Liquor store, liquor store one on every corner, checks cashed any time =
NO I.D. Liquor store, liquor store, malt liquor cigarettes lottery. The =
car is running and kicking out funes, you've disappeared inside to buy =
the daily quota, I'm fending for myself to a popular tune, digging in =
the ashtray, hoping for a quarter. Mile on mile of transient hotels, =
unattended children with nowhere to play, anger rips down pine street in =
the form of a black chevelle, but the baptists keep singin' away. One =
lone palm tree is rising above it's glamour and dignity are so out of =
place an ancient pick up truck is looking for a shove, the congregation =
sings, amazing grace!
I'm an honest woman, a representation of the state of mutual confusion =
within the confines of love, heavy lidded darling embedding in my arms, =
I'll take a kiss to settle payment like a song for the gods. Does your =
undying devotion only last 'til I'm out the door? Can I keep my fingers =
away from a sore? Does your undying devotion only last 'til I'm out the =
door? I can't keep my fingers away from a sore. Happy to include you in =
my esapes, we're the first to intrude and the last ones to leave, never =
assume that we came with someone that you know, we'll go through every =
drawer, and throw the contents to the wind. Am I risking complicity? =
Right here, right where I want to be? Is this absurdity? To trust you so =
implicitly, losing my complacency, you would be the end of me, oh well =
well you're well worth it, I've never got the nerve to do it, happy to =
include you.
Well she sneaks around the world from Kiev to Carolina
she's a sticky-fingered filcher from Berlin down to Belize
she'll take you for a ride on a slow boat to China
tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
steal their Seoul in South Korea make Antarctica cry Uncle
from the Red Sea to Greenland they'll be singing the blues
well they never Arkansas her steal the Mekong from the jungle
tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
she go fromm Nashville to Norway Bonaire to Zimbabwe
Chicago to Czechoslovakia and back
well she'll ransack Pakistan and run a scam in Scandinavia
then she'll stick 'em up Down Under and go pick-pocket Perth
she put the miss in misdemeanor when she stole the beans from Lima
tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
oh tell me where in the world is...
oh tell me where can she be?
oooh Botswana to Thailand Milan via Amsterdam
Mali to bali Ohio Oahu...!
well she glides around the globe and she'll flimflam every nation
she's double-dealing diva with a taste for thievery
her itinerary's loaded up with moving violations
tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Where in the world is carman Sandiego?
Where in the World is Carman Sandiego?
Where in the world is Carman Sandiego?
Where in the world is carman sandiego?
Where in the world is carman Sandiego?
Where in the world now is Carman Sandiego
where in the world is carman sandiego?
Shaken baby sucking on the festive decoration, turning patriotic colors =
to a purple stain, dribbling down his belly he's the hope of =
generations, the measure of the damage we have yet to ascertain. Mammoth =
head of paraffin of malleable nature, pounded with the platitudes =
admissible for use, pitiful and blundering , a mortifying creature, his =
neck is too weak to support the partial birth of truth. Misbegotten =
inconsolable, the fitting end result of his breed, misbegotten =
inconsolable, a product of stupidity and greed. Watch him as his dim =
eyes roll back into his head, see him struggling in his own filth to =
stand irretrievable and overfed, he reaches out with his desperate =
little hands.
Hold a beverage and a ruined reflection, underestimated my trajection, a =
single pane is all that separates us, thank goodness that the glass is =
gracious. How can this shattered vessel hold up under such close =
scrutiny, cruel light is cracking every mirror that ever flattened my =
variety. I'm the fairest in a land of fragments, target window stained =
with time's advancement, I'll hold the note so high, or tie it to a =
brick and let it fly. You set up a brand new sheet of see through, a =
double thickness will just break twice, cold air rushing in, through the =
fracture we saw the flaw in the glare.
Dead, or is he dying? Was he mugged? Or did he quit trying? Regardless =
of the reason, we gotta move him. See, he blocks the car in, we should =
leave a messanger to find him, as we speak the traffic thickens like a =
virus. Dead bum, dead bum, just another dead bum, dead bum, dead bum, =
Did I catch you at a bad time? You should know my voice by now, I've =
got further instructions I don't know what you'll do without. I've got a =
job to do here, and I need a clear head, you don't want to get me mad =
dear, no use in calling the feds.
As I keep growing old
I can see the value of the words
that they once sang to me,
But only now it doesn't seem that
the lyrics mean that much to them anymore,
Is there anyway I could ever have known?
I know it's foolish to worship what my heroes say,
Then I'm a fool,
I only have myself to blame,
I feel so stupid about all the time I spent,
Trying to figure out exactly what they meant
I understand they can't spend their whole lives
rehashing old feelings from ten years ago,
Not valid anymore,
But to me those lyrics add meaning to my little life,
One laydown machine
Burned a road
Right through the prairie
Stream of boiling ash
Painted up with perfect lines
Discount labor packing
Each lane
Bargain basement homes
Sewn to the road
Slipshod directions
Do not explain
I got these shoes for nothing
And they have lasted me forever
Searching up and down the lost highway
I can read the grid
I have memorized the key
Counting every inch
From C-4 to J-3
I can think in scale
'Cause I know it ain't
On my map
Scraping off the typeset
Dig into the atlas
Well they can paint it up
Make it appear to go somewhere
Well they can paint it up
But I know where it doesn't lead
You've captured my imagination, charasmatic mess, in the wake of your =
devestation, I'm your best work yet. Fascinating back drop of romantic =
poverty, obsessed with herbs and healing cures, obsessed with healing =
me! But you're the one that's dying, a sudden downpour fading fast, =
rapidly unwinding to a bitter draft. Around your high poetic brow, =
around your pleasant neck, a veil of grandiosity competes with epithets. =
You're better off relying on meteorology than to keep on justifying why =
you impose on me. Your path of mass destruction will blow right by me =
now, you dissipate your energy you cannot knock me down.
I refuse, refuse to weaken my will, adhered here to glue to these =
neglected sheets, stranded on, abandoned on my own two feet, tenants of =
occupants of indifferent streets. Oh poor infant, you only took an =
instant, but now you're soaking in it, you're in for quite a ride, my =
poor little flopping on the griddle, still bloody in the middle. =
Conjuring, coaxing out my bravest face, suffer through, carreen through =
rooms of tired eyes, whining high, like an engine fed on spite, too much =
to take, too much luck, I dump the clutch every time. Through the womb, =
into this mess with me, it was no accident I had to have some company, =
through the membrane out you came, reluctantly sure, I bore you =
selflessly, but I had to have some company, company, company, company.
You'd be a cop if you weren't a punk infact I think you'd make a better =
cop! They could use you, you've got no remorse, they could use you on =
the police force! You'd be cute all dressed in blue, you could brutalize =
anyone right on cue, you'd abuse those who are weak of course, they =
could use you on the police force. Sign up right now! For the academy, =
you'd fit in so perfectly, sign up right now for the academy you're just =
old skool pig!!!! Think how you could fuck shit up, you could heft your =
power like a club!!! An arrogant fool with authority you'd cross over so =
I hit every red light,
I threw everything out
of the house I left,
But I came back,
Walk backwards through
the door,
You didn't save a bit for me,
You didn't nod or disagree,
Our sidewalk is askew,
Our rent is overdue
I'm leaning like a barn,
I'm abandoned like a house,
I'm feeling like a knife in
a drawer
Admit you brought the drought,
You're so dry to the touch,
And I pray for the rain
I'd love to help you bake,
But the killer on your face
says you're gone,
You didn't leave a note for me,
You didn't see me sharpening,
My steps are falling through,
Our home is ready to split
in two
Don't need a sickle to
cut you down,
Don't need no divining rod
to track you down,
The rains are coming and
the sky is brown, the
weather vane is spinning,
I am hopped up on sugar, the plot is over simplified and tied up very =
neatly, the enemy is black and white, and I believe completely. I am the =
hero marauder, I kill as easily as blink. I fuck like Zeus, I fit right =
inside his shoes, projecting myself onto the screen. Glued myself to my =
movie seat with sticky melted candy, I forked over my admission price, =
I've got my soda handy, I kick the chair ahead of mine and scream at =
each explosion, my pitiful life is shoved aside, I'm blinded by emotion! =
Emerging from the exit, I'm relieved of my suspicion purged of all my =
questioning and emptied of conviction. I'm a terminator with a =
superhuman torso a great obliterator with savage manifesto.
No my darling have no fear, I'll see you by and by, I trust in my =
commander and my brothers in arms, the chaplain reassures us, that god =
is on our side, and I will write to you every day, I will keep you =
informed. Dear wife-I can feel your arms about my neck, life like-the =
image of you crying at the gate. Dear wife-your photo is a sheild over =
my heart. My life-depends upon the memory of your face. We landed on the =
shore today, no enemy in sight, we are strong and confident that our =
training is complete, we set up camp and cleaned our guns and sang away =
the night, and yours by far the loveliest of all the pictures seen. I =
can barely write today now things have gone awry, a man who was a friend =
to me is dead and many more, I had to do a dreadful thing to make it =
back alive, why am I the only one to send back into war? So tell me dear =
the color of your eyes, I cannot remember the glimmer of your hair, you =
were a guiding light emblazoned on my mind, but death has led me far =
away and I don't seem to care. Dear god I am betrayed today, my brothers =
are insane, our leaders have abandoned us and turned us loose to kill, =
they behave like animals and I behave the same, why should I try to =
survive when I don't have the will? Dear wife the tempo of my death is =
beating down, why hide? Relief awaits me I cannot escape, dear wife-your =
photo is a dead thing to me now, my life-is wasted like the memory of =
your face.
Almost to the point where in the past I've given up, but this time =
something keeps on telling me I've got to go on, so now I will try to =
get the lead out of my blood and lose the paralyzing lies, that shower =
from above. I must strengthen my constitution, I must gather my resolve, =
I've got to muster every ounce of my resistance. Self inflicted doom has =
left me open and exposed, to every sickness, every fallacy that's going =
around, I will not succumb to the belief that others hold that there is =
no defense against infection, as I've been told. We're tolerant to the =
wrongs, dealt out with regularity, our toxic level is drawn from sheer =
lack of humanity.
Standing in a crater in my leaden shoes, I am held there by more than =
gravity, she's been hit so many times with heavenly abuse, quite a =
history of catastrophe, but the footprints on her face are merely made =
by man, she's is shining despite the rough terrain, I think she picks =
her teeth with the staff of a flag, she plucked from her cheek with =
playful disdain. Glowing survivor, gorgeous in orbit, throwing a =
spotlight over the chasm, glowing survivor, gorgeous in orbit, casting =
her shadow, over the sea (heavens' at end)...Geologic samples held up to =
the light, teach very little of her life, astronomers deny what they can =
divine, by merely gazing up into her eyes, every lunar cycle she begins =
a new, not afraid to show herself in full, the man is a myth, lovers =
share a view, all god's howling dogs to her are dutiful. If you come at =
nightfall, you can see all her magnitude, her tidal tears have fallen, =
reflective of the sun, bearning her gratitude.
Please get in the car now, off the embankment, orange from the halogen , =
you look like a lunatic, not allowed to stop here, you provoke the =
barbed wire, trespass onto the corporate land, lynching what time we =
have left. I can see you from here, let me come across, we're lost upon =
the shoulder I never was your atlas, tempted off the pavement what can =
you accomplish? I can see you from here you're stalking down your anger, =
rows of newly broken earth trip up your urban stagger.
Go on further and we will lay to waste, precious blooms in our haste, we =
ravage all of them, desperate for the medicine, take a salve that used =
to soothe, make sure it can knock you cold, take a gift from nature's =
womb, reduce it to it's harshest form. I've learned to make it stronger, =
to get my fill, concentrate it 'til it kills, how can I make it lethal? =
That's all I can feel, distill it 'til it kills. Embodiment of beauty, =
now we can engineer, we can extract from the core the calibrated traits, =
we skillfully can integrate, highest grade that can be had, most potent =
substance known to man, if there's a price down on the line, push it out =
of your cluttered mind. The absolute need quickens in my abdomen, it =
kicks inside, like an undead child, urging me onward with reflexive =
violence, excruciating beat, to keep me on my quest.
I hit every red light, I threw everything out of the house I left, but I =
came back, walk backwards through the door, you didn't save a bit for =
me, you didn't nod or disagree, our sidewalk is askew, our rent is =
overdue. I'm leaning like a barn, I'm abandoned like a house, I'm =
feeling like a knife in a drawer. Admit you brought the drought, you're =
so dry to the touch, and I pray for the rain. I'd love to help you bake, =
but the killer on your face says you're gone, you didn't leave a note =
for me, you didn't see me sharpening, my steps are falling through, our =
home is ready to split in two. Don' need a sickle to cut you down, don't =
need no driving rod to track you down, the rains are coming and the sky =
is brown, the weather vane is spinning, spinning around.
I guess sometimes I'm lucky when I go, for whole days at a time without =
thinking about you, and ask myself why, but then I find I'm traveling, =
traveling down, that same old piece of road and wind up down by the =
water. Whatever happened to our walls on the pier? I cry myself alone =
all the way down to the end, I drink my bottle dry and heave it across =
the bay, to the city, smashin' outside your door. Oh now there goes the =
Romeo, hand in hand with his punk rock Juliet, they remind me of two =
people I'm trying to forget, I can hear their sweet nothings on the =
wind, as I hurry to get by, diverting my gaze, to the Oakland Bay =
Bridge. (Could that be you honey, way over on that side? Flashin' a =
signal to me, down by Pier 39, 'cause if I only knew, I'd jump in that =
water and swim right across, drowning in my relief). Maybe I should warn =
them, should I say, "Don't do something that you'll regret. Now you have =
no recollection of heartbreak you don't have yet." I could give them an =
earful, but I don't know, they must find out on their own, and the =
thought of that is chilling me to the bone.
Here I am still intact, and I should give myself credit for that, but I =
have cast a stone deep into my throat, I squat on land my feet won't =
reach, the smell of blood and bile and bleach, I need a square foot and =
a rope. We can weave, we can unravel, we keep on sleeping right through =
our travels, we can weave, we can unravel, take our confusion to a much =
lighter level. Spit it up and hand it over to yet another child of =
squallor, pallid wheezing lost all her color, her dark circles getting =
darker, he crossed her palm, but nothing seems to wake her from her =
shitty dreams, now she's become just one more helpless package of doom. =
The city looks especially vindictive tonight, that hitchhiker looks like =
he's headed home to murder his wife, well it's a proven fact they don't =
respond to every call for help in time, so there she stays, poor little =
girl, lying on the floor of a dirty bathroom, no folks there's no =
device, no box of gods to descend and take this tragedy, tie up all the =
loose ends.
Sometimes I sit and think about all the times I never gave a damn, how =
my actions affected those around, I never stopped to think that anybody =
ever cared about me. I wonder if it is a bit too late to reverse the =
feelings of their hate, I want to say that I apologize, I'm trying to =
redeem myself but I still want to keep my pride. When I think of =
yesterday I can see there's nothing more for me, I want to think about =
tomorrow, time just fades the pages from my book of memories, I want to =
think about tomorrow. The brutal things I said and all the people hurt, =
I hope they forgive me, the brutal things I said and all the people =
hurt, I'm glad those days are gone.
Rottting my integrity consumptive union seems to be expression of
decline my plight too much time behind the wheel staccato biker stuck on
loud meaning fading in and cutting out my my send a message send a
message send a message signal overpowered send a message send a sealed
within a play cell whistling past the last off ramp flabbergast and
then revamped illuminated by oncoming lamps too light modulations here
between deflecting stations with such ease discussion on a hidden
frequency my my send a message send a message send a message signal
overpowered send a here within our play cell if you want listen to the
static if you want set the needle on to nowhere if you want I could make
a statement if you want on the record on the record at last too much to
work around we hum hypnotic still on course transmigrants on a level
stretch of road my my send a message send a message send a message
Make the sink a virgin genuflect and piss in it, worth all the seamy =
novelties we ripped off at the joke store, we could be immortal the way =
we get away with it, we ridicule the mannequins who come here just to =
look bored. Nicotine molested taste it on our fingertips, black tongue =
and vodka spit well, nicotine molested taste it on our fingertips, black =
tongue and vodka spit well, little yellow bellies little yellow bellies =
walking side by side, side by side. Welding up the air hole indicates =
we'd better go, kicked out of a trailer park unconscious in a shoe =
store, we may be immortal the way we get away with it, proudly stolen =
cuts of meathemmorrhage on the counter top. We live and live.
Not exactly in the lap of luxury, you were not quite of blue blood, but =
you know you went to bed with a belly full of supper, you were safe as a =
bug in a rug, you were swaddled and jolly Molly Coddled, like a dolly =
and your mommy maybe gave a little shrug when you threw a temper tantrum =
for another piece of something that other kids only dream of. Baby face, =
baby face, looking for a season in hell, baby face, baby face, I hope =
you learn your lesson well. Now you've chosen poverty, you did it for =
the sake of being hip, begging for a dollar never doubling for a moment =
your bohemian indigence, and you wonder why the folks in your run down =
neighbourhood don't recognize you as a kindred soul, 'cause you gotta =
bed in a sunny sub-division any time you wanna run home.
A pretty bride of India is burned with kerosene her husband keeps her =
dowry and his freedom is achieved, a burnese girl in Bangkok is of value =
for her skin, solid for her complexiion, never saw her home again. The =
minister of culture, he argues so well, his teeth are flashing as he =
details, a legacy of murder, a heritage of rape, a time honored =
tradition to maim and mutilate. Cut away her labia with dirty broken =
glass, she died of obstruction prainfully infected mass, a dress code =
violation is an outrage in Iran, splashed her face with acid only them =
the fun began. She wasn't good enough, a female child left face down =
packed in the snow, umbilical cord around her tiny feet, she suffers and =
dies alone. A woman in a western home is under house arrest, a drunkard =
is her jailer he's entitled to molest, her daughter is passed over when =
she tries to raise her hand, the likeliness of her success is not an =
even chance. The minister of culture, he's wringing his hands, he keeps =
on laughing as he demands- "No human right applies her, our women will =
agree, our property has spoken no cause to intervine."
In no condition for your retribution are we rehearsing? The pain =
dispersing, verdict repeated, no words needed, have I been mislead? =
Alone apprehended. Leave me suspended, leave me unpended, leave me =
suspended, so unprotected, pull gently upward, hoisted and tethered, =
unseen and unheard so detected. Punishment fitting, I'm lifting and =
lifting, no more aquittal, severe yet so simple, play your vendetta, a =
weightless sonata, ascension getting, an act I am regretting. From here =
you look so small, I'm swinging free but I won't fall, lights and drapes =
hang with me, how can you just turn and leave?
Captive in my fantasy
of ticket selling murder,
A death every thirty seconds
I am hopped up on sugar,
The plot is oversimplified and tied up very neatly,
The enemy is black and white,
and I believe completely
I am the hero marauder,
I kill as easily as blink
I fuck like Zeus,
I fit right inside his shoes,
Projecting myself
Onto the screen
Glued to my movie seat
With sticky melted candy,
I forked over my ad-
mission price, I've
got my soda handy,
I kick the chair ahead
of mine and scream
at each explosion,
my pitiful life is shoved
aside, I'm blinded
by emotion!
Emerging from the exit,
I 'm relieved of my suspicion
purged of all my questioning
and emptied of conviction
I'm a terminator with a
superhuman torso
a great obliterator
Lower your weapon and I'll lower mine, a standoff no tradeoff, a payoff =
in kind. My only mission is undoing you and I'm doing nothing that you =
wouldn't do. Zero in, zero in, you match my caliber, locked in deadly =
combat, you're tangled in my cross hair, zero in zerop in, you match my =
caliber, I await return fire. Survey the wreckage take heed of the toll, =
delay the salvage, proceed to reload I'm automatic and I'm pointed at =
you, and you are a pigeon from this altitude. I'm standing right here, =
I'll take you on, hey you over there I'll take you down, I'll stay right =
here, you stay right there, 'til we're out of rounds.
Dirt yard chain link, mean dog full sink, TV stuck on loud, tank top =
shit kick, big lug dimwit, by the quarter pound. Acne mustache hard up =
heat stench, he's a dental wreck, plasma payday, dumbass raybands, short =
hair long in back, involuntary response, hand to mouth, hand to crotch, =
keep your mouth shut for once! Hand to mouth, hand to crotch. Routine =
cop call, busted window, what a fuckin' man, bad day bad fall, Bud Lite =
widow, in the fuckin' can. Rap sheet longer than a convoy, =
methamphetamine, voilent fucker, predatory, sick and drunk and mean!
It got to resembling a vaudeville show, the show of shows, such comedy =
unserpassed as juvenile theatrics go, but who am I to tell you to =
contain yourself? And who are you to tell me to control it? When we both =
have prepared so carefully. One day you'll know we never meant eachother =
harm in any way, one day you'll know we never meant eachother sorrow, =
gotta keep my distance. I keep sifting through the loot to find the =
stairs, this business burning to the ground, I can't look back my =
hindsight seems to be impared, my outlook has no holds to see out. It's =
starting to hurt when I open my arms too wide, a milky white haze =
invades my vision, my lungs are heavy with your presence as if you were =
standing right behind me, and I can't bring myself to turn around, gotta =
keep my distance.
Dismal little pad so small i'm almost standing outside
Back to the workplace i go
Murder eight hours a day, no, make it nine
Dressing my face an open wound
On the day after day later lousy mood
I haul it off but it fall in my lap today
Tied to each thought i got a little lead balloon
You're accused
But i'm the crime
Oh it got worse
From worse to bad
Unintentional flame wont go away
Pitching in the black
Oh it got worse
IT got bad from worse to bad
Unintentional flame wont go away
I got tired of the same old face, so I quit looking in the mirror, such =
a sight, here's a brand new girl with eyes that are clearer, the older =
model never saw things quite right. Lips tits hips, right down to the =
fingertips, ten shades of beautiful for every disorder, lips tits hips, =
right down to the fingertips, just a hint of my misfortune. My make-over =
commence, candy coated lips can coach me right along, no mess, no fuss, =
prefectly natch, I hope I learn what makes me look at things all wrong. =
I'd say she was a man's girls, translucent with a bit of shine, I'd say =
she's a bad idea, conditions as it deadens your mind.
stopped again, thought I recognized it, hear that? There it goes right =
now, like a whisper I'm imagining, but now it's screaming... inside my =
head. Can you hear it? Can you hear it? Ignorance personified. Can you =
hear it? Can you hear it? You try to bite your words, but they keep =
forming in your mouth, and they are libelous hottly popping out, I am =
beyond hte cutting range of your dull mind and jagged tongue, and this =
you cannot stand. You cannot stand. Can you hear it? Can you hear it? =
Ignorance personified. Can you hear it? Can you hear it now? You better =
listen to yourself, can you hear it? Can you hear it now? Follow me all =
the way home, but you haven't got the guts to come in too close, follow =
me all the way home, you just want a chance to show how little you =
really know
You can hear the sound of each little town, 'cause they all sing, every =
mile a town pops up, full of pride for this country, and now a shroud =
appears on the horizon, wish I could blink and miss this one as well. =
What could be worse? What could be further from home? Dumb little world, =
dizzy & spitting up blood. Can't live here there's nothing I recognize, =
I keep looking, reference points are hard to find when each home looks =
just the same, but I can hear the anthem playing, that sound will drive =
me further away. I won't buy into it, this bad deal, not so much as a =
dime for my homeland, this place is so wrapped up in itself, playing the =
theme song to my expatriaton.
The harder I struggle, the tighter you grip, but don't need to tell you, =
that's the way I want it, I'm easy to follow, you're easy to spot, I bet =
I can shake you off, but I gotta want it. What good are the times that I =
catch you alone? It took eternity and I forgot what I wanted, what good =
are the times that I take you to task? You get me distracted and I =
forget that I'm mad. I'm up on the counter, you're down on the floor, =
the kitchen is dirty, pots and pans are flying, no food in the cupboard, =
a knock on the door, let's give it a rest now, buy a beer at the corner =
store. I'm going to bed now dear but you still want more, and every =
single word you say I've heard before, oh, you're an angel when you're =
in recline, and like an anxious fist my lullabye works fine. Lullabye =
and goodnight, ain't that a great song? You're an angel in recline, =
please go to bed dear, please go to bed dear, please.
Angry little patriarch, you sit upon your cardboard throne, computer =
chip to make you talk, a bad synthetic baritone. Vengeful one, exacting =
father, you are nothing but a toy, take your leave you have no power, I =
don't fear your damning voice, bearded one, bellowing a hollow threat =
take your thunder, take your fire, don't forget your coronet! Imitation =
potentate, stern expression painted on, mantle made of cellophane and =
brandishing a rubber wand, consecrated effigy, thousands of your model =
sold, assembly line divinity with simulated thunderbolts! You are all =
powerful among the other toys, modeled and painted and fiercely employed =
with lording over all the plastic action figurines, collect 'em all, and =
melt 'em down with my acetylene.
addiction, but when you finally did you didn't skip a beat, or alter =
your inflection. Where do you live? You change your home so fast, I got =
you penciled in and then you're gone, your hand is out but I've got =
nothing left to give you, except perhaps some words to get you through =
this. I'm sick of enabling you and you can sense it, you glance around =
as if for the cops, whatever you've stolen I won't fence it, you know =
you're nothing without your props.
Here's the church and here's the steeple
Open the doors and see the people
People screaming i have sinned
Oh dear lord help me win
The riches that are owed to me
And a high place in society
Give me strength lord i am weak
I need sexual release
Here i am your faithful servant grant me one request
Oh I need inside information how should i invest
And they're all just spinning on there own little shelves
And they're all just bitching at the world
And they're all just happy in there own little pots
Saluting when the flag unfurls
Tell me one more time
Your flawless philosophy
Well, i forgot to take notes
Help me i'm a heathen
Ignorant of your theology
And you're so pious you should know
Here's the bank and here's the teller
Open her legs to any feller
Say your prayers down on your knees
Mother mary fantasy
Here's the host and here's the server
Body blood oh hello broker
Tell me what i want to know
To enrich my needy soul
See me lord your humble subject
Saying penance now
When I'd really like to check the nazdac and the dow
And they're all just spinning on there own little shelves
And they're all just bitching at the world
And they're all just happy in there own little pots
Saluting when the flag unfurls
Tell me one more time
Your flawless philosophy
Well, i forgot to take notes
Help me i'm a heathen
Ignorant of your theology
And you're so pious you should know
Tell me one more time
Your flawless philosophy
Well, i forgot to take notes
Help me i'm a heathen
Ignorant of your theology
I don't expect a response from you and I won't try to elicit one, I =
stroke your walls as I prowl along, they seem to be so strong, your =
windows are on their own, they are letting in a steady blow, I can hear =
the wings of the locust, but it doesn't seem to matter much. I don't =
trust your corridors, why do I hear the timber groan? I'm getting =
closer, hitting rooms no light has shown, I like the fixtures, I adore =
the woodwork, I lay prone, making out faces in the plaster, my fingers =
probing the molding for a trigger. Volumes of polaroids, commemorate =
nothing to speak of, to speak of, there are whole sections of this house =
not on the floor plan, and I will ransack 'til I find myself an entry. =
You can't afford to let me go on searching for a motive, you've got to =
assure me, don't allow me to doubt, produce the passkey satisfy my =
suspicions, will you trick me to co-author your plans, elaborate plans.
Coupling cling and brawl coupling time to tell, sympathy there's no need =
long as I can shut it up, I don't get an explanation furious =
complacency, I don't have to tell you, nothing you don't know about =
yourself. Yeah I'm malevolent, you are incompetent, the smell in here is =
heaven scent, our love remains incontinent. Sympathy there's no need, I =
know how to hurt another, did it systematically, furious complacency, =
long as I can spit and breathe I deserve an explanation. Coupling cling =
and brawl coupling time to tell, sympathy there's no need long as I can =
shut it up, I don't get an explanation furious complacency, I don't have =
to tell you, nothing you don't know about yourself. Yeah I'm malevolent, =
you are incompetent, the smell in here is heaven scent, our love remains =
incontinent. Sympathy there's no need, I know how to hurt another, did =
it systematically, furious complacency, long as I can spit and breathe I =
deserve an explanation. Tell me with an anxious fist, what you can't say =
with idiot lips, I maintain that someone taught us this, beware of =
lovers bearing gifts. Pantomine above the din 'cause I cannot hear a =
thing, we're so used to all the racket that it seems like peace. Force =
yourself, cauterize, burn it shut I don't want an explanation, sympathy, =
there's no need it seems like there's a force field around me and I =
can't hear no, I can't hear a thing.
I could show you, do you want me to show you? Call it a day or you can =
pay my way, gonna cry 'til I'm all cried out, I could show you, I could =
easily show you. You may say I live on easy street, you can think =
anything you want to think, come by some time my door is open to you, =
where I can show you how easy I am. Everyone knows I'd sell my sister =
for cigarettes, why shouldn't I? She'd do the same to me, we could show =
you, we could easily show you, if you only knew you wouldn't be so =
upset, what if she's in league with me? We can show you, we can easily =
show you.
If I'd fit in the windowsill I'd plant myself in your direction, I would =
use the sun's energy to make this place destination. How dare I hate =
this space I occupy, I'm left to my devices, turning to light I'm =
waiting for the cue, to beckon to the shoot, and break the crust upon =
the soil. Lack of light the iris expands, my eyes abosorb a power coming =
from behind my dim room, in my den amber and damp, as if lit by faith =
alone, I've been more faithful than you know.
White frame lies to live in leave, nothing to gain, your colorless =
divinities can scarcely light the way, white frame homes in celibate =
rows, they swell and melt together, aspirations lie in possesions each =
swellers dream so similar. Keep witches behind, mythical lines, and =
squeeze my faith between my knees, I can't take one more lie, so I'll =
take one of each. In this static heat, I barely make my home suffice, =
persuaded by a sleepy beat, I can't tell which is mine. Pack it in, save =
it up, pack it in, save it up. In this static heat, I barely make my =
home suffice, persuaded by a sleepy beat, I can't tell which is mine, =
Impeded by machine, awash in blue light spending nights, imbibing life =
through their screen, it shows me to believe.
Congratulations on your recent acquisition, the bunker is convenient and =
easy to install, you've purchased the finest in home fortification, the =
comfort will please you and heighten you're morale, keenly concoted the =
barricade is comely, the entrance is impregnable and ready for assault, =
safe in the knowledge you didn't waste your money, lie back in your =
sanctum you are untouchable. Sterile heaven hermetically sealed for your =
protection and increased yield. Sterile heaven 'cause you're #1, =
equipped with ample insulation. Under surveilance invaders are detected, =
external apparatus incarcerates them all. Flash incinerated and lightly =
disinfected, the ashes are bundled and packed in a vault, you're =
accomodations are acoustically defended you need not hear the death =
cries we bring them to a halt, encapsulation is highly recommended, in =
brocade or wood grain or neoclassical. Airtight and quiet with total =
privacy just keep the filter clean, you've taken the precaution, of =
utter isolation, you buy serenity, you've read the warranty.
My associates called,
They want small bills,
Roll me over and suck on my no good excuse
I'll teach you my judicial system,
Like you've never never been taught,
You have the right to remain there,
While I tell you exactly what you are
Did I catch you at a bad time?
You should know my voice by now,
I've got further instructions
I don't know what you'll do without
I've got a job to do here,
And I need a clear head,
You don't want to get me mad dear,
Bad ventilation duration of a beer, commonplace shithouse drown my fear, =
this whiskey goes down easy, smooth as a sow's ear, belly up and suck =
another, you're in the clear. Every day deception, faking a motive, a =
regular jokes "This is where I live" apprasing each intruder, one tipsy =
glimpse of them, loyal to a forgotten stratagen. Get on in, shake off =
the road, don't you know that you're blocking the door? Unlucky lounge, =
keeps her tables clean for you, forever darkness at noon. A vestige of =
some former self saddles up slowly to the bar, she recieves the news =
above, where the bottles stand, at least in here you take your luck wash =
it down with a beer, you'll know soon enough, don't expect nothin' fancy =
here, all you have is what we got.
This ground is too hard to break, it ruined a pick and spade, frozen and =
solid as rock, my hands numb with the shock! I am prepared for the dirty =
work, I've groveled for years in the bloody dirt, I have all the tools =
that I need, and now I admit my defeat! What will it take to cleave this =
earth? Break this ground, it's got to break! What will it take to cleave =
this earth? I cannot wait 'til spring. My cargo is still half alive, =
they twine 'round eachother and cry, they beg me to finish the task, =
will I inter them at last? I glare at the place I'd make a grave, I =
carry the shame it would contain, thinking cannot rend a hole, too tired =
to stave off the cold.
You thought that you could never love again, but then I opened your =
heart, abusive man he terrorized I've seen the hardness in your eyes, =
your trust has been ripped apart, beaten down with no defense, another =
bad experience, could you just give me a chance? 'Cause he is only one =
bad seed, in all our humanity... Don't let him block our romance, he =
created walls made of mistrust, if you let us we'll crush them into =
dust, leave his image to die in the past, so you can love at last. Your =
face is etched the strain, from long years of constant pain, let my love =
wash all those scars away, and find a new love today.
You are an affectation of every passing fad, your butane smile's =
indelible, your talk is thoughtless gas, you live like a Coke machine, =
convince me of your strife, tasty tyke of augmentation you'll pay with =
your life. Your youth is eveything, your cock is all, your body makes =
bank and your mind is small, your youth is everything, your tits stand =
tall, your body makes bank and your mind is dull. Your needle eyes and =
hands of slate regard a stuff repose, contemplate your mindless fate =
while powdering your nose, loathing all that you can't fathom, cuckhold =
by your pride, endorsing a madman's marketed worldwide. Rested on your =
sculpted shoulders all the weight of fame, statuesque emaciaciation is =
the mole of day, packaging rebellion in a palatable box, wash away the =
meaning as you wash your frosted locks. Yes we made you what you are, we =
buy the clothes you wear, we buy the shit that shapes your hair, we buy =
your hipness anywhere, but time will surely vanquish you and we'll no =
longer worship you.