Me no like them no
Me no like them at all
Come Down
Some people play midnight hour (Lord hey)
Them the idiot sound boy
Ain't got no power (no)
Nuff a them wait to kill some boy
But tonight my love is rougher than yours
Come down

Transcribed by: Azzdem, Wilderness Girl & Ro-ad
Ninjaman around again
????? problem
Ninjaman around again
????? problem
Let me ask you one thing boy
Seems to me no matter why kill
Let them pretend it's bad boy
And in the meantime he's all right
Now when they put him in a cell he's the bad boy
Ninjaman ???????
And them licence fi kill boy
And anything that he's gonna do tonight
They say man you better run ??? you're a wise man
Bad men got no law
Bad men got no stop
Bad men go nah no sittin'
With reporter ???
Bad men gonna sting
Bad men gonna see it all
You never see bad men
Gun lay down please
And they are wiser
Let me tell you boy you never come back home
But to kill don't tell them, he got no tell
Al Capone or Sylvester Stallone
Kill them all and come back alone
I'll pretend I'm brown or negro ?????
Shut out the pain and ?????
Let me tell you now
Hold me, like you would a M-16
Put your finger pon de trigger
Murder de nigger then ninja damn right
And you know me when you murder
Where the mutha are badder
Man as long as I'm barman
His life will be end ???
Well the place shut down
Man me a that one and the boy gets stabbed
Man a me and that one
And the two i didn't murder me say me a that one
?? shot in the foot me say me no that one
Me a shoot and miss that's why them come place
some will end up in a barrell then ??? space
out of the lion's den they will curse
an' yes sir Daddy me Snow me I fi quench your thirst
with a bullet in the mouth and then them rub shoulder
watch how the boy ?? run up and roll
bad boy straight out around ???????
??????? they must them know
them look in a de eye of one barrell
them a say Daddy Snow has no ???????
So many people want fi see I
Stop pulling at the trigger
So many people want fi see I
Stop pulling at the trigger
But me can't stop...
Now this is the one dem fi call Daddy Snow
Now in in a in in a dance a me say dance down low
Well Daddy bad bwoy ???? and man called snow
????????? dance down low
They say so many people want fi see I
Stop pulling at the trigger
So many people want fi see I
Stop pulling at the trigger
Let me tell ya know
shoot the boy, me I shoot and miss
Yes sir Daddy Snow, yeah me boy dismissed
Roam up in ya dance yes me did quick
Pull out me gun it's there 'pon me hip
When me dem a shoot up, boy dem get flatter
Put 'em in a ??? boy make that, so
18 19 21 10
Niggaz seen a gun, yah no see that again
Glance in the gun, no talk at all
Mother they thought that their baby in a hole
Wicked impression me bad for the skin
Murder that nigga then go dance in Berlin
Oh man me are there, them there go dancing
Here Ninjaman on the microphone boy
It is the dying time...

(D. O€™Brien, R. Patterson, B. Setterington)
I will remember the days when I'm young...
Here's a story about the Whole Nine Yards
Me and Seane and Ash were raised by Moms
Didn't have much but we got along
diddly diddly diddly JAH!!!! (we'd be)
Boosting goods like everyday
Allenbury half price they'd pay
U could ask but we wouldn't say
diddly, diddly, diddly JAH!!!!
Now the police pulled up they said "form a line"
Said a Inchy threw a fit 'cause he was high on wine
Kelly got rude and he was out of hand
We said... ohh "leave him alone!!!"
While letting Inchy free with an apology
Fitzy hid his weed because he thought they'd see
Richael moonwalked by and said "follow me"
and we all just laughed out loud....
It's just another wicked day in my neighbourhood
U never know what be goin' down...
Back a twistin' and a breakin' 2 Run D.M.C.
I wish dem days could go on and on...
Anamon dem sing... Oh oh oh oh ...
Anagirl dem sing... Oh oh oh oh ...
We'd be hanging out in my backyard
The Brown's bassline hooked me hard
Keepin' 6 for security guards
diddly diddly diddly JAH!!! (who dat!?)
Startin' something in the parking lot
Quick duck so U don't get shot!!!
Dirty Sally streaking when she thinks she hot!!??!!
Freedman on the shack roof strumming guitar
Dem 3 chord riffs couldn' take him too far
Shutzmann yelling over "***Shaddup supa STARR***!!!"
Ohhh leave it alone....
Dirty Jack and Quinn stone-drunk as sin
now they couldn't find their car 'cause we hid it again
Danny scored big "Let the party begin!!!!"
and we all would fall in line....
It's just another wicked day in our neighbourhood
U never know what be goin' down....
Back spinning' and a breakin' 2 some Kool Mo Dee
I wish dem days could go on and on...
Snow's Rap
No matter where I'd be, my friends were there for me
We were tight U see, when the game got deep...
So we rose above with respect and love
And all I wanna say is....
It's just another wicked day in our neighbourhood
U never know what be goin' down....
Back spinning' and a breakin' 2 some Run D.M.C.
I wish dem days could go on and on...
It's just another wicked day in our neighbourhood
U never know what be goin' down....
Back spinning' and a breakin' 2 some Kool Mo Dee
I wish dem days could go on and on...

Here's a real sad song, a song that must be sung
Think about the days when we were young
When we were kids, girl, all you wanted to do was play
But that was then and look at how you're livin' today
It's making me sad and almost brings me tears
But you may just open your eyes when the smoke clears
Girl what happened to the smile that used to gleam
Once upon a time in your life, you used to dream
At the top of the swim team but now you're drownin'
How quick, you change was the most astounding
What you're gonna do is you against the world
You started off being such a sweet girl
Times go by, and years they start to drift
Now you're staring down a deep cliff
You can pour but don't overflow the cup
Girl, you better
Ease up
Slow down
Girl you better change your life around
(Ease up)
Slow down
Ease up
Slow down
Girl you better change your life around
(Ease up)
Slow down
No longer kids, now we're considered as teens
Now we start learning what the letters in life mean
You had a good home living the good life, who knows
You might have made somebody a good wife
How is it wrong when things were just so fine
Now you walk around, with a body with no mind
You entered the gateway to all life choices
Your brain was kinda hollow, so you followed the voices
And you let it mislead ya, it took your body and soul
And it said that it freed ya
Each and every girl like you is a sad case
You always have a pitiful look on your sad face
It could never be the way that it was
But if you are on the dope, then that's what the dope does
If you pour don't overflow the cup
Girl, you better
Ease up
Slow down
Girl you better change your life around
(Ease up)
Slow down
Ease up
Slow down
Girl you better change your life around
(Ease up)
Slow down
And now it comes to the final solution
Robbing and stealing and prostitution
Can't you see that your world is in shambles
Life is a big game with plenty of gambles
So much time, many things that are undone
No longer you 'cause there's you and a young son
You got one, there are girls with two or three
Can't get a fix on 'em, it's driving 'em up a tree
Just stop and think of your young child
Before he winds up as a name in a closed file
As I reminisce and take a look back
I wish I knew what to do, to put you on the right track
But yet, the train that left the station
And your money's on a permanent vacation now
The more you pour, you overflow the cup
Girl, you better
Ease up
Slow down
Girl you better change your life around
(Ease up)
Slow down
Ease up
Slow down
Girl you better change your life around
(Ease up)
Slow down
Ease up
Slow down
Girl you better change your life around
(Ease up)

Transcribed by: Azzdem & Wilderness Girl
Talking about tomorrow ooh
It seems that tomorrow maybe will come
Talking about yesterday today
????? the next step ????
Ain't no day like yesterday (so much has changed)
Ain't no day like yesterday (?????)
Ain't no day like yesterday (I don't know, I don't know, oh)
Ain't no day like yesterday
Now listen to me talk a
Me talk to the copper ????
Badness and racism that they must stop a
Swallow like a pride and me pride must swallow ?
A put your man ??? inside you must be hollow
Tears go down my eyes and give me boy drink a
Down to the shopping hall than all soon think a
Get me Junior Reid and we go tell pure culture
?????? stand at the back of the line we no we no like it
You shoot your brother down and you will think that you're a bad man
He said that is something that Snow man know man son
I wanna know, I wanna know
What will happen tomorrow Snow?
I wanna know, I wanna know
What will happen tomorrow Snow?
Now we realising what will-l-l gonna, me say, happen tomorrow
The things I say and ???? make me mind follow
Changing a like sad rudebwoy your attitude
Yesterday is gone but tomorrow I will come soon
???? the right way and chase you
Blind to the ?????? that you can't see, that is
Things are changing around me
(He said to hold on)
Things are changing around me
(Every day every way)
Things are changing around me
(It's too too ???)
Things are changing around me
(oh oh oh)

Transcribed by: Maha Khashan
Zooky zound, zooky zound, down
Time for us to fool around, boy now
Zooky zound, down
Time for us to fool around, boy now
Zooky zound, zooky zound down
Time for us to fool around, boy now
Zooky zound, down
Time for us to fool around
Guilty till I'm proven innocent
Whiplash freaky music accident
You look sweet
Bet you taste like cinnamon
I love them and leave them
Freestyle, everybody getting' down
Laced out, music's hoppin' in my veins
I stare and I'm steady makin' it
Love it or leave it
(I like it) Loud, I wanna hear it loud
Right between the eyes
Loud, I wanna hear it loud
I don't want no compromise
(**Repeat with counter melody)
Raindrops rollin' down the windowpane
Just can't leave you standin' in the rain
We got frozen like the novacaine
But just can't believe it
Sit back, feels just like I live a dream
Get stacked foolin with the?
In fact, we pump it up
'Cause we just like to hear it
(*Repeat 2 times)
Hip hop singin' to a reggae tune
No more lonely Monday afternoons
And I'd?
'cause you just like to hear it
Sometimes I just wanna hide away
If not for my little baby jane
And I keep singin' songs
'cause she just likes to hear it
(*repeat 2 times)
(**repeat and fade with counter melody)

Transcribed by: Azzdem & Primetime
Girl I've been hurt
Girl I've been hurt
You said there will be no other love
But me but girl I know much better
I'm no fool; you've been playing games on me
Come here tell me what you're thinking of (of)
Is he real, have you found another love?
How long must we play this masquerade?
Girl I've been hurt now I need another lover
You are no?
Girl I've been hurt now I need another lover
You are no?
Girl I've been hurt now I need another lover
You are no good
Who do you think you are?
Let me tell ya about it
Who do you think you are?
Girl is there something you should tell me
Cause you've been acting kinda strange lately
But I already know what's been going on
I'm in love but love it doesn't blind me
Now I'm moving on and leaving you behind me baby
I have to go I just can't take it any more
Love this girl me say love this girl
Love this girl me say love this girl
Don't you know say Daddy me Snow
Give her diamond and pearl
Give this girl me say diamond and pearl
Love her in my heart me say down to belly
He say Daddy me snow me are the cooler daddy
Me love this girl but she left me lonely
Love this girl now she left me lonely
She want go play with me heart, bye bye bye
She want go play with me heart, bye bye bye
Find another lover me say find another one
Find another lover me say find another one
To make me feel fine
Make me feel fine
Make me feel fine lord

I know with my heart and soul
You are the one to fulfill all my needs
And when I'm with you, don't wanna leave you
And in the night time you're all that I dream
Because I love, love, I want, want, I need, need
It's gotta be love 'cause I just can't get enough
'Nough I want, want, I need, need
It's gotta be love 'cause I just can't get enough
She's got the look, everybody wants to know
But it's me she wants to show
Heartbreak no more as I found that special girl
That she brightened up my world
She's mine, all mine, and she belongs to only me
In my arms she's got to be
You know the score and when you're not here with me
It makes me want you much more
That's why I want you, I need you
Gotta, gotta, gotta have you and that special love
And girl, I want you, I need you
I wanted you, girl, it's the pleasing of your love, love
I want, want, I need, need
It's gotta be love 'cause I just can't get enough
?Nough, I want, want, I need, need
It's gotta be love but I just can't get enough
I really want, want, I need, need
It's gotta be love 'cause I just can't get enough
'Nough, I want, want, I need, need
It's gotta be love 'cause I get lost in your touch
Hey pretty little birdie, you got the look
Come down the line with mine, you got me hooked
Formerly, Snow and [Incomprehensible]
Well, look in your face and break me with the charm
That not the reason I would never fall in love again
My motto was love ?em and leave ?em in the end
Playin' on a gorgeous blond [Incomprehensible]
Sing them him [Incomprehensible] I'm about the same book
I hardly ever asked you but only in a favor
See if our love was a while, you sleep before you fail
Otherwise I'd be just like I was back then
Here I, here I, here I go because
I want you, I need you
Gotta, gotta, gotta have you and your special lovin?
Girl, I want you, I need you, I wanna feed you
And girl you know it's love, love
I want, want, I need, need
It's gotta be love 'cause I just can't get enough
'Nough, I want, want, I need, need
It's gotta be love 'cause I just can't get enough
'Nough, I want, want, I need, need
It's gotta be love 'cause I get lost in your touch, touch
I want, want, I need, need

Transcribed by: Roby G & Azzdem
It's murder love?
It was a lonely, breezy, coolin' afternoon
The day I remember, how did it end so soon
And when they chat up a that girl
When they chat a with a group you know me girl
Oh my God, Oh Lord her baby laid so still
No one ever touch her cause they know that they be mine
All I got is, Oh my God it's murder love
It's got to be Murder Love.
No one ever touch her cause they know that they be mine
All I got is, Oh my God it's murder love
It's got to be Murder Love.
If name come follow, come follow me come
follow me, come, come, come quick
If a boy come to test him have him get one lick
Don't want no trouble and nobody gets hurt
If a boy comes to test he's going to wind up in a hearse
Blah, blah, blah that's what he did say
But look pon the joker man me say look at him today
Six foot six me say yes ja ja land
because I cut of his back, cut of his head
and cut of his hand lord
No one ever touch her cause they know that they be mine
All I got is, Oh my God it's murder love
It's got to be Murder Love.
Can't get rid of the feeling as she quickly deny it
Oh my God it's, Oh my God it's murder love
It's got to be Murder Love.
It was a lonely, breezy, coolin' afternoon
The day I remember, how did it end so soon
And when they chat up a that girl
When they chat a with a group you know me girl
Oh my God, Oh Lord her baby laid so still

Transcribed by: Azzdem & Wilderness Girl
???? in the street and shoot your brother down
Looking laid down and be the talk of the town
Nothing ever done before the time
Nothing ever done before the time
Just relax your mind
Just wait, just wait, just wait,
good things will come your way
good things will come your way
I tell ya, wasting time, give me time
Time wait for no one
It mean nothing ever done before the time ???
nothing ever done before the time
nothing ever done before the time ???
nothing ever done before the time
????? put down the knife, put down the gun
And me say what dem a go do
Dem want go set it right
Call your mum and then cry
Your ??? in a de bar
You see someone around that's in every hospital because
You run around the town with a man a with a gun
????? where you put your gun point lad
????and leave it alone
Coming from the wicked one dem call the Snow
Now nothing ever done before the time
Do take you to relax your mind
Everything you ??? will come your way
and it will come so easily
nothing ever done before the time
nothing ever done before the time
Just relax your mind
just wait, just wait, just wait
Good things will come your way
Good things will come your way
Waiting time, give me time
Time wait for no one
Waiting time, give me time
Time wait for no one
time time time longer than ??? oh
time time time don't take it for a joke, oh no
And if he get so much rope and the boy then might go choke
Ah this a this a true and we no tell no joke
You're thinking about ??? them a can't deny your ways
Get your ??? up upon tell you I go taste
Sit down and take your time and relax your mind
Officer go down and that he shoot you I go fine ??
This is the one that they call Daddy Snow
And then a dance in a ???? and let the good time role
The bad man the mercy never the mind murder massacre
The ???? the maniac that pumped up blasted ya
Pumping on those heavy loaded 9's
Then nuts crushed and I'll be tearing out their juice man
So don't try to ?? crazy kill shoot it down first
People what it's worth
Bringin' da bad boy ??? misery see ??? triggers now face the heat
To help your plea
I'm kicking a real ??? I left it black???????
Drama's on, women's gone ?????
Took your head, bloodshed enough dead from the 9

I will do any anything just for you
Make you feel happy and I never make you blue
I will do any anything just for you
Sacrifice my love I couldn't live without you
This is why, why
This is why, why
Saw you're face above your body walking into part two
Ah when I take her home and ride her like a choo choo
But your mouth in a me face above my face I did screw
????? Where I say "I do"
Take a trip down to Jamaica for romantic honeymoon
Candlelight bubblebath dancing to the right tune
Say sugar yes it's sweet but not like sweet like you
No one makes me feel quite like you
With the things you say my love
(The things you do)
This is why, why
This is why, why
You were the right one when first I saw you
To me you are so special and it's true
?????? is body might be everything
When I'm with you I just jump and prance
Now each passing day I would love to spend with you
??? just another ?? my love is so true
The feeling's are so strong, I hope the feeling's mutual
Heaven sent from above it's pure and natural
There's no other way to describe the love it wouldn't be a lie
I love you much ??? til the day I die

i wasent born to tell yo no lies
blame the reutine and then ask them why
all of the secret and all of them spise
now its time for us to open our eyes
recently thoughts programed in my mind
i hear a whisper of truth
you can't contain snow not this time
cause we've goned and looked at your prove
dont get burned by the first flame
at least those thoughts come out your brain
slowly just bring back your love
let those wild horses breath
come together you and me
and we can go on and go on
and we can go on and on
i hear a whi....ok

Been searchin all my life just to find you
In love with something about you
My soul feels empty without you
Where you've been hiding
So hold-a-me follow me come to me bet on me come beside-a-me and talking toxic
What's your name, your claim to fame GIRL
You make me feel like heaven
Intoxicate me on your game GIRL
Make me wanna ball till seven
I'm fascinated by your ways GIRL
There's no way I'm leavin
Voluntarily violate me GIRL
Show me what I've been missin
I will never find another girl like you that looks so grand
I wanna be that one to hold your hand
I hope to be the one to change you understand to overstand
But I will have you live to see true love a-one day
I wanns be be that special light that shines just like the northern star
That way you'll know just where you are
Fantasize feelin you hold me tight don't let me fall too far
So I will know you will live to see true love a-one day
What's your name, your claim to fame GIRL
You make me feel like heaven
Intoxicate me on your game GIRL
Make me wanna ball till seven
I'm fascinated by your ways GIRL
There's no way I'm leavin
Voluntarily violate me GIRL
Show me what I've been missin
So hold-a-me follow me come to me bet on me come beside-a-me and talking toxic
So hold-a-me follow me come to me bet on me come beside-a-me and talking toxic
What's your name, your claim to fame GIRL
You make me feel like heaven
Intoxicate me on your game GIRL
Make me wanna ball till seven
I'm fascinated by your ways GIRL
There's no way I'm leavin
Voluntarily violate me GIRL

James had a look on his face that I couldn't explain
He said,"Man, have you heard the news?"
Ronnie killed Jackie, caught her screwing around
While Hennessey was playing the blues
Having sex on the beach and before we could reach
Bacardi done blew him away
Let the sea breeze blow in the moonlight glow
I told ya nuff of what I think you should know
I wish I could fly
I, I wish I could fly
Fly away now
I wish I could fly, fly away
Sitting alone in my Manhattan home
I got a bottle of wine to drown my pains and sorrows
Singapore tune about this love I one knew
Margarita's her name
Got a gin fizz plan to make some quick fast ends
Hold up a bar and get drunk in the get away van
Shoot the shooting stars they know who we are
I said Mikey that's much too hard
I wish I could fly
I, I wish I could fly
Fly away now
I wish I could fly, fly away
If I don't know you by now, I will never know
If I don't know you by now, I will never know
I wish I could fly
I, I wish I could fly
Fly away now
I wish I could fly, fly away
As the sirens roar outside the liquor store
Stinger kneeled in cuffs as he started to pray
Mary's been shot, she's all covered in blood
What could make a man act this way?
No golden days and that's the price he did pay
Getting caught up in love with a bottle shape lay
It's absolute he was wrong for leaving Johnny behind
The brass monkey was dead and Remy was blind
I wish I could fly
I, I wish I could fly
Fly away now

Let me tell ya, Snow come back
What goes up must come down (who’s that?)
But I don’t wanna come back down (who’s that?)
Look at me I’m on top of the world
What I feel girl is real
I’m the king from the deck dem deal
Doesn’t anybody know?
Snow is back everybody body
Girls come wind up your body body
Fella’s snatch up a honey honey
Tell her she’s your one and only only
Now that I’m back you’re
Gonna hear me and see me
When you turn on your radio and TV
Snow is back in the game
Things will never be the same
No no no
If your feelin nice and irie through your lighters up
Tell the DJ lord god for him to jack it up
To all the people over there dem a fi run jump up
Baby over there she a have hic-up
She has her eyes on me since a quarter to 9
Me never seen a girl wind the way that she whine
Oh no
Well she could never be me friend
Snow is back everybody body
Girls come wind up your body body
Fella’s snatch up a honey honey
Tell her she’s your one and only only
Now that I’m back you’re
Gonna hear me and see me
When you turn on your radio and TV
Snow is back in the game
Things will never be the same
No no no
Me say me sorry that me kept the people waitin so long
Now that me back you can dance to a brand new tune
Tell ya motha sista brothas and ya fatha too
China white black ya can bring ya crew
Ever since from way back me have nuff love for you
And when you did a hurt me take a hurt lot for you god
Well she could never be me friend
Snow is back everybody body
Girls come wind up your body body
Fella’s snatch up a honey honey
Tell her she’s your one and only only
Now that I’m back you’re
Gonna hear me and see me
When you turn on your radio and TV
Snow is back in the game
Things will never be the same
No no no
What goes up must come down
But I don’t wanna come back down
Chris Black - Chris Black catch the place on fire
Watch the beat and go, Chris Black you go
After I snatch up a honey I just show her the keys
I aint got to say much she respects the G’s
Sprees to Tiffany’s - Trips to Belize
My Latino chick said Aruba would do her
After that she want a check Snow perform in Cuba
Maybe meet him in person sing Informer to her (Informer)
Next day I take her to the hotel and do her
Snow is back everybody body
Girls come wind up your body body
Fella’s snatch up a honey honey
Tell her she’s your one and only only
Now that I’m back you’re
Gonna hear me and see me
When you turn on your radio and TV
Snow is back in the game
Things will never be the same

(T. Kelly, D. O€™Brien, S. Kling, L. Prendergast)
Nobody else can own nobody can control me
Baby love the way that you do
There is nobody else in-a my life that can hold me
Baby love the way that you do
Nobody else can own nobody can control me
Baby love the way that you do
There is nobody else in-a my life that can hold me
Baby love the way that you do
Hey pretty baby
I€™m a glad ya call
Cause ya know ya drive me krazy
Been climbing up the wall
I€™m sending my Mercedes
Get your overhall
I€™m a keep da music pumpin€™ ------ tonight the party€™s rockin€™
Can€™t wait to see ya lady
Ya know ya got it all
Got my crib clean and ready
Fresh sheets and all
Crystal flowin€™ steady
Candle lights installed
I€™m a keep da music pumpin€™ ------ tonight the party€™s jumpin€™
Nobody else can own nobody can control me
Baby love the way that you do
There is nobody else in-a my life that can hold me
Baby love the way that you do
Nobody else can own nobody can control me
Baby love the way that you do
There is nobody else in-a my life that can hold me
Baby love the way that you do
My little hottie
I€™m a take you out
And make ya move ya body
Cause ya know what were about
We€™ll take a trip to Bali
ya know there is no doubt that
I€™m a keep da music pumpin€™ ------ tonight the party€™s rockin€™ now
Ya have me baby
I€™m inna love zone
If I don€™t have you near me
I€™d rather be alone
And if for some strange reason
you can€™t make it home
I€™m a keep da music pumpin€™ ------ tonight the party€™s jumpin€™ now
Nobody else can own nobody can control me
Baby love the way that you do
There is nobody else in-a my life that can hold me
Baby love the way that you do
Nobody else can own nobody can control me
Baby love the way that you do
There is nobody else in-a my life that can hold me
Baby love the way that you do
Bridge €"
Nobody else can own nobody can control me
Baby love the way that you do
There is nobody else in-a my life that can hold me
Baby love the way that you do
Nobody else can own nobody can control me
Baby love the way that you do
There is nobody else in-a my life that can hold me
Baby love the way that you do
I hope you€™re ready
For what I in store
Cause you got me going baby
I€™m-a coming back for more
I can€™t keep steady
One thing€™s for sure
I€™m a keep da music pumpin€™ ------ tonight the party€™s rockin€™ now
Them other ladies
I continue to ignore
And I know my past is shady but
It€™s you who I€™m feigning for
So don€™t worry baby you€™re
The one that I adore
I€™m a keep da music pumpin€™ ------ tonight the party€™s jumpin€™ now
Nobody else can own nobody can control me
Baby love the way that you do
There is nobody else in-a my life that can hold me
Baby love the way that you do
Nobody else can own nobody can control me
Baby love the way that you do
There is nobody else in-a my life that can hold me
Baby love the way that you do

Took a walk down the avenue
Saw this man that I thought I knew
I said to the man "How's your day?"
He looked at me and this is what he said
He don't wanna be a rich man, a poor man
He wants to live his life live it like a free man
Has to work, struggling everyday
Coz Lord it's freezing (It's so cold)
He's got a bag of paper and a bottle of rum
Keeping the freeze away
It's so damn cold
He's got his favourite picture of his wife and kids
And a house so far away
Have mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy
Have mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy
It could be you, it could be me
(Lord it's cold and the mercury's falling)
She hides behind the wall
It's the lady from down the hall
Everyday living in fear
I'll put my heart inside her tears
Got a man she couldn't please
She got a baby in her belly, one on her knees
She needs to eat
Coz Lord it's freezing (It's so cold)
She got no money in her purse, no friends any more
He chased them all away
It's so damn cold
She's got ???, never change
People hear me when I say
Have mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy
Have mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy
It could be you, it could be me
Somebody tell me how does it feel
Some many people living in fear
No place for the future, no hope in your heart
Where do we start?
Have mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy
Have mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy
It could be you, it could be me
Let the poor man die
?? in the air and it will follow up in your eye
This is the truth, me tell no lie

Transcribed by: Maha Khashan & Azzdem
Sexy girl in a corner, make a dicky wonder
If I could ever have a chance
Sexy girl in a corner, make a dicky wonder
If I could ever have a chance
Woman change guys
Just like a chameleon
You'd be a dead man walking boy
If looks could kill you
She ask me one simple question
Me never could answer
You like the freaky deaky
Move like a snake
Then baby, come on ya
But I keep ballin'
Wait a minute
Snowman wait a minute, minute
Need a jimmy hat
Before me push it up up in it, in it
Wait a minute
Snowman wait a minute, minute
Need a jimmy hat
Before me push it up up in it, in it
She had the style of a beauty queen
And a smile of an angel
Make any man wanna clip her wing
And only God He could save you
She got the eyes that glitter of gold
And her body would slave you
Then she grab me by the hand, let's go
I'll take you my place to lay ya
And I kept ballin'
Sexy girl in a corner, make a dicky wonder
If I could ever have a chance
Sexy girl in a corner, make a dicky wonder
If I could ever have a chance
[mc shan]
It's a shame you got to bag it up
when you're taggin a dame
she be hot like a fire
you be feelin' the flame
you don't wanna mess around
and catch the HIV
wind up in the wrong mind of a cell, son
C'est la vie
The only thing that she in love with
Is the ice or snow
So keep your eyes on your money
And one of these, for you know
If I were you I would hit it
Just to crown the bitch
But somewhere along the line
Something to gain is bound to switch
I know oh...
I know oh...

Transcribed by: Primetime
If this world were mine, I'd play a rub a dub all the time
Oh girl you would be mine, keeping per perfect time
If this world were mine, I'd play a rub a dub all the time
Oh girl you would be mine, keeping per perfect time
It was a lonely afternoon I took a walk that day
And there she was up in the park could it one same way
She was wearing something oh that I cannot mention
Just to get my attention
I said I'm running no game what is your name
Do you understand what I say
Are you confused by the words that I choose
And if you are should I slow down
Solo solo solo hay maana
Young girl listen to what I say
You got me movin' you got me groovin' make me feel much younger
Say even is the bag she got me bubbling under
Make me pray to God when you roll like thunder
The heat from your body make it hot like fire
Say there's no other girl that can quench my desire
Now if you had the same you wouldn't call me a liar
She makes me high, so high
I only wanna rub a dub with you baby, you know I love you
I only wanna rub a dub with you baby, all the time
Wanna get with you but I wanna be your play toy
Venture into something new
Wanna kiss your sweet lips touch in the sun dips
Tell me what you wanna do
Whatcha gonna do...

Transcribed by: Maha Khashan
Girl comes home and checks her phone
She fools herself that she's not alone
But everybody wants to be like you
And it all boils down and all this ends
You turn around and you got no friends
But everybody wants to be like you
I would really hate to be her
Think they love her when they see her
When she's gone she just don't know
What they say
She inherited the drama
It was passed down from her mama
And her daddy he would only drink wine
Only if she came around
But she's slowly goin' down
She looked a whole lot older
Yet nobody ever told her
You would never know
That she was sixteen
And as far as I remember
She was standing on the corner
Just the type that loved
To be on the scene
Only if she came around
But she's slowly goin' down
CHORUS *2 (ad lib)
Girl comes home and checks her phone
She fools herself that she's not alone
But everybody wants to be like you

Started at the very second as she turned her head
I looked deep into her eyes
Caught a vision of love
(Caught a vision of love)
She was all so fine and all so sweet
I had to find a way to make her mine
(Gotta make her, gotta make her mine)
I stepped off to her very smooth
Hopin' that she would approve
Now's the time to make my move
(Now's the time to make my move)
I said, "Hello" she said, "Goodbye" and walked away
I don't wanna give up I'm hooked on you
I wanna know well if it's really love or infatuation
The way I feel about you
Lady with the red dress on
I love to be your man
(I wanna be your man)
And take you into my world, ski dum dum
Hey I'll show you lots of surprise
And make you hypnotized
And then you will be my girl
Lady with the red dress on
I love to be your man
(I wanna be your man)
And take you into my world, ski dum dum
Hey I'll show you lots of surprise
And make you hypnotized
And then you will be my girl
I was off to her very smoothly
Hopin' that she would approve me
Now's the time to make my move
(Now's the time to make my move)
I said, "Hello" she said, "Goodbye" and walked away
I don't wanna give up I'm hooked on you
A little lady with the lady with the red dress
I don't know who you are but then I'm really impressed
Let's discuss it over dinner and wine
I have a million different ways for us to unwind girl
I just wanna bring out the romance in you
Don't get me wrong you're the song I'm dancin' to
And no reply all she added was jest
Me I go find another lady with the red dress on
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy
Lady with the red dress on
I love to be your man
(I wanna be your man)
And take you into my world, ski dum dum
Hey, I'll show you lots of surprise
And make you hypnotized
And then you will be my girl
Lady with the red dress on
I love to be your man
(I wanna be your man)
And take you into my world, ski dum dum
Hey, I'll show you lots of surprise
And make you hypnotized
And then you will be my girl
Lady with the red dress on
I love to be your man
(I wanna be your man)
And take you into my world, ski dum dum

Transcribed by: Azzdem
Oh no, oh no yeah!
Oh no, oh no yeah!
No we don't like them
No we don't like them at all
Me I go murder them
We are go murder them all
Hear this!
(ad lib)
It name Babylon
No we don't like them at all (murder them)
But what is worse than the Babylons
Are boys that they call Informers
(Oh yeah)
Chat chat ba da chat yeah if he get pon the phone
And a why don't you leave people business alone
And with your finger them a de push put me 911
This is dat me something that me do not understand
Oh your running a running me down with your ears open wide
Mouths wide like a bear with angry mask
So many people want fi see I
Stop loving you girl (uh)
So many people want fi see I
Stop loving you girl (uh)
But I can't, but I can't, but I can't, but I can't
And I won't
But I can't, but I can't, but I can't, but I can't
And I won't
So many things a me say get pon me mind
So many muck ups so man me never drive
Watch how they beat him then a go on to this guy
Spit in ya ear and follow in your eye
He say why they put a de baby him wake up then they cry
He said that this the one boy that they call Daddy Snow
And the one that them a call the ???
Me say rappin' on the mic' and then me grand master
But this can't stop, me stop them, the boy that me go like it's Babylon (yeah)
And somebody wrote up and then phone me talk of informer
We don't like them and a boy dem a go fall
We don't like pussy bwoy dem a wind up in a hearse
Me no like them, me no ?? down, me no care about the boy
Them run around town sayin' something that's not true

Buju, Terror, Beenie Man and Snow,
You said you'd do anything for me BUT how far would you
I will do any ANYthing just for you
Make you feel happy and I never make you blue
I will do any ANYthing just for you
Sacrifice my love I couldn't live without you
This is why, why
This is why, why
??????? boom boom
Everything me have ???
Please a girl and just hold on tight
Love the girl with all of your might
Some TALK BOUT this and said some TALK BOUT that
Some of them don't have no love and take in your heart
Some type of this and me say some gwan with that
Some of them don't have no love and get pon the ?????
Stand up boy...??
DONT JUDGE me for fugitive, you fool, COOL
You never know seh a me RUN the school
So a me got the girls dem tool, fool
MUST REALIZE and understand
SAY me sing THIS stance so mi ah di GIRLS DEM man bwoy
You won't diss me from 19 oh long
(When BEENIE man say)
WOMAN they ready so man ah mama
YOU NO WANT A GAL hook up inna drama
Listen to me STYLE
And catch the PATTERN
BEENIE WIT A next brand new song
This is why, why
This is why, why
SOME WOULDA give DEM heart, DEM mind, DEM soul and
And the next man ????? (Ooh Wah)
While the DJ singing (GAL-CHILD listen up, cha)
AFFECTION INNA MI HEART just A bubble love show
IF YOU SEE ME WALKING out THEN something must be
????????? so much FOR YOU ME SING THIS SONG
From the bottom of me heart... because... me say
Me check for you some MUCH SO ME NAH GO DO YOU DAT
???????? life apart ??
NATURAL LIKE A CANDLE, she cool and she black
SPECIALLY FOR you me bring a bunch of roses
For if a dem a say I just wanted da poses
True then I understand, WAAN know me business
Tell them fi mind DEM own
The feeling is so strong I hope the feelin's mutual
Heaven sent from above it's pure and natural
There's no other way describe the love that wouldn't be a
I love you much longer PAST the day I die
Well I've got love and devotion
I got a way 'cross de ocean
Action and protect my potion
LOVE IN a slow motion
Fi go kill out me RESIDENT
And then a next man
LIVIN like a president
All ah teach private lesson to me students
Gangalee OVERTHROW DEM de government
A long time with about ??? and
I'll always stand dorminant
So don't watch the BIG BAG AH excitement!
Stand up boy...??
It's ALL about love
Stand up boy...??

50 ways (go go go go)
50 ways to flip a style
skiddily diddily boom boom a whop a dung dem
you never know say daddy me snow yes me come back
snow that begin a reading for the musical blow
man de sun came down man de moon came up
man I'm fun alone me just
spin on the top a me say working gold ?
another regional land in a Toronto
I rocked then a rolled rock it never need a flow
People dem a take over the mind and soul
eat it in a plate a man fe eat it in a bowl
?????deaf music man a hyper volume noise
skiddily diddily boom boom a whop a dung dem lord
skiddily diddily boom boom me come back again
skiddily diddily boom boom a whop a dung dem
you never know say daddy me snow go go go
run go tell your friend
they said "hey snow man is there something we can
to hear another wicked style yes coming here
straight from you?"
they smiled and looked to me I said there aren't to
There must be 50 ways to flip a style
There must be 50 ways to flip a style
Speaking of 50 ways
Speaking of 50 styles
Flip I'm about to give why so grab a grip
1, 2, 1, 2 check
step up and get wrapped
Rough rhymes nuff respect
Wiggiddi whack styles
De home de home my system
Then speed up stretch em out
Toss em up and twist em
Rolled up beat cause you can get done true
Flavours, my rhymes are like an ice cream scoop
Boy just stand still face your prosecution
Love to see ya fate that's your resolution
Wrap us gift rock
Concocted of a potion
Rough on the edge jets move like notion
Psychotic murder and maniac rapper killin'
Back when it comes to rap the rapper kazilla
Swift with the gift I make it worth your while
50 ways and 50 styles
All on come up jack it up to what I say
Your in a jamaican pack that man' in New York
That means you're gay
We're in a New York dem a go people having fun
Women he women he warm up?
???? never get up in front of judge man ???????
???? pull on a microphone and running about
a me say up a to the top because
Women chat diddily diddily warm up?

What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
I paint a picture, girl
Of a love so true
Of all the beautiful things
You and I should do
It will drive me wild
Till it reach the part
Of painting your smile
Oh no, oh no, maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
In the midnight
When I'm all alone
I turn the lights down
Soft and low
Start when I'm missin'
All the love I once knew
In comes the dreamin'
Of me lovin' you
Oh no, oh no, maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
It bugs me, you think you love me
Put her above me
But love don't live here no more
For you show me it's ugly
When you reminisce, remember this
I'm gonna need better than this
Not gonna sit here and wait for love
I'm gonna go out and seek it
You want a classic freak
Like only you could keep a secret
I need attention, did I mention
I wanna get some respect
Try to go with the flow
But I keep losin' my bets
Certain things I ain't do
Because I wasn't ready yet
If you livin' a lie
Let the love be real
'Cause you don't really miss me
You just miss how it feels
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling
Maybe I'm lonely
What's this feeling
That I'm feeling
When I'm feeling

In the dancehall the mighty dancehall the snow ah go rummie tonight
In the dancehall the mighty dancehall the Snow ah go singing tonight
Cuz I
Wonder if one day that you say that you care
If you say you love me madly
I'll gladly be there
I will be there
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up Jamaica
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up America
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up Canada
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up all ova
Me nah have them thinking a nah one a yes me have em in a two
Me have em in a plenty me no have em in a few
Say hands down n a boom boom me black and blue
Ina dance and a gurl say how do you do?
Me a busy right now me cant talk on to you
Say meet me backstage after mi say after curfew
What me can what me go do?
Now inna (????) inna dance an dem a dem a say hi
Yes daddy me Snow yes ya well versatile
She was a pretty thing from a pretty smile
See dis a song say things dat you cant understand
Ya never no say daddy me Snow say he's a bad man
Me comin inna di dance a with a comin with a hand
In the dancehall the mighty dancehall the snow ah go rummie tonight
In the dancehall the mighty dancehall the Snow ah go singing tonight
Me nah have them thinking a nah one a yes me have em in a two
Me have em in a plenty me no have em in a few
Say hands down n a boom boom yes me black and blue
Say inna dance and say how do you do?
Me a busy right now me cant talk on to you
Say meet me backstage after mi say after curfew
So I can work me fa do
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up a Germany
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up Japan land
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up Ireland
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up all di nation
I am a conscious bird flying all up around this world
Lord have mercy Lord
I am conscious bird and I hope that I can fly in your world
Hear dat!
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up di Sleeman's
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up di dreamland
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up Ireland
Gimme a sexy girl e mah go mash up di whole wide wooooooooorld

Transcribed by: Japanese & Jeff Bromley
Hey Snow, would you like a line?
Trouble you own my mind is mine
And he said take time take it anyway
I promise you man you'll have a brighter day
And I said give me one whiskey
Give me two shot lord I'm a leprechaun
Sugacaine gonna mess with you mind yo
Sugacaine don't mess with my mind yo
Pull up your ready and ride them
Why you give a bigger bag of problems
Rock hard we don't need them
Tell then a once me na go tell them again
Beating on me pressure did a beat down me door
If a light come through my window
Shouts and voice and and I reach at the door
Hey Snow would you like a light
Trouble you own my mind is mine
And he said take time take it anyway
I promise you man you'll have a brighter day
And I said give me one whiskey
Give me two shot lord I'm a leprechaun

Transcribed by: Azzdem & Wilderness Girl
I've been waiting much too long
For me and you to get it on
Let's get it on baby
I've been waiting much too long
For me and you to get it on
Let's get it on baby
Used to be sunshine on those cloudy days
And you took your lovin' lovin' and you went astray
Used to give me all your love and then you hold me tight
Now the tears are runnin' down in the middle of the night
Me say back up hold on slow down wait a minute
You canna give a love if your heart's not in it
But a you then love there aren't no other
Cause girl when I been hurt I need another lover
Been waiting too long for a love that's true
I never need them a once me say brand new
Treat them nice and treat them right and holding me tight
Then sex me and caress me in the middle of the night
Me say back up hold on slow down wait a minute
You canna give a love if your heart's not in it
Cause in a me heart in a me Snow my loving is strong
Now I'm searching for the lady with the red dress on
Used to be sunshine on those cloudy days
And you took your lovin' lovin' and you went astray
Used to give me all your love and then you hold me tight
Now the tears are runnin' down in the middle of the night (hear this)
Listen for me, now listen for me
Have a lock that's in your heart
Now won't you give me the key
It's you that I need
Been waiting too long
So it's nice that Daddy me Snow me I fi carry on

Someone pass me that Guitar
I wanna know if You can spare few minutes of your time
You know all this chop and chipin'chugglin'all around down the world
heart ake to be broke but were gonna write something nice and smooth
Check it...
La La lalalalalalalalalalalala
As I travel down life's highways,
Thinking of days gone by,
I'm a city man but my heart keeps yearning for some secluded countryside.
In a place where no one's a stranger,
Say hello and how are you,
Let the music play and in the middle of the day smell the sweet morning dew.
La la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la
There's no place that seems too far,
Not on earth or amongst the stars,
I just close my eyes and I dream if I can't reach it by motor car,
Sit on top of the highest mountain,
Feel I can touch the sky,
Then imagine I was a bird and I would spread my wings and fly.
high, high over the moon, around the stars and back to earth to you.
fall, fall follow me through around the world and back then over the moon. 2X
As I often look to the sun,
As it meets the rising shore,
Seems I know this taste an unfamiliar place but that face I've seen before.
April showers bring May flowers,
So let the rains come down.
Will all this end, well that all depends.
I wish my friends could see me now.
high, high over the moon, around the stars and back to earth to you.
fall, fall follow me through around the world and back then over the moon. 2X
Tell it to me, Tell it to me, Tell it to me lord
Tell it to me, Tell it to me, Tell it to me lord
Tell it to me, Tell it to me, Tell it to me lord
Tell it to me, Tell it to me, Tell it to me lord
see then we come and we say come and a wan des a way
and then we say de de come come de de yesterday
and you see that you just want to lay
informer you no say daddy down a lickity boom boom down
see then were talking bout the mind thats on the moon
see then were talking bout the mind thats on the moon
see then were talking bout the mind thats on the moon
and da mind on da moon a da mind de le fi fe want to say
and the mind on the m,oon de la fee fee de la new come say
and i wish my friends could see me now

Transcribed by: Azzdem & Wilderness Girl
We love it many people love it
A reason why them love it so is because me sing
Reggae music tonight
If you love-a this sound ah
Just-a say the word
And I shall reggae the music for the boys and girls
See when I was youth around the age of 13
Have enough black friends in my community
Them say he say Daddy Snow we all are one
If you don't go down we all go down around the song
Me say I'm an Irish man a me say not a black man a
When we all together have the same local band
???? fun without condition
Me love a each and every me say each and every one
Because me ??????
Because me ??????
Where I come from there's no racists at all
Personal de Snow me I go rebel ????
Black people black and a white is a white
We don't wanna kill a we no fight and divide
If you think I'm a joke you must be fool parasite
Come in a de dance me have a dj tonight
We no we no care 'bout the one who lied a
Good enough me say wif ??????
A why-y-y if he if he end then lover's sake ga ga ga ga! ???
We love it
Many people love it
A reason why dem love it so
Cause me sing reggae music tonight
I'm a love love love love love each and every one?('ave fun)
I'm a love love love love love each and every one?('ave fun)
Me say I'm an Irish man a me say not a black man a
When we all together have the same local band
???? fun without condition
Me love a each and every me say each and every one
Because me ??????
A why-y-y if he if he end then lover's sake ga ga ga ga! ???
Hear this!
Me say when I was a youth around the age of 13
Used to fuck up in in a dance me say Snow, Junior Reid
And I wicked in disguise, I'm here in a de land
Listen to the song me I go sing sing it
Now people dem a want a known DJ
Probably a chinaman probably a black man
Could be well all you want
Now listen to the sound ?????
Now what dem a go do now what dem a go try
You can't get the ?????

Transcribed by: Maha Khashan
Say hello, hello, hello
Say hello, hello, hello
Wish that I was just a kid
I'd find some place to play
The world around us
Seems to drown us on a slow decay
I close my eyes
Imagine floating out to sea
Not a sound for miles around
The only man was me
Still there ain't no use
I'm gettin' it sideways
It's nothin' at all
I'm getting' it my way
Keep imagining cars
Up in the driveway
I'm hittin' the highway
How can you knock it
You're getting' by
You can do anything
If you try
The things I did when I was a kid
I wish would go away
Be who you are that's who you'll be
That's what I always say
My life's an open book
For all the world to see
I don't bother you but yet
You throw your dirt at me

Transcribed by: Azzdem
La la la la la la la la la la la?
You are an innocent woman
And you need someone who cares
By the look in your eyes I realize
That you are hurt and that's not fair
I'll give you what you want when you need it
You can always depend on me
I'll give you what you need when you want it
I'll bring sun to your cloudy day
Hey pretty love
Is it really love you're feeling for me?
Is it love? Is it love?
Hey pretty love
Wrapped up in your arms is where I want to be
I wanna be, I wanna be?
It ain't for the one or the love of the one it's me you out go with
It ain't for the one or the love of the one it's me you out go yeah yeah
It ain't for the one or the love of the one it's me you out go with
It ain't for the one or the love of the one it's me you out go with
If you have experience of this love yet
Don't worry girl and me say don't be afraid
Another bed another sheets as we get wetter
Don't put into ???? come from me a big stain
Put on the money down I say me you I go with
He said Daddy me Snow I'll give you love that's true
Only for me and me say only for you
Ain't for the one or the love of the one it's me you out go with...
Hey pretty love
In my heart there'll always be a place for you
Be a place, a place for you
Hey pretty love
There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do
I wouldn't do, just for you
Me I go some of them once and some of them twice and some then bambino
Some of them once and some of them twice and some then bambino...
When comes love me say no problem
Me love this girl and me say love her so much
He say it Terry she have the golden touch
She make me laugh she make me smile
And sometimes yes she makes me blue
But this is what happens with the stuff you go through because
Ain't for the love or the love of the one it's me you out go with...
Oh lord have mercy (wrapped up in your arms is where I want to be)
When you love this girl might go rare to my heart
Hey pretty love
In my heart there'll always be a place for you
Hey pretty love
There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do
Hey pretty love
In my heart there'll always be a place for you
Hey pretty love
There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do

Transcribed by: Azzdem & Nerd
Murder bwoy?
Si wi dem nuh know we dem nuh know we pon dem si wi
One come arrest me and charge me wif da murder
They take me to the station one lock me down
I want a phone call to link up with me lawyer
Me say who adopt the bwoy me say look what they took
???? liar
Dem for some upon the street go look for rudebwoy
Ooh I shoot people then ask questions after
He was charged with murder
Mama's son was arrested and charged with murder
Make me tell me you me some eat up fi some are dumb, crazy or what?
You no treat da man I knew dis an' big entertainer
Me never kill blind much less man kid a
You know where me come down wif de murder
You don't see Ninjaman around dance master
Look pass the ???? stage you're on fire
Junior Reid there was a one bloke son she bought ya
When round dance a people feel sweet like sugar
Because they take me round a Spanish town
And said this murder to some Sergeant Brown
And then they take me to the East Detention
No more of a de murder men in a me nah mention no
And then they take me on a rock as island
Further than a place they at a no-man's land
And now they take me to a criminal penitentiary
But when I go get jumpy
Officer says serge
Look who we are
Junior Reid, there's the Snow and the Ninja
Ah for some upon the street go look for rudebwoy
Ooh I shot people then ask questions after
He was charged with murder
My my son was arrested and charged with murder
Me say yes run around to you be lively
??? do it all is not guilty
Me never kill blind much less kid a you see
??? kill people pick me
Live by the bible do more so than will
Never kill a duck much less a dill dill
??? like a bill
Done a Kingston kill in a Mandeville
Know dem charge you fi murder one
Judge a go den done you know fi young
He was charged for murder
He was arrested and charged for murder
His son was arrested and charged with murder
He was arrested and charged for murder
Original tune everyone out there
Fi take reggae music cause they badder
Original snow long time me tell them
Wanna think of me now like an informer
He was charged for murder
Innocent man was arrested and charged for murder?

That song you played last night
Memories of holding my girl tight
In a dance, in a dance me come alone
And my favourite girlfriend at home
So they say, this is what I have to say
Hey Mr. DJ, play
Ring ring me love love but a watch watch me charm charm
I have me girlfriend a me say under me arm arm
Ring ring me love love but a watch watch me charm charm
Have me girlfriend under me arm
By the nights the dancehall did a swing
To my surprise my girlfriend did a bring
Next time, wind up in the corner
You got me wonder, so
Give me the sound, give me the sound Mr. DJ
Give me the sound make the problem run away
Give me the sound, give me the sound Mr. DJ
Hey Mr. DJ, play
Could it be is it really true?
Next man, he go whine on you
Here I am with my mind confused
I know
Gotta get my self composed
Gotta find me another rose
Then my heart as you should know
I'm Snow
Ring ring me love love but a watch watch my charm charm
Have me girlfriend a me say under me arm
Ring ring me love love but a watch watch my charm charm
Have my girlfriend under me arm
First day listen to what I say
Then I find out I`m gonna just walk away
From the corner of my eye, she caught me attention
Third verse a mention so
Give me the sound, give me the sound Mr. DJ
Give me the sound make the problem run away
Give me the sound, give me the sound Mr. DJ
Hey Mr. DJ, play
I was holding this girl who I met last night
The feeling was good, but it still wasn't right
Coz no one can compare to you my girl, oh no
I put my heart, put my trust, my hard earned time
Swallowed up my pride and put my love on the line
Coz no one can compare to you my girl, you know
Give me the sound, give me the sound Mr. DJ
Give me the sound make the problem run away
Give me the sound, give me the sound Mr. DJ
Hey Mr. DJ, play
L-L-L-O-V-E I love you forever
You you may cheat cheat but I, I will never
???? (Hey Mr. DJ, play)
Me love her, yes me love her in me heart
Woman, woman go go breaking me heart
Don't you know daddy daddy me Snow, love her from the start
Give me the sound, give me the sound Mr. DJ
Give me the sound make the problem run away
Give me the sound, give me the sound Mr. DJ
Hey Mr. DJ, play
Ring ring me love love but a watch watch my charm charm
Have me girlfriend a me say under me arm
Ring ring me love love but a watch watch my charm charm
Have my girlfriend under me arm

My old suit still seems to fit
I'm crossin' my fingers and bitin' my lip
I check the mirror, say what a trip
'Cause I still go it
(I still got it)
Don't you think a day I missed
The way we fought and the way you bitched
She left me poor, but I feel rich
'Cause I still go it
(I still got it)
Don't leave me this way
With nothin' in my heart but an empty page
How could you say that you never really loved me
With a straight face, baby?
Did you think I fell for it?
And finally I must admit
That you were the pain and I was the [unverified]
It don't matter anyway
(It don't matter anyway)
Start the day back in my car
Is that star too far to get to?
I don't care who you think you are
'Cause you don't get it
(You don't get it)
Everything I said to you
Went in one ear and out the other
I don't know what the hell I did
I don't know why I even bothered
Don't leave me this way
With nothin' in my heart but an empty page
How could you say that you never really loved me
With a straight face, baby?
Did you think I fell for it?
And finally I must admit
That you were the pain and I was the [unverified]
It don't matter anyway

Transcribed by: Maha Khashan
I led a hard life
Dust in the wind
I led a hard life
I led a hard life
Close my eyes
Only for a moment
And the moment's gone
All we do
Crumbles to the ground
And we refuse to see
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
I led a hard life (Repeat)
Same old sound
Just a drop of water
In an endless sea
In all you do
And not another minute
Oh no, no more goodbye, bye, bye
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
I led a hard life (Repeat)
I don't know
What about?
And we stick it assunder
Out of coming up in this world
And it's bringing me under
And as I can make it this far
I know just who we are
We must be dust
CHORUS & fade with the following:
I led a hard life (repeat)

Transcribed by: Stikky Fingaz & Azzdem
Sexy girl i'll never find another
She's my sexy girl that i like
Sexy girl i'll never find another
She's my sexy girl that i like
She's got me walkin talkin drinkin sleepin
Can't sleep at night until the early morn a risin
Wonderin' if she dead or gone phone
If she dead, with a next man or feelin alone
A mi si 5 foot 8 i me si dead pon the same
Flesh licker girl straight out of a magazine
Long brown hair and a nice big smile and
My heart said Snow you better give it a try
So i walk up talk up hope i don't mock up
Something in her eyes said Snow you must knock up
Me I'm feelin' lonely and free
If love is so blind then why can i see
A me say 7 years ago when you first start be my baby
You were everything that I thought would be a lady
Personality and a class that match
Won't you look inside your heart and give Snowman a chance
Cause your my...
One even day her and i at the disco
Watch how the girl she just a dance down low
Now watch the girl pon east and the girl pon left
You dance too much you a dance to death
And now you no do it right if you no work up a sweat
Personally Snowman i don't know why i do it
But me still have to watch to see another
How she moves up her hip and go straight to shoulder
So i walk up talk up hope i don't mock up
Something in her eyes said Snow you must knock up
Me I'm feelin' lonely and free
If love is so blind then why can i see
A me say 7 years ago when you first start be my baby
You were everything that I thought would be a lady
Personality and a class that match
Won't you look inside your heart and give Snowman a chance
(I girl me love the girl that need my girl my best friend)
(Yes she did a gone and she no phone me again)

Transcribed by: B-Low & thanks to Julio.
{Yami Bolo}
It- been so long We›e been in captivity.
People wishing one day to be free.
Waiting to see the day when freedom will come.
Mama working hard in the burning sun.
I wish the world were truly happy living as one living as one.
Wish the word they call freedom one day would come.
I may bee just a foolish dreamer.
But I don˜ care.
{Yami Bolo}
Freedom rushes freely trough the air.
Freedom more freedom don˜ turn them down don˜ turn them down.
Freedom more freedom don˜ turn us down don˜ turn us down.
Although they›e no love for Humanity
{Yami Bolo}
How could you ever sell your brother man in slavery.
In word of injustice crimes and poverty.
Organize and set your lives in one I-nity was meant to be.
{Yami Bolo}
Overcome material gain petty prejudice system.
Too long poor people have been the victim.
I wish that one day when freedom comes.
For each and every man to see the morning sun.

Ooh, you better, better clear the runway, hey
Step to snow, you got problem
Because you better clear the runway, hey, hey
Step to snow, you got problem
Because you better clear the runway, hey
Step to snow, you got problem
Because you better clear the runway, hey, hey
Clear a de runway 'cause a here I man come
All the Rudebwoys know from where me came from
When you hear fe me voice you never know what I've been through
Step to de dnow man mashing up your whole crew
Ah, me say, yes sir, daddy me, snow me are the top celebrity
Roam up the dance in a nicer party
Anything that me do, man, me do it better
Come in a de place like a ruling gangsta
Gun on my hip, knife de pan my side
Hear a rumor any DJ can try to
Challenge me goes and gets him burial
Me say look how me great and my potential
Step to snow, you got problem
Because you better clear the runway, hey
Step to snow, you got problem
Because you better clear the runway, hey, hey
Step to snow, you got problem
Because you better clear the runway, hey
Step to snow, you got problem
Because you better clear the runway, hey, hey
Tell me what dem a go do
To stop the snow man from singing? All right
Tell me what dem a go do
To stop the snow man from chanting? 'Ey
Me say, sha la la la la la la low
Daddy me, daddy me, daddy me, snow me, I go tell you
Ah, when they put me down, me get back up
Daddy Snow is much wiser
(Wise, wise, wise, wise)
Skidily diddily boom, let the good time role
Skidily diddily boom, let the good time role
Now you come into the place, want to cause some trouble
Step to the Snow man, get it in a double
Now when a me drink, yes, me drink it down full
No me carry ouzi no fe carry rifle
Place dat me live in call it Allenburry
When me walking, when me chanting
Me I feel cool and deadly, ah
Step to snow, you got problem
Because you better clear the runway, hey
Step to snow, you got problem
Because you better clear the runway, hey, hey
Step to snow, you got problem
Because you better clear the runway, hey
Step to snow, you got problem
Because you better clear the runway, hey, hey
Knick knack Paddywhack an' here we, here we go
Looked up again and I can't find the door
Can't find the door, otherwise I mean switch
All because of this one
You know who you are, you're freaking all of the guys
With your long brown hair and your big blue eyes
Standing on the corner me say waiting for some love, no
Anything you get your lips upon, yes, you would not stop
Now tell all your best friends she can suck mine
'Cause she ain't nothing but a fat fool from out of the states
Daddy me, daddy me, woopie daddy, daddy, snow man
Yes, me mixer, daddy prince man
Come in a de place, yes, me come in fantastic
Yes sir, daddy me, snow automatic
Sit down pan the rhythm like a lizard, pan the limb, yes
You know fe daddy me, daddy me, snow but keep on talkin' on
Me say look for de girl where they can Tamei, no other
Girl fe come test dress me body, come here
Me love her, love her, lover her

Girl comes home and checks her phone
She fools herself that she's not alone
But everybody wants to be like you
And it all boils down and all this ends
You turn around and you got no friends
But everybody wants to be like you
I would really hate to be her
Think they love her when they see her
When she's gone she just don't know
What they say
She inherited the drama
It was passed down from her mama
And her daddy he would only drink wine
Only if she came around
But she's slowly goin' down
Girl comes home and checks her phone
She fools herself that she's not alone
But everybody wants to be like you
And it all boils down and all this ends
You turn around and you got no friends
But everybody wants to be like you
She looked a whole lot older
Yet nobody ever told her
You would never know
That she was sixteen
And as far as I remember
She was standing on the corner
Just the type that loved
To be on the scene
Only if she came around
But she's slowly goin' down
Girl comes home and checks her phone
She fools herself that she's not alone
But everybody wants to be like you
And it all boils down and all this ends
You turn around and you got no friends
But everybody wants to be like you
Girl comes home and checks her phone
She fools herself that she's not alone
But everybody wants to be like you
And it all boils down and all this ends
You turn around and you got no friends
But everybody wants to be like you
Girl comes home and checks her phone
She fools herself that she's not alone
But everybody wants to be like you

Run and Hide,
Slowly hes losing his pride
He swallows but nothings inside
But His girl she fronts all of the lines
Sayes that he'll change but Whoe he stalys the same

(Share my fever)?
No respect yes Daddy Snow me I go come back again
I written and danced ah yes
You never know Daddy Snow haven't told ya
Told ya told ya
Nuff respect nuff respect
Yes daddy snow he might have talk of de tone
Nuff respect nuff respect
Daddy prince he might have talk of de tone
Yes I know this a bwoy me say here's how me call me say
Come on me house me say eat and be cool
There's a cake man a bake man a in a oven a
Yes Daddy Snow he might have talk of the tone
Prince man a prince them a talk about
Prince man a prince man them might go talk about
Prince man a prince man them might go talk about
Daddy Snow da Daddy Snow me I go talk about
Me say me at a dungeon, champion rock
Roam dance hall in a mess ?????????
Roam dance Holland a roam up England
Roam up Jamaica me a in a Canada
Unnecessary trouble Snow man no want.
Unnecessary trouble Snow man no want.
Unnecessary trouble me not want.
Unnecessary trouble Snow man no want.
King New York got me out 40
Not seen him till before year's eve
But when you drink a full yeah you know what's there
Yeah I got flip flip flip flip flip an' rip
You never know say Daddy snow me come back again
Dance a mixer a they call Prince eh
Now here's the way now that's they way not in not 'ey y'all
Unnecessary trouble me not want.
Unnecessary trouble Snow man no want.
la la la la la la la la la lay-a
Yes sir Daddy Snow I might go sing it same way
Yes Daddy snow me come back again
That makes me a better prince eh?
Unnecessary trouble Snow man no want.
Unnecessary trouble Snow man no want.
Unnecessary trouble me not want.
Unnecessary trouble me not do.
Me know dis a bwoy me say he's a ????
Come on me house come on before he say
Eat a de cake man a eat it before
If it isn't Daddy Snow me a talk of the tone
Me used to stand up in the side man 'pon de corner
Me used to reach in a me ??? 'pon an' over
And my blokes dem a hang in a different area
Dem a know Daddy Snow is an entertainer
Gonna roam up a dance in nice area
Yes sir Daddy Snow me I go talk about
Yes sir Daddy Prince me I go talk about
Yes sir Daddy Snow me I go talk about
Yes sir Daddy Prince me I go talk about
La la la ping pong didilly dong steng eng eng?
Aah Daddy Snow
Rough like a teacher
Woof like a tiger
Woof like a bear man, lord
Unnecessary trouble Snow man no want.
Unnecessary trouble Snow man no want.
Unnecessary trouble me not want.
Unnecessary trouble me not do.
Me know dis a bwoy he say come Allenburry
Rock on the microphone rock steady
Have a best friend and a call him Terry
Have another one of them a call him Jamie
Don't forget me brother Shaun sister Ashley
He say Jamie me I live with mummy
Don't forget me pappa dem a call him pappy yeah
Yes daddy snow are de roam da belly an'
Unnecessary trouble Snow man no want.
Unnecessary trouble Snow man no want.
Unnecessary trouble Snow man no want.
Unnecessary trouble me no want.
Yes Daddy Snow dance on along
Yes Daddy Snow might have talk of the tone
????????? yes sir Daddy Snow had a
boom boom boom boom diddily diddily diddily diddily boom
Lord have mercy

Transcribed by: Maha Khashan
Informer, you no say
That's who I'm gonna blame
A likky boom boom down
Detective man said Daddy Snow
I stabbed someone down the lane
A licky boom boom down
Informer, you no say
That's who I'm gonna blame
A licky boom boom down
Detective man said daddy snow
I stabbed someone down the lane
A licky boom boom down
Police them come and they blow down my door
One him a crawl through my windo
There is something you must really know
I'm born and reaised in the ghetto
That's all I want you to know
Pure black people is all that I know
My shoes used to tear up and my toes used to show
Never let them show
But never let Informer, him know
The bigger they are
They think they have more power
They're on the phone
Me say on every hour
I said I want to use it once
To call my lover
Lover who I'm going to call
It is still Tamei
I lover her from my heart
Down to my belly
Watch my girl, watch my girl
Come with a nice young lady
Intelligent, yes she's gentle and irie
Everywhere I go, I've never left her at all
Yes, me Snow roam the dance
Roam the dance in every nation
You'll never know, me daddy Snow
I am the boom Shakata
I'll never lay down flat in one cardboard box
Yes, me Daddy Snow
I'm gonna reach the top, so?
(mc shan part)
If you analyze my style you'll see I'm pure breed Rotweiller
And we could go line per line and match that dollar for dollar
I seems that I spit a luggie every time that I spit
And as the balls flow by it seems the grittier it gets
And in this game you gotta choose between your pride and your chips
Who rides in your whiz and what slides from your lips
And if my shit was any hotter my lungs would combust and explode
And they say the man of steel would never rust and corrode
And still I don't like no Informer

Transcribed by: Azzdem & Wilderness Girl
Now if a young girl is absent and hangs with the guys
And if a young girl needs a young girl to ???? (hear this)
Another time at dance I'm a real girl stopper
Listen and go dance playing things a from the speaker
I will eat liquor with chicken - not my favorite supper
Now if you think that I'm a joke I lie go on ask me mother
I'm living at the island sweet sweet Jamaica
Fish with ???? for tea me say down in at the river
Hanging at the dance with the boy them call Ninja
They know that it's only a dream
So na na na now they know that it's only a dream
They come into the night ????
Spaced in front of the ???? because of the ????
Yes sir Daddy Snow and Daddy Ray is my partner
???? in other words we get better
the hangin on and i now believe the only thing great
???? might never ever get
a minute ago ????? a time ago ????
at least I'm not the one that dem call ???
Hear this
Another time I done I go to stole a party
People them are loud blow clap and rewind me
Speakers and guitar playing style and rapping
Sweet Old Snow with in a the microphone
Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey...
???? about and when
??? I say I'm mostly there now everyday
Up the street ???
??? In the back ???? finish my drink
The girls dem must get in the way
???? people say it's ?????
??? listen to me when I tell you girl
You must be you must be in love
Hear this
Black ???
Anything you wanna flow
If you take a joke???
If you think I lie???

Thanks to: Primetime & Azzdem
First day gettin' out on my own
Look straight, jail is not my home
Sick and tired of all this crap
I got 45 months even though I didn't even do it
Everybody's peakin' through the window
Nobody sneakin' through my back door
Set aside all this crap
I got 45 months and I didn't even really do it
Hey, who knows what I'd say, who cares what I'd say
If they knew would they stare, I don't care
They got nothin' on me
Who knows what I'd say, I wouldn't tell you anyways
If they knew would they stare, I don't care
They got nothin' on me
You got nothing... me tell them...
Second day, number's not my name
I changed, they all stayed the same
Can't even enjoy my ride
I got a ticket going 45 in a 50 zone lane
Paulie called this mornin', givin' me no warnin'
As the cops drove by, you said with a smile
You say you got nothin' on me
You can point, point child (you got nothing)
You got jealousy in the eyes (cuz I got somethin')
You make up all these lies (it's me you're wanting)
Why why why (you got nothing on me)
Let them know... Even if you really knew...
They're telling you lies about me (who knows what I'd say)
They're pointing your finger at me (who cares what I'd say)
Even you know that I know (If they knew would they stare, I don't care)
They're telling you lies about me (who knows what I'd say)
They're trippin' you're hiding from me (I wouldn't tell you anyway)
(If they knew would they stare, I don't care)...
...If they say they wanna stare I'll be lookin' away, oh...

We're havin' a party, we're havin' a session
Come on and join the redemption
We're havin' a party, we're havin' a session
Come on and join the redemption
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa
Them want I, them want I
To perform as them general
Them claim say, them claim say
We have the credential
Them want I, them want I
To perform as them general
Them claim say, them claim say
We have the credential
Come in a from the cold, me warm ya body and soul
Me have the girls upon remote control
And me never did act shy, the girls do give me reply
So after hours I go meet, I go fly
Nuff are gonna be good nuff a gwan bad
The stand me have to give them is the stand me have fi have
When the man they have nuff girls, and man nuff not to brag
Girls a love the man a when me kill them with the shag
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa
I've been feelin' like I wanna go dancin'
With someone else 'cause I'm tired of dancin' with myself
I love a dem girls them screamin', they givin' me sexual healin'
Now I feel fine, so jack it up one time
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa
Them want I, them want I
To perform as them general
Them claim say, them claim say
We have the credential
Them want I, them want I
To perform as them general
Them claim say, them claim say
We have the credential
Now I'm feelin' like my skin is peelin'
The girls are fine, I wanna see them one more time
They got my body burnin?
Baby, I'm yearnin? for you to be mine
Oh well, so jack it up one last time, shag
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa
We're havin' a party, we're havin' a session
(Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa)
Come on and join the redemption
(Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa)
We're havin' a party, we're havin' a session
(Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa)
Come on and join the redemption
(Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa, shag)
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly, steedly woa
Say steedly, steedly woa, say steedly, steedly woa

Transcribed by: Azzdem & Linz
??????????? *4
Make a one a reckon you I think you would have done
You come in a the place no satisfaction
Don't you know say Daddy me Daddy me Snow yes me is here
now this this one I saw them all ??? wheel
It's not me I go much but ?????
Now put him in a put him in a in a place make sure ???? there
I am the done that makes me a in Jamaica
You're small like a mouse an' me say big like a bear
But me never a drink sand drink a Snow man drink beer
Yeah me great last year but me better this year
(It's the Champion Sound)
(It's the Champion Sound)
Me used to stand up on the side, man 'pon de corner
Me used to reach out with me brethren 'pon an' over
And my blocks dem a hang up in different area
Dem a know Daddy Snow is an entertainer
Used to drink up me liquor mixed with water
Me say shut up your mouth
Now hear me mother, she used to ball out
And me say ball out aloud
You never know say Daddy me Snow me I go reach in a me bag
Get my bag them a if he can a get me resolved
It's the place that me love a dem a call it Canada
Say kid come over and a say and tell wah
He says to Daddy me Daddy me Snow than shock'd 'a
He take a little trip and me say go Jamaica
The people them a wonder in a them a wonder
If a me say black man a but a me say white man
Nice, an' up your dance and I say _????
The snow is getting deeper
The snow is getting deeper
The snow is getting deeper
Who's the champion?
Knocking on the days a when I used to hang around
I used to watch-a the DJ them a mash up the sound
????? ease up
Oh lord have mercy, oh lord have mercy
Oh lord have mercy, oh lord have mercy
Hey y'all
As if a ??? another business, watch how me call
???? I'm ?? play by the rule
I pray to the good lord my soul to foresake
Down in New York is the way of the tool
Up in Canada that is the way of the tour
(say Daddy Snow you might fi come back again)
(Daddy me Daddy me Daddy me Snow man!)
