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  • BREAKING NEWS - Suicide Attack At US Consulate in Afghanistan...0:13
  • The Camel Has Become Pregnant......1:25
  • Seaside Park Fire Rages On New Jersey Boardwalk Raging Fire Where Hurricane Sandy Devastated...0:46
  • Pro-Israel Lobby Pushes US War With Syria...3:01
  • SYRIA: Putin Warns America NORTH KOREA Will Help Defeat US Military, Obama Backs Down...0:59
  • Russia Rejects U.S. Intelligence Saying North Korea Has Restarted A Nuclear Reactor...3:30
  • Syria: Syrian President Bashar al Assad Charlie Rose Interview September 9, 2013...8:00
  • Connections and Corruption in Afghanistan...11:21
  • SYRIA Russian Ambassador: Some Think Putin Is Rescuing President Obama (Give Putin A Peace Prize)...1:00
  • Cabinet May Reshuffle Again...1:24
  • ISAF Killing (Taliban) firing TOW missile And attack helicopters afghanistan...4:17
  • Delhi gangrape case: Rapist's sister says, "Why death penalty to six over one dead girl ?"...4:47
  • Head of UN Peacekeeping, Hervé Ladsous' visit to Liberia, April 2012...7:01
  • NPA rebels attack Philippine Police (CCTV)...1:58
add video playlist Afghanistan: Suicide Attack At US Consulate A truck bomb was detonated at the consulate's front gate Insurgents including a suicide car bomber have attacked the US consulate in western Afghanistan, killing at least one person. The US state department said there were no American casualties in the attack, which took place in the city of Herat. The US embassy in Kabul confirmed on Twitter that all consulate staff were safe and accounted for. The front gate of the consulate was "extensively" damaged, said Marie Harf, US State Department deputy spokeswoman. Afghan officials said at least one person had been killed and 18 others wounded. The attack, which started at 5.30am local time, is now over. More follows...
Afghanistan: Suicide Attack At US Consulate

A truck bomb was detonated at the consulate\'s front gate

Insurgents including a suicide car bomber have attacked the US consulate in western Afghanistan, killing at least one person.

The US state department said there were no American casualties in the attack, which took place in the city of Herat.

The US embassy in Kabul confirmed on Twitter that all consulate staff were safe and accounted for.

The front gate of the consulate was \
BREAK­ING NEWS - Sui­cide At­tack At US Con­sulate in Afghanistan
Video footage has emerged that appears to show Iranian nationals dressed in military clothing operating inside Syria and apparently working with government forces. It comes as Russian and US foreign ministers prepare to hold talks in Geneva to discuss to dismantling Syria\'s chemical arsenal. Mohamed Madi from the BBC\'s Middle East monitoring service has studied the latest footage.

Would you like to know more?

Footage emerges of \'Iranians fighting in Syria\' (Sept 12)

Syria crisis: Geneva talks on chemical weapons enter second day (Sept 13)

Syria crisis: \'Loud explosions\' heard near Maaloula (Sept 12)

Syria crisis: Russia chemicals plan doable, says US (Sept 12)

Syria crisis: \'Assad\'s forces have the firepower\' (Sept 12)

Syria crisis: Russia\'s Putin issues plea to US over Syria (+ Battle of Maaloula) (Sept 12)

Syria\'s chemical weapons stockpile (Sept 10)

Waves Of Jihadists Infiltrating Syria (Sept 11)

Syrian Forces Kill American, British Citizen Accused Of Fighting Alongside Rebels (May 30)

Hezbollah Publicly Admits Involvement In Syria (May 25)

Controversy Over Tunisian Jihadists Fighting In Syria  (May 15)

Syria Crisis: \'Iraqi Shia Fighters\' Join Regime In Battle (May 20)

A Syrian Town Ruled By Jihadi Rebels (Apr 8)

Introducing The Al-Nusra Front (Jan 18)

Bashar Al-Assad\'s Syria
The Camel Has Be­come Preg­nant...
Seaside Park Fire Rages On New Jersey Boardwalk Raging Fire Where Hurricane Sandy Devastated The six-alarm fire was reported at 2:30 p.m. at a Kohr\'s ice cream store and has since spread to several other buildings along the boardwalk.

According to CBS Philadelphia, firefighters are having trouble containing the blaze due to high winds.

As of this time, there are no reported injuries. The cause of the fire is unknown.

According to, the same boardwalk recently underwent \
Sea­side Park Fire Rages On New Jer­sey Board­walk Rag­ing Fire Where Hur­ri­cane Sandy Dev­as­tat­ed
Pro-Is­rael Lobby Push­es US War With Syria
North Korea Comedy Show - SYRIA: Putin Warns America NORTH KOREA Will Help Defeat US Military, Obama Backs Down

Journalist asking a question (speaking Russian): \
SYRIA: Putin Warns Amer­i­ca NORTH KOREA Will Help De­feat US Mil­i­tary, Obama Backs Down
September 12, 2013 BBC News
Rus­sia Re­jects U.S. In­tel­li­gence Say­ing North Korea Has Restart­ed A Nu­cle­ar Re­ac­tor
Syria: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad - Charlie Rose Interview - September 9, 2013

PBS\' Charlie Rose interviews Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Monday, September 9, at 9 p.m. in a special presentation of CHARLIE ROSE. In this global television exclusive, Assad gives his only television interview since President Barack Obama asked Congress to approve the use of force against the Syrian regime for alleged use of chemical weapons against the Syrian people.


Syria: Syr­i­an Pres­i­dent Bashar al Assad Char­lie Rose In­ter­view Septem­ber 9, 2013
Jonathan Landay investigates alleged corruption at highest levels in Afghanistan
Con­nec­tions and Cor­rup­tion in Afghanistan
How To Go To Heaven:
Russian Proposal Could Offer Obama Escape From Bind

Published: September 9, 2013 

WASHINGTON — President Obama woke up Monday facing a Congressional defeat that many in both parties believed could hobble his presidency. And by the end of the day, he found himself in the odd position of relying on his Russian counterpart, Vladimir V. Putin, of all people, to bail him out. 

 The surprise Russian proposal to defuse the American confrontation with Syria made a tenuous situation even more volatile for a president struggling to convince a deeply skeptical public of the need for the United States to respond militarily in yet another Middle Eastern country, this time in retaliation for the use of chemical weapons. It could make the situation even more precarious. Or it could give Mr. Obama an escape from a predicament partly of his own making.

In effect, Mr. Obama is now caught between trying to work out a deal with Mr. Putin, with whom he has been feuding lately, or trying to win over Republicans in the House who have made it their mission to block his agenda. Even if he does not trust Mr. Putin, Mr. Obama will have to decide whether to treat the Russian proposal seriously or assume it is merely a means of obstructing an American military strike.

SYRIA Rus­sian Am­bas­sador: Some Think Putin Is Res­cu­ing Pres­i­dent Obama (Give Putin A Peace Prize)
Cabinet may reshuffle again after coal corruption issue.
Cab­i­net May Reshuf­fle Again
Watch more Footage here:
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This footage is to be taken as a documentary on the events of the conflict in Syria and Afghanistan, and should be viewed as educational. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence. Furthermore we are not infringing on any copyrights by showing this footage, based on our intent to share news and information with the public. This falls under fair use 17 USC § 107.
ISAF Killing (Tal­iban) fir­ing TOW mis­sile And at­tack he­li­copters afghanistan
Even as the country demands for death for Damini\'s rapists. One of the rapist Vinay Sharma\'s sister has brazenly defended her rapist brother hoping that he will be set free soon she said why kill 6 for 1 life.

A glaring depiction of India\'s patriarchal and mysogynist attitude a rapist and a killer\'s sister is defending her brother\'s dastardly act by asking if justice will be done by killing 6 people for one life.

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Delhi gan­grape case: Rapist's sis­ter says, "Why death penal­ty to six over one dead girl ?"
United Nations, New York, May 2012 - The head of UN Peacekeeping, Hervé Ladsous has concluded a five-day visit to Liberia, during which he reaffirmed continued UN assistance to the Government and people of Liberia.
Head of UN Peace­keep­ing, Hervé Lad­sous' visit to Liberia, April 2012
DAVAO, Philippines -- The killing of Police Officer 3 Alfredo Salva outside the Mati Terminal in Davao Oriental last June 6 was captured by a closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera.

Footage revealed that 6 men approached Salva and attempted to grab his M-16 firearm.

When Salva resisted, he was shot by the suspects.

One of the suspects in the killing was arrested by authorities.

The suspect was identified as Ariel Manuray, alias \
NPA rebels at­tack Philip­pine Po­lice (CCTV)
Syria is under the spotlight again tonight - we take a look at social media spin by Obama, Hollande and Assad. Also, some opinion pieces on the diplomatic wrangling and we finish with cartoonists\' take on Syria - including Obama and Hollande as Batman and Robin
09/11/2013 MEDIA WATCH
MediaWatch is our take on the stories big and bizarre in newspapers, on news websites, blogs and on social media. We also look at stories about how the media functions and how it\'s evolving in today\'s society. Presented by James Creedon. Tune in at 10.22pm for the international media. 

All shows:

Obama, Hol­lande and Assad on so­cial media

updated 13 Sep 2013; published 13 Sep 2013
BREAK­ING NEWS - Sui­cide At­tack At US Con­sulate in Afghanistan
LA Daily News 13 Sep 2013, KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Taliban militants attacked the U.S. consulate in western Afghanistan on Friday morning, using a car bomb and guns to battle security forces just outside the compound in the city of Herat. It was not entirely clear whether any attackers managed to breach the facility, but at least two Afghans died, while the U.S....
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updated 13 Sep 2013; published 13 Sep 2013
The Camel Has Be­come Preg­nant...
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 13 Sep 2013, GENEVA -- U.S.-Russian talks over eliminating Syria's chemical weapons began here Thursday on a wary and stilted note, as Secretary of State John Kerry said U.S. military forces remained poised to attack Syria if a credible agreement is not rapidly reached and implemented. Syrian President Bashar Assad added to the tension by saying that he is...
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updated 12 Sep 2013; published 12 Sep 2013
Sea­side Park Fire Rages On New Jer­sey Board­walk Rag­ing Fire Where Hur­ri­cane Sandy Dev­as­tat­ed
BBC News 13 Sep 2013, A stretch of beachside boardwalk in the US state of New Jersey has been ravaged by fire, just one year after Superstorm Sandy tore through the area. The fire started near an ice cream shop on Thursday afternoon and...
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updated 07 Sep 2013; published 07 Sep 2013
Pro-Is­rael Lobby Push­es US War With Syria
Al Jazeera 12 Sep 2013, When US President Barack Obama made his case for military action in Syria in a televised address on Tuesday, he mentioned Israel only fleetingly, as one of several US allies who could be threatened by the Syrian government's chemical weapons stockpile. "If fighting spills beyond Syria's borders, these weapons could threaten allies like Turkey,...
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updated 11 Sep 2013; published 11 Sep 2013
SYRIA: Putin Warns Amer­i­ca NORTH KOREA Will Help De­feat US Mil­i­tary, Obama Backs Down
The Independent 12 Sep 2013, Vladimir Putin has made a personal appeal to the American people, calling for caution when dealing with Syria and warning that a military strike would “unleash a new wave of terrorism”. Writing an opinion piece for The New York Times, the Russian president drew attention to previous Western military interventions in the Middle East, when he said...
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updated 12 Sep 2013; published 12 Sep 2013
Rus­sia Re­jects U.S. In­tel­li­gence Say­ing North Korea Has Restart­ed A Nu­cle­ar Re­ac­tor
CNN 12 Sep 2013, September 12, 2013 -- Updated 0752 GMT (1552 HKT) A satellite image from August 31, 2013 shows steam venting from building adjacent to the Yongbyon reactor. Hong Kong (CNN) -- Satellite images of North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear facility have again raised questions about whether the country has restarted its plutonium production reactor -- regarded...
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updated 09 Sep 2013; published 09 Sep 2013
Syria: Syr­i­an Pres­i­dent Bashar al Assad Char­lie Rose In­ter­view Septem­ber 9, 2013
Yahoo Daily News 12 Sep 2013, BEIRUT (AP) — The crisis over chemical weapons in Syria has underlined a central dilemma for the West as it tries to deal with the country's civil war — the lack of attractive alternatives to President Bashar Assad. The political opposition, largely operating from exile with little credibility on the ground, has been hobbled by infighting. Inside...
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updated 14 Nov 2010; published 14 Nov 2010
Con­nec­tions and Cor­rup­tion in Afghanistan
Asia Times 12 Sep 2013, By Giuliano Battiston HERAT, Afghanistan - The threat to the stability of the Hamid Karzai government in Afghanistan arises not so much from outside as from within. And the one thing that is eating into its edifice is the malaise called corruption. "Corruption is undermining what little legitimacy the government has left," Qader Rahimi, head of the...
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updated 12 Sep 2013; published 12 Sep 2013
SYRIA Rus­sian Am­bas­sador: Some Think Putin Is Res­cu­ing Pres­i­dent Obama (Give Putin A Peace Prize)
Joy Online 12 Sep 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a direct personal appeal to the American people over the Syrian crisis. In an opinion article in the New York Times, he warns that a US military strike against Syria could unleash a new wave of terrorism. He says millions of people see the US not as a model of democracy but as relying on brute force. Later...
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updated 12 Sep 2012; published 12 Sep 2012
Cab­i­net May Reshuf­fle Again
Peace FM Online 11 Sep 2013, Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan has sacked nine cabinet ministers amid serious divisions in the governing party. Two weeks ago, seven of the country's powerful state governors and former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar formed a splinter-group in the PDP....
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updated 15 Jan 2012; published 15 Jan 2012
ISAF Killing (Tal­iban) fir­ing TOW mis­sile And at­tack he­li­copters afghanistan 11 Sep 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "Smoke pours out of the civilian shelter for days while rescue workers collapse in grief excavating the remains, pitching their dead cargo to the ground. Some vomit from the stench of the sizzling corpses, nearly all women children, and babies, burned beyond identification."(1) -1991 Persian Gulf War...
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updated 11 Sep 2013; published 11 Sep 2013
Delhi gan­grape case: Rapist's sis­ter says, "Why death penal­ty to six over one dead girl ?"
The New York Times 11 Sep 2013, Prosecutors on Wednesday asked for a “death sentence” for four men who participated in the rape and murder of a 23-year-old student last December, a goal long sought by the victim’s family and many Indians who were horrified by the case, Ellen Barry wrote in The New York Times. “There can be nothing more diabolic than a helpless girl...
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updated 02 May 2012; published 02 May 2012
Head of UN Peace­keep­ing, Hervé Lad­sous' visit to Liberia, April 2012
Newstrack India 11 Sep 2013, Tweet New Delhi, Sep 11 (ANI): India and Liberia will hold delegation-level talks in New Delhi today. Some agreements, including in the area of oil and natural gas, are likely to be signed after the talks between the President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. President Sirleaf, who is in India on a five-day...
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updated 06 Dec 2011; published 06 Dec 2011
NPA rebels at­tack Philip­pine Po­lice (CCTV)
Al Jazeera 11 Sep 2013, Rebel fighters holding scores of hostages in the southern Philippines have demanded international mediation, an official said. The rebels, enraged by a broken peace deal with the government, are holding the civilian hostages as human shields near the port city of Zamboanga. Troops have surrounded...
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Afghan Taliban attack outside U.S. consulate, 2 dead
Full Article LA Daily News
13 Sep 2013

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Taliban militants attacked the U.S. consulate in western Afghanistan on Friday morning, using a car bomb and guns to battle security forces just outside the compound in the city of Herat. It was not entirely clear whether any attackers managed to breach the facility, but at least two Afghans died, while the U.S.... Insurgency In Afghan In Afghanistan
Afghan security personnel assist an injured police after a suicide car bombing and a gunfight near the U.S. consulate in Herat Province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan, Friday, Sept. 13, 2013.
photo: AP / Hoshang Hashimi

Tense U.S-Russia talks on Syria begin
Full Article Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
13 Sep 2013

GENEVA -- U.S.-Russian talks over eliminating Syria's chemical weapons began here Thursday on a wary and stilted note, as Secretary of State John Kerry said U.S. military forces remained poised to attack Syria if a credible agreement is not rapidly reached and implemented. Syrian President Bashar Assad added to the tension by saying that he is... Weapons In Syria Peace Talks Crisis
 Mr. Lavrov made a point of saying that the discussions should "move this situation from this current stage of military confrontation."
photo: AP / Alexander Zemlianichenko

Fire ravages New Jersey boardwalk a year after Sandy
Full Article BBC News
13 Sep 2013

A stretch of beachside boardwalk in the US state of New Jersey has been ravaged by fire, just one year after Superstorm Sandy tore through the area. The fire started near an ice cream shop on Thursday afternoon and...
Firefighters battle a blaze in a building on the Seaside Park boardwalk on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013, in Seaside Park, N.J.
photo: AP / Julio Cortez

Israel and AIPAC clash on Syria strike
Full Article Al Jazeera
12 Sep 2013

When US President Barack Obama made his case for military action in Syria in a televised address on Tuesday, he mentioned Israel only fleetingly, as one of several US allies who could be threatened by the Syrian government's chemical weapons stockpile. "If fighting spills beyond Syria's borders, these weapons could threaten allies like Turkey,... War
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Israel, Sunday, September 1, 2013.
photo: AP / Abir Sultan

Vladimir Putin in plea to American public as US and Russia falter over Syria resolution
Full Article The Independent
12 Sep 2013

Vladimir Putin has made a personal appeal to the American people, calling for caution when dealing with Syria and warning that a military strike would “unleash a new wave of terrorism”. Writing an opinion piece for The New York Times, the Russian president drew attention to previous Western military interventions in the Middle East, when he said... War Nations
File - Direct Line with Russian President Vladimir Putin was broadcast live on Channel One, Rossiya-1 and Rossiya-24 TV networks and Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii radio stations, 25 April, 2013.
photo: Russian Presidential Press and Information Office

Satellite images suggest North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear reactor restarted
Full Article CNN
12 Sep 2013

September 12, 2013 -- Updated 0752 GMT (1552 HKT) A satellite image from August 31, 2013 shows steam venting from building adjacent to the Yongbyon reactor. Hong Kong (CNN) -- Satellite images of North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear facility have again raised questions about whether the country has restarted its plutonium production reactor -- regarded... Korea Proliferation
File - A South Korean man watches TV news showing file footage of the demolition of the cooling tower of the Yongbyon nuclear complex, following a report of a possible nuclear test conducted by North Korea, at the Seoul train station in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013.
photo: AP / Lee Jin-man

Lack of Assad alternatives hangs over Syria war
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
12 Sep 2013

BEIRUT (AP) — The crisis over chemical weapons in Syria has underlined a central dilemma for the West as it tries to deal with the country's civil war — the lack of attractive alternatives to President Bashar Assad. The political opposition, largely operating from exile with little credibility on the ground, has been hobbled by infighting. Inside... Weapons War
In this Friday, Jan. 11, 2013 file citizen journalism image provided by Edlib News Network, ENN, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, rebels from al-Qaida affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra waving their brigade flag as they step on the top of a Syrian air force helicopter, at Taftanaz air base that was captured by the rebels, in Idlib province, northern Syria.
photo: AP / Edlib News Network ENN, File

Afghans caught between terror and graft
Full Article Asia Times
12 Sep 2013

By Giuliano Battiston HERAT, Afghanistan - The threat to the stability of the Hamid Karzai government in Afghanistan arises not so much from outside as from within. And the one thing that is eating into its edifice is the malaise called corruption. "Corruption is undermining what little legitimacy the government has left," Qader Rahimi, head of the...
File - A poor man asks passersby for money on a snowy day in Afghanistan, 8 February, 2008. Poverty still drives people out of their homes, even on a snowy day, to earn a living.
photo: UN / Basir Seerat

Syria crisis: Russia's Putin in personal plea for US caution
Full Article Joy Online
12 Sep 2013

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a direct personal appeal to the American people over the Syrian crisis. In an opinion article in the New York Times, he warns that a US military strike against Syria could unleash a new wave of terrorism. He says millions of people see the US not as a model of democracy but as relying on brute force. Later... Weapons In Syria Crisis Military Act
Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a direct personal appeal to the American people over the Syrian crisis.
photo: AP / RIA Novosti, Alexei Druzhinin, pool

Goodluck Jonathan Sacks Cabinet Ministers
Full Article Peace FM Online
11 Sep 2013

Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan has sacked nine cabinet ministers amid serious divisions in the governing party. Two weeks ago, seven of the country's powerful state governors and former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar formed a splinter-group in the PDP.... Jonathan Jonathan Cabinet
Der Praesident von Nigeria, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, traegt sich am Freitag (20.04.12) in Schloss Bellevue in Berlin in das Gaestebuch von Schloss Bellevue ein. Gauck traf sich mit Jonathan zu einem Gespraech
photo: AP / Maja Hitij/dapd

Should some Missile Strikes be Criminalized?
Full Article
11 Sep 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "Smoke pours out of the civilian shelter for days while rescue workers collapse in grief excavating the remains, pitching their dead cargo to the ground. Some vomit from the stench of the sizzling corpses, nearly all women children, and babies, burned beyond identification."(1) -1991 Persian Gulf War... Attacks Military Operations Crimes
In this image taken from video obtained from the Shaam News Network, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, a Syrian man carries an injured child away from a missile strike in Raqqa, Syria, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013.
photo: AP / Shaam News Network via AP video

Prosecutors Seek Death Penalty in India Rape Case
Full Article The New York Times
11 Sep 2013

Prosecutors on Wednesday asked for a “death sentence” for four men who participated in the rape and murder of a 23-year-old student last December, a goal long sought by the victim’s family and many Indians who were horrified by the case, Ellen Barry wrote in The New York Times. “There can be nothing more diabolic than a helpless girl... In India Gang Rape Safety In India
Indian policemen look out from a van carrying four men convicted in the fatal gang rape of a young woman on a moving New Delhi bus last year, in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2013.
photo: AP / Manish Swarup

India, Liberia to hold delegation-level talks in Delhi today
Full Article Newstrack India
11 Sep 2013

Tweet New Delhi, Sep 11 (ANI): India and Liberia will hold delegation-level talks in New Delhi today. Some agreements, including in the area of oil and natural gas, are likely to be signed after the talks between the President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. President Sirleaf, who is in India on a five-day...
India, Liberia to hold delegation-level talks in Delhi today
photo: UN / Eskinder Debebe

Philippine rebels call for foreign mediation
Full Article Al Jazeera
11 Sep 2013

Rebel fighters holding scores of hostages in the southern Philippines have demanded international mediation, an official said. The rebels, enraged by a broken peace deal with the government, are holding the civilian hostages as human shields near the port city of Zamboanga. Troops have surrounded... Peace Process Rebels
Government troopers, backed by armored personnel carriers, position themselves at an intersection at the southern port city of Zamboanga in southern Philippines Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013.
photo: AP / Bullit Marquez

Sachin’s last Test: India vs Pakistan at Eden Gardens, hopes Wasim Akram
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
12 Sep 2013

Karachi: Famed Pakistan fast bowler Wasim Akram said on Thursday he hoped Indian batting great Sachin Tendulkar would play his final Test farewell against Pakistan in Kolkata. World record run-getter Tendulkar, 40, is set to achieve the unique record of playing his 200th Test later this year against the West Indies, who have agreed to tour India....
India Former Pakistan Crickter Wasim Akram  during the Programme at Kolkata in Eastern India City
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Seth Wescott, Olympic Snowboarder, Denounces Russia's Anti-Gay Law
Full Article Huffington Post
12 Sep 2013

PORTLAND, Maine -- Russia's new law banning gay "propaganda" could end up tarnishing the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, two-time Olympic gold-medal winner Seth Wescott said. Wescott on Wednesday criticized the International Olympic Committee for selecting Sochi to host the 2014 games, saying the city hadn't proven it had the ability to...
Seth Wescott of the USA during the first snowboard cross qualifying run at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia, Monday, Feb. 15, 2010.
photo: AP / Odd Andersen

White Sox-Tigers: Chicago Wastes Sharp Outing By Quintana With Loss To Detroit
Full Article Huffington Post
12 Sep 2013

CHICAGO -- Jose Quintana matched Anibal Sanchez zero for zero during an impressive pitchers' duel. Leury Garcia showed off his skills in leadoff spot. It was another loss for the Chicago White Sox, but Quintana and Garcia managed to provide some hope for the future. Quintana pitched seven innings of five-hit ball and Garcia had three hits in a 1-0...
Chicago White Sox at Baltimore Orioles August 30, 2012
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Ex-Red Wing Daniel Cleary's destination remains a mystery
Full Article Detroit news
12 Sep 2013

Ted Kulfan The Detroit News Comments Daniel Cleary had nine goals and six assists in 48 games last season. (David Guralnick / Detroit News) Traverse City —Where will Daniel Cleary be this morning? Here in Red Wings training camp? Some other camp? It sounds like he will not be in Philadelphia, as several media outlets there are reporting Cleary is...
Daniel Cleary playing for  Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League, 2 February 2008
photo: Creative Commons / Dan4th Nicholas

Kimi targets bright future at Ferrari
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
12 Sep 2013

KIMI Raikkonen is looking forward to renewing old acquaintances after his return to Ferrari on a two-year deal was confirmed. Raikkonen, who will leave Lotus to join Ferrari as the replacement for Felipe Massa next season, won the 2007 world championship during his first stint with the Italian team but left just two years later after apparently...
Kimi Raikkonen in the Lotus - Renault E20 exits turn 9 at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve during first practice for the 2012 Canadian Grand Prix
photo: Creative Commons / Nic Redhead

Rory McIlroy hopes to be back in fast lane
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
12 Sep 2013

Rory McIlroy is determined that the BMW Championship, which starts today at Conway Farms Golf Club in Illinois, will propel him to the $10million Tour Championship in Atlanta next week. "I have to be aggressive," he said. McIlroy wasn't gripping a golf club when he said it. He was behind the wheel of an electric BMW i3 in a vacant parking lot at an...
Northern Ireland's Rory McIlroy watches his shot from the rough on the second hole during his final round of the British Open Golf Championship on the Old Course at St. Andrews, Scotland
photo: AP / Peter Morrison

Martinez: Club needs take priority
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
12 Sep 2013

Everton boss Roberto Martinez has stressed in the wake of Football Association chairman Greg Dyke's speech on the state of the English game that Barclays Premier League clubs must prioritise their own individual needs. Dyke last week said the "frightening trend" of the reduction in the number of England-qualified players in the top flight needed...
Wigan manager Roberto Martinez is seen during his team's pre-season friendly soccer match against Real Zaragoza, Wigan, England
photo: AP / Jon Super

Jack Nicklaus coming to Grand Rapids to honor President Gerald Ford
Full Article Detroit news
12 Sep 2013

Associated Press Comments Grand Rapids — Golf legend Jack Nicklaus is in Grand Rapids to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of President Gerald Ford. The 73-year-old will speak at a luncheon Thursday at JW Marriott’s International Ballroom. Proceeds from the event will be used for curriculum development at a new learning center being...
 Golf legend Jack Nicklaus testifies on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, June 28, 2006 before the House Committee on Education and the Wokforce hearing on the "The First Tee and Schools: Working to Build Character Education". (AP Photo/Lawrence Jackson)
photo: AP Photo

Lady Gaga Reveals She Feels Like a "Perpetually Tortured Artist"
Full Article IMDb
12 Sep 2013

It may be surprising to hear, but even superstars like Lady Gaga feel tortured at times. Opening up in an...
Lady Gaga performs during the
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Alicia Keys Stuns In Strapless Bikini On The Beach In Brazil
Full Article Huffington Post
12 Sep 2013

Alicia Keys' bikini body was on display on Instagram Wednesday in a photo uploaded by her husband, Swizz Beatz. The superstar singer is currently in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with her husband and 2-year-old son, Egypt, for a performance at the Rio Festival this weekend, Us Weekly noted. The adorable family touched down Tuesday, Sept. 10, and then...
Alicia Keys no Pavilhao Atlantico 03
photo: Creative Commons / José Goulão

Aguilera says trip to Rwanda was fulfilling
Full Article US News
12 Sep 2013

Comment () Tweet By MESFIN FEKADU, Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — Christina Aguilera says that although she went to Rwanda to help others, she ended up helping herself. The 32-year-old singer visited Rwanda in June for a hunger relief effort. She said the experience helped her ground herself. "It came at a time in my life when I really...
File: Christina Aguilera Back in the Day CA.jpg
photo: Creative Commons / Moesi

Cheryl Cole reveals beauty secrets
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
12 Sep 2013

Cheryl Cole has revealed her beauty and fitness secrets. The former Girls Aloud singer told what her regime was to keep her hair glossy and figure toned. She said: "I'm really good at using weekly hair masks to keep [my hair] in good condition. I went away for my birthday and didn't use a mask as often as I normally would and I... Secrets Cole
Singer Cheryl Cole arrives for the screening of "Outside the Law", at the 63rd international film festival, in Cannes, southern France, Friday, May 21, 2010.
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

'Never Say Never': Taylor Swift Denies Collaborating With Jennifer Lopez For New Album
Full Article Entertainment Wise
11 Sep 2013

Taylor Swift has delivered the disappointing news that the claims she has collaborated with Jennifer Lopez on her upcoming album are merely "rumours," however, that doesn't mean it will never happen and the country star has hinted it could happen in the future. The 'I Knew You Were Trouble' songstress surprised fans at one of her 'Red'...
Taylor Swift, Fearless tour, Australia,
photo: Creative Commons / Soth Loeu

Change Sunburn venue to cater to crowd: Goa minister
Full Article Newstrack India
11 Sep 2013

Tweet Panaji, Sep 11 (IANS) The annual electronic dance music festival Sunburn cannot be held at its regular venue, the beach village of Candolim, this year, as the huge crowds that gather cause inconvenience, Goa Tourism Minister Dilip Parulekar said Wednesday....
Fireworks display at the Patriots Park in Greenville, Illinois, USA during America's Independence Day celebration on the 4th of July, 2010.
photo: WN / Janice Sabnal

Britney Spears Set To Release New Single 'Work Bitch' Next Week
Full Article Entertainment Wise
11 Sep 2013

Britney Spears has announced the date for the premier of her brand new single 'Work Bitch.' The 'Toxic' star has slowly been revealing details of the single and it's video over the past few weeks. Taking to Twitter Britney declared: "Work Bitch is going to premiere WORLDWIDE this Monday, Sept 16th at 6pm ET. You can listen on @iHeartRadio or...
Singer Britney Spears performs during her "Britney 2001 Tour" in Anaheim, Calif., Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2001. The tour ends Dec. 19th in Miami, Fla.
photo: AP / E.J. Flynn

Britney Spears gets 'dirty' for new music video
Full Article The Siasat Daily
10 Sep 2013

Los Angeles, September 10: Singer Britney Spears has shared some seductive photographs of revealing outfits that she has worn for the music video of her new song “Work bitch”. The 25-year-old shared a sexy snapshot from the her first day of the video shoot for her comeback single, It shows her flaunting...
U.S. pop star Britney Spears performs during the final night of the "Festival di Sanremo", in San Remo, Italy, Saturday, March 9, 2002. Britney Spears is one of the international guest stars attending the San Remo's Italian songs contest
photo: AP / Andrew Medichini

Katherine Heigl slammed by Hollywood as hard to work with after comeback news
Full Article IMDb
12 Sep 2013

Katherine Heigl will soon be returning to television as a CIA agent in an upcoming untitled NBC drama, but some sources say that she might be...
Katherine Heigl
photo: AP /

Harry Potter Spinoff Movie Series In The Works
Full Article IMDb
12 Sep 2013

Those of us who read the Harry Potter books as they were being published likely remember the excruciatingly long gap between Harry... Potter Potter Films Series K Rowling
Daniel Radcliffe, star of the new film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," appears on the NBC "Today" television program in New York Friday, July 10, 2009
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Daniel Radcliffe names Harry Potter in top five inspirational books
Full Article The Daily Telegraph
12 Sep 2013

Just three days after telling a film festival audience in Canada that he didn't miss Harry Potter at all, Daniel Radcliffe has admitted that JK Rowling's first novel is one of the books that has most inspired him. Daniel Radcliffe attends a news conference for the film "The F Word" at the 38th Toronto International Film Festival Photo: Reuters...
Daniel Radcliffe who stars as Harry Potter, gestures during the premiere of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" in Tokyo, Thursday, June 28, 2007.
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayashi)

Carson Daly Joins 'Today,' NBC News
Full Article Huffington Post
12 Sep 2013

Carson Daly has officially joined NBC News and "Today," the network announced Thursday. Daly will become the host of "The Orange Room." In a note to staffers, NBC News president Deborah Turness described it as "a brand new, state-of-the-art interactive digital studio that will allow our 'Today' team and fans of the show to connect using social...
Former MTV VJ Carson Daly makes an appearance on MTV's TRL "Total Finale Live" show at the MTV studios in Times Square in New York on Sunday, Nov. 16, 2008.
photo: AP / Peter Kramer

Daniel Radcliffe, Elizabeth Olsen in 'Kill Your Darlings' images
Full Article Digital Spy
12 Sep 2013

A new set of images from Kill Your Darlings has been released. Daniel Radcliffe stars as Beat poet Allen Ginsberg in the drama, which focuses on the dynamic between Ginsberg, fellow writers Jack Kerouac (Jack Huston) and William S Burroughs (Ben Foster), and the man who brought them together, Lucien Carr (Dane DeHaan). Dane DeHaan and Daniel... Radcliffe Olsen
Daniel Radcliffe appears at the curtain call for the opening night performance of the Broadway musical "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" in New York, Sunday, March 27, 2011.
photo: AP / Charles Sykes

Who is Asaram Bapu asks Mallika Sherawat
Full Article The Times of India
12 Sep 2013

Bollywood's sexy siren Mallika Sherawat is on a journey to find a life partner with Life OK's The Bachelorette India, Mere Khayalon Ki Mallika. Along with finding...
Actress and model Mallika Sherawat arrives for the screening of the film "Copie Conforme", at the 63rd international film festival, in Cannes, southern France, Tuesday, May 18, 2010.
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

SRK welcome to promote film on 'Bigg Boss': Salman Khan
Full Article Deccan Herald
12 Sep 2013

Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who will host the seventh season of reality show "Bigg Boss", says Shah...
Bollywood star Salman Khan speaks during the launch of Being Human's first flagship store in Mumbai, India, Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013.
photo: AP / Rafiq Maqbool

Amrita Rao: 'Satyagraha has opened doors for me'
Full Article Digital Spy
12 Sep 2013

Amrita Rao has said that being cast in Satyagraha has changed her acting career. The actor plays the role of the daughter-in-law of Amitabh Bachchan's idealistic retired teacher. © PA Images / Pankaj NAngia/AP Amrita Rao She told PTI: "Satyagraha brought the actress out in me and I am proud to be a part of this film. After this whatever I do,...
Bollywood actor Amrita Rao displays creations by designer Manish Malhotra during the Kolkata Fashion Week in Calcutta, India, Sunday, Sept. 13, 2009.
photo: AP / Bikas Das

Oil edges down toward $108 as Syria talks continue
Full Article Houston Chronicle
13 Sep 2013

BANGKOK (AP) — Oil prices fell slightly Friday as the U.S. and Russia held discussions in Geneva aimed at getting Syria to give up its chemical weapons. Talks between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov didn't appear to yield an immediate solution Thursday but were a sign that the Obama...
Oil edges down toward $108 as Syria talks continue
photo: WN / RTayco

Hilton Worldwide files for $1.25B IPO
Full Article Business Journal
12 Sep 2013

Staff Pacific Business News Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc., one of the largest employers in Hawaii, has filed to raise $1.25 billion in a U.S. initial public offering, which would be the largest ever for a lodging company and would move owner Blackstone Group LP closer to realizing gains for its biggest single investment. Bloomberg reports...
Hilton Times Square is a sleek, landmark New York City hotel
photo: WN / Periasamy

Weak employment data takes heat out of Australian dollar
Full Article Canberra Times
12 Sep 2013

The unexpected drop in jobs in August sent the Australian dollar tumbling from its three-month high on Thursday, as the currency was weighed down by a less than rosy outlook for the economy. The number of people employed fell 10,800 from the previous month, when it declined by a revised 11,400, the Bureau of Statistics said. That compares with...
 KLps1 - August 07 - Aussie Dollar - AUD - Australian Dollar - Currency - Money. (ps1
photo: WN/Patricia

Married to Organized Labor
Full Article
12 Sep 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Union organizers, like Rose Schneiderman, not only understood the vital importance of organizing labor in challenging increasing economic disparity, but they did so in an era of union-corporate wars. Labor organizers literally laid their lives on the line by challenging anti-union hysteria and an... Rights Day
Kevin Cole protests outside a fast food restaurant on Thursday Aug. 29, 2013 in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Nick Ut

Dell Says Shareholders Will Approve Deal To Go Private
Full Article Huffington Post
12 Sep 2013

ROUND ROCK, Texas (AP) — Dell says a preliminary tally shows that shareholders have approved a $24.8 billion offer from its founder to buy the company and take it private. The deal will end the struggling computer maker's quarter-century history as a...
Dell products
photo: WN / RTayco

Hollande Unveils Job Creation Plan As France Seeks To Revive Industry Through Technological Innovation
Full Article Huffington Post
12 Sep 2013

By Nicholas Vinocur PARIS, Sept 12 (Reuters) - Francois Hollande laid out a 10-year roadmap on Thursday to revive French industry by promoting new technologies to drive job creation, but which offered little public money from stretched state coffers. The Socialist president, whose 2014 national budget next month will focus on curbing spending,...
At the working meeting between G20 heads of state and government. President of France Francois Hollande.
photo: Russian Presidential Press and Information Office

Elizabeth Warren: 'I Don't Understand The Logic' Of Congress Not Acting On 'Too Big To Fail'
Full Article Huffington Post
12 Sep 2013

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) spoke on the five-year anniversary of the financial crisis, saying Congress should act to end "too big to fail" financial institutions. "There are many who say, sure, 'too big to fail' isn't over yet, but Congress should wait to act further because the agencies still have to issue a bunch of Dodd-Frank's required...
Massachusetts Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate Elizabeth Warren waves to voters at the conclusion of a forum at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston, Tuesday, July 17, 2012. The forum was originally intended to be a debate between Warren and incumbent Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., before Brown backed out.
photo: AP / Stephan Savoia

Japan to resolve chemical issue in Indian shrimps export
Full Article Headlines India
12 Sep 2013

New Delhi, Sep 12: Japan will seek to resolve by this year-end the issue of problems faced by Indian marine exporters regarding Ethoxyquin levels in shrimps, Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry...
Japan's new Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Toshimitsu Motegi speaks during a press conference at the prime minister's official residence in Tokyo early Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012. Former financial services minister Motegi, 57, will be tasked with compiling and implementing Japan's energy policy in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayashi

BREAKING NEWS - Suicide Attack At US Consulate in Afghanistan
BREAKING NEWS - Suicide Attack At US Consulate in Afghanistan
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:13
  • Updated: 13 Sep 2013
Afghanistan: Suicide Attack At US Consulate A truck bomb was detonated at the consulate's front gate Insurgents including a suicide car bomber have attacked the US consulate in western Afghanistan, killing at least one person. The US state department said there were no American casualties in the attack, which took place in the city of Herat. The US embassy in Kabul confirmed on Twitter that all consulate staff were safe and accounted for. The front gate of the consulate was "extensively" damaged, said Marie Harf, US State Department deputy spokeswoman. Afghan officials said at least one person had been killed and 18 others wounded. The attack, which started at 5.30am local time, is now over. More follows...
  • published: 13 Sep 2013
  • views: 4

The Camel Has Become Pregnant...
The Camel Has Become Pregnant...
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:25
  • Updated: 13 Sep 2013
Video footage has emerged that appears to show Iranian nationals dressed in military clothing operating inside Syria and apparently working with government forces. It comes as Russian and US foreign ministers prepare to hold talks in Geneva to discuss to dismantling Syria's chemical arsenal. Mohamed Madi from the BBC's Middle East monitoring service has studied the latest footage. Would you like to know more? Footage emerges of 'Iranians fighting in Syria' (Sept 12) Syria crisis: Geneva talks on chemical weapons enter second day (Sept 13) Syria crisis: 'Loud explosions' heard near Maaloula (Sept 12) Syria crisis: Russia chemicals plan doable, says US (Sept 12) Syria crisis: 'Assad's forces have the firepower' (Sept 12) Syria crisis: Russia's Putin issues plea to US over Syria (+ Battle of Maaloula) (Sept 12) Syria's chemical weapons stockpile (Sept 10) Waves Of Jihadists Infiltrating Syria (Sept 11) Syrian Forces Kill American, British Citizen Accused Of Fighting Alongside Rebels (May 30) Hezbollah Publicly Admits Involvement In Syria (May 25) Controversy Over Tunisian Jihadists Fighting In Syria (May 15) Syria Crisis: 'Iraqi Shia Fighters' Join Regime In Battle (May 20) A Syrian Town Ruled By Jihadi Rebels (Apr 8) Introducing The Al-Nusra Front (Jan 18) Bashar Al-Assad's Syria
  • published: 13 Sep 2013
  • views: 22

Seaside Park Fire Rages On New Jersey Boardwalk Raging Fire Where Hurricane Sandy Devastated
Seaside Park Fire Rages On New Jersey Boardwalk Raging Fire Where Hurricane Sandy Devastated
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:46
  • Updated: 12 Sep 2013
Seaside Park Fire Rages On New Jersey Boardwalk Raging Fire Where Hurricane Sandy Devastated The six-alarm fire was reported at 2:30 p.m. at a Kohr's ice cream store and has since spread to several other buildings along the boardwalk. According to CBS Philadelphia, firefighters are having trouble containing the blaze due to high winds. As of this time, there are no reported injuries. The cause of the fire is unknown. According to, the same boardwalk recently underwent "major repairs earlier this year after Hurricane Sandy destroyed most of it."
  • published: 12 Sep 2013
  • views: 103

Pro-Israel Lobby Pushes US War With Syria
Pro-Israel Lobby Pushes US War With Syria
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:01
  • Updated: 07 Sep 2013
"A pro-Israel lobby that commands enormous influence among both Republicans and Democrats alike is preparing a major push to pressure lawmakers to support the resolution authorizing military force in Syria, Politico reported Thursday. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will deploy up to 250 Jewish leaders and activists to Capitol Hill starting next week to warn members of Congress that failure to take action in Syria will raise the risk of Iran developing a nuclear bomb..".* *Read more here from Tom Kludt / TPM: Preserve TYT Network as a progressive voice that challenges the establishment by becoming a member at Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) Buy TYT Merch:
  • published: 07 Sep 2013
  • views: 38148

SYRIA: Putin Warns America NORTH KOREA Will Help Defeat US Military, Obama Backs Down
SYRIA: Putin Warns America NORTH KOREA Will Help Defeat US Military, Obama Backs Down
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:59
  • Updated: 11 Sep 2013
North Korea Comedy Show - SYRIA: Putin Warns America NORTH KOREA Will Help Defeat US Military, Obama Backs Down Subtitled) Journalist asking a question (speaking Russian): "You said at some point that Russia will not interfere militarily in the Syrian conflict in any circumstances. So, here is my question, if foreign military action should start against Syria, would Russia assist this country and also what country do you see to have the crisis like the Syrian one and in the future?" Russian President Vladimir Putin (speaking Russian): "I don't even want to think about that, I hope no other country is victim of military aggression. North Korea, with our help, will defend Syria. Whether we help Syria or not - we will. We help them by supplying weapons, we co-operate economically and I hope will have more humanitarian cooperation, we will provide humanitarian aid and we will support civilians, people who are in difficult situation. I'm delighted that Obama surrendered so quickly." Click Here To Subscribe - Never Miss A Video!‎ See all my other videos here: Some people really like some of them, many people hate them, some (mostly from Oregon) even believe them all to be true ... but the comments are often very funny too! 10 million viewers and over 10 thousand subscribers can't be wrong. Can they? North Korea Comedy Show Admit One to The Funfair Syria North Korea - Are You Scared? Travel Show Alun Hill Channel‎ Twitter Travel‎ Twitter SEO‎seo Google Plus LinkedIn Skillfeed Udemy
  • published: 11 Sep 2013
  • views: 4293,_Obama_Backs_Down

Russia Rejects U.S. Intelligence Saying North Korea Has Restarted A Nuclear Reactor
Russia Rejects U.S. Intelligence Saying North Korea Has Restarted A Nuclear Reactor
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:30
  • Updated: 12 Sep 2013
September 12, 2013 BBC News
  • published: 12 Sep 2013
  • views: 158

Syria: Syrian President Bashar al Assad   Charlie Rose Interview   September 9, 2013
Syria: Syrian President Bashar al Assad Charlie Rose Interview September 9, 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:00
  • Updated: 09 Sep 2013
Syria: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad - Charlie Rose Interview - September 9, 2013 PBS' Charlie Rose interviews Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Monday, September 9, at 9 p.m. in a special presentation of CHARLIE ROSE. In this global television exclusive, Assad gives his only television interview since President Barack Obama asked Congress to approve the use of force against the Syrian regime for alleged use of chemical weapons against the Syrian people. Source: --------------------------------------------------------
  • published: 09 Sep 2013
  • views: 167453,_2013

Connections and Corruption in Afghanistan
Connections and Corruption in Afghanistan
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:21
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2010
Jonathan Landay investigates alleged corruption at highest levels in Afghanistan
  • published: 14 Nov 2010
  • views: 2980

SYRIA Russian Ambassador: Some Think Putin Is Rescuing President Obama (Give Putin A Peace Prize)
SYRIA Russian Ambassador: Some Think Putin Is Rescuing President Obama (Give Putin A Peace Prize)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:00
  • Updated: 12 Sep 2013
How To Go To Heaven: Russian Proposal Could Offer Obama Escape From Bind By PETER BAKER Published: September 9, 2013 WASHINGTON — President Obama woke up Monday facing a Congressional defeat that many in both parties believed could hobble his presidency. And by the end of the day, he found himself in the odd position of relying on his Russian counterpart, Vladimir V. Putin, of all people, to bail him out. The surprise Russian proposal to defuse the American confrontation with Syria made a tenuous situation even more volatile for a president struggling to convince a deeply skeptical public of the need for the United States to respond militarily in yet another Middle Eastern country, this time in retaliation for the use of chemical weapons. It could make the situation even more precarious. Or it could give Mr. Obama an escape from a predicament partly of his own making. In effect, Mr. Obama is now caught between trying to work out a deal with Mr. Putin, with whom he has been feuding lately, or trying to win over Republicans in the House who have made it their mission to block his agenda. Even if he does not trust Mr. Putin, Mr. Obama will have to decide whether to treat the Russian proposal seriously or assume it is merely a means of obstructing an American military strike. "Putin knows that everyone wants an out, so he's providing one," said Fiona Hill, a former national intelligence officer and co-author of "Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin." "It seems like a bold idea that will get everyone, including Obama, out of a bind that they don't want to be in." But, she said, it may be an idea that derails a strike for now without solving the underlying problem. Indeed, the Senate quickly postponed plans for a vote authorizing an attack. "It just adds to the uncertainty and makes a vote soon a little more difficult," said Howard Berman, a Democrat and former chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "It just gets dragged out and causes the Congress to say let's wait to see what happens with this before they vote." All of which had White House speechwriters revising their drafts before Mr. Obama addresses the nation Tuesday night in what is shaping up as one of the most challenging moments of his presidency. He hoped to explain why it was necessary to retaliate for a chemical weapons attack that, according to United States intelligence, killed more than 1,400 in Syria, but also reassure Americans the result would not be another Iraq war. Now Mr. Obama needs to also explain why Congress should still vote to authorize such a strike in the face of a possible diplomatic solution and what if any conditions would satisfy him enough to order American destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean Sea not to act, at least for now. And he has to win over a public that by significant margins opposes American military action. LINK FOR REST
  • published: 12 Sep 2013
  • views: 4

Cabinet May Reshuffle Again
Cabinet May Reshuffle Again
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:24
  • Updated: 12 Sep 2012
Cabinet may reshuffle again after coal corruption issue.
  • published: 12 Sep 2012
  • views: 8

ISAF Killing (Taliban) firing TOW missile And attack helicopters afghanistan
ISAF Killing (Taliban) firing TOW missile And attack helicopters afghanistan
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:17
  • Updated: 15 Jan 2012
Watch more Footage here: Subscribe for videos that are actually Combat Read our tumblr: *DISCLAIMER* This footage is to be taken as a documentary on the events of the conflict in Syria and Afghanistan, and should be viewed as educational. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence. Furthermore we are not infringing on any copyrights by showing this footage, based on our intent to share news and information with the public. This falls under fair use 17 USC § 107.
  • published: 15 Jan 2012
  • views: 991715

Delhi gangrape case: Rapist's sister says,
Delhi gangrape case: Rapist's sister says, "Why death penalty to six over one dead girl ?"
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:47
  • Updated: 11 Sep 2013
Even as the country demands for death for Damini's rapists. One of the rapist Vinay Sharma's sister has brazenly defended her rapist brother hoping that he will be set free soon she said why kill 6 for 1 life. A glaring depiction of India's patriarchal and mysogynist attitude a rapist and a killer's sister is defending her brother's dastardly act by asking if justice will be done by killing 6 people for one life. For More information on this news visit : Connect with us on Social platform at : Subscribe to our YouTube Channel :
  • published: 11 Sep 2013
  • views: 793's_sister_says,_Why_death_penalty_to_six_over_one_dead_girl_?

Head of UN Peacekeeping, Hervé Ladsous' visit to Liberia, April 2012
Head of UN Peacekeeping, Hervé Ladsous' visit to Liberia, April 2012
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:01
  • Updated: 02 May 2012
United Nations, New York, May 2012 - The head of UN Peacekeeping, Hervé Ladsous has concluded a five-day visit to Liberia, during which he reaffirmed continued UN assistance to the Government and people of Liberia.
  • published: 02 May 2012
  • views: 1186,_Hervé_Ladsous'_visit_to_Liberia,_April_2012

NPA rebels attack Philippine Police (CCTV)
NPA rebels attack Philippine Police (CCTV)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:58
  • Updated: 06 Dec 2011
DAVAO, Philippines -- The killing of Police Officer 3 Alfredo Salva outside the Mati Terminal in Davao Oriental last June 6 was captured by a closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera. Footage revealed that 6 men approached Salva and attempted to grab his M-16 firearm. When Salva resisted, he was shot by the suspects. One of the suspects in the killing was arrested by authorities. The suspect was identified as Ariel Manuray, alias "Kumander Gary." Manuray is allegedly the leader of New People's Army Front Committee 18. The CCTV footage also showed that it was Manuray who seized Salva's gun. The suspect is currently in a hospital and is being treated for a gunshot wound. He is facing charges of robbery with homicide. Police have launched a manhunt to arrest the 5 other suspects who are still at large.
  • published: 06 Dec 2011
  • views: 33582

Obama, Hollande and Assad on social media
Obama, Hollande and Assad on social media
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:39
  • Updated: 12 Sep 2013
Syria is under the spotlight again tonight - we take a look at social media spin by Obama, Hollande and Assad. Also, some opinion pieces on the diplomatic wrangling and we finish with cartoonists' take on Syria - including Obama and Hollande as Batman and Robin 09/11/2013 MEDIA WATCH MediaWatch is our take on the stories big and bizarre in newspapers, on news websites, blogs and on social media. We also look at stories about how the media functions and how it's evolving in today's society. Presented by James Creedon. Tune in at 10.22pm for the international media. All shows: FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7
  • published: 12 Sep 2013
  • views: 3,_Hollande_and_Assad_on_social_media

Extraordinary meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the eurozone countries Netherlands' Rafael van der Vaart, center, reacts with Ibrahim Afellay, left, and Klaas Jan Huntelaar, right, after scoring 4-0 Macedonia during their World Cup group 9 qualifying soccer match at ArenA stadium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Wednesday April 1, 2009 People walk past the headquarters of Vivendi SA in Paris, Monday, Dec. 3, 2007. President Barack Obama, left, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, meet with their respective delegations at the Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands on Saturday, June 8, 2013, in Rancho Mirage, Calif., where for two days they discussed high-stakes issues, including cybersecurity, North Korea's nuclear threats, and closer ties between the leaders of the world's largest economies

Egypt extends emergency laws for 2 months Maimi Heat's Michael Beasley looks around the room during the NBA Rookie Photo Shoot in Tarrytown President Dwight D. Eisenhower, of the United States, addresses the General Assembly of the United Nations proposing the creation of a new UN atomic energy agency, 8 December, 1953. Standard Filipino breakfast of tapa beef and egg on top of rice serving.

Australian billionaire Clive Palmer speaks during a news conference about his intention to build the Titanic II in New York, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013. Palmer is planning to build the ship in China and it is scheduled to sail in 2016 South Africa's Graeme Smith holds up his bat after scoring a century during a cricket test match against Australia in Cape Town, South Africa, Friday, Nov. 11, 2011. Trader Steven Kaplan, left, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Indian  School Girls read book last minuite outside the Exam Centre during the West Bengal Madhyamik Exam Started on 25th February 2013 at Kolkata on Monday

A Malian soldier walks in the street as Malian troops work with French forces to battle radical Islamic rebels in Gao, Mali, Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013. Oussama Assaidi ** ADVANCE FOR SUNDAY, JAN. 11 ** Traditional gold miners use a high-pressure water jet to blast through the soil at a mine in Hampalit, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, Thursday, April 24, 2008. With the price of gold tripling since 2001, tens of thousands of remote mining sites have sprung up mostly in Asia, Latin America and Africa. (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)hg3 ** NO ONLN ** NO IONLN ** File -  Nelson Mandela (left), President of South Africa, enters General Assembly Hall to address its fifty - third session. At his side is United Nations Chief of Protocol, Nadia Younes, 21 September, 1998.

Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff, speaks during a news conference after the ministerial meeting in Brasilia, Brazil, Monday, July 1, 2013. Protesters have taken to the streets all over Brazil in the past two weeks, calling for a wide-range of reforms. Public approval of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff's government has suffered a steep drop in the weeks since massive protests broke out across the country, according to Brazil's first nationwide poll released since the unrest began. Real's Raphael Varane from France, center, celebrates after scoring during a Copa del Rey soccer match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013. The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh in a family photo with the BRICS Leaders, at the Fifth BRICS Summit, at Durban, South Africa on March 27, 2013.  Employees of Samsung Electronics Co. walk by their company logo at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul Friday, Jan. 14, 2005. Samsung Electronics Co. said Friday its net profit topped US$10 billion last year, reaching a new landmark in i

Cuba Fidel Castro USA's Jozy Altidore (17) chases down a ball during a World Cup qualifier soccer match between USA and Panama, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, in Seattle. A sign for Wall St. is shown outside the New York Stock Exchange Vitamin Capsules  -  Food Supplement

Huffington Post
President Barack Obama's Tuesday night address from the White House was curiously anti-climactic. In fact, Obama could just as well dispensed with it altogether, as it heralded no...
Soon after the overthrow of the despot in Tunis and a few weeks before the end of Hosni Mubarak, Iraq’s greatest living poet – and one of the Arab world’s greatest – Saadi Youssef...
The Guardian
At a Dutch industrial estate, state-of-the-art technology and a rebuilt ship's bridge are giving trainees in the wake of the Costa Concordia disaster an immersive experience The...

Iran's Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, Reza Najafi talks to the media after the IAEA board of governors meeting at the International Center in Vienna, Austria, Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013.
Reuters September 12, 2013 - 15:24 By Fredrik Dahl VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran will cooperate with the U.N. nuclear agency to find ways to "overcome existing issues once and for all", Tehran's new envoy said on Thursday, hinting at a more flexible...
photo: AP / Hans Punz
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge waving to the crowd at The Mall shortly after the wedding. The wedding of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine Middleton took place on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London.
Britain's Prince William has completed his last shift with the Armed Forces. It had been widely reported that the 31-year-old royal was planning to focus on his charity work following the birth of his and wife The Duchess of Cambridge's son Prince...
photo: Creative Commons / Robbie Dale
Italian Navy scuba divers return after working on the grounded cruise ship Costa Concordia off the Tuscan island of Giglio, Italy, Monday, Jan. 23, 2012.
ROME — An international team of engineers is expressing confidence a never-before attempted strategy to set upright a luxury liner which capsized off Italy will work. They devised no "Plan B" if the Concordia falls back on its crippled side or splits...
photo: AP / Pier Paolo Cito
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, centre, on arrival at Cointrin Airport, in Geneva, Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013, prior to his meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to discuss the ongoing problems in Syria.
BY MATTHEW LEE, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GENEVA — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Geneva Thursday morning to test the seriousness of a Russian proposal to secure Syria's chemical weapons. Kerry and a team of U.S. experts will have at least...
photo: AP / Larry Downing
Victims are treated at the scene of a car bomb explosion in Market Street, Omagh, 72 miles west of Belfast, Northern Ireland Saturday, August 15, 1998, in this image from amateur video made shortly after the bomb exploded. The bomb tore apart the crowded center of this market town, killing at least 27 and injuring some 200 others.
Families of Omagh bomb victims have vowed to take the British government to court after branding its decision to rule out a public inquiry into the attack as a feeble bid to hide from the truth. Related Articles Relatives made the defiant pledge to...
photo: AP / APTV, amateur video
Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev speak before a meeting with officials in the Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow, Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013.
Russian president appeals to Americans in New York Times article claiming intervention would unleash more terror President Barack Obama meets Russia's President Vladimir Putin. Photograph: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Vladimir Putin, the Russian...
photo: AP / RIA-Novosti, Alexei Druzhinin, Presidential Press Service
Philippine marines take their positions to engage Muslim rebels who are holding scores of hostages being used as human shields for the fourth straight day Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013 at Zamboanga city in southern Philippines.
Philippine troops are continuing to battle Muslim rebels holed up in a southern city, amid reports of separate fighting in a nearby area. Troops have been fighting Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) rebels who entered parts of Zamboanga city in...
photo: AP / Bullit Marquez